Chapter 6 - Having It my way

Hinata POV

I open my eyes and look around and see that Kagin is coming in.

Kagin POV

"Hey, Hinata."

Hinata POV

"Hey kagin what happened?" He tells me that I passed out.

Kagin POV

"You did good Hinata you were able to match me in speed and unlocked a new dojutsu."

Hinata POV

"Really wait I saw that everything was green towards the end of the fight?"

Kagin POV

"It is like the byakugan but different it is green and so are the veins. It has a Lightning bolt symbol. You get faster and have increased reflexes there may be more that we don't know about. It is new."

Hinata POV

He sits down beside me "a new dojutsu."

Kagin POV

"Hinata you were out for 1 hour hours it is 5:14."

Hinata POV

"1 hour." My face, sides, and stomach doesn't hurt.

Kagin POV

I get up and go on one side "Hinata."

Hinata POV

I get up and go on the other side of kagin. We get into our stances.

Kagin/Hinata POV

"Gentle Wind Fists/Gentle Lightning Fists." We activate our dojutsu.

Kagin POV

I run at her and she aims a kick at me I catch her ankle.

Hinata POV

I jump up and twist my body to the right and bring my left foot to kick kagin in the face he blocks my foot with his arm. I get thrown and land on my feet then run at him.

Kagin POV

She is close to me and dodges to the right and my left arm is out. I bring my left arm to her and she blocks it with her left arm. I pull our arms downward and twist my body to my left and bring my right hand forward. She blocks my hand and I block her left hand. This goes on for 2 minutes and I get an opening and go for it. I hit her in the arms then continue to hit her.

Hinata POV

Each of his hits pushes me back because of the wind chakra and he overpowered my Lightning fists. My arms are limb and I get pushed back then he catches my left ankle and throws me. I roll on the ground I released the blocked chakra points. While on the ground I roll to my left to not get stepped on by kagin. I am in between his legs, I bring my right leg up and kick him in the back. He jumps forward and I get up.

Kagin POV

I go running at her and we go back to trying to hit each other and blocking each other's hits.

Hinata POV

'His hits are harder and the wind looks bigger.' I lose the fight again and get hit multiple times and fall backward on the ground. 'I need to stop.'

Kagin POV

She is not getting up she tries to but is failing "Hinata let's stop for today."

Kushina POV

I am walking to the grocery store with Natsumi and two clones are helping us carry some bags.

Natsumi POV

"Kush are you going to make ramen."

Kushina POV

"Yes, I am Natsumi and teriyaki." I smile 'she is just like me with the ramen.'

Kagin POV

I have helped Hinata to her room and laid her down in bed. She is asleep so I go out of the room. I go into the hallway to see akume. 'It is 6:05.'

Akume POV

I see kagin "hey kagin I am going to my room kushina said she is going out to get some things." He backed me up against the wall.

Kagin POV

"Ok akume."

Akume POV

He is getting closer "kagin why did you do that to me earlier?"

Kagin POV

"I have been waiting my whole life to do that." I put a silencing seal on the wall.

Akume POV

He pinned me to the wall I do what he says and take off my shirt. I play with my boobs just to mess with him.

Kagin POV

'The curse worked better than I thought it would, akume doesn't know what she just did.'

Akume POV

Kagin is rubbing my boobs and I moan this goes on for 2 minutes. I grab my shirt and we are going to my room. 'I can help kushina and Natsumi later right now me and kagin.'

Timeskip: Kagin and akume came downstairs and kushina came back with Natsumi and the clones. Kagin dismissed some of his clone's and they all came down to eat. They all went to bed and kagin went to Akumes room.

Next morning: 2 am

Kagin POV

I have eaten eggs, bacon, and drink some milk. "Thank you for the food kushina you are really a good cook."

Kushina POV

"Thank you kagin."

Kagin POV

I sit a paper on the table "kushina I am going to go now tell Natsumi, akume, and Hinata that I will come back later. This paper is for Hinata it is the schedule I made for here."

Kushina POV

"Ok, kagin I will tell them to overwork yourself kagin."

Kagin POV

"I won't kushina." She kissed me on the cheek and I left for the office with my scroll. I am wearing the same thing I wear.

Kushina POV

I am leaning on the counter 'once we get married all of us will have to change the color of our clothes.'

In kagins dimension

Third POV

Slat is on his knees screaming as vines are restraining him and his chakra. He has on a chakra restraining seal and 6 kunai lodged into him by one of the kagins clones. The icy flames as ice are on his chest and back.

Slat POV

I have been screaming and crying for I don't know how long. "STOP THIS PLEASE STOP THIS KID, SOMEONE STOP THIS." The boy walks out of the house and does a hand sign the kunais, and ice stop he walks up to me.

