Chereads / The World of Color Kingdom: Prologue / Chapter 33 - The Capital City, Majestic: Floating Islands Heaven!

Chapter 33 - The Capital City, Majestic: Floating Islands Heaven!

James Ross woke up early and left the area to go to Majestic's spaceport before saying goodbye to Piyusha and Bob.

When he was about to leave the mountain, his sensei said, "I will be watching your match on the TV, so go ahead and win the tournament for me."

Ross nodded and went his merry way. Piyusha looked at Bob and said, "Are you sure you didn't want to say something?"

He answered, "No, I don't want to say anything." Ross got in his car and drove to the capital city of the Color Kingdom, which was about an hour away.

He saw Samuel and Shy holding hands when he got there and said,

"Shy, Samuel, over here."

Those two turned around when they realized Ross was calling them. Ross said, "Shy, are you here to say goodbye to your husband?"

She answered, "Now you are here. I can say farewell to you as well."

People all around the globe call Majestic the Floating Island Haven of Armora or Tourist Haven. There are many floating lands to explore and view the lush lands of the surface. These islands have unique trees and animals that you will never find on the ground. Each is very different, so exploring or taking pictures is always different.

Castle Island is the highest of these sky islands. The king calls it home, and the previous Color Kingdom monarchs lived there. It is the only one that is restricted to the public. The castle walls were built with the richest diamonds in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Under the island, a sphere-shaped disk descends and ascends to the monarch's home. A protective transparent dome surrounds the island, stopping enemy attacks and keeping people safe. The elevator also has a smaller vision. Every floating island has a bubble around it with elevators.

People with keycards or those who were invited can access the lift. 

Ross, Samuel, and Shy were talking and talking until they got closer to the spaceport. Ross said, "Are you not watching us in the arena?" Ross said.

His sister replied, "I will watch you guys on my TV, so both of you not better lose because I'm cheering you."

Samuel replied, "She wants to come to the arena and cheer us on live but fears traveling on spaceships." Shy hit Samuel on the shoulder.

"I know you are scared of traveling to Eden in a spaceship, but you should not waste your ticket like that, and it is more fun watching us live instead of on the screen."

"You know what, brother, you are right. I have to face my fears at some point to complete my dreams of traveling to different planets."

After saying that, Shy went towards her purse, called her friend, and told her she planned to give her friend the ticket.


After saying goodbye, Shy and Samuel went inside the airport. Now, Ross was all alone again. He entered the airport, but first, he needed to check in at security.

They looked at his Gladiator Badge and asked, "What's this?"

Ross explained to the person what that badge was, and then they let him go. However, they checked for contraband, and he passed a Flow detector.

Security said after James passed a Flow detector, "Don't use your powers. We would know." Ross nodded his head.

He saw the security was right when two people were about to use their Flow on each other. Instantly, robot guards came and stopped their fight before it even started.

'Wow, security is very tight in here.'

He goes to find his terminal, but Junon sees him and rushes toward Ross from the candy shop before he goes to his location.

"Yo, James over here." She yelled. Ross turned around after Acadia called his name.

She was munching on a lollipop when she called James, "I thought you were already on the moon, Junon?"

"Well, I have time to explore this place because my flight is an hour away. I suggest you look at the time of your spaceship's arrival." 

Ross went to check on the terminal by looking at his hand and seeing the ticket he bought while training at Piyusha.

On a digital board, he saw the time of the spaceship he wanted to board. It was one hour. From that, Ross recognized that he was in the same spaceplane as Junon. He went with Junon. They waited for the plane. When the time came, they went to the spaceship. 

They sat on their seats, waiting for the rest of the passengers, which didn't take long. The captain announced they were dispatching.

The spaceship engine started, slowly hovering until it was high enough to speed up safely. After speeding up, It left Armora's atmosphere in minutes and went smoothly without anyone inside the plane feeling nauseous. 

Then, it went toward the closest space station. When a spaceship leaves a planet or a moon, they have to go to a separate spaceport that's in space. 

Ross could see his planet from the window of the spacecraft. 

'Now that I looked at it up close, Armora is beautiful." The planet appears very similar to Earth, but there are a few differences. On his right, there was Junon.

"What are you thinking of?" She asked.

"I wonder where Shy and Samuel are?" He answered. 

"They are probably in a different spaceship," Junon replied.

After leaving the planet's surface, the plane drastically slowed down, but it eventually reached the space station in about two hours. Ross and Junon left when it landed.

After entering the place, they first saw "Welcome passengers to Armora Space Colony" On board hanging from the ceiling.

"Oooh, we made it. Now, James, let's find the Eden Bridge." Acadia said.

When people enter the ASC, they will go in different directions. Every moon in Armora has a "bridge" that connects to the station, and people need to walk to find the moon they want to visit. If nobody wants to go to the moons, they can wait for another spaceship to bring them to a different planet in the Milky Way galaxy or to Armora from other parts of the Milky Way. 

Ross saw different types of humans when he was walking with Acadia. Some had robotic limbs, faces, and many other features, as they were cyborgs instead of humans. Others looked more like aliens than humans because they were in different globes in the Empire of Man. They had multiple eyes, heads, hands, legs, etc.

Humans, robots, giants, cyborgs, and animal people were all walking around the space station. After walking for a while, James and Junon founded the 'bridge' that connects to the moon, Eden.

"Here we go."

Samuel, Shy, and later Tim founded Ross. They then went inside a four-person 'bridge' that led them to the moon.

These bridges are tiny spaceships designed for four or fewer people to visit places near a space station. When they were in, the bottom of the ASC opened, and the bridge started flying toward Eden. It was going fast.

The bridge opened its legs, landing on the part of the moon protected by an oxygen bubble, and landed safely on the ground. Eden is the largest moon in Armora and is larger than Earth's moon.

After stepping on the moon's dark red surface, Shy said, "I'm going to rent a hotel around here for tomorrow." Then she left.

James, Samuel, and Junon went to the arena to register for the Ranker's Tournament. While there, they saw Tim and his wife in line to register for the contest.

While waiting in line, they talked to each other, and two security guards approached them and said, "Excuse me, aren't you guys, James Ross, Samuel Cliffhanger, Junon Acadia, and Tim Skyfather?"

"Yes, we are. Who are you two?" Tim said.

"You four are already participating in the Ranker's Tournament, so you don't have to get in line for Gladiator Badges." The other security said.

"We didn't know, so thank you," Junon said. They left the line, exited the building, and went their separate ways.


In the Color Kingdom, Excalibur and Merlin returned to Saint Nicholas with guards this time. When they stepped into the place, they saw the town's citizens drop to the ground, bullets in between their eyes.

"We-we d-d-didn't do this, l-l-lady Amber!"

Excalibur was afraid when he saw the town's people were dead. Thinking that they were troubled with killing them that they didn't do.

Merlin was not scared and said, "Excalibur, you are making yourself guilty by being afraid in front of her."

Then he goes to the guards and Primary Color and says, "Lady Amber, even when we were in danger of getting killed, we didn't harm them without your permission, so please do not think we did this!"

Her long red hair shines beautifully when the sun hits her head, and her white angelic wings also gleam. A rainbow bird necklace rests on her breasts, her arms with weapons and mythical crea Amber fully covered tattoos.

"I know you two would not do that. But Merlin, who do you kill them?" 

"If I had to guess, it was probably the White Clan because they allied with them, and when they failed to capture us, they killed them."

To be continued.