Chereads / Is her love true? / Chapter 9 - Chapter 17: Broken Vows

Chapter 9 - Chapter 17: Broken Vows


Walking up to the schoolhouse early in the morning, he's surprised to spot a certain brunette waiting by the door. Her emerald eyes lock with his own, giving the disguised prince a small wave. They haven't seen each other the past weekend, so the boy is still left wondering what she wanted to ask him before. 

"Frederick, Morning. Saelufu made it here ahead of you for once." 

"Oh yeah, I overslept."

Quite honestly he took off at the normal time though perhaps scattered thoughts are what slowed down his usual pace. 

"...I was hoping we could pick up our conversation from Friday. It's a few minutes to spare until class starts and this shouldn't take too long. As your friend, I'd like to know-" 

"Excuse me," A girl interrupts, passing between the pair to enter the classroom. At this rate, she won't be able to get the question out again. Kana seems to think similarly as she points around the corner, and they should have some solitude there. 

"Let's go behind the school where we can talk in private." 

Wendell follows her back to the water well as fellow students' chatter can no longer be heard. It's a peaceful day with clear skies and birds chirping songs amongst the treetops. Despite such a calming atmosphere, the prince feels anything but relaxed right now. Regardless of how much he pondered her possible question, he remains at a loss on what this is all about. 

"Um, now that we're finally alone, I can't sort through my thoughts properly..." Kana fiddles with her hands as her feet aimlessly kick at the dirt pebbles. "Well, I've noticed something odd this month. I could be wrong. It might be a strange coincidence but I don't believe that's the case." 

She moves a step closer, which in turn, has him take one backward. Her intense gaze holds an identical look as during their previous chat. However, a hint of sadness is hidden beneath her weak smile. 

"Please answer truthfully, okay? We've become friends so your response doesn't change anything. I just need to be aware for future reference." 

This obviously isn't a confession but that leaves one other serious topic I can guess. She couldn't have possibly figured out I'm-

"Have you avoided meeting Prince Wendell?" 

Although her question is not what he anticipated, it does throw him for a loop. 


"It's just every time I try to introduce you two a problem always arises. That or he isn't at the castle and I thought maybe you were making excuses not to see him... Am I right?" 

Kana's eyes plead for an explanation, and he quickly tries thinking of the safest way to ease her concerns. 

"...Y-You guessed it." 

"Really, but why? Are you a little nervous about meeting royalty, or...not on the best of terms with him? I've also noticed Saelufu doesn't really push you either, and she would know if you two carried a bad history. I mean, she has been a friend of you both much longer than me." Kana twists at one of her long hair ribbons, and his stomach likewise is going in knots. He could ride along with the bone she threw to settle this whole predicament. If the prince can successfully convince her, it will make things smoother moving forward. 

If I go with this then I'm lying to her even further now. Well, I suppose there's no choice unless I plan on telling her the truth, and I can't do that just yet...

"I told Saelufu to keep quiet about this but I've met the prince before. He...visited Quincy a while back and that's when the two of us first crossed paths. Um-we never got along after a particular incident I rather not get into. Anyways, that's why I don't wanna see him, but I hadn't said anythin because y'all seem like real good friends..." Wendell's head remains aimed at the ground as he nervously waits for Kana to speak. 

"I see, I was afraid that was the reason. Nonetheless..." The brunette lifts the tip of his hat with a tender expression, one he has witnessed countless times before. No matter how often, this simple action would cause his heart to skip a beat. Currently, the prince's chest only aches with deep remorse. "You're my friend too, Frederick. I'm not going to choose sides, nor pry on what sparked this grudge. It is disappointing we can't all hang out together, but I won't ask you anymore." 

"T-Thanks, I'm glad to hear it! Seems I fretted over nothin'." 

Wendell struggles to form these little words feeling sicker each passing second. He is lying straight to his beloved's face yet wishes to discover her true character. Even telling himself there are no options to avoid this outcome doesn't remove his guilt. 

The bell rings startling the boy as the first lesson has commenced at last. It should've rung ages ago and caught him prior to making this huge mistake. Unfortunately, the damage is already done now adding another thread to the web of lies. 

"We need to hurry inside before Ms. Grumphan forces us to help clean after school." Kana starts ahead though she pauses to shoot him back one final grin. "And thanks for being honest with me." 


The slow Monday proceeds as any other though her typical dragging lecture is wrapped up a tad too soon. Students close their history books as she hands out stacks of papers, ordering them to be passed back. Wendell receives his own and skims over what appears to be some kind of play outline. 

