Chereads / The World of Color Kingdom: Prologue / Chapter 38 - The Primary Colors!

Chapter 38 - The Primary Colors!

"Don't tell me you guys are Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Nightcore Empire?" King Romeo the Second said after they removed the ring from their fingers.

"Ohhhh, look, Deimos, we are famous. Even the king Color Kingdom knows us!" She looked at Hero of the Hour by saying that.

"Of course, we are Phobos. We are leaders of the Satellites."

Satellites are a secret assassin group controlled by the emperor of the Nighcore Empire's wife, Moon. Only its leaders are well known to the public, not its members. They all wear skull masks to hide their identity.

The king of Color Kingdom struggled to move because he got tied up with a rope by skull masks, and Jett was also.

"Thus, the Nightcore Empire wants war against us and our allies?"

"Bingo, you are right. We are here to declare war against the Color Kingdom and any nation that tries to help."

Deimos noticed something and said, "It's too quiet. Something is not right, Phobos!"

From Jett's hands, a big white drawing of a door filled the entire coliseum's ground, then Jett Amadede yelled, "Teleportation," Making the whole audience vanish when the door opened. Only leaving Jett, Nightcore Empire, and King there, and the dead bodies who tried to stop them.

"You did it again when you saved the audience when I threw you into the stands."

"We were not here to fight, so that was unnecessary. Anyway, King of the Color Kingdom, our Highness is generous enough to give you a year to prepare for our attack. Don't disappoint!" Phobos said before they all left.

"Shit, shit, shit! Leo Vortex failed his goddamn job! Now we have to lose many innocent soldiers and citizens." The king stands up, "No. I would not let them step foot in this country. We have a year to prepare. I will show Nightcore Empire to never miss with me!"

"Jett, go to enemy territory and save the players. I'm sure they got kidnapped there."

"But, Your Majesty, they will go to war with us instantly without waiting for a year if they see me."

"Easy, don't get discovered."

'It's not as easy as you say.' Without any questions, Jett flew up into outer space.


An hour before Nightcore Empire infiltrated the Rankers Tournament, a portal opens in Color Kingdom's second most populated city, Sinbowrobo, home of casinos in Armora. Thirty Men In White and twenty Iron Jaw monsters, smaller visions, rush out of the portals. The last ones who left the outlets were Day Demon and HorseShoe.

"Hahaha, that fucker Commander White, he would pay for slashing my arms! After I complete my mission here." Day Demon's arms were robotic now that Mr. White had found.

"This what happens to you if you don't stay silent when the boss is talking!" Horseshoe said.

"Shut up, Hor-Shoe. Which brother are you? I can't tell, hahaha."

Cops were hidden from view by their cars and yelled, "Freeze, put you-?!" Before he could finish his sentence, a monster started munching his insides.

"Don't tell us what to do, cop!" Shoe said. Lots of people were dying by Men In White and monsters.

"Brother, someone is missing from us?" Horse said, and Shoe replied, "Now you mentioned it. He didn't come out yet, brother." They turned around, and Jack the Ripper hid behind the portal, not going to the other side.

"What are you doing, Jack the Ripper? Come outside to help us to collect souls for the greater good." Shoe said.

"No, no, no. I don't want to hurt people."

"Hahaha, your name is from the serial killer, and ironically, you don't want to kill. The bullshit thing to do! I dragged you out if you don't step foot into Majestic."

"No, I don't want to." After saying that, Day Demon went closer to Jack the Ripper and pulled his ears.

"Hahaha, listen here, little buddy. I'm not in the mood to parent you, so come out of the portal before I get mad."

"Okay, okay, I will do it. Please don't pull my ear. You are hurting me!" His ear was super red, like it was burning up.

"Hahaha, now we have come to an understanding. You can go ahead and complete your mission of collecting souls. If you don't, you know what will happen."

Jack the Ripper was so scared of getting his ear pulled from Day Demon fellows his order.

"Aren't you too harsh to the kid?" Horseshoe said.

"Hahaha, you will never understand my-?!" Before he could finish his sentence, a small explosion from the ground happened near them. The smoke formed where something landed.

"What the hell was- Huh!" The earth suddenly was breaking apart, and cracks were forming. Branches of trees came out of the ground and tied up most of the Men in White and the monsters.

"What the hell? When did that come from?"

"We would not let you guys do whatever you like!" The smoke cleared, showing the Primary Color of the Blue Color knight, Blazing Sun Amber Amadede.

