I will now speak of another phase called: Ego.
What is the Ego?
The Ego is the part of the human being that feeds thoughts and emotions of self-interest, based on the stimuli of the senses that form our particular opinions, leading us to act in favor of what we like and against what we dislike.
The term Ego comes from Psychology, more specifically from the area of Psychoanalysis. It came to explain how the impulsive/unconscious/conscious human mind works.
Now I will put the positive and negative points:
Positive point:
The positive point of the Ego is to do everything to keep us alive. It creates ways, at all times, to keep us alive, according to everything we've been through and the references of survival that we have from instinct. It is a tool for solving problems, and it always seeks to do so with the conclusions that it reached through our experiences.
Negative point:
The negative point of the Ego is to believe that you are always right. The Ego works in a "linear" way, that is, only by reacting to life with limited perceptions of reality. So he likes to "be right" and follow it with all his might, even if we are wrong in a situation or context.
When we are then unable to perceive within ourselves what comes from the Ego, we tend to act only "reactively". This can cause several repetitions of negative feelings in us.
All good? Everything you think, reason, and react to other people has its purpose. Everything around it, with its own characteristics. has its meaning and that is where the Ego develops starting from the Id principle. Now I will formally explain a little complicated about a brief explanation of the Ego:
Freud's Theory of drives has evolved throughout his life and work. He initially described a class of units known as "life instincts" and believed that these units were responsible for much of the behavior. Eventually, he came to believe that only these life instincts could not explain all human behavior. Freud determined that all instincts fall into one of the two main classes: life instincts or death instincts.
Life Instinct (Eros):
Sometimes referred to as sexual instincts, life instincts are those that deal with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction. These instincts are important to sustain the life of the individual, as well as the continuation of the species. While they are often called sexual instincts, these units also include things like thirst, and hunger, as well as avoiding pain. The energy created by life instincts is known as libido. Behaviors commonly associated with the life instinct include love, cooperation, and other prosocial actions.
Death instinct (Thanatos)
Initially described in his book Beyond
With the mastery of the main languages, which are: English, Spanish, and finally, German, I can have the possibility to get to know new cultures. And that is what I aim for. One day, be able to travel to various places in the world and learn how each people on our planet behaves, acquire knowledge, and lead a supportive and enthusiastic life.