October is getting chilly and to my luck, the heater in the apartment was broken so I was going to have to go shopping sometime after school for it. Now that I think about it, the rent is due, groceries need to be bought, the electricity, the water bill, ahhhhhh too many bills. I guess I can go do everything today since we are closed for tonight, maybe while I'm at it I could go look for a new place for me to move into.
I made up my mind a week ago that I would move out of the apartment to somewhere close to the bar so it would help me save on gas. I got ready by putting on some grey leggings that hugged my bottom and a grey sweater that had long bunny ears on the hood along with my black bobs. I packed two-hundred thousand in my backpack along with the bill payment necessities and house payment paperwork requirement in case I found something today.
I left a hundred dollars on the counter for dad then rode off to school on my bike. Like every other day, I went to my locker, got a declaration of love from Ryan claiming me as his and Danny like always takes me away so we can walk to class together. It was going to be a normal day that is until we got to gym class hearing it was a requirement to change into a uniform and shower after today's athletic activities.
For me, I had to put on the shorts the girls wore which hugged my lower half snuggly and the shirt I had to tie it on the side since it was too big. I got out of the locker getting a few stares here and there and got in line with the other guys ready to play football. While waiting to be picked the coach came up to me and told me, "Sky, why don't you go with the girls and play some volleyball or go with the cheerleaders. This sport is going to be rough on you and I don't need a kid to break on me."
What the fuck! Are they really going to send me to the girls just because I'm a submissive? I put on my fake smile, "Sir, I think i'd rather much play football than volleyball. Is there any particular reason why I should not play?" He looked at bit nervous not knowing what to answer and our conversation apparently caught the ears of a certain Dom making him run up to where we were.
"Sky go play with the girls or sit on the bleachers, you just can't play," he said grabbing my hand. I was pissed now so I yanked my hand away from his but he only grabbed it again with a tighter grip. "You can't tell me what to do and I can do whatever I want. Just because I'm a Sub doesn't mean I can't take care of myself so let me play like all the other boys I...."
I couldn't finish my sentence because Ryan had thrown me over his shoulder and took me behind the bleachers where none could see us. "Skylar don't argue with me. I don't want you to play because I don't want you getting hurt, got it?" He said putting me down and held my head with his big hands so that I had to look at him. I glared daggers at him, "No."
Now he was getting pissed and he leaned his head into my neck, his skin touching mine tingled throughout my body making me tilt my head to the side as if a sign of submission to him. "Nnnngh p-please stop Ryan," he kept brushing his lips on my neck and I couldn't help but let out a whimper here and there. "Sky, listen to me when I tell you to do something or else I'll have to punish you and I'll make sure to do it in front of everyone so that you learn to listen, okay?"
I nodded my head and gasped when I felt him smack my bottom hard enough to be heard then he kissed my neck and pulled away but still held my hand. "Come sit down on the bleaches and watch me play," he said in a commanding soft tone. I sat down letting go of his hand so he could run out to the field, "Stupid Sub thingy won't let me be me." AAaaagh I need to learn to stand up to the Dom's I can't let them boss me around, I need to train myself.
I watched the boys play football and somehow found myself cheering and yelling throughout the entire time that I shocked myself. After gym we all had to shower, even me I just didn't know why since I did nothing but I guess I did sweat a little because of the sun. I got undressed and wrapped a towel around me heading to the showers, I bared my naked skin to the water and it felt so good.
After my hair, I was beginning to wash my body when I felt a presence behind me. I looked to see a naked Ryan standing behind me with a blushed angry face holding a towel to my bottom. "What are you doing? I don't want any funny business." He looked to the side still blushing, "Look your naked and I can't have my wife be seen naked by other people so just finish showering while I cover you up."
I felt my face heat up and I decided to peek behind Ryan to see the guys were looking at me but when Ryan turned to give them a glare they all acted normal. Ryan stretched the towel more and I gave him a worried look before resuming to wash my body, "T-t-thank you."
"I-its no problem, it's the duty of the husband to take care of his wife. I'm only doing my job." "Hmph I'm not your wife stupid Dom," I said while rinsing off. He looked at me, "You will be my wife, you just gotta accept the fact your mine and only mine."
When I was done he wrapped his giant towel around me giving me a kiss on my forehead then nudged me away to go get changed. Ryan can be a major ass but he also had his times where he let his good side show and I think my heart would beat fast because of it.....Nope, what am I thinking Ryan will always be a dummy.
The ba-thump moment has only happened to me once in my life and that was when Zachery kissed me, not once with anyone else. It makes me wonder why I'd have a moment like that in the first place when I want to be happy with a person in this lifetime.
I closed my locker ready to go do some house shopping and possibly start being at least a little bit happy. While walking out I heard Ryan say goodbye to me, "Goodbye my little rabbit." I looked at him, "Fuck off big bad wolf."
Later, I was able to find a realtor place and tell them my information and my budget price along with other paperwork necessities. The lady was really helpful and found some really great places but after viewing four places I kinda got discouraged. On the sixth place, it was amazing and just really suited me and although it wasn't in New York but New Jersey it was still only a few minutes away from the city.
