Because the dialogue is going to get so confusing with so many characters, I'm going to put a label before each quotation it isn't super obvious who is speaking. It'll look something like this:
(Bright) "I'm stuffed."
I'm going to have each person's name in the parenthesis for the first quote, then switch to just their first initial. You'll get it once you see it.
'Dialogue in apostrophes like this' signifies telepathic conversation. It'll make more sense as you read
We eventually all gather around.
(Bright) "So... you can communicate with us then?"
(Monster) 'Well, can she hear me right now?'
I turn to Shai.
(Shai) "What?"
(B) "Don't think so."
(S) "Don't think what?"
(B) "You can't hear him, right?"
(S) "How do you know it's a guy?"
(B) "He just sounds like a guy."
(M) 'My species does not have gender.'
(B) "Well, what is your species then?"
'We are a type of... alien, as you would call it.'
"How long have you been here?"
'Since before 'time' existed.'
"What? That doesn't make sense."
'Well, basically we've been here since before humans existed. Before the first life form capable of understanding time existed.'
'Sure. Humans didn't invent the universe, but it only started existing to humans the first time someone was able to think about and understand it.'
"My head hurts."
'Ah, I'll stop with the deep-speak. You seem to underestimate the power of the human mind.'
"Well yeah. If you saw my world, you would understand."
'Well maybe that would help me narrow down where you're from. There aren't very many stupid earths.'
I droop. Of course I had to be from one of the stupid ones.
The monster continues, 'You should really be telling all of this to the girl.'
"I am. You just can't see it. It would be really annoying and hard to read if I wrote out each piece of dialogue twice."
(M) 'Right. Do you have a name?'
"I'm Bright. Her name is Shai."
'Is it common for humans to just be named common words?'
"Semi-common, at least. Her name's spelled all funky, though," I scratch the back of my neck, "Do you have a name?"
'Well, my species variant is often identified through a series of screeches that represent our territory. Different types of my species have different kinds of names, depending on their job,' I nod vigorously, pretending that I understand, 'I am GREE-AAH-WRYY.'
"How about Gary? Does Gary work?"
'It sounds similar.'
I turn to Shai, "What do you think we should name him? I was thinking Gary."
"What? No way. That's such a lame name."
"You have exactly five seconds to think of a better one."
"Uh- I uhh-"
"Aaaaand time. Gary it is."
She sighs, "So boring."
(B) "Does your species have a name?"
(G) 'I am a second generation [*Guttural noise*]ian.'
"Well, Shai called you guys voiders... I thought that was pretty cool. A lot easier to say too."
(S) "Are they actually called voiders?"
(B) "No. he said something weird like GUUURGAJLians."
She frowns, "I don't think I can say that.
(G) 'Call me whatever you please. It's the least I can do.'
(B) "Least you can do for what?"
(G) 'Because you're my friend.'
"Really?" He nods, "That's weird..." Shai shoots me a dirty look, "Does your species normally make friends with us?"
'This is a first, as far as I know. As for why I want to be your friend well... I just felt bad after blowing up your head.'
"Hey, Shai," I turn to her, "Have you ever seen a voider feel bad?"
"I've only seen them kill. That's the only thing you can see them do."
"Woah, what?"
"They don't move like we do, you know?"
(G) 'Yes. We do not travel like humans.'
(B) "So how do you travel then?"
'To properly explain that, you need to understand how my body works.'
'Try to touch my finger,' he extends it out towards me and Shai.
"Shai, touch this guy with me."
(S) "What?"
"Touch the finger."
"What's going to happen?"
"Iunno. Please?"
"Ehh... I'm going to get something to eat," she stands up and brushes herself off, "You knock yourself out, though. Finger him all you want."
(B) "Yuck," she smiles in response, and walks off.
I turn back to Gary, and reach out towards his finger.
My hand phases right through it.
"Woah... weird," I pull my hand back through.
He pulls his finger in closer, "Try again. But go here," he points to a spot near his fingertip.
