Chereads / Into the Unknown(Mpreg) / Chapter 6 - Chapter Six ~ Little Hands

Chapter 6 - Chapter Six ~ Little Hands

Friday, I went to school, Leo had lent me some sweatpants with a sweater even though it was a bit baggy for me and some loafers that looked like slippers. I was a bit embarrassed going to school like that but I was so damn comfortable I nearly fell asleep in class almost banging my head on the desk.

Danny and Ryan approached me this morning asking who Leo was and why he had kissed my head before leaving. I ignored their question as I kept walking towards my locker then they asked the million-dollar question of why wasn't I in school yesterday since I never ever miss a day of school. I merely told them I was sick so I stayed home but Danny of course fought me that I was lying and brought up the time I came to school with a fever for two days.

Meanwhile Ryan was pestering me on why I was wearing clothes that weren't mine that If I had wanted to wear another guys clothing then I should have asked for his. Honestly it was the most annoying morning ever and that's because I've had to deal with a drunk dad.....a dad that was once alive. I don't think I actually gave a thought to my dad being murdered I mean I should have cried for him but I don't think I would have shed a tear if anything I cried that Zach had to stain his hands to do it.

It should have been me to should have been me to have shed the blood of my family after all I'm a worthless nobody. I looked out the window to see the autumn leaves beautifully fall to the ground I was completely in a trance with natures beauty that I didn't notice Ryan had pulled up a seat in front of my desk.

I turned his way to see he was starring at me with his brows burrowed a bit, "Why are you looking at me like that?" he didn't say anything but merely lifted his hand to my neck removing the bandage quickly off. A gasp left my mouth as I quickly put my hand over the light hand shaped bruised mark that has yet to heal completely.

Ryan's face was now one that showed so much anger, he pulled my hand away while brining me to sit on his lap then he tilted my head to the side letting him get a more revealing look at my skin. "Who did this Sky? Who is the bastard who did this to you?"

As he asked his eyes got a bit darker and his grip on my chin tighten making me yelp, "R-Ryan please let" His eyes reverted back to normal and he let go of me, "I'm sorry I just....just lost control a bit. I rubbed my face telling him it was okay but to be honest I was a bit scared of him for that split second and I don't think in all the years we've known each other have I felt a bit scared of him.

Throughput the school day he never let it go and he even ratted me out to Danny who also joined in on the never ending questions. While I was switching out my books at my locker my sweater was suddenly pulled up not just a little but a lot it was revealing my whole back to whoever did it.

I turned around as quickly as I could knowing the person saw the other bruises that were still trying to fade away from my skin. "Ryan what the hell don't just go pulling my clothes off especially out in public stupid Dom," I got after him but he wasn't at all listening to me. He put his arms on either side of me so I couldn't escape him, "Who touched you Skylar. I don't give a fuck who it is no one touches you just...," he placed his head on my shoulder and took a big exhale, "just tell me who did it so I can take care of it. Save me the trouble from having to go find the answer myself."

Fear ran through my body again and he knew I was afraid since he tried to calm himself down. Should I tell him? Should I not? I don't think I should tell him but he sounds genuinely concerned over my wellbeing.

"Its just pity. He is only putting on an act because he just wants to use you too."

I remember all the times he's tried to get me to be his and realize it could be true..

I shook my head and push him off me, "I won't tell you who because it had nothing to do with you it is my problem and it has already been taken care of so just go away and bother someone else." He looked at me angry and hurt, "You leave me no choice but to find out myself." 

He left me there, walking away from me and I had a feeling of wanting to grab his hand to stop him but I kept my hand away because although he is an ass I'm dirtier than he is.

For the rest of the school day neither Danny or Ryan talked to me because they were angry I wasn't telling them who had hurt me. It wasn't until I was walking out of school that they both called out to me and were running my way. I was going to reply but Leo had driven up next to me already causing the boys to stop a few feet away. Leo got out of his fancy smancy car grabbing my bag from me and putting it in the trunk then walked over to me putting a hand around my waist while inspecting my now more faded bruises.

"Looks like they have gotten better throughout the day," he looked up to see the boys were glaring at him, "Hello boys this is sure nice sweater weather don't you think?" he was totally having fun teasing them since he already knew who they are, "Who the fuck are you?"

Ryan was the first to ask and his question made Leo chuckle and bring me closer to him, "I'm his daddy."

His response surprised me and my face heated up a bit since a dirty thought was the first thing to appear in my mind. The boys looked at me ready to explode from so much anger, "Sky you better have a good explanation." Danny was now asking the questions since Ryan looked like he wanted to kill someone. I elbowed Leo in the stomach making him release me and whisper a sorry to me, "He is just a friend I'm staying with that's all."

That was the last thing I said before opening the car and sliding in not wanting to have a longer conversation. "Farewell boys," Leo said with a wink then we drove off to a store to begin shopping for appliances.

After a few hours Leo had bought me all stainless-steel kitchen items, a