Chereads / Is her love true? / Chapter 12 - Chapter 24: Until That Day

Chapter 12 - Chapter 24: Until That Day


The elf quietly listens as her friend explains the situation concerning his current engagement. Taking Justus' cousin for a bride might be set in stone, thus the love test shut down before even producing results. It feels unreal, her vividly able to picture a ceremony where Wendell and Kana would confess their vows. Though this isn't the most shocking news with the other bombshell that was just made public knowledge. 

"So you will probably be stuck marrying Blanche after all. Furthermore, I can't believe that cruel king managed to fake his death! Y-Your father's life was cut short because of that man..." Saelufu fumes, her small body trembling slightly as this reality sinks in. If the dwarf is enraged to the point she wants to scream right now, it has to be affecting him too.

"At least this battle shouldn't push back past the kingdom walls. I don't want Rainswood falling into deeper ruins than it already is. I'm sorry I couldn't inform you before, but I was strictly ordered not to tell a soul about the upcoming war." 

"It's fine, I understand. I figured something happened ever since you started those swordsmanship lessons at the academy. A lot must've been riding on your shoulders lately..." 

He had learned of this last month and carried the burden without her knowing. Usually, she would give her never-ending optimism rather than draw a blank on what encouragement to provide. Nothing feels quite good enough but the country-dressed boy beside her doesn't appear discouraged. 

"With our extra men, we should be able to claim victory for certain this time. As for the engagement, it's not my birthday just yet. There's still a chance--no matter how slim--for things to turn around, so I'll continue this act to finally decode Kana's heart."

"Wow, guess I have no reason to worry. You're starting to sound like a future ruler, you know," she praises with a relieved smile gracing her lips. "Keep up this positive mindset and everything will work itself out." 

They walk silently for a while though she can sense his strong gaze pinned on her as he trails behind. As expected, Wendell is indeed staring and wears an unreadable expression. Given what all he just shared, she presumes this may relate to her.

"What is it?" 

"Perhaps this is out of the blue but I've wondered for some time now... Do you like Justus?" Wendell's sudden question has the dwarf stop dead in her tracks.

"Where is this coming from? I mean, of course, I like him. We're good friends and he's fun to tease." 

"That's not the way I meant it. He seems really fond of you, and I don't believe this is one-sided either. To think, I confide in you about Kana but my best friend plays oblivious to me."

A bit of an exaggeration by his wounded tone, it's evident he is trying to prompt her to talk. 

"...What difference does it make? You remember the promise I swore to myself, right? I won't be romantically involved with anyone, if they're human. That still stands even today," Saelufu reminds him, an annoying pang surfacing in her chest. 

"Yes, I forgot you proclaimed that, but I suppose I failed to realize how serious you were back then... I apologize for bringing this up." 

By the dour expression the prince is wearing, it truly did slip his mind. The girl simply nods off Wendell's apology, not eager to discuss the sensitive topic any deeper. She assumes this is thankfully the end of their conversation until he clears his throat. 

"Loss is never an easy ordeal to go through. I understand that firsthand and I'm sure it's even worse for you." His ocean eyes drift towards the clear skies that's the exact opposite of her clouded mind. "Despite how painful their departure is, you'll soon grow to appreciate the wonderful times spent together. And then find it's far better than not experiencing those treasured memories at all. Come on, we need to pick up our pace before we're tardy." 

His advice leaves Saelufu speechless as she ponders over the words in her fragile heart. She's well aware he does speak the absolute truth but the difficult hurdle to cross is accepting it. The dwarf has gained the courage to form close ties with humans, however, this promise wasn't decided on a whim.

Such wise words Wendell, but I'm skeptical if I'll ever become strong to live by them. 


The school day carries on as normal, and eventually, the noon bell rings releasing the bored teenagers. Saelufu stretches while letting out a loud yawn, still half-asleep after that dry history lesson. Pondering what to do since she's homework free, a familiar voice grabs her attention. 

"Saelufu, wait!" Justus runs up to the dwarf who forces a grin. 

"Hey, what's up?" she asks, trying to push aside the chat with Wendell earlier this morning. 

"Uh, well, I was curious if you wanted to go to watch the horse racing with me? There's an event being held today at Windmill Park around five." 

"...Sure, why not? I haven't visited the track in ages and it's supposed to be a decent competition." 

Saelufu refuses to pass up this rare offer from the once standoffish boy, so she'll shove these bubbling emotions down with much-desired company. 

