"Do you remember...?" Before Demon could continue, Little Devil nodded her head.
"A dress, a pair of glass slippers, Ummm a carriage...a driver, and we'll horses"
"Is that it?"
"Yes, I guess..the wand" Little Devil pointed to the wand, Demon was holding.
As soon as he raised the wand, everything that Little Devil said turned to life.
"What do I do now?" Demon asked looking at the carriage ready for Cinderella.
"I guess, we both have to go together" She pointed out at the extra space and Demon quickly hopped in.
They weren't expecting the Prince's castle to be this quiet. There was no one in sight and it was pretty quiet. Only the sound of crickets was breaking the cutting silence.
"Are we at the right place?" Little Devil asked, descending from the carriage with help of Demon.
"It's a game, it led us to this castle"