"At the beginning of the year, we discussed what you kids wanted to do for our annual show. A majority voted to perform a play this time around, and so I've decided for us to do the famous tale, Warrior Of The Knight." 

"That does ring a bell..." The prince glances at his papers again, and he saw this play as a child. It was but once with relatives before Wendy was even born, so the minor details are very vague. While he reads, piece-by-piece of the heroic tale is slowly put together. 

The fictional play is centered around a young man who is the captain of the royal guard, Rowen Winston. He fought bravely leading the army into wars, this contrary to the cowardly king who hid away in his castle. Still, he remained a loyal servant and faced the kingdom's most powerful enemy, the evil queen Yvonne. An inspiring story that would be neat to execute as a class. 

"Now you can examine the roles and see if you wish to try out for a part. Naturally there is only one role per person--besides the understudy, and I'll assign them all at the end of this week. Anybody who doesn't have a role will still help assist as stagehands. Take the rest of this time to read the story for those who aren't familiar with it." Ms. Grumphan returns to her desk and loud whispers fill the room. 

"How exciting we get to perform this one of all plays! It should be a lotta fun. Are you trying out for a role, Frederick?" Kana's question brings him back to reality, the boy still left conscience-stricken from this morning.

"Y-Yup, I never got the opportunity to participate in a play, so I don't wanna settle on the stage set up. Can't say what role appeals to me to aim for just yet." 

"Why not audition for Rowen then? I think he would be the perfect fit for you." 

Saelufu lets herself into their conversation, and he has no intention of claiming the lead role. 

"No way, he'll be the star of the show! I'm not all that knowledgeable about the play, therefore, his character will be difficult to grasp. I believe someone else in the class could do a mighty fine job." 

"If you put your mind to it, you'd conquer that role. Don't shut the idea down so fast and it's days to reconsider before tryouts." 

The dwarf turns to the brunette who shyly averts her gaze. 

"I already know you're going for the role of his wife, Daniella, aren't you?" 

"Y-Yeah, her character will forever be my favorite. She is popular and I'm sure many girls will hope to play her. Here's to counting my lucky stars that I will get the part." Both of them double-crossed their fingers as a good luck charm. Learning what convenient role Kana is going for has him shoot the dwarf a look. Saelufu merely wears a rueful smile and it's clear what his friend is plotting. 

She desires me to obtain Rowen's role so we can play as a married couple on stage. It would be the perfect chance to see Kana's reactions to acting alongside 'Frederick'. But the play doesn't revolve around us and that character is the soul of it...

"Saelufu, are you trying for anyone in particular?" Kana acquires, but she smiles wryly. 

"Nah, I think I'll pass. There aren't any dwarves in the original play so it'll just look unnatural, you know? Stage crew is less stressful anyways." 

The disguised prince and brunette fall silent exchanging troubled glances. Saelufu wouldn't stop complaining about how boring it was to recite poetry before. That said, he assumed she would be quite eager to perform this year. A small role is more entertaining than none, but his friend is stubborn when dealing with these sensitive issues. 

"Listen well my dear subjects, the role of King Benedict will be mine!" Oliver declares, gaining the whole classroom's attention. "Don't even waste your time trying out unless you plan on settling for an understudy!"

Unsurprisingly, not a single person objects to him but rather makes faces at the mention of his name. Remembering the cowardice role of Benedict practically the entire play, Wendell can understand their reaction.

"Nobody wants that role but you," Justus bluntly informs, causing a jolt of anger to run through his veins. The boy argues about how great a role the king is when Ms. Grumphan cuts off his endless blabbering. The ash-blonde can predict this play will be hectic with Oliver receiving such a role by default. 

Exiting the schoolhouse, they say goodbyes to Kana and depart their separate ways. A sigh escapes Wendell's lips with her honest confrontation still weighing on his mind. The dwarf walks backward in front of him quickly throwing her hands up in defense. 

"Before you say anything, I get Rowen is an important role but half the time's gone for you to propose. Kana is good friends with Frederick which was our first task. Next, we need to know if she can view him in a romantic light. I'll help you practice too once you score the part since I won't be studying any lines." 

"I understand why you suggested this so I decided to go for the role. That said, there's something else I need to talk to you about..." 

From the start, he explains what happened with the brunette, careful not to leave out a single detail. 

"This is great, isn't it?! She'll finally stop pressuring you guys to meet now. Plus, the secret should be easier to keep under wraps."

Saelufu's glowing over the news contrast with his present frown growing deeper. 

