[This beautiful kid... where in the world did he found such a child? And what must have happened with her parents? No, most importantly, what connection he had with them to take her as his adopted daughter, in the first place?]
Haha... You wouldn't believe it at all if I tell you the truth.
[What happened in all the time he was away? What was his secret mission?]
[Well, I can't lose my time thinking about things I don't have the right to know, neither things that will put me in trouble. I'm just worried about this little kid and about him. And how could I not worry? Once I can't help if he's still a little boy in my eyes.]
She stopped in front of a simple carriage and after five minutes, a beautiful knight came at us.
"Mrs. McRae, the Emperor sent me to protect you and the child."
Oh, this is good, if Eirwen boy sent him, he must be skilled.
And I can't help but noticed how gorgeous he is, with his curly honey hair and those sapphire eyes, and what a body...
"That's a relief. I know how skilled Sir Gregory is, I'm at ease now. But we must go."
"Yes, Mrs. McRae."
So his name is Gregory, it suits him.
We entered the carriage and we left the palace right away.
[She must be Eirwen's illegitimate daughter if that childish guy's trying so hard to protect her.]
Hoho, what a thought, Sir Gregory.
He must be one of Eirwen's trustworthy knights if he knows his true personality too.
[But she's too beautiful to be his daughter.]
Haha, funny, and you're right.
Because I'm not his daughter.
"What's her name, Mrs. McRae?"
Now you ask, handsome boy?
"His Majesty said it was Evie."
[At least he knows his illegitimate daughter's name.]
Is that a joke?
"A beautiful name. I can't help but notice that she doesn't look like him at all."
[This handsome kid must be thinking that Eirwen's irresponsible enough to have an illegitimate daughter in his journey. He must be one of his best friends, but I can see that he doesn't know my kid as I do.]
Hahaha, this is amazing.
"That's because she isn't his illegitimate daughter like you must be thinking, Sir Gregory."
[What? Then why in the world that bastard would take this little girl in? He said she was the new princess of the Empire. What the hell...]
"Oh, no?"
His answer doesn't reach what he thinks at all.
He knows how to filter it at least.
"I thought she was because his Majesty said she was the new princess of the Empire."
Well, at least you are telling her the truth-
Pfft, this time.
[Those kids these days don't know how to tell the truth anymore.]
I don't know anything...
"He adopted her."
[Eirwen adopted a child out of nowhere? She must have something really special because he would never do this if she was just a random kid. He is smart, so he must have seen something on her.]
"What a surprise.."
[He must be thinking that Eirwen wouldn't do this without a huge and important reason. But I know that kid better, so I can tell that he would take this poor child even if she was magicless.]
What a divergence of thoughts, for my father's sake.
It may be sad, but liking it or not, Sir Gregory is completely right.
Eirwen took me in because I'm an Immortal.
We Immortals, in our pure nature, are way too overpowerful and too different from humans.