I reach through. It's kinda similar to the first time, but I can sort of feel it moving on my hand. I also notice that the part of the finger that extended beyond where I touched has disappeared.
When I pull back, the part that fell off reconnects.
"It kinda reminds me of the states of matter."
'That's what it is. My body is made up of little particles that can change state at will.'
"So then why don't you just float away when you're gaseous?"
'Do you know how plasma works?'
"No fucking idea."
'Well, in short, plasma is highly electrically conductive. So there is a device in my midsection," a hole opens in his stomach, revealing a small, metal sphere, "that creates a magnetic field which helps my body keep its shape. You're right. If I were gaseous, I would just scatter away.'
Some time during Gary's explanation, Shai sat down to my right. She's chomping away on some bread.
"Weird... what happens if it gets destroyed. The magnet thingy, I mean."
'There are no human products that are capable of this.'
"That's not what I asked."
'If it were to be destroyed, then I would not be able to utilize my gas or liquid form properly.'
"Is there any way you can talk to her? I remember you saying stuff like friend earlier."
'I could, but it would not be very efficient.'
"Why's that?"
(G) "Shai," he says out loud.
"He talking to me?"
(G) "Yes."
(B) "So why can't you just do that to talk?"
(G) 'I can only form short, simple sentences out loud, and only while I'm in a semi-solid state.'
"Do you like... vibrate or something?"
'Sort of. My 'particles' rub together to make basic sounds. I can link those sounds up to sound a little bit like certain words.'
"How do they know to do that?"
'You ask very good questions.'
"I'm blushing," Shai gives us a weird look.
'No you're not.'
"I was joking."
'Ah... anyway. Think of my particles like nano-machines. Are you familiar with those?'
"I watched Big Hero Six. Yeah, I'm familiar."
'Good. Speaking of which, are there any other human media properties you enjoy?'
"Are you doing research?"
He laughs.
I think he laughs, at least. It sounds like 'Krrr-keekee.'
'I have done plenty of research regarding your race. Across multiple realities as well.'
"Multiple realities... would you be able to find mine?"
'Yes. Like I said earlier, it wouldn't take long to sift through the stupid earths.'
It just hurts every time I hear it. The little bit of pride I have left is squished by Gary, much like my head.
'May I ask how you got here?"
"I dunno really. I just walked into the forest and now I'm here."
'Hm. I'll have to look into that.'
"Well, a blue, ghost orb thingy brought me here."
"Yeah, Beacon, Augur of Dunlain, Entity, whatever."
'It goes by many names- or, more appropriately, no name. He is the only thing that we have encountered that we have been unable to understand.'
"That so? I think he's a ghost."
'No. Unfortunately, it's not that simple.'
"So ghosts do exist?"
'Yes, but it's too much to explain right now. Tell me some things about your world and I might be able to locate it.'
"You would? Would I be able to go back?"
(S) "Aww, you want to go back already?"
(B) "Can you blame me?" She shrugs.
(G) 'Unfortunately, no. Beacon seems to be the only being capable of moving through realities. I can only tell you current events and such.'
"Would you be able to tell me how specific people are doing?"
'Perhaps. Only on a small scale, however.'
"What would you be able to tell me?"
'Just an estimate on how the person is feeling, and major, wide-spread events. Things like holidays, that most of the world do at once.'
"That's it?"
'It's very complicated, and I've already spent a lot of time talking about exposition.'
"True that," I get up and stretch, "Hey, Shai. Can I get something to eat?"
She takes a bite out of what she's eating, "We're all out."
"You're eating something right now."
"You asked me what I was eating," she shrugs, and pops the rest in her mouth.
"You seriously don't have any food?" She shakes her head, "So what are we going to do?"
"Starve, I guess."
I look at her for a moment, speechless. I don't really know what to say.
I turn to Gary, "Can you help me?"
(G) 'Sure.'
(S) "What? With what? You can't seriously be-"
"I'm hungry. We need food."