"For temporary relief maybe, but every lie I utter the further nausea I feel. Say I do all of this fibbing and discover her love was true after all? What type of person does that make me?"

"Wendell..." The dwarf initial joy is replaced with a sour expression. Although his facade was her idea, he willingly decided to take such a route. Until this moment, the prince failed to pay mind to the consequences which surely can follow.

Regardless of my conscience, it's far too late to drop the act. It's not like I wish for her to fail the test, thus proving her emotions aren't genuine. But if Kana were to somehow find out the truth, how would she respond?

💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌

Wendell's sluggish body waits inside a carriage late evening as storm clouds gather overhead. His second intermediate swordsmanship class was held today, and it's already quite the step up from their previous lessons. The coming week in general will be fairly busy as 'Frederick' was assigned the lead role for the play. He makes a mental note to start memorizing lines tonight before drifting off to sleep. 

The prince ran into Kana with them both on their trip home, and he invited the girl over to visit for supper. Probably a method to suppress his guilt from earlier this week, nevertheless, she seemed eager to join but went back to wash up first. Wendell glances at his pocket watch as her parting was nearly thirty minutes ago. It's doubtful Kana has gotten sidetracked with how happy she appeared, and at this point, there's a likelihood her parents might have said no. 

Even so, she would've returned and told me. Should I go see if something arose? I don't want to rush her though...

Debating to himself what action is best, a sudden sound of footsteps peak his interest. Wendell spots the brunette running at full speed out of Rainswood, and he's unable to shout her name before she disappears around the corner. The sight has him immediately exit his carriage when another figure approaches--someone who is oddly recognizable. A well-dressed fellow with dark brunette hair carries a few bags as if in the process of moving. The frazzled man seems to be searching for something but spots the prince instead, giving him a short bow before he moves toward the capital. Wendell tries to recall where exactly he has seen this face, though the hazy memory causes his whole body to go numb.

"...I need to reach Kana quickly or I'll lose sight of her! Thank you for your patience but please ride back to the castle without me. I will be a little late for supper!" Wendell sprints off, despite his rider's protest about the fast-approaching storm. 

He might've lost track upon giving chase but the boy does know just where to check. Greendale Hill is a common choice of location whenever she wishes to clear her head. Sure enough, Kana sits in the shade apart from the dim sunlight, and he stands beside the girl while she sadly gazes at Opal Forten below.

"I guess it was a no-brainer I came here, huh? I'm sorry that I didn't stop to explain anything to you. I feared if I waited, I'd risk him catching up to me..." 

"What happened?" 

Wendell has a hunch but allows her to first confirm his suspicions. 

"I came back to my dad getting kicked out of the house. Apparently, he had been bringing home such a few coppers because he spends all his time with this noble woman in Everlane. My mom said she couldn't ignore his unfaithful acts to hold onto a loveless husband any longer." Kana pulls her knees up tightly against her chest, and he truly hoped that wasn't the case. She mentioned her father's struggling work efforts, but it always felt like nothing more than pathetic excuses. Regardless, neither himself nor Saelufu could step into the affairs of her parents' relationship.

"Rocco was right from the very beginning. It was noticeable when he went from missing supper to not even show up until sunrise. Both my mom and I didn't want to accept what was right in front of our eyes. Now, a marriage of nearly twenty years will be ending in divorce." Kana's lips quiver which leads to her slender frame visibly shaking. One-by-one water droplets trickle down her face, the exact opposite of Justus's relieved crying after his resolved family issues. "How, how could he do this to mom-to all of us? My tight-knit family felt like a sweet storybook that took a twist for a terrible ending. Mom gave up so much for him and he-he..." 

Wendell squats to her level with a gentle touch on the shoulder, and that's all it takes for Kana to dive into his embrace. As if the pair are frozen in this position, neither of them moves an inch while he gently strokes her unkempt afro hair. Several minutes pass by before she gradually pulls away rubbing at her reddened eyes. 

"I apologize for my lack of decency. I played oblivious to this for so long yet the tears just kept flowing," she mumbles with a dry chuckle, though he doesn't get a chance to respond before she continues on. "You know, we never did have much back in Aniex but I was happy. Sure it was normal to fantasize about what living in a noble girls' place would be like. Still, at the end of the day, we had a warm cabin, decent shoes on our feet, plus plenty of food to cover the table. Though just that abruptly, an accident had us hit rock bottom robbing us of the small amount we earned." 

Kana's dull gaze drifts upward toward the depressing skies as thunder rumbles from above.