Kagin POV

"So you going to answer my questions or do I have to continue."

Slat POV

"You bastard you won't get anything out of me," I scream and this goes on for 5 minutes during the five minutes he had new vines stick inside me. They are twisting and turning 'what the heck this is new torture.' He stops everything. "You know what I won't tell you a thing."

Kagin POV

I jump on the roof of the house and do a hand sign "explode." I have the vines put his head in a bag. I seal the bag up and put a seal on it then put it in the house. I go out of my dimension and appear back in the office.

Hinata POV

I am reading the paper kagin left

Training schedule

Run 10 laps around the village.

Push-ups for 2 hours

Sit-ups for 2 hours

Break for 50 minutes

Reading for 2 hours

Calligraphy for 2 hours

Break for 1 hour

Work on chakra control exercises, run 10 more laps around the village.

Break for 15 minutes

Taijutsu with me or my clones for an hour without using your dojutsu.

Break for 10 minutes

Reading for 2 hours

Run 10 laps around the village

Hinata POV

'What is he thinking this is crazy, but I have to do it to prove my family wrong. I will complete this I need to build up my chakra, Stamina, and speed.' I finish eating "kushina where did the clone say kagin was going to go?"

Kushina POV

The honey country he said that he may get back late."

Hinata POV

"Ok, kushina thanks for the breakfast I have to go train now."

Kushina POV

I smile "You're welcome Hinata and good luck with training and I will find you and drop off food for you." She says thank you and leaves. 'I hope she is alright during training.'

Kagin POV

'Damiynos daughter has been kidnapped and the leaf, mist and some other village's can't do it. Their ninjas were either killed or came back injured. Well, I am off then.' I have already told my girlfriend's and the villagers. I have an agreement with the sky village and I run to the land of honey. 1 hour of running and I stop and use my wind jutsu to get me across the rest of the way. I go into a village and I get smiles from the woman and girls in the village.

"Damn the Koruotto curse." I smile back and ignore the boys and men of the village's glares. I go to what looks like a hotel and go in to see a front desk woman.

Desk Woman POV

"Hey sweetie what can I do for you?" 'That style of clothing looks familiar. He is also looking at my boobs he is cute I may let him have a look.'

Kagin POV

I look back at her "my name is Kagin Koruotto and I would like to rent a room."

Desk Woman POV

"Ok wait your clan is a legend." 'No wonder why I seen the pictures of what they where. They also have that curse, that is why I like him instantly.' "I am sorry for being rude here is a room key your room is on the second floor."

Kagin POV

"Thank you." She blushes and says your welcome.

Desk Woman POV

"You don't have to pay for the room kagin and I am serious it is fine." He says ok and leaves for his room 'I actually met a Koruotto but a little kid. I have seen kids who are ninja his age so it is no wonder. Wait that scroll on his back.'

Kagin POV

I make my way to my room and open it go inside and close the door. I take off my sandals and go to set down my stuff. I put a silencing seal on the floor "ok now where should I start I should ask the damiyno of the land. I should take this paper to him but first I will need to send a letter or a couple to kushina, akume and hinata." I do just that and have a summoning take them to my girlfriend's. I sense for chakra nothing. I go to the door and put on my sandals.

"I should talk to the front desk women to see if she knows anything about what is happening with the damiynos daughter." I have seals on the wall then go out and lock the door.

Desk Women POV

I see the boy coming down "is their anything I can do for you."

Kagin POV

"Yes can you tell me about the kidnapped." She interrupts me.

Desk Women POV

"I don't know anything." 'Can't say a thing since I am being watched.' The boy says something and his eyes are now like the Koruottos dojutsu.

Kagin POV

'Two people in red hoods, and black cloaks that is their description.' I deactivate my dojutsu and say "don't worry lady." I use my wind jutsu to get behind them and knock them out. They fall forward and I send them to my dimension. I sense no one else so I go back to the lady "now will you tell me.

Desk Woman POV

"Yes and thank you, the damiynos daughter was kidnapped 10 days ago. From what I heard the group called themselves the cult of Molech. They have that clothing you saw and they have a hydra tattoo on their left arm. They have been stealing ryo from the people of this country and taking villagers for something."

Kagin POV

"Thank you and I am going to leave a clone here to protect you and this place." She says you're welcome and I leave. I go through the doors and out into the trees and I sense for anyone and look for anyone with my dojutsu. No one I teleport to my dimension.

Cultist apprentice 1 POV

"Yunaria this is all your fault." I slap her and she falls to the ground.

Yunaria POV

"No wait the intel that slate gave me was right and how are we supposed to defeat him. He is the seal master for a reason."