"Yeah, but you can't go out at night. Are you stupid? Or maybe you're dumb."
"I'm HUNGRY!" I stomp and pout. I was once a small child. I'm well versed in the ways of throwing a tantrum.
"Whatever. We should really just sleep before we do anything."
"Oh yeah? With the big hole in your house," I point to the big hole in her house, "There's a big hole back there. In your house. That you-"
"I get it! Stop talking about the hole!"
"So you understand that it's not super safe here, right? Cuz of the hole..."
"What's so safe about outside?"
I point to Gary.
"Well why can't he just stay here then?"
"Because I'm going out there."
"I'm hungry."
Eventually she gives in, and accompanies us outside.
It's only 6:25.
Which is weird, because I left my house at 6:30. So that would mean...
"Hey, Gary, how long ago did you kill me?"
Shai jumps back, "Whatnow???"
'Almost a day.'
Two birds stoned at once! I made one hundred percent sure that Gary killed me, and I figured out how I "travelled back in time". Truth is, I just travelled forward in time... at a normal pace.
But to be honest, I still don't really know what I'm supposed to do here. Like, big picture. What's the main reason I'm here?
Well I know that there's no reason that I specifically was brought here. The augur said so himself.
But why would someone need to be brought here in the first place?
(S) "He actually killed you?!" She has a a panicked look on her face.
"Relax, it's cool now," I scratch my head, "I don't know where to get food. Do you?"
(S) "Hold it!"
(G) "Obje...ction!" He points to Shai.
(G) 'Phoenix Wright.'
(B) "Oh, I've never playe-"
"HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM RIGHT NOW?!" She holds her sword out shakily at Gary.
"Well, like you said: he could kill us at any moment."
"THAT'S SUPPOSED TO CALM ME DOWN?!" She tightens her grip.
"Yeah. He hasn't done it yet. And he's still following us around," she whimpers faintly, "All these things can do is kill, right?" She nods, "Weird. Isn't doing much of that right now."
There's silence for a minute. She lowers her sword, and moves closer to me.
"I don't so much trust him… so much. Kay?"
"Sound. I still do though. Do either of you know where to get food?"
"Yeah, like the voider would know."
"J-ASS?" I laugh, "What's JASS?"
"What? Jim and Scott's Wing Spot. Never heard of it?"
"Absolutely not. Gary just said it."
"HAAH?! He did?! How does he know about Scottie's."
"Just a shortened version of the actual name," she waves me off.
"Isn't it called JASS-"
"You wouldn't get it!" She snaps.
I decide to disengage.
'The restaurant might be named something else in your world. It should be similar in concept, however.'
"Huh. Weird."
She squints at me, "You sure do think a lot of stuff is weird, huh?"
"Yeah I guess. Sorry, it's just a bad habit."
"Well you should quit it. I hate that word," she crosses her arms.
"And stop apologizing!"
"Huh?! But I was sorry. That's like asking Gary to blow up his sphere. And I haven't even apologized that much!"
Gary puts a hand in between us, "St...op."
(B) "Sorry."
(S) "I said knock it-!"
Gary grabs the both of us, and leaps behind a house into the woods.
(S/B) "What's-"
He puts a finger to his mouth. Well, he's just a black mass of... something. He doesn't really have a mouth. He puts a finger to where a mouth would be if he had a face.
(G) 'I would ask that your bickering- or perhaps it's flirting- to be halted for now.'
(B) 'Sorry, sorry. My bad.'
(G) 'You really do apologize quite too much,' there's a pause, 'There's no need to apologize for that.'
He read me like a book! Like a damn book.
'Why? What's the matter?'
He points towards the road. It's faint, but I can see the outline of a rather large voider standing still. It makes a noise. It's, also, pretty faint. I can't really make it out, but that doesn't necessarily matter; basically, whatever it is, it can't be good.
(G) "Uh oh."
Gary pushes me and Shai to the side, and the voider from earlier appears in front of him.
