Chereads / Black And White Loves / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7


"Where are we going?", She says as we step out of the elevator.

I don't answer I just walk out of the building. Before I get into my car I see her brother, the policeman standing outside. How did he find her. He really can't leave her alone can he.

"Get in", I say to her.

I don't listen to what she says back to me, I walk to my beloved bother-in-law as he stares at me when I appear in front of him.

"Brother-in-law. What are you doing here?".

"I just came to visit".

"I don't know why you're so worried, it's really annoying", I take off my shades.

"Look Zayn. I don't know what your up to but I don't like it at all. Whatever your planning with my sister I will find out about it and you will be behind bars".

"I don't know what your talking about".

This guy really thinks I'm afraid of him. Me? This is pathetic honestly.

"I know you didn't meet my sister while she was in college, you're forcing her to lie. Now tell me, how did you meet Jean?".

This guy really is crazy. Why does he have to make this harder than this already is. Not like I wanted to marry her in the first place. For all I know he should be thanking me for sparing his sisters life, she could of been dead.

"Captain, I don't know what your talking about. I met Jean while I was on tour it was a long time ago, okay. I don't know why you can't understand that".

I walk away from him before he can say anything else. I don't want any trouble with Jean's brother she will kill me if I kill him. I get into the car and she's sitting in the passenger seat.

"Why was my brother here?", How the fuck should I know.

"What did he say?", Again with the questions.

"Why don't you answer me when I talk to you?".

"Because you ask to many questions", I sigh.

What? I'm not wrong her mouth just moves all the time. I drive out of the lot and on to the street. I hope my dear brother-in-law will stop pocking in my god damn business. She pouts through the whole drive. Tom and three other guards are standing outside the front gate as my dear wife and I enter the driveway.

She aggressively unbuckles herself and steps out of the car. I get out as well, following her to the door.

"Why are we here?", I don't answer her.

"I hate you", She says.

Oh no you don't.

"And I'm in love with you".

I grab her by her arm pulling her close to me. She looks at me and I look back into her eyes. I brush her hair back behind her ear.

"Leave me you're hurting my arm".

I take one quick look at her before realising my grip from her arm. She continues to walk to the door.



I unpack a few clothes to pick out what to wear. I decide to go with my denim jeans and woollen tank-top. A knock on the door comes and I shout for them to come in.


"Love. And how's my son today", He feels my stomach.

"Harry when are we leaving this place. We need to leave before the baby is born".

"We will leave soon love, I just need to do something's okay".

"And what about your wife Amanda and your daughter Olivia?".

"Don't worry I'll handle it", He kisses me on my forehead before leaving the room.

I hope he makes a plan before my brother Zayn finds out about us and the baby.



We walk into the lounge area, Esme and Diana are sitting on the sofa drinking cups of tea.

"Zayn my son you're here, with your wife", She gives me a cheeky smile, I hate it.

Why are we even here? How is he going to punish me this time.

"Jean go upstairs", He orders.

"For what", I fire back.

"Just go upstairs".

Okay we all know where 'upstairs' is. It's the guest room, were my beloved husband locks me in for hours to come. His probably going to lock me in their again like a dog in her kennel. I walk up the staircase to the guest room.



I walk into the kitchen were mom is cooking up dinner.

"Mom?", I say in a not so sure tone.

"What is it Spencer?", I can tell by her voice she was crying.

This is going to go so badly.

"There's something I have to tell you but you have to sit done for this one".

"What is it? Are you getting married?".

"No mom, not me".

"What does that mean. Son speak".

What do I do. What if mom does something stupid.

"Mom... Jean got married", I breath.

"What!? To whom?".

"Zayn Malik".

"What? What are you telling me? Are you saying that my daughter, Jean got married to her boss that use to live here".

Mom can barely breath. Shit. Jean what have you done?

Before I can explain any further mom rushes to her room and gets a suitcase out of her cupboard.

"Mom. Mom what are you doing?".

"I'm packing my things. I knew coming back to London was a bad idea and now look my daughter is married and to whom, her boss. So many men in the world and she had to choose her boss. Pack your things or don't I'm still leaving".

"Mom are you sure this is a good idea I mean think about Jean, what will she think when she finds out you left your hometown because of her".

"She can think all she wants but I am leaving. Are you coming?", She asks.

"No I'm not", I can't leave what about Jean.

"Okay then. I love you and I'll miss you".

"Mom!", I call but she doesn't listen.

How can she just leave like that.



She's in the guests room when I open the door.

"Why am I here Zayn?".

"Because I'm going somewhere okay. I'll come pick you up later".

"Why can't I come with you".

Seriously. What benefit will I have if your with me.


"But Zayn...".

"I said no".

"Than can you at least drop me by the apartment I don't want to be here".

"Fine then come".

We walk out the door to the car.

(Hi everyone Happy New Year and sorry for updating so late I've been really busy. I've changed a few things so... Louis is Zayn's cousin and Harry is Zayn's family friend. lya)