Cultist Apprentice 1 POV

"I swear once we get out I am reporting you to our leader and we will see what happens to your friends." I get pulled on my knees by vines and turned to the kid.

Kagin POV

"Yunaria if that is your name don't try to run away or escape."

Yunaria POV

"Yes." I do what he says because I am smart enough to not try anything.

Kagin POV

"Yunaria let me see your left arm." She shows me her left arm 'No tattoo she must be new since she mentioned slat's name she might have escaped.' "Tell me are you related to slat." She says yes "ok, now for you tell me about your organization, who you have captive, and what do you and your organization plan to do?"

He is not talking so I do what I did to the ones I tortured. He is screaming.

Yunaria POV

I look on in horror 'What he is being tortured and this is crazy no one in the organization did this to a person.' I look at the kid "Stop, please stop."

Kagin POV

I stop "Are you going to tell me or do I have to keep going and add more ice and kunais."

Cultist apprentice 1 POV

"I will tell you we worship a made-up god called Molech, we have 100 members. We have the damiynos daughter, 500 captives from around the shinobi world as slaves. Some are civilians others are rouge ninjas, nekos, and a she-wolf, they plan to sacrifice them to Molech in 10 days." I tell him where the camp is.

Kagin POV

"Thank you for telling me now I can't let you live."

Yunaria POV

"He told you everything." He looks at me and I know that look "I will be quiet." He turns away from me 'He is scary for a kid his age there are some ninja his age. I feel bad for him and this will be in my head for a long time.' He grabs me and we teleport to a balcony on a house.

Cultist Apprentice 1 POV

"Wait if you do this then yunarias friends will die."

Yunaria POV

"Don't do it please my friends are among the captured." He does a hand sign and says explode the cultist exploded. "No my friends are going to die."

Kagin POV

"No, they won't."

Yunaria POV

"How do you know that?" I look at him 'His eyes are like sea blue and he is cute wait what am I thinking? He must be one of those clans that have the curse that has a person fall in love with a clan member. His clothing looks like what a koruotto clan member would wear and he is the one slat told me about the seal master.'

'I can't fall for the curse it can't happen.'

Kagin POV

"I am going to save them and we can make it seem like he was captured and tortured so will you help me. I saw what he did earlier to you." I bend down and she blushes like crazy.

Yunaria POV

'No I am not falling for the curse if I do this then I can live, but if I don't I will mostly die. If he did let me go I will either get captured by the cultist or someone will do something to me. My clothes are torn under this that would be bad. I have no other choice but to go with him I won't fall for the curse.' "W-what a-about m-me."

'Seriously yunaria.'

Kagin POV

"I assume you have no ninja skill and they just use you for fodder so they will believe you are captured." She says yes.

Yunaria POV

'I am a 20-year-old falling for a kid damn the stupid curse.' He whispers in my ear and I take my cloak off. 'Damn that boy and damn the curse I am falling for him already. The curse is too effective.' I throw my cloak away.

Kagin POV

'She is resisting but man does she has some big boobs those things are big and she has a nice body and a cute face.' "Take off your clothes if I am going to save your friends I need an early reward first."

Yunaria POV

'Damn him slat wasn't like that, wait he touched slat and he disappeared. This is where he must have taken him and killed him, my friend who was going to save me and the others.' "You killed slat here didn't you."

Kagin POV

"After he told me everything I wanted to know. I still have his head in a bag with a seal on it to keep his head from rotting."

Yunaria POV

"He was going to save me and my friends."

Kagin POV

"Do you think it would have worked?"

Yunaria POV

'Would it the cultist were expecting him and they were going to use me just to kill slat? They were also going to use my friends against him, slat would have hesitated.' "Yes, it would have probably."

Kagin POV

"It wouldn't have."

Yunaria POV

"You are right it wouldn't have worked they were expecting him and were going to use us against him."

Kagin POV

"I can save you, your friends, and the others they captured."

Yunaria POV

'My friends are important I need them after our village was slaughtered and we were taken if I don't have them here with me I don't know what I will do. Damn this he is my only choice and even if I have to fall for his clan's curse to save my friends. I don't want to do it but.'

I take off my torn clothes and stand up then let him see me.

Kagin POV

Her face is red 'Damn she has a big butt and big boobs, and nice legs. I wonder if I could get lady Hokage I will have to try it out.' I have her lay down on the bed and I rub her pussy she moans loudly and I hold both of her legs down with vines.

Yunaria POV

'Oh fuck this feels good.' I am holding onto the bed 'don't fall for the curse remember why you are doing this to save your friends.' I moan as he keeps going and I can't move my legs even though I want to he has vines holding me down. "Don't fall for the curse."

