Jackson st High school. like today she thought, sighing as she fixed her grip on her blue umbrella. today, neither of her friend's mothers were able to drive her home include Emma because of her own mistake, she like spending her time in the library, she forget the day and the weather, so now she's alone.

Emma's had picked her up early to take her to a doctor's appointment in the city, while Jake hadn't been at school the entire week, the Harley's went to new york about their new renovation home. her parents were at work as well, and, of course she'd missed the bus could drive her home.

She stumbled again, her feet hurting in the heels that Emma had insisted she wore suddenly. she hated heels and now this happen to her today. Emma had insisted that Belle wore something specific, which was how she found herself in a purple halter top that she;d mostly hidden underneath her pink sweater, dark jean mini skirt that was just the right length for school, and two inch heeled boots, basically, her clothes would have been more at place at a party, not school.

She was sightly glad that there was no homework this weekend, having worked on it in library. it would have sicked if she had to carry a book filled backpack after missing the bus in these heavy rain, and while she lived pretty far from the school, the distance was still walkable- she'd done it before, after all.

So, with that thought in mind, she'd set off not noticing that she was being watched by someone.

Unfortunately, being alone like this meant that her mind wasn't distracted by something else, and she eventually stopped, pulling out her ear buds and pressing play on her I-pod to have something to distract her before continuing the walk once more, wishing, after stumbling for another few blocks, that someone would drive by and offer her a ride home.

Not that she would hear it, though, playing the music loud like she was. the person would have to honk their horn rather close by to get her attention, which was why she didn't hear the car pull to a stop behind her.

"Ow." she said, frowning as she looked down at her foot, seeing that the thin heel had snapped. I'm never going to forgive Emma for this she thought. I'm gonna kill her.

She sighed, frowning as she thought about how she was going to walk. she already knew from personal experience, that it would be hell walking in the shoes, and she wondered of it would be worth stripping them and her socks off or not. before she could decide, she left a hand touch her shoulder, as well as a rather muffled call of her name.

"Oh, sor-" she started, turning around while taking her ear buds out. the words she was about to said died in her throat as she turned to see who it was that had come up behind her, her face pailing as she realized that it was Gibson. her mouth moved up and down as she tried to think of something to say. she begged her feet to move, but they didn't seem to want to.

"Belle," he said conversationally. "Do you need a ride home?"

Her mouth continued to open and shut, her voice stuck in her throat. she was shaking and backed up away from him, almost toppling over from not being quite well balanced.

"No. s-st-stay away from me," she stuttered while backing up, her voice quivering with fear. why should I get fear of him. idiot, she thought slapped side of her head.

He didn't listen, reaching out and pulling her to him before she could call to the ground. "Careful," he said. "I don't think it's quite safe for you to walk home. come on, I'll give you a ride home."

She wasn't given much of a choice in the matter, for he pulled her into his side, arm wrapped around her shoulders, and grabbed the umbrella from her. his lack of an umbrella for himself was clear as she felt water transferring from his clothes to hers, making her shiver. using the arm around her shoulders, he guided her over to his truck, she trying to resist, staying still.

"Get of off me! I can get to my house just fine." she said, still stuttering.

"Your heels broken," he said. "I don't think you should risk twisting your ankle because of pride."

She inhaled sharply. Pride? he thinks I'm trying to be prideful? she thought. the thought angered her, but he continued to talk. "So, you said?"

"I'm not prideful myself. I'm about to burn this heels if I want to but this heels belongs to someone." her eyes on the umbrella Gibson grip in his hand. "Give me back my umbrella."

He smitten, grip his hand tightly around the umbrella, he will not giving her back as she must listen what he said.

"Don't be so stubborn, Belle. I hate to see you get sick. never." she about to lunge on him to get her umbrella back but- Gibson drag her first then push her inside his truck.

He fold the umbrella living him soaking wet with rain pouring on him, he get inside the driver side, close the door as she about to open the door, he lock the door before she could, now she traps inside his truck with him. what will he'll do to her now. enough the kissing, enough he left her his marks on her skin. enough all this shit.

"Unlocked the door, unlock this instead!" she demand.

"I can." he said softly as his eyes scanning her.

What the fuck she wearing today, school or party she attend to he thought. Belle leaned right side of her body on the door, her foot are standby to kicked his face if he about to lunged on top of her, but no, he wasn't do anything to hurt her nor a touch.

"Look what you did to me!" he show her, his wet clothes. "I'm wet. it's raining out there and you still want to fight with me."

He grit and breathe. he look her beautiful face, he wanted to touch side of her face, this face soon to be his. his mind sudden think about the day they in the library, he kiss her, marks her. oh, he love to do that again right now but her face show him everything, she's afraid of him.

"I'm late and my wife is waiting, and you fight me. I'd just want to help, you're my student and you alone back there. I send you home then I go with thank you perhaps"

She snort anger. said. "If you had a wife then why you kiss me!"

"I won't apologies what I did, and I won't taking back what I did."

"I deserved an apologies from you not thank you. now, let me go!"

He smirk, changed the topic. "You be wondered why I drove truck not my car. thanks to my wife, she lovely woman I've never met, and she look like you."

Gibson started his truck, and was now heading towards her house. he pulled up, Belle tried to get out of the truck once more, she hear him unlock the door, she reach the knob then slide down out from the truck. she slammed the door, ran to her house, fighting with her bag to get her keys, the minute she was free from Gibson's grasp. once she got her key out, it took her few seconds before she could unlock the door. her mind think of his wife, look like me, what was that about?

When she had it undone, she rushed into the house closing and locking the door behind her. she take a peep behind the curtains, and saw him still watching her as she enter the house. an minute later, he drove his truck out from the neighbour, with that, she grabbing her bag, she walked upstairs to her room, setting it next to her desk before going into bathroom. then, she dressed herself for part time job in restaurant.