Their arms disappear.
(S) "What do you think that means?"
(B) "What? I don't really care. We should probably run."
She blows a raspberry, "Lame."
At that moment, a pitch black, jagged hand appears in front of each of us.
"Hey, Shai," I turn to her. She's frozen. The hand slowly creeps towards her. I sigh. I think I get it now.
My body moves on it's own. I collide into her, and keep running for a second. I don't have any powers, but I'm assuming that I'll have to be the hero. Oh well. At least that means nothing too bad can happen to me. Suddenly, after a long open stretch of running, I'm on my butt.
(S) "Uh... hey, Bright?"
I look up. There's a massive bear standing on its hind legs. To be honest, I thought it was Bigfoot at first. It lunges forward, and my mind goes dark.
I'm dead? Didn't I already die once before? So why was I so sure that nothing bad would happen to me? Well I guess I could take this time to rest. Wouldn't hurt. Just hope that Shai's okay. Hopefully she figured a way to get away from that bear. She seems like she's capable enough. Wonder what's going on with Gary. Man, it sure would be cool to see his point-of-view of the situation.
*Gary's point-of-view*
00251 appears in front of me. He uses a unique fighting style, one that requires a unique defense.
When his arms disappear, he's really sending them to incapacitate, or kill, the weaker members of my party. Although it's very effective at what it sets out to do, it doesn't really do much in the way of taking out the strongest of a group. I match his arms, and use a gust of plasma to push the arms away before they can appear. I succeed, but he manifests another pair almost immediately. This time, Bright and Shai rush out of the woods. I'm able to grab onto his arms before he can give chase. It's a stalemate. I'm not moving his arms back, but he isn't moving his forward either.
'00251, please state your business.'
This conversation is all in the mind, by the way. We have no way of outwardly communicating besides the odd word or two. We pick a single word for human-intimidation, and utter that to instill fear. That's it. Meat, kill, eat, die. Simple words that are scary.
'Command took notice of the abandonment of your post. I'm your replacement," his arms appear back at his side. I pull mine back as well, "I'm here to reprimand you as well. UNLESS, you have a solid reason for your actions.'
A fight isn't what I want. Although I'm among the strongest of my kind, infighting is quite literally impossible. Each and every voider- as Bright has taken to calling us- knows every strength and weakness of every other. We all have abilities that balance out each and every one of our counterparts. When a voider fights a voider, the best case scenario is a stalemate. Worst is that they are both completely depleted. I don't like to brag, but our creation is an extreme technical marvel. It's borderline outlandish that we exist at all.
'I've taken an interest in a human male.'
'You are 60% correct.'
'Care to elaborate?'
'There is something about him that forces me to be his companion. I'm not quite sure how it works.'
'And how did you figure this out?'
'When I walked away from him, I felt something,' I point to my chest, 'here.'
'What did you feel?'
I struggle to find the words, 'I believe it was... something akin to pain.'
'I still fail to see how this is worth abandoning your post.'
'I physically cannot be separated from that human.'
'But aren't you separated from him right now?'
Yes. Yes, that's a good point.
I feel a sudden, crippling sensation in my chest. The same place as before. I fall to the ground.
'Are you suitable?'
I struggle back up. I'm not commanding my body to move, yet I rush through the woods, out towards the open world. 00251 follows me.
We exit the forest to find a grizzly scene. A bear lays next to a torn up corpse, and a horrified Shai.
'I will enact-'
'Please, I ask that you wait.'
00251 turns to me, 'Our code dictates-'
'Wait. As your superior, and the current resident of this sector, I demand that you wait,' he hesitates, and I take a step forward.
'Understood,' he backs down.
"Uh... Gary? Why- what's- uhhh-"
'Shai, I understand this is all confusing. You know what? Actually, you've gone through enough today,' I put her to sleep.
'Is she the human in question?'
'No. He's the one,' I point to Bright's lifeless, mangled body.