It's a sundrenched three bed, two bath apartment on the 20th floor of the prestigious James Monroe building. It had a magnificent waterfront and Manhattan skyline view from almost every room, sooo cool and breathtaking. A large living/dining area with an open kitchen layout, perfect for watching TV when I cook. Granite countertops, with tall custom cabinets and stainless steel appliances, easy to clean. Both bathrooms had been fully renovated with marble tiles, new cabinets, and a glass shower door.
The building also features a spacious backyard that can be rented to host parties and a lounge was also newly constructed along with a new resident gym. It's within minutes to Manhattan, walking distance to boardwalk, restaurants, several parks, mall, theater, train, ferry, and bus stations. I was a bit hesitant on buying it since the price was eight hundred thousand dollars but I spoiled myself this one time hehe. I put more than half as a down payment from my credit card that I think died.
By this Sunday I was to move in with new furniture and begin living on my own but the more I think about it, it's clear to me that I was already on my own once my mother breathed her last breath. After purchasing my new home I went to pay the last bills I'd ever pay for that crappy old apartment then bought groceries.
I should call Leo to see if he is up for going shopping with me for my new furniture. I'm sure he would have a better idea of what to buy," I said out loud to myself as I was picking out some vegetables. While pushing the cart I took my phone out and dialed Leo waiting and waiting till after 4 rings he answered.
"AAaaahhh Skyyyy sweetheart what's up," he asked ecstatically and in the background, I could hear moaning and crying. I giggled, "Did I call at a bad time Leo?" I heard more muffled moaning then screaming, "MMmmmph not at all I'm just having some fun exercising, you know? So did you want something or maybe go for some sweets later?"
"Haha okay i'll make this short. I got my own place now and I wondered if you'd help me move and pick out some furniture." "Hmmm Yes let's go Thursday plus I have some things we must discuss and you can't say nooo nngh," he said with a grunt and I was honestly blushing a bit keeping my mind from picturing what he was doing with his customer.
Leonardo and I met three years ago at a party meant to promote yourself for the rich to know if you are capable of satisfying their needs. It was my first time putting myself out there and I mostly stayed somewhere near the food table since I was low on grocery money. After an hour and the occasional perverts here and there I was suddenly hugged by a tall guy who I didn't even sense/see coming.
I looked up from his chest to see he had light brown hair combed towards the back, his grey/brown eyes looking down at me and a seductive smirk across his face and a jawline that every guy would want. "You looked like you needed a hug, plus you are terribly beautiful. I wanted to snatch you up first," he said while laughing at my expression.
"You're a bit young aren't you, how old are you kid?" I stepped away to get a better look at him and because I just wasn't used to hugs from strangers, "I'm thirteen and I'm not that young I think I've heard other boys do this line of work even younger."
His smile disappeared and he bent down to my level then without a warning he poked my chest, his fingers were poking my nipples through my dress shirt. "You're a boy? Are you sure?" I blushed and he was about to cup my crotch but I slapped his hand away, "Of course I know I'm A boy why would I lie and don't just touch people you've just met so lewdly its bad manners old man."
"Old man? I'm not old I'm only nineteen years old, you're just too young stupid and why do you have your hair long and why do you look like a girl." I sighed and signaled him to bend down so I could whisper to him that I was a sub. He was kinda surprised but he then declared that we would be partners and best friends since he figured out I was a bit of a loner.
I went along with his ideas and he has helped me out a lot throughout these three years whether it was with work or personal times. He helps get my medication and makes sure I'm doing okay with personal problems but like everyone else, I never told him about my fathers' wrongdoing towards me. I don't tell anyone because I don't want to cause problems for anyone nor do I want to be shipped off to somewhere else like a foster home.
In my line of work, I don't want to involve other people in it, this life is my burden to bear so like a big boy I will deal with it on my own. I agreed to meet him on Thursday and figured I would tell my father Wednesday which is tomorrow. Hopefully, he won't take the news too badly and will let me go free even though he asked me not to leave him.
I wonder if mom is maybe liking me a bit more since I'm moving away or maybe he'll feel even worse since I'm leaving him alone. Does she cry in heaven knowing I'm a bad child?
After buying groceries I get home putting the chicken to boil then head to my room to sit at the corner of my bed where it meets the wall. I pull my knees to my chest scared of what's to come rethinking my decisions on whether moving away is the right move or not.
In this game of life will I fall into the unknown darkness waiting for me or will I survive or is there even a chance of a happily ever after. It honestly scares me not knowing but with what I've already been through I don't think I can get into any more frightening situations.
My second job is a scary one with all the people I have to deal with so this should be a no biggie right? Right! So i'll stand up to dad and even if he doesn't accept it I'm going to go away to live my own life and get my freedom. No one will chain me down because I deserve to fly. Right?
Dinner was prepared then I did my bathroom duties and went to bed still feeling a bit positive and somewhat happy I was moving forward. Goodnight world here I come!
"Oh god, it's only Wednesday, why do I feel so tired already?" I whined in the back of the car while Philip drove me back to the office. "Because sir you just went to check out the drug ship that was sailing out to Europe today and you had to kill off some rats who didn't pay you for supplying them with the product."
