The morning of the festival was full of energy. We had spent the night at the palace; we were always made to feel welcome and Callie and Romnoe were one of our few friends who had the room to comfortably house all of us.
My litter mates and I slept curled together in our dragon forms. We were about the size of large wolves now, but that form is sturdy enough to not be bothered by each other's wait, and the scales are softer than most would assume.
The guest room we shared was modified for us, with just a big pile of pillows rather than a bed by the open balcony so we didn't feel to cooped up. It was comfortable, and usually I would be one of the last to get up or break away from the cozy pile, but this morning I just felt different.
It was barely even morning with the sun just breaking the horizon. However, I had felt restless throughout the night, so I perched on the balcony and looked over the gardens. There was already a parade of kitchen staff coming and caring trays out to the courtyard.
Unlike most of the festivals in the city, this one was actually sponsored by the palace and my family. We had already delivered a fairly large amount of various exotic foods. Even now I could see a few of my older siblings popping in with creates of fresh fruits and vegetables to be prepared in fresh dishes.
Staffers were carrying goods to cruisers to be delivered to the city center. Some was already prepared in the palace kitchen. Some was being taken as fresh ingredients to be given to local shops to prepare and serve. The best part was that everything served by the palace would be free.
Maybe I should have told Qualin that? Money is an issue for a lot of people. When I told him there would be a lot of good food, he probably assumed it would be for purchase. Maybe that would have made a difference? Probably not. He seemed adamant that he'd be working.
I shifted and felt my wings rustling on my back. I wondered what Qualin would think of this form. I could show him a real growl and snarl. I couldn't help a small chuckle and stretch my back and wings. I wouldn't want to scare him though.
I took another look at my scales and claws and thought of his form. The warmth of my inner light swelled almost in reflex and my form began to shift. I had only met him a couple times and only touched his hand once, but my body remembered the feeling.
When the light retreated back into my physical form, my hand was like his. My skin tone was slightly lighter and my frame was smaller. My new tail flicked and I watched the black pattern shimmer. I stretched and moved to test the flexibility and moved my ears and sniffed the air. The senses were definitely sharper than most humanoid races.
What was more, I could see a flow of energy in the air around me. I flicked my fingers through it and felt a sense that with practice, I could manipulate it. I knew a few species with similar skills. Most were considered to be psychics or magic users. At least it wasn't overwhelming; after a moment to adjust I could ignore the streams, like letting my eyes focus on them or look through them.
"Is that your friend's species?" Major trotted up behind me, still in his dragon form. I nodded and scratched his neck when he jumped into the ledge beside me.
"If you want to see him, why not go?"
"I don't want to freak him out. He would probably think I'm a creepy stalker if I just showed up out of nowhere."
"Well, who knows? Maybe you'll run into him."
I could feel him watching me, his curiosity pressed against my mind, but I couldn't answer him. I didn't know why he was on my mind.
"I think... he was lonely. But guarded. So I don't want to overstep. I just want him to be alright. He was nice. And it was nice, making a friend who thought I was normal."
He laughed. "Yeah that's a twist. Well, cheer up." He playfully bit my ear and we started wrestling.
"Big day!" Galaxy joined us. "Let's get some breakfast and help set up!" He pounced and knocked us over the ledge. He and Major spread their wings and caught themselves. I declined the help and was pleasantly surprised that my new form was able to land without issue.
"Come on, come on!" All four of my litter mates were now pestering and pulling me towards...whatever. One thing I could always count on was my family being distracting.