The bear is frantically licking at the wounds "You two better not be trying to hurt my maffter," her words are a bit muffled due to the licking.
How do I know it's a female bear? The lack of a baculum.
I look at 00251. He looks at me.
'Motherly instincts?'
'You also noticed the lack of a baculum?'
"Hey! I'm talking to you," she steps forward.
'I'm with your master. He is my friend.'
"What? What's happening?" She patts around her head.
'I'm speaking to you in your mind right now. Can you understand me?"
"Yeah... I've never spoke like this before. I usually just used to talk in low-pitched grunts," she scratches her chin, "Sometimes high-pitched grunts too."
'What is your name, female bear?'
"How'd you know I was female?" She tilts her head.
'You do not have a baculum.'
"Okay! What is that?"
'The baculum is sometimes referred to as the "penis bone". It is what bears and some other animals have in place of... you get it.'
"Wow! I don't get it! Bears don't have names, to answer your question. Well, besides either a low or high pitched grunt," I nod, "But he said something about a Mom in his thoughts. Maybe I'll be called mama bear."
'Very well. We will call you Mama Bear."
"Nice! Now what's your name, magic man?"
'Gary?' 00251 asks.
"There was something in his thoughts about a 'Gary'. Oh! And that's Shai. She's friendly, but not very nice."
'That makes sense. Did you kill him?' She looks down in shame, 'So did I.'
Her head shoots up, "Did you feel this guilty afterwards?! I feel super bad!"
'Possibly... were you able to see his thoughts as well?'
"Yeah, a little bit... for some reason, I am completely confident that he isn't dead. Even though he's... well..." she gestured towards the pile of meat.
This sure is strange. As I'm talking more with the bear, Bright's body begins to move. More accurately, it begins to palpitate, almost like he's having a seizure.
(00251) 'Do you know what's happening?'
(G) 'This happened before. When I first encountered him, I executed him as according to protocol.'
'So why is he still here?'
'Well, just watch,' we both turn to the corpse.
It continues to shake rapidly. The skin begins to peel off of every part of his body
(00) 'How... intriguing.'
The skin completely tears off, revealing the the layer of muscle below. The eyes remain intact in the the skull for a moment as the old skin completely dissolves into the ground.
'How very-'
'Intriguing. Just keep watching.'
"I can't look anymore," the bear turns away.
The eyes shoot out, travelling a couple feet in the air, before they finally land in the grass. They dissolve like the skin. A new set of eyes push up through the sockets in the skull.
'From what I can tell, it seems like his own body is rebuilding itself.'
00251 offers no response.
I could go into more detail about the cycling of his body parts, but, well, I think I've already said enough. Perhaps another time. A new layer of skin covers Bright's body. 00251 acknowledges the spectacle, and relieves me of my post. Then I wake Shai up. Earlier, I put her to sleep by having plasma particles mess with her brain a little bit. I had the pineal gland release a substantial amount of melatonin. I was also able to erase some of the more traumatic experiences from her brain. It may seem outlandish, but I am equipped with an abundance of tools that aid in manipulation of the human body. Tools that cannot really be explained easily.
"Gary? What's going on?"
'You just passed out from exhaustion. You and Bright wrangled that bear, and were even able to tame it.'
"Oh... really? That's why he's on the ground?"
The bear speaks up, "yeah... I feel really bad."
"Well... ah, it's alright," Shai chooses to keep her distance though, "I think he was going crazy. It's probably good that you put him to sleep. He might be normal when he wakes up."
I'm glad the bear couldn't hear what I said. She just assumed I told the truth.
"Shai, you ARE very friendly. Or nice. Well, both I guess. You're so forgiving! Thank you!" The bear bounds towards Shai.
"Ah-" the bear snuggles into Shai, "Ah- AhAha, stop that."
While Shai and Mama Bear are playing, I scoop Bright over my shoulder, and start walking east.
"We leaving already?"
I turn and see Shai has mounted the bear, and both are beaming.
'Sure. If you're coming with me."