"Aaagh, why must people be so incorporable when it comes to doing business. It's only fair to keep up with payments and if you can't then you have to be punished," I complained even more. The law in this line of work is either to take or be taken and I intend to take all that I can from the taken whether it be a little or a lot from the rich or the poor.
One time when I was little still doing some transactions and I somehow got screwed over and let me tell you it ended up with a building full of those assholes being blown up, I was only twelve.
I've had a pretty good life so far I believe and I was able to have a good life because I never let anyone step on me, working hard towards your goal will get you everywhere.
Speaking of goals I haven't gotten a single call or msg from my angel, maybe today if I finish work early I can go surprise him by going to his place. Man thinking of what I have planned makes me feel like a high school girl. I don't think I've been this happy with another person in my life besides my parents, how sad.
It was only four so I spent some time doing some paperwork concerning the gun buying in my territory and writing letters to the other groups in the states about letting me sell them around there. There were more meetings dealing with the human trafficking going on that I had to put a stop to, I was heartless but I'm not human trafficking heartless.
Eight twenty already and only one more person had to die, overall a hard-working day that deserves me hugging an angel, my angel.
I picked up a bouquet of white roses that were painted a sky blue at the tips that matched his magnificent bright eyes. We were almost to his place and I was just getting more and more excited, why couldn't this car be any faster? We finally got there and I hardly waited for Philip to actually park in the street before I was out of the door running up the steps to his floor to his front door.
I was about to happily knock when I suddenly heard a crash on the other side and heard screaming. "No Daddy stop Aaaahhh!" hearing his screams broke me, "SKLYAR!!! OPEN THIS DOOR!!!"
"PLEASE please stop no more," I was trying to break down the door repeatedly hitting it with my side body desperate to help my love. After five more hits, I broke the three locks on the door busting through the entryway with my gun in hand ready to protect Sky.
"SKYLAR WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted walking through the living room then stopped putting my gun up when I heard a door swing open. Out came his father holding a revolver bringing it up to point at me, "He is mine and mine alone. He can't leave me. He won't leave me!" he clicked back the hammer gripping the handle harder as he was about to shoot but luckily I was faster sending two bullets to his chest.
I kneeled down beside his dying body as he gurgled blood out of his mouth trying to say something while clutching his chest, "Let me tell you now daddy dearest, Sky is mine and always will be. I'll kill everyone who brings harm to my angel so die you fucking asshole ." I stood up sending one last bullet through his head then walked into the room he had come out from.
Seeing Sky before me broke the heart I didn't know I had, he was laying down on his bed naked with blood and cum coming out of him along with bruises all over his body. I walked closer to him, he had hand marks around his neck and his face was just...bad....he reached up his right hand for me.
"I'm sorry....I-I-I'm sorry," he repeatedly kept saying I'm sorry while I put my coat over his body and carried him bridal style out of the damn house.
He tried snuggling into me more as humanly possible crying even more and I just held onto him tightly as we got into the car. Philip gave me a worried look before going to the trunk giving me a blanket to wrap sky in. On the way home I was able to get Sky to sleep, I was still carrying him and he snuggled closer to me with his face in the crook of my neck and I couldn't help but fall asleep along with him.
About an hour later I was shaken awake indicating we had gotten home so with Sky still asleep I carried him inside. I didn't want to wake him but I needed to clean him so I laid him on the bed as I got the bathtub ready with warm water then went to get my pajamas for him to use.
I carried him again taking the blanket off and then stepped into the tub with him halfway laying on me with his arms around my neck and his face hiding in my neck again. "Sky love let me clean you okay so let me go please," I asked but he only tried snuggling into me more. I sighed then began to lift his body more up mine so I could bring his bottom up.
"This might hurt angel but just relax okay?" He held me tighter so I started spreading his cheeks and began to wipe him when I noticed a tattoo on his hip. "Is that an S? Oh god, fucking ducking no sky!" I started to panic and decided to stick a finger in him so I could clean him from the inside, scared he could possibly get pregnant.
Why was he being a submissive not in the paperwork I had on him along with the rest of the information!!
While I cleaned his insides he was crying out in pain and although it broke me to hear him crying more I needed to clean him. When I was done I washed his body with soap and even though his crying died down a little I knew it was hurting since he had bruises all over.
When I was done I tried to clean myself but couldn't with him clinging to me so instead I had us get out. I dried him off and put on him my oversized black silk pajamas while I only wore sweatpants then slipped him under my covers next to me. Surprisingly instead of staying on his side he quickly moved right next to me cuddling up to my body so I wrapped an arm around his waist bringing him closer while he also decided to hug me back.
I closed my eyes and when he thought I was asleep he began to quietly cry and I hugged him even closer as I turned my body to face him then placed a soft kiss on his little head. "Go ahead and cry love. I'll be here for you always." He cried some more then, "I-m s-s-s-orr-ry..." I kissed his cheek and head as he drifted off.
"You're okay now my angel. No one will ever hurt you again I swear on my black heart," I whispered before letting sleep consume me.
I was feeling so warm.....what is this feeling called again......