"It's not like I blamed my mother for her injury, but I wasn't the least bit excited about our downgraded shack either. I saw the way snobs plugged their noses as I walked by, and my limbs grew sore because I ran deliveries until nightfall. I chose to take a year off education to contribute, or I would've completed my lessons by now. No matter how tough times were, I constantly plastered on a cheerful smile." A mirrored one twitches at the corners of her mouth, and this hollow expression is hard for him to see--the prince looking away with a frown. "I didn't want my loved ones to worry, and us enduring this storm together gave me strength. Through these difficult trials, family is something God blessed us with, though..." 

A second loud boom startles the prince but Kana sits unfazed by this bad weather. The light sprinkles now wet the girl's sepia-brown skin but her previous tears have fully dried up.

"I'd do anything within my limits for us to be granted peace and no longer stress over expenses, but as a family. He decided to toss us all aside, only thinking about himself. I'm disgusted to have ever called that selfish liar, dad!" 

This final remark seems to be the end of Kana's ranting, and he is left speechless by her rare display. Though after finishing, the girl must feel ashamed since she's avoiding eye contact with the dumbfounded prince. The minute Kana is about to speak, he cuts her unasked for formalness off.

"Don't apologize again," he firmly yet tenderly instructs, setting his hand on top of her clenched one. 

Wendell assumed the two of them were from completely different worlds, but he still fell for the kindhearted peasant nonetheless. Playing as a commoner, the gaps in their lifestyles expanded even greater--a point to where he worried love alone can't breach. They may overcome unique battles yet only one is mutual for every human being. Social class is of no significance as the pain of broken bonds is a hardship all people go through. Whether he puts up a front because his kingdom demands a strong future ruler or this hardworking girl who acts fine to support her family, they both are indeed similar. 

"You have every right to be furious. When people hurt us and those we hold dearly, it leaves a deep cut like no other. Exposing the wound to others and refusing treatment, or never changing the old bandages to let it breathe will both harbor negative results. Yelling at your father wouldn't have been the Christian thing to do, but releasing your bottled-up frustrations to a friend is far better than swallowing it whole. Not a single soul can keep their emotions in check one hundred percent of the time." 

The brunette doesn't utter a word, her bawled fist loosening just a tad. He can always count on Margaret and Saelufu when trouble arises. Since Kana cannot visit Alphonse often, the prince is concerned if she has anyone to depend upon. It's unhealthy to carry serious problems on her shoulders without a lick of support. 

"Your dad is now removed from the picture, but the three of you can push past this together. I can sympathize with the loss of a father, even if our situations do differ. Admittedly, my mother and I haven't been the closest, though I stay positive that the thick wall between us will crumble soon enough. Likewise, I'm sure you'll be able to calmly confront him someday, and I promise to keep your family in prayer," he sweetly adds, and Kana's emerald eyes glisten under the evening glow. 

"...Once I heard the news I dashed out of the house and my dad followed behind me. If he caught up I probably would've had an outburst there on the spot. Come tomorrow morning, I'd still feel just as horrible, but chatting here with you has lifted my spirits. Thank you, Your Highness." 

The fragile grin she wears isn't fake like what he has unknowingly witnessed on numerous occasions. Kana's gratitude is genuine, which in turn, brings a faint smile to his own lips. Her sorrow causes his very heart to squeeze as if the two of them are linked. A consequence that individuals who have fallen in love must experience. 

Another cold raindrop hits his arm and in the snap of a finger, the storm has begun. Wendell springs to his feet and then extends an arm to help her do the same. Based on the constant rumbling, this mere shower will shortly escalate to a heavy downpour. 

"We should hurry home before we both end up getting soaked to the bone. I really appreciate you sitting with me and inviting me over for dinner. However, I think it's best to go and spend it with my mom and brother tonight." 

"Of course, do be careful on your walk back. You're more than welcome to swing by at a later date. Also, if you crave a listening ear--no matter the hour, I'll always make time for you," he responds, squeezing the brunette's hand before she releases.

The teens say goodbyes when they reach the main road, and he watches his beloved sprint away. This marks the first time he ever saw Kana of all people getting so upset, she dropped her mask. Her cheating father has finally paid the ultimate price ruining both his household and marriage. 

When Kana said she'd do anything I wonder by what measures? Would she consent to my proposal because her family can be saved from their financial crisis? Furthermore, my worry continues to increase if Kana will forgive me in

the event she finds out the truth...

A/N I bring another early update, readers. How did you like the chapter? The drama increases a bit from this point on so stay tuned.