Chereads / Hazel in love / Chapter 3 - Chapter Three

Chapter 3 - Chapter Three

Julia's POV

Upon opening the door all eyes turned on me; just great I just what I needed, I thought.

Plastering a smile on my face I greeted the teacher and the class" hi good morning."

"Good morning you must be the new student Julia right."

" No, I'm an old student," I aforementioned in a hushed tone luckily he didn't hear me, quickly composing myself I said, "yes I am."

"Well, welcome to maths class, students when you have the time introduce yourselves to Julia"

"No, that's not necessary, sir, I'm good, no need for introduction," I said walking to the empty seat.

"Okay, as you wish Ms. Aldana."

"Thank you, sir," I said while taking out my math book.

"Hey, Julia hi, I know you didn't want us to introduce ourselves, but I'll still introduce myself; I'm Jennifer Hale," I turn around to see a petite beauty with flaming red hair, she kinda looks like Brave from BRAVE the cartoon, she has blue eyes that I can nearly see my reflection, so to end all discussion she's gorgeous.

I already like her " hi, nice to meet you, Jennifer," I said turning back in my seat.

Did you know that sitting in a chair for an entire hour can kill you; but finally the bell rang giving me the freedom I so wished for.

Right now it was break time so I went into the auditorium to get some snacks to eat.

I am a big eater but I never get fat I guess I have a good metabolism that loves me so much that it never gets me fat.

Picking up a pack of chips, a bottle of juice, and a hamburger, I paid for it, then went to sit down at an empty table minding my own business; when Jennifer and some of her friends that I have no clue of who they are, came with her and sit down at the table with me.

Looking up at me all of Jennifer's friends and even she looks at me with bewilderment just making me looked at them confused.

"What," I asked, raising my left eyebrow at them.

"How are you not fat; do you naturally eat like this" a girl with short hair and large doe blue eyes and lips so thin that anyone with bad eyesight would think that she doesn't have lips.

"Yes, I do; why are you asking?"

"Because I am amazed that you are not fat," she said still looking at me with bewilderment.

"Ok," I said continue eating my food.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, I continue eating when I felt something cold running down my back and hearing people gasping and laughing.

Looking at my shirt I see orange juice running down my shirt; 'wow great just what I needed' I thought while standing up and turning around to see the queen bitch laughing at me.

"See I told you not to mess with me," she said.

Sighing, I turned around to grab my half-eaten hamburger and my bottle of juice and stuff the hamburger in the queen's bitch mouth and open the cap of my juice, and pour it all over her head.

"Oh, what are you doing you bitch you'll regret this," she said crying.

"Let's get something clear ok, you might be the queen around here, but don't mess with me ok you will be the one that will be the regretful one ok."

I said while walking out of the auditorium.

I continue walking until I reached my locker and took out my gym blouse.

Closing the locker I went to the girl's locker room and changed into the blouse, walking towards the mirror I watched my reflection the something weird happen to my eyes that if I was not looking I would have missed it or it's just my imagination but I think my eyes just turned purple.

Shaking my head, I went to the faucet and washed my face quickly, then walked out of the locker room to my next class which is Biology my favorite class. This time I'm telling the truth, I like biology.

Upon entering the class I caught a familiar pair of hazel eyes that made me blush subconsciously.

Gathering all my courage I walk inside to be greeted by a delicious smell that nearly made my knees buckle.

Ignoring the smell I went to my chair and took a seat while waiting for the teacher.

"Hey neighbor what's your name" someone to my left whispered.

Turning to my left I notice one of the boys I saw last night talking to me.

"I don't talk to strangers worst giving my name to them."

"Well hi, I am Justin Cross nice to meet you", "see now were not strangers, so what your name," he said.

" I am Julia," I said, turning back around to face the front when I smell the scent again, only this time it smells different like strawberry and chocolate. An unintentional moan came out of my mouth and Justin heard it, but I hurriedly cover it up with a cough I looked towards the direction it was coming from only to see Justin again, wait, what, they're two of them I ask looking confused only to see Justin still seated in his chair.

The next boy came and sit on the chair to my right when Justin said" Julia that's my twin brother Jacob."

Gulping, I turned around to Jacob only to notice that he was already looking at me.

" Hello," I said, waving my hand shyly.

"Hi, " he responded.

Turning back to the front I realized that I have a weird feeling for both these boys but I just can't explain it.

Shifting my mind to the teacher that just arrived in class.

If anyone's reading my book, please vote and comment I would appreciate it.