Chereads / Black And White Loves / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

One Hour Earlier



"Ah come on you two let's cut the cake", She says over the video.

"Yes listen to the birthday girl. Let's cut the cake".

I got this video from Jeans phone while she was cleaning the kitchen. Yes I know what your thinking, I'm a creep for snooping threw her phone and sinking a video of her and her friends onto my phone, but I could if a flying shit about what you think.

She was planning on becoming a doctor but when her father died she had to drop out of Med School and take care of her mother. Her brother was a police officer but he lost his job a year ago.

I continue to finish the video before taking a shower.



In The Mansion


Narrator Speaking

"Good morning mother", Zeynep says.

"Good morning Zeynep", Esme says.

"So mom how did you sleep last night?", They sit by the breakfast table.

"Very nice thank you how about you, dear?".

"Not so good mom".

"Why not? Oh I know why it's because you eat to much. Look at your stomach you've become fat. You just eat and eat".

"Mom!", She screams.

"What's going on here?", Diana walks to the table.

"It's nothing big sis", Esme bits on her salad.

Kemal walks into the room and sits at the end of the table. Everyone joins in at the table.

"Good morning everyone", Kemal says.

"Good morning", They say.

"Esme is Zayn at the band house?".

"Yes brother. He slept there last night".

"Okay then we may eat".



"Vriendin hoe gaan dit!", Fay says over the phone.

{How is it going my friend!}

"Dit gaan goed dankie. Hoe gaan dit daar by jou?".

{It's going good thanks. How's it going over there}

"Alright I guess. Ons mis jou so baie wit jy dai?".

{We miss you so much do you know that?}

"Ja ek weet. Ek mis julle ook so baie. Dit is so vervelig hier", I joke.

{Yes I know. I miss you all so very much. It's so boring here}

"Wat bedoel jy?".

{What do you mean?}

"Ek bedoel, al wat ek hier doen is skoon maak, dis so vervelig".

{I mean, all that I do here is clean, it's so boring}

"Maar dis die lewe. Ek voel so jammer vir jou vriendin, dat jy so 'n lewe moet lei".

{But that's life. I feel so sorry for you, that you have to live a life like that}

"Ai my vriendin".

{Oh my friend}

"But anyway I have a surprise for you".

"Wat is dit?".

{What is it?}

"Ek kom na Londen".

{I'm coming to London}

"Wat!? Maar hoekom?".

{What!? But why?}

"Because I'm going to work there now", She dances.

"That's awesome I can't wait to see you again".

"Jean!", Mom calls.

"Jammer maar ek moet nou gaan miskein sal ek vir jou later bel".

{Sorry but I have to go maybe I'll call you later}

"Hoekom wat is fout?".

{Why what's wrong?}

"Nee dis niks, my ma roep my"

{No it's nothing my moms calling me}

"Okai daan totsiens", Fay blows a kiss threw the phone.

{Okay then bye}



I end the call and hurry to mom. That was good taking to Fay, I haven't seen her in three days so it was nice to talk to her like that. I find my mom in the kitchen cooking up her delicious soup.

"Yes mom".

"You need to help set the table or there won't be anything to eat the soup out of".

"Okay mom I'll help Melissa and Anne".

I get the fancy cutlery out of the cupboard and set it decently on the big dinner table.



In The Mansion


"Come on everyone are you ready", I shout.

"We're ready", Says Kemal and Zeynep.

"Where's Esme. Esme!", I scream at the top of my lungs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming stop shouting".

"Ah look at you. It seem to me our little sister Esme thinks we're going to a ballroom dance Kemal".

"Stop talking nonsense big sis", She cries.

"Come on everyone let's go", Big bro says.



I finally finish helping Melissa and Anne with the dinner table. The table is decorated beautifully in blue and white, the table cloth is silk and a lovely white with blue embroidery. The wine glasses stand nice and tall next to white plates that Mr Harry said we should use. I go to the kitchen to finish off the desert I have been making and pop it into the refrigerator. That should be ready by the time desert starts.



{One Hour Later}


What!? What did I just see? Did I just see Mr Zayn shooting someone threw the head. Oh my. What do I do? Do I tell mom or Spencer? I can't breath. I open the tap in the bathroom and wash my face. I look up from the sink to look in the mirror. you saw nothing Jean, it was nothing. It was all just an illusion Jean, just your subconscious messing with you again. I sit on the edge of the bathtub holding my face with my hands.

Someone opens the door and I jump almost falling into the bathtub. It's Mr Zayn. oh no this is not good. I'm dead so dead.

"Don't you knock", I yell.

"I need to talk to you".

"There's nothing you can say I saw it all your a murderer".