Kagin POV

"You won't last long The curse works faster on civilians yunariaaa." 'I will have her as my 5th girlfriend I should stop at her or get one more. Once the 5 villages find out about my village and what I can do I will get put in the SWCRA act.' She is a moaning mess I stop after 5 minutes and get on top of her and rub her boobs that my hands can't fit around.

Yunaria POV

'Damn this shit.' "I won't fall for the curse ahhhhhhh." 'He actually made me cum, I am still not falling for him.' I scream some more as he is finding spots and I cummed 2 more times. He stops after 50 minutes "Please my friends."

Kagin POV

"Time here is faster than the real world and plus I sent clones and the body parts to the other world. There are 10 days left before they are sacrificed so it will be okay." I go back to feeling her boobs and they are big. I nibble on her right nipple.

Yunaria POV

"Nghhhh ohhhh yes more keep going." 'No, I have to resist until he is through but I don't know if I can.' He switches nipples and this goes on for 2 minutes then he plants kisses all over my breasts.

Kagin POV

"You know the curse is starting to work."

Yunaria POV

"No, It isn't yahhhhh." He is rubbing a spot on my left boob and at the same time nibbling all over my right boob. I am moaning and "I can't resist kagin keep going more." This goes on for 30 minutes then he goes back to my pussy and rubs it and keeps going for an hour I cum and most get on his hands but he used a seal to clean his hands with soap and water.

I lay down on the bed panting. 'He is good I can't believe a 12-year-old could do this. I wonder what else he can do, I should let him continue. Who wouldn't want to get all of this, anyone who would want this would do what kagin would do. He is probably going to have me marry him I would like that.'

Kagin POV

"So how was that yunaria?" It has been over 1 hour.

Yunaria POV

"It felt good kagin I still can't believe that a 12-year-old did this to me and I don't even know your name." He tells me his name "I knew it kagin could you continue." I play with my boobs to taunt him and jiggle them.

Kagin POV

"I am glad you liked it." 'Oh, she wants that, huh I give it to her.'

Yunaria POV

"Kagin I want more OHHHHHHHH GYHHHHHH." He goes back to rubbing my boobs and I moan. 'This has been going on for over two hours fuck this feels good.' "Please more kagin." He takes his shirt off and I pull him into my boobs.

Kagin POV

'Holy shit they are soft.' I nibble on them and she moans loudly and I knew I found a spot. I continue to nibble on that spot for 20 more minutes. I stop and she let me go.

Yunaria POV

"Kagin why did you stop."

Kagin POV

'Increased Chakra so it does work she must also have increased speed, agility, reflexes, and strength.' I get out of my thoughts to see that she is playing with her boobs and I nibble on her right nipple.

Yunaria POV

"OHHHHHHHHH GYHHHHHHH KAGINNNNNNNN NGHHHHHHHHHH." I continue to scream moan and he continues he is switching between nipples. He stops after an hour "kagin why are you doing this now can't it wait until you are older? I am enjoying this I just want to know why you are doing this?"

Kagin POV

"As I said earlier this is my reward and I could die out in the ninja world."

Yunaria POV

"Ok kagin I am all yours, how long have we been going."

Kagin POV

"6 hours and 7 minutes." I go back to rubbing her pussy and I found a spot and I continue to rub that spot.

Yunaria POV


Kagin POV

"So that is your most sensitive spot." I continue to rub that spot for two hours she cummed 5 times. I blocked the cum from getting on me by using a sealing shield. I stop and look at her to see she is panting. I rub the other side of her pussy and found a second sensitive spot. She is back to moaning and I stop after an hour and she passes out."

I get off of her and clean the cum off of her with a seal. 'So 9 hours and now I know what to do next time. I should take a shower get changed and work on my Elemental Sealing Scroll. I could just wait for her to get back up and I can try something.'

Curse Kagin POV

"Kagin are you ready?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, but what would happen to me?"

Curse Kagin POV

"You will become the curse, can travel through dimensions, make and destroy dimensions. You will have Strength, Speed, Stamina, and reflexes beyond what people can do. Your chakra increases massively since you stored half of your chakra in me along with nature chakra. They have mixed and since I am you can take it in and you will be fine. You will still have your kekkei Genkai and dojutsu."

I tell him about the other things he will be able to do.

Kagin POV

I appear outside away from the house. "Alright, I am ready I need to do this."

Kagin/Curse Kagin POV

We both do 10 hand signs and say "Merge Curse Nature."

Yunaria POV

I wake up because I hear a lot sounds and I get up and go to the window and look outside. I see kagin, dark gold, red and blue chakra mixed together.