"Kana and Frederick just left so I'll invite-"

"No!" he strongly rejects, causing her to raise an eyebrow. Justus' rosy cheeks flame a tad redder as he averts his gaze. "I-I meant for the two of us to go alone." 

"Okay then..." 

Saelufu is so perplexed by his abrupt change of behavior, she can't give a joking reply. 

"Alright! I can meet you out front ten minutes ahead of time. I'll see you there," he replies, zooming off without any further confirmation. Their quick chat is but a blur and it only conspired mere seconds ago. Suddenly having plans this evening, she hurries home to calm her scattered thoughts as well as her racing pulse. 


Saelufu approaches the instructed destination eagerly searching for the strawberry blonde. Glancing down at her dark red plaid dress again, the girl regrets not keeping what she originally had on. Not a thing was wrong with her typical choice of clothes, and her dad gave her such a hard time wearing this flurry piece out the door. 

Why am I putting in so much effort? Did Wendell somehow jinx me by mentioning this today? No, get your head out of the gutter. Justus for one never specified that, therefore, this is a fun outing as friends. 

Returning to reality, she finally spots him waiting off toward the left by the gate. Justus's usual green cloak is absent--this muggy weather making the boy to take it off for once. She can finally see his pale complexion better not hiding under that hood, and with their eyes locking, he walks over to greet her. 

"You arrived right on the dot." 

"Yup, but it seems like you're a little early. I guess someone is excited to watch the horse race, or maybe just looking forward to hearing my lovely voice," she teases, and his face burns red. 

"It's reasonable that I got here quickly! I live much closer than you do... Y-Your outfit is different but it looks nice," he shyly compliments, and she runs a hand through her loose hair. 

"Well, I should let these summer dresses get used rather than collect dust. Let's hurry, I wanna hop in line real fast. I plan to make some coins!" 

"You're actually going to place a bet?" he questions, as the two head for the betting table on the opposite side. 

"Yeah, it's no harm in placing a small gamble, so why not enjoy this to the fullest? I held unto these twenty silver coins a relative gifted me on my last birthday. Could earn a good sum with a stroke of beginners' luck." 

The line moves at a nice steady pace, most seeming to already know who they'll place their bets upon. In the meanwhile, the dwarf thinks hard about where to risk her own coins. The wise move is to split it between multiple riders, but she would rather go big or not play at all. 

"Which is your pick? It might be best to choose two or three different horses," Justus suggests, though she shakes her head. 

"Nope, I'm putting mine on one so if they place first overall, it'll quadruple the outcome! Hmm, I've narrowed it down to Sky Walker or Nightmare, leaning toward the second horse. A name like that has to strike fear in the other opponents," Saelufu responds, leaving him with a lopsided smile.

"Um, I think you should consider more when betting silver coins. If you're gun certain on those, I'd suggest Sky Walker then. He scored in the top several races so it could happen..." his voice trails off as the cruel remarks exchanged within earshot can't be ignored. 

The two noblemen in front of them grumble, acting like her very presence is an eyesore. Their complaints are things she has heard repeatedly, but it still doesn't fail to make her blood boil. The brunette fellow even debates about lowering his bet amount, all because this dark dwarf will taint his victory. Saelufu almost gives these jerks a piece of her mind--though glancing at the boy beside her, she quickly refrains.

Just bite my tongue and tune them out. They're far from the last people I'll come across who treat dark dwarves like a curse. I don't wanna ruin this time with him engaging in pointless drama.

"What proof do you have?" 

The sudden question comes from the strawberry blonde with his fist balled up tightly and a flicker of anger in his lilac eyes. 

"An old rumor mislabels dark dwarves and idiots can't even judge for themselves. They're not bringers of bad luck! She's the unfortunate one having to put up with people like you," he spats, thus causing the taller bulky man to step closer. 

"What did you just call us, you brat?!" 

Thankfully, they get called up next and mumble curses before moving to place their bets. 

The whole scene is quite a shocker as she never once witnessed her quiet friend so upset. He then faces the dumbstruck girl with Justus's previous anger replaced by a frown. 

"Don't listen to ignorant guys like them." 

"I'm fine really. What they said went through one ear and out the other... It was cool for you to stick up for me though," she softly adds feeling similar butterflies like that day in the apple orchard. Determined to smother her troublesome affection, the dwarf changes topics while waiting their turn. 

