Draco stood just outside my cell, considering me for several long minutes. I didn't know what to say. Was he reading my mind. The fact that he was Minor's dad made me strangely uncomfortable.
After a minute, I just sat down against the wall again and waited for him to say something. When he did speak, it wasn't what I was expecting.
"How long were you a slave?"
"Umm... since I was a kid. I thought you could just read my mind?"
"I prefer conversation." He tilted his head to the side and looked me up and down. "I'm still trying to figure you out. I get why Minor didn't realize what you were planning. You're not an evil individual, and he's got a thing about invading people's privacy so he wouldn't have read your mind without a good reason. And you seem like the type to put on airs. Hmm... still not sure why he seems so attached to you, though."
"Hell if I know. We only just met the other day. I heard him singing and liked it. We hung out a couple times. We talked." I shook my head slowly, remembering the idle chit chat and the sound of laughter and singing echoing under the stone bridge. A warm feeling started to grow in my chest.
Shit. I pushed the thoughts aside. "I had no idea he would turn up in the palace. And I honestly have no idea why he'd go through all that trouble to save me, even hurting himself to get my collar off." I absentmindedly rubbed my neck, remembering the feel of his touch and what he looked like at that moment.
"Yeah, that is the question." His eyes narrowed as he watched me. I tried again to push away the thoughts and feelings that kept bubbling up. No way he'd take kindly to that.
"Well, he's always been a good judge of character, so I'm inclined to trust my son. At least you didn't do any irreparable damage."
"So... no one died?" I'd been afraid to ask. Minor had mentioned that everyone would be alright, but that was still hard to believe. However, having experienced first hand the strange healing ability Minor and presumably his family, possessed, maybe it was possible.
"Everyone is alive and well. Pride is the only thing we couldn't heal." He gave wry smirk. "The warriors here are pretty tough, but you really tore through quite a few. Your power is impressive, albeit misused."
I laid my head back against the wall. Surprisingly relieved that there wasn't any more blood on my hands.
"Callie and Romnoe are good, reasonable people. If you can convince them that you aren't a threat to anyone anymore, they might let you go. Maybe I could even return you to your home world?"
"No thanks. My people don't trust outsiders, and I've spent so much time away, living the way I have, that would include me. I'd be killed within a week. Or I'd just be rounded back up and sold again. I'd rather rot in a cell than go through that again."
"I understand. I hate slavery." He grunted, snarking a little at the word.
"Most people don't think anti-slavery laws apply to beastlings, since we're more animal than 'civilized' people." I watched closely for his reaction. I was still trying to figure out what he was exactly.
"And I hate that kind of prejudice! I can't stand people who think they can treat animals anyway they want. Arrogant bastards, some actually think we don't have feelings or feel pain the same way. Pisses me off."
"So... you are beastlings, or something similar?"
"We're transformers. So Minor really didn't say anything? Hmm. Well, we can take the form of just about any species, but we are beasts. Not 'beastlings' like you, who just happen to have some animal features. We are part of the kingdom of Beasts, not the Kingdom of Man."
"Kingdoms? Huh. Well, whatever you say."
"Hmm. Well, I'm not sure it technically falls under my jurisdiction, and LaMihinnian laws don't reach outside of this system, but I might see if there's something we can do about the slave trade on your home world. But first, we need to figure out who hired your 'friends' and why. You do have some of their criminal contacts in your mind. That's a potential lead. Guess that will do for now."
He turned and began to leave. "Just sit tight. I'm sure they'll decide what to do with you soon enough."
I wanted to ask if there was a chance I might get to see Minor again, to thank him. Maybe I could at least ask if he's alright? Before I could find the words, Draco called back over his shoulder.
"I think it's best if Minor keeps his distance for now."
I leaned back against the wall without a word as he left. Of course he wouldn't want his son to have anything to do with someone like me. They were already being extremely merciful. That was more than I deserved. Smarter not to push my luck.
Galaxy and Major went hunting for me to help replenish my strength. After eating and sleeping for a couple hours, I started to feel better.
Sometime while I slept, I felt my dad brush against my consciousness and tell me not to teleport into the holding cell again. According to him, just because we can bypass their security, doesn't mean we should. I didn't protest.
When I woke, I began wondering the halls of the palace. It was the middle of the night. I was still tired but felt restless. Things had definitely quieted down, but there were more guards on patrol than on a normal night. Many of my family were also standing watch.
I didn't feel like talking to any of the guards, especially those who has been hurt by Qualin. To avoid their eyes, I transformed into a small feline-like creature and kept to the shadows.
There was no plan. I was just wandering, but I ended up by the passage that led down to the holding cells. Technically, Dad told me not to teleport there...he didn't say I couldn't walk. I chuckled to myself; that was just the short of thinking that could make dad laugh enough that he wouldn't get too mad.
There was a guard, but I slipped passed on silent, padded feet. After a few minutes, I reached the first cell. That one was empty, but I could feel Qualin in the next one. Seemed like he was currently the only one down here.
I gingerly crept up to the forcefield door and looked inside. He was resting against the wall with one legged pulled up to his chest. His eyes were closed. I wasn't sure if he was awake and didn't want to disturb him, but then his ears twitched and he opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Hey there, little guy. What are you doing in here?"
Of course he didn't recognize me, but his expression was soft and welcoming. He looked lonely. Maybe I could just keep him company for a while. Looking around, I spotted the small chute in the adjacent wall used to drop food into the cell. It was a bit of a leap for my small form, but I managed it, and nosed the slat open and wiggled in.
A tight squeeze, but when I poked my head into the cell, Qualin was looking up at me from his seat with an amused grin. Worth it.
He reached up and I hopped down into his hands. It felt nice feeling his hands run through my fur and scratching my back. Most people aren't this comfortable with anyone who can speak. This was a nice advantage of being able to turn into something cute and fluffy.
Maybe it would be best to stay like this and just cuddle for a while.