Decker's home. kitchen. Belle sitting on floor in front of the open fridge, reading magazine and eating, now she eating ice cream. Molly, her mother enter the kitchen, she saw Belle sat on the floor, she approaching, tapped her shoulder from behind.

"What the heck you doing? you wasting my electricity if you sit in here." Belle look up at her. "Just take what you wanna eat from the fridge then sit over there."

Molly pointed at the table, she close the fridge without waiting Belle standing up, she clamp her between it. Belle dust her clothes with magazine she held in her armpit, then she walk toward the table.

Molly make herself comfortable by pouring hot coffee in her cup and take a sit on the same table Belle at. she sip the coffee as Belle asked her a question. "That night, you see his wife."

"Who's wife?"

"You invite my english teacher, he bring his wife."


Belle rolled her eyes, she resuming her eating. "I've never seen his wife, is that true his wife look just like me." she asked her mother. "Like me? she look just like me."

"What are you talking about?" Molly laid the cup on the table, she making frowning face as she look at Belle. she push the chair and grab some cookies from the jar, then sit back on chair.

For Belle, she watch her mother bite the cookies without asking her if she want that cookies.

Molly swallow the cookies and take more sipped of her coffee. she nod and think about that night she saw Gibson's wife, she almost forgot about that night, slowly she close her eyes trying to catch the figure of Gibson's wife. Firstly, she step inside my house, I greet her with smile and I ask him how he choose his wife so perfectly like my daughter, I invite them inside and-

"Oh my Gosh." Molly gasp, eyes on Belle. "I've never realize that night, I thought you were there with us. yes, of course his wife look just like you and I thought it was you, then I remember you and Emma that night you both left the house before- oh my god."

Molly chuckle, clapping her hand in happiness, Oh my god why I'm not realizing this she thought, leaned her back on chair.

"I'm sorry I was so happy suddenly." she patted her chest. continue. "Oh darling, I can't imagine if your life suddenly change."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You- Gibson, marriage. oh my god, it's like wedding of the years between the teacher and student."

What the fuck is all about, she thought and snort, she slammed her fist on the table, Molly jumped. "Get yourself awake, mom. it's not gonna happen, that because you thought he innocent still- I know his the one who sent those gift."

"Is true. I cannot denied it. thought was you, but it wasn't." silent. Molly curious. "Wait, how you know his wife look just like you?" she lift her eyebrows, "Who told you that."

Shrugged, Belle said. "Guess." she lied, Gibson told her. "So, is true. I look like his wife, whatever, it ain't happen."

"I've never expect that, you father didn't said anything about it, he didn't mention." Molly sighed. "Hadn't bother."

Belle bit bottom of her lips, she shouldn't asked about Gibson wife, how she look, but she need to know whether is true or not, so, her own mother confirm it. Gibson wasn't a liar, still, why did he kiss her on the first place.

At the same time, Gibson had a guest in his cabin, his friend from other state came to visit him for couple days, the same friend on the phone before Gibson return to school, he came because he wanted to see Belle right front of his eyes, flashback is now shown from her perspective, revealing that Gibson is in fact on his medications and that the supposed love between him and Belle was all in his head, this girl made Gibson prescribed himself something that she doesn't know. yes. he saw Gibson purchasing medications in pharmacy.

He asked Gibson what kind of medications he'd take, he never giving him truth answer, all he said nothing for his question, since that he knew something not right happen to Gibson that he hide it from him. he saw Gibson medications behind the bathroom cabinet, he read the prescription and it's confirm Gibson had psychosis disorder, that's why he came to see by himself, lucky him, he came in right time, her school having an fair for the day, the school invite the parents, friends and the neighbourhood.

"Have you realize what you had done, Gibson. you hurt her, if you love her just don't. you scared her, you push her away from you, is that what you want, she's out from your life. zero."

He said, and his name is Craig Allen. "Haven't you think first before you act."

Gibson glare at him, he grit his teeth, Craig spokes back. "Look, you're insane."

"If you saying that word again I'll kill you!" said Gibson with warned tone. "I'm fucking kill you."

"Then do." Craig dare him.

Gibson leaned on his chair as his eyes still on Craig. I swear I kill you, you motherfucker he thought.

"I know what you think of me, Gibs. what I'd said is for your own good, if you keep behaving like this, she will hate you more than you barely imagine, enough she scared, hate of you don't make her again."

"She wasn't afraid of me nor hate me."

"You force yourself to hers, marks her, you think she wasn't afraid of you- dude! you fucking crazy, of course she fucking afraid of you, if I were in hers shoes I would life traumatic for the rest of my life."


Craig wasn't barks as he spokes to him, his tone are calm, if he barks, he know he would regret it after that.

Gibson wasn't a person, who people think who he is. he will do anything to archive what he want, now he got his goals, he got Belle in his life, if someone try to stop him, that person should repent before their life been taken by Gibson himself.

No one dare messing up with Gibson, except for Craig.

"She hate you, don't you forget, you lied about your marriage. where'd did you get that woman, who pretending to be your wife."

"Wasn't your concern."

"Was, I just need to know who you messing up for, how much you paid her?" asked Craig, Gibson shrugged doesn't bother. "Don't shrugged you son of the bitch I'm talking to you."

Gibson push his chair in anger, he walk toward the sliding window, the view are beautiful, nice, calm and green. it's perfect. He choose this cabin the perfectly ways, he close his eyes as he imagine hearing a sound of kids running around the house, that kids belongs to him and Belle.

He smitten, with Belle and her swollen belly, he want Belle bare his child as many he want, he would fuck her till she begs him to stop, no, he won't stop. he will torn her apart.

"Gibs?" Gibson eyes open, small grunted Craig could hear from him. "Did you just dreaming something like you gonna torn her as she bare your kids as many you want."

Shit! how this Goons know that, thought Gibson. "Idiot. I can't imagine how she take."

"She will, I'll make sure she begs me more and more," smirking, he turn to Craig. "Remember, no women's can resist me if they want, trust me, she won't. this body-"

He pointed out. said. "This body made for women's, they begs me, and I'll make sure she begs me too. no one, can resist me."