Amber grabs a sword from the tattoo on her right hand, making it real, and the art disappears from getting captured out of art to reality. The sword's color was neon blue to show it was a tattoo perversely.

"Die, you bitch!" Men in White fired their guns at her, but every bullet missed, and she slashed all of them effortlessly without them noticing what happened.

"White Clan should not miss with Color- Wait, huh?!" Before she could finish her sentence, a monster jumped and tried to eat her.

"I have no time to play with a dog!" Making the monster's brain explode with a bullet.

"Stand down! We are going to deal with-?!"

Branches got summoned and were about to grab HorseShoe legs, but a sound from Day Demons Kazoo came. From it, huge hands grabbed the sky, cracking it open and showing a skinless giant monster punching the person who summoned the branches in the sky.

"Ugghhhhh, I was going to die, die if I didn't—!!!!" The shockwave of the punch caused the mountain's center to get blown away.

"Hazel, what are you doing? Your dodging caused us more problems than the White Clan."

"Not nice for sneak up on me when I am talking!" Amber blocked an attack from HorseShoe from behind her with a spear.

"S-s-sorry, sister, I would not dodge." 

The lady in the sky was the Primary Color of the Yellow Color knight Mother Nature's Favorite, Hazel Amadede. She is very much the opposite of her older sister, Amber, who is more confident. Hazel is a very timid girl. Every time she makes a little mistake, she needs to apologize.

Hazel has short, messy brunette hair and nerdy yellow glasses to match her face of many freckles. A purse with lots of 'cute' things attracted to her side. One of the cute pins is the small National Animal of Color Kingdom, the Galbildriep, or Rainbow Phoenix/Bird. Like her siblings, she has large, beautiful wings.

The giant monster punched again, and Hazel dodged again, but this time, chunks of the ground levitated up and stopped any shockwaves from going elsewhere.

"Mother, give me your straight to keep people safe!"

"Yes, my child!"

From saying that, chunks of the ground lifted toward Hazel. Rain clouds begin forming on a bright sunny day and pour very fast. From the missing background, trees grew up instantly after just getting born.

Floods happened from the heavy rain, causing the clouds to leave. The water swooped away the monsters and Men In White, causing lots of damage to a block before a chunk of ground that went to Hazel became a wall by stopping the water from going any farther.

The rest of the ground from Hazel went straight toward the giant monster, penetrating it!

Meanwhile, Amber got hold of the brothers, who split off from the main body from the neck, and she said, "I'll show you why they call me Blazing Sun!" At this point, Amber didn't have any tattoos on her body. They were all used up.

She looked at the star of Armora. Her hands got hotter and hotter, so Horse and Shoe could feel it, and they were burning. The brothers tried everything to escape, but she would not let go.

"I'm not letting murderers go, even if you cry!" She said very angrily.

"Hahaha, we are so screwed!" Day Demon hopelessly said while seeing Men in White and monsters getting smashed by walking trees. One approached him.

Day Demon was about to get smashed by a tree. Horse and Shoe were about to die from Amber, but everything changed when a flash of light grabbed the Twin Assassins and Beast Handler to save them from their deaths.

"Hahaha, why did you save me, Jack?!"

"I don't want White Clan to lose more pantheons when we lose Steel."

"Ugh, we didn't expect the Primary Colors to be this strong. Let's go back." The brothers said while in pain.

"I'm not letting you get away!" Amber flew toward them, but she stopped when Shoe pointed toward Hazel, "Should you now save your sister from the ground?"

Amber flew up at super speed to save Hazel from falling to the ground by letting the White Clan leave a newly created portal.

"Sis-sister, you let them go."

"They are not important as your safety is!" Amber said calmly.


In the underground, Mike and Bell listened to a convention of Dracula and the Immoral King Dragon while hiding. All the Dragons and the three Dragon Riders were there with their hatchlings.

"We should not trust them, so why are you partnering with them on Creation?" Dracula and the other Dragons voiced their concern about their leader's decision.

"You guys are right to voice your concerns about my risky decision, but we would make way more cash this way than any other way." Immoral King Dragon said while sitting on the ground calmly.

"We wouldn't have a problem if it was a different risky decision. This entire organization

got built by crimes, but being allies with Nightcore Empire brings way more doom to us than handling the police."

"What do they plan with Nightcore Empire, Mike?"

To be continued.