The horse races will forever be pure entertainment and her pick, Sky Walker, manages to come in first place thrice. However, the steed that noble snob bet on gallops in second to last, him now out of many gold coins. Such sweet karma has the pair exchange small smiles as they finish watching the final lap. 

After receiving her prize, the girl meets back with Justus who is standing outside the park. Saelufu wordlessly hands over forty silvers in a separate pouch for him to take. His tip saved her from losing coins--and based on his earlier defense, he deserves a nice share. The boy accepts her gift with an appreciative thanks, and the peach color skies above them aren't quite dark yet.

"I'm going home with double the silvers! So glad I bet all twenty rather than settling for just ten. Not to mention that noble guy losing his coins is a nice cherry on top." 

"Hey, do you want to stop by the shopping plaza? It's sometime before the sun goes down," Justus asks, and though the girl initially had planned to end this outing, she doesn't wish to part ways so soon. 

"...Might as well. Don't really venture into Everlane's shops too often." Saelufu consents, following his lead further in town. 

The two stroll through the busy plaza and head inside a few shops to browse around. Usually, she does this routine in the capital--since that's closer--though rarely has enough to spend. Everlane prices are a bit cheaper and given these prize coins, she could afford to purchase something. Unfortunately, not a trinket catches her eye until spotting adorable plush toys in a shop window. One is a dog while the other is a cat and putting the pair together forms a small heart between them. 

"Are you interested in the stuffed animals up there?" Justus joins her as his lilac eyes stare at the sewed items up top. "I didn't think you'd cared for cutesy collectibles like that." 

"I am still a girl, remember. They aren't too expensive so I can cover the cost for them but..." Saelufu's voice trails off, unable to finish the rest. It's obvious the stuffed animals are made for a couple, and she isn't in a relationship. 

"Okay, I'll be back!" Justus disappears inside the store before she raises any objections. The dwarf can't comprehend why he's buying them, thus spending the just split silvers on herself. Additionally, what use does she have with both of the stuffed animals?

It's not a long delay before he returns carrying the desired set in tow. They are softer to the touch than she imagined, and this would look cute sitting side-by-side on her bed. Although she fails to grasp either one, Justus pulls back the presents. 

"Which do you want?" 

"Uh, I'll take the cat then. You know, I could've bought these myself." 

"Yeah, and I chose to do it. Though I'm surprised you picked the cat toy. I assumed you'd be more of a dog person," he admits, and the dwarf fiddles with the plushie in her hands.

"Well, the cat reminds me of you," she answers able to list a few common traits between them. Justus is independent, caring, and pretty cute. On the other hand, he used to be aloof, still a little shy, and not so stubborn. Since the boy spoke with his birth parents, he's no longer as distant as when they first met. 

"Ironically, the dog reminds me of you too," he confesses, and she can't argue with that statement. 

"Dogs are awesome so I'll accept this compliment." Saelufu stares at the stuffed animal she hadn't anticipated him keeping. If this means she is loyal, friendly, and full of energy like Max, those all stand as positives in her book. 

"It's getting late so I can escort you to the gate." Justus suddenly intertwined his fingers with the dwarf's walking ahead toward the capital. She can feel the warmth of his hand holding her's, and they haven't done this since dancing at the ball. Lovely as it would be to end this night on a sweet note, she still can't help but ask. 

"To make things clear, we're on a date right now, correct?" her question causes him to freeze up and that alone is an answer. 

"...What if I said that we are?" 

"I'd have to reply that this date will be our first and last one." 

Saelufu catches just a mere glimpse at his gloomy face and knows she went too far. Him clearly dejected by the nonchalant response has a sickening guilt stir in her stomach. The dwarf playing matters off like they aren't that big a deal is a bad habit with serious conversations. 

"I see..." Justus releases her hand which is left oddly cold, despite the humidity. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about your feelings." 

"No, you're misunderstanding! It's not that I don't care about you or anything..." Saelufu glances at a sweet old couple cuddling on a nearby park bench. A sight which might be beautiful to most only makes her chest ache. "I just swore to myself I was never to marry a human. All because of a harsh truth I painfully came to realize as a child..."


Eight years ago, Saelufu sat in bed and attentively listened to her parents wrap up her bedtime story. This particular fairytale was one of her favorites, despite the sad ending that made many kids wail. Her mother spoke the final bittersweet sentence before she gently closed the cover. 

