I got up and saw Renee sitting on the floor I walked up to her asking what was wrong with them? She threw her shoe at me screaming go away. I kneel in front of Renee holding her as she begins to cry and my arms. She wouldn't tell me anything wrong with her I laid her back on the bed as she turn her back toward me. Just then I heard a loud noise it was loud there was a giant on the roof walking I felt everything shaking it was like the whole earth was coming apart. Renee jump up and ran out of the room I ran behind her Janet and shimmer came out. We had another battle to fight damn I thought this shit was over. I ran outside I saw a beast with 40 eyes damn I screamed something was lurking in the dark. There was nowhere left to run Renee started to scream as something stop her heart. This beast fell from the sky while the one-eyed giant stood in front of that ugly beast. Janet screamed don't tell me we have to fight that thing? Yes, we do I said to her this Is no ordinary beast this thing takes people, souls. Our hearts were beating fast Renee just stood holding her stomach still I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Can Michael and the gang defeat these to the beast? And will Michael find out what's wrong with Renee? Find out next time A sacrifice must be made.