"I am so tired...," Kiyoshi Ishizaki , a third-year high school student living in the busy city of Hiroshima, said to himself about his day as he slowly climbed up the stairs of his apartment after taking a train from school. Luckily, the day was a day off from his part-time job at a restaurant, which pays him with enough money to pay off his rent and daily expenses. Upon arriving at his apartment room, which was fairly small and had a smaller space for a living room, Kiyoshi entered in and closed the door normally. Inside, he took off his shoes, put his high school bag onto the wooden coffee table, and head straight to the kitchen to prepare a snack for himself. His black gakuran uniform was mildly and rarely soaked with sweat after a day's class and other extracurricular activities like basketball.
In appearance, he had an average height of a 17-year old, a very dark green, spiky, short hair and is roughly short and falls across his head, and black eyes. His hobbies are reading manga, psychological thriller books, and books that depict in the countryside, cooking, journaling, and crafting. He had a calm, normal attitude; however, he does not like being annoyed and make fun of, and his toleration to these is almost down to zero. But, he does not resort to violence, preferring scolding as an alternative.
His apartment room was quite decent, but a bit bigger to accommodate his comfort of being at home. The living room was joined by the kitchen. The dining table was in the living room with a small chabudai, a short-legged table, on a tatami mat, and can fit up to four people, and was lightened by a lightbulb. The kitchen was small enough to move around comfortably. The fridge, stove, and sink are small, but very convenient and functional. It is also provided with lighting, heating, plumbing, and electricity. Next to the kitchen is a small room that contains a portable washing machine and an area with clotheslines where wet clothes can be hung. It is also next to the bathroom, which is small and contains a toilet, shower, and a small sink. All of these are provided with lighting, plumbing, and electricity, as well as some storage for hygiene products. The living room was the biggest of all, with two more short-legged tables, one for general use, and other for a small flat screen TV. The room was greatly lightened than the other rooms. Lastly, on the right a sliding door contains Kiyoshi's bedroom. The bedroom was as large as the kitchen, with the bed being made of strong hardwood. The desk and wardrobe are big and made of strong wood. Kiyoshi also had a big bookshelf full of books and mangas he acquired and bought. He had clothes, socks, and footwear, but most of them are cheap and in good quality. Kiyoshi doesn't like to buy expensive and lavish things like clothing or game consoles. Kiyoshi wanted to live a normal and simple life, but that'll change when he meet someone he doesn't remember at all.
After making his snack, which consisted of tempura shrimp, a bar of dark chocolate, and a glass of water, Kiyoshi sat down in the dining table and eat up after praying. He doesn't watch TV often so he pulled out his smartphone and watched a video online while enjoying his snack.
"Today is ordinary," he thought about his day, "classes is normal, and nothing strange happened." It seems that his day was good and ordinary, despite being an orphan and rarely had any relatives. The only living relatives he had are his grandparents and uncle, who lived in Tokyo. Since it is too far away from Hiroshima, Kiyoshi preferred to stay in his home rather than to leave, and rarely visited them, especially on holidays. It might be sad and ordinary for his lifestyle, but Kiyoshi still hoped for a better future.