He closes the door. Now I'm panicking.

"Come with me", He says.

"Why", I question.

"Just come with me", It doesn't sound like his asking.

"I'm not going anywhere", I shrug.

Before I can say anything else Mr Zayn grips my arm with his huge hand and pulls me outside of the bathroom. He pulls me all the to god knows where, but it's far away from the house. All I see is trees. Is he going to kill me now? He definitely is. Oh God what do I do now.

"Mr Zayn where are you taking me", I cry.

"Mr Zayn please tell me where are you taking me", I command.

He releases his grip from me and swings me so I look directly at him.

"Now listen carefully", He points a gun at me. Shit.

"Please Mr Zayn don't do this", I plea.

"I said listen!", He shouts and I jump.

"You have two options, I kill you right here where no one will find you or you marry me and if you tell any one of what you saw I will kill your mother that you love so dearly, your brother and anybody else that you know, you keep your mouth shut".

I don't know what to say. I don't want to die neither do I want to marry Mr Zayn.

"I can't", I stutter.

"What did you say".

"I can't do it".

"Then with that pleasure I get to kill you".


"Wait!", I scream.

"I'll do it".

"Huh", He makes as if he didn't hear me.

"I'll get you".

"Well then I was hoping you would cave in, you look a bit heavy to carry".

He puts his gun back in his black coat. He grabs me by the arm again and pools me back to the house.



I run into the kitchen to give mom wonderful news.

"Mom, mom!", I shout like a child.

"What is it my son".

"Guess what".

"What is it, I hope it's something good", She smiles.

"I got a job back as a police officer", I laugh.

"What! That's amazing news. How did this happen", I hug my mom.

"Because I was an police officer already they accepted my application I applied earlier this week".

"Wow! I'm so proud of you dear".

"I know. I can't wait to tell Jean", I say.



I drag her all the way back to the house. When we step inside everyone has left already. I should probably take her to the mansion.

"Mr Zayn let go of me", She shouts.

"Keep quiet", I let go of her.

She scoffs and wipes her tears from under her eyes.

"Come on", I say.

"Where to?".

I don't say anything just force her outside to the my motorbike.

"Where are we going", Does she ever shut up.

"Get on".

"I'm not getting on that thing", Really.

"Why not".

"Because I don't trust you".

I get off of the motorbike and into my car. She gets into the passenger seat. She says nothing for the past minute all she does is just cry it's ridiculous. There's a lot of traffic on the street tonight.

"Will you stop crying", I scoff.

"How can I your holding me captive".

Honestly I think she shouldn't be crying, we are getting married after all. In fact she should be smiling and laughing instead she's soaking my car with her tears.

We reach the mansion and thankfully everyone is at home. I walk down the stairs to the lounge and she follows me. Everyone is sitting together drinking tea.

"Ah Zayn my son what are you doing here. And what is this, isn't she the cleaner in your house", Esme says.

"Everyone I'm getting married".

"What!? What are you saying my son. Are you getting married to your cleaner", Why does she have to make this sound weirder than it already is.

"Her name is Jean and we'll get married tomorrow night", Jean looks at me.

"But son, where is this all coming from", Uncle Kemal speaks.

"Uncle you told me I had options so I chose".


"Betty prepare the guest room", I instruct.

She walks up the stairs to do so. Jean just stands next to me, eyes filled with tears. I tell her to walk with me upstairs to the guest room.


I can't believe this, I'm getting married to someone I don't even know or love. He walks me up to the guests room.

"Please. Mr Zayn don't do this I'm begging you", I beg.

"Stay here".

"Wait where are you going", I say.

He doesn't answer me he just leaves in a flash. His mother and sister steps into the room.

"Please let me go", I beg.

"Jean, I can't believe your getting married to my son, Zayn. I heard you went to Med School".

"Where'd you hear that from?".

"I know people".

"Please I'm begging you let me go you know his just holding me against my will. Please you seem as a understanding women please let me go", I cry.

"I can't wait to help you choose your wedding dress", Is she not hearing me?

She leaves the room with nothing left to say.

"Please help me from your brother I can see your pregnant so please help me", I ask his sister.

I place my hand on her belly feeling the child. She doesn't say anything she just removes my hand from her.

"I don't know what your talking about", She leaves the room.

Surely she was pregnant I'm not blind.

Ahh can't somebody just help me get out of this death trap!

(Hello everyone!

I hope that some chapters are not to hard to read because of the Afrikaans language, but I do put the English translation down under so it's not that hard. I will try to stop using Afrikaans. Also I changed a few things in chapter 1. Anyway I hope everyone had a splendid Christmas and Boxing Day. Happy New Year in advance everyone. I love you all)