Janet walked past me with her arms folded then she stop to look at me. Michael, it's not fair that you get to have all the fun around here you just can't go bossing everyone! And I knew you had sex with Renee maybe I should tell her brother that you and she did it! I stared at Janet and laughed I walked up to my little sister and hug her playing with her face saying you are so cute when you are angry I smirked at her then runoff. Just then shimmer walked up and kiss Janet saying I know those two been having sex Janet and I'm gonna have so fun with Michael you wanna join me, Janet? Sure I said to him laughing. Renee and I were walking together till she stop pulling on her arms like a baby. Michael Michael looks over there can that be our new headquarters? Michael smiled at me sure babe let's go check it out. Michael made stayed outside with the others while he go in by himself to make sure it was safe. Shimmer and Janet walked in I yelled a little. MICHAEL SAID FOR US TO STAY OUT HERE! Go calm yourself Janet and I gonna have a little fun. Michael in there thinks he's all big in brave so we gonna scare him a little it a be fun. I walked around I hide behind one of the doors I had a feeling Janet and shimmer were in here I hope they know I'm the king of jokes. I heard zombies noises I stay quiet tiptoe to the other door I walk slowly behind them and said boo they both jump and screamed I started to laugh saying you almost made me scare myself not. Come let's go I have a name for this place. Without no name, Janet and shimmer just stared at each other following behind me.