"I'll never grow tired of this book. It's awful the prince died when saving his princess but this isn't real or anything. Now that you've adopted me, we can always be together so I won't be alone anymore," Saelufu said while she happily fluffed her pillow, and the adults exchanged looks.

"Well, yes, we both love you very dearly. But sweetheart, you realize the two of us are human and you're a dwarf. The life span for you is double that of a human with most living a little past two centuries. Dwarves are rarely affected at all by human illnesses, and age much slower when reaching twenty years old." 

"What your father's saying is that you will live on far longer than we are capable. Still, nobody is meant to live forever, and it's only natural parents pass before their children," her mother finished, and she trembled so slightly at their words. 

"D-Does that mean you're gonna die soon and leave me behind? I-I don't want to be left here by myself! If I w-was just human, I could go with both of you..." 

Large tears began to trickle down the tiny dwarf face and both parents immediately hugged their daughter tenderly. 

"Never speak like that. Even if our time here is limited, we'll get reunited in heaven someday. Until then, the three of us can make fun memories without thinking about tomorrow. A girl as friendly and bold as you is bound to make tons of friends, thus you won't ever be truly deserted," her father assured, and her mother said the same. 


"Even though I might've accepted that part, there is a thicker barrier I can't overcome. I'm content being with humans as family and friends but marriage is strictly off limits. I think about that fairytale and the lonely princess who had to live on without her prince. Love is the reason a child leaves their parents to marry and start a family," Saelufu murmurs, her gaze remaining glued at two visible stars above. 

To share a romantic bond like that is unique from the numerous relationships she has made. It requires the dwarf to fully open her heart, and the thought alone is terrifying. Naturally, one spouse must go ahead of the other, but it's hard to swallow the fact she'll far outlive her husband. 

"If I wed with another dwarf, I can spare myself years of distant heartache. That's the reason I can't be with a human and why I'm forced to reject you. Perhaps my bravery is nothing more than a cheap facade because I'm not strong as I pretend to be." 

Saelufu finally glances back at the strawberry blonde who hasn't spoken a word. He may not fully understand--and that's okay--but the only title they will ever hold is friends. She is already blessed to have countless people who enjoy the company of a dark dwarf. 

"...I'll wait for you then." 

"Huh?" The girl questions if she heard him correctly, chuckling to herself. "You're kidding. I know I'm quite the catch to miss out on, and you are two years younger than me. But that won't mean much in future decades, and I'm sure you'll find somebody else." 

"I am serious. You are a strong person, Saelufu, and even if you won't accept this now, I'm confident you can one day. When you're finally ready, I want to be the person that you choose," Justus firmly declares, looking the dwarf straight in her widened eyes. 

"Don't be stupid! That may be five years from today, double or even triple! Which isn't so long for me but half a lifetime for you." 

"Welp, my mind is made up. Suppose if you don't wish to court me when I'm old and wrinkly, you'll come around sooner than later," he jokes, and a hot sensation surfaces in her now reddened face. This reaction doesn't go unnoticed as the boy leans forward with a small smirk. "Bashful isn't an expression I see on you very often." 

"I deserve your teasing considering all the antics I put you through... If this is the closing of our date then we should end it with something special," she hints, an equal blush rising to his cheeks. 

"S-So that means... You aren't toying with me, right?" 

"Jeez, even I have limits! I wouldn't fool around about this, unless you don't feel comfortable..." 

"N-No, it's just my first time!" he quickly clarifies, which puts a soft smile on her lips.

"Same here, so there's no reason to be anxious. I need this typical date send-off since we have no clue what time our next one will be held. It's a little more intimate than these stuffed animals we'll be bringing home."

Their eyes lock and with the mood mutual, both slowly lean in to kiss. It's a rather awkward nose bump on the first try which the two laugh off. Their second attempt is a success being a short but unforgettable moment that sends her heart fluttering. Saelufu can't predict whether this fleeting love or her dark fears will conquer down the line. Regardless, she is happy to have mustered the courage to experience at least one date. Now the dwarf needs to give him a proper answer for this new heartfelt promise. 

"This was a fairly entertaining first date. I honestly don't have the slightest idea when my anxieties will dissipate, so I can move on to courtship. But staying true to your word, if I'm ready to tak

e that step, it will definitely be with you."

A/N This is the last of the four chapters on Justus and Saelufu. Also, there's only eleven chapters remaining and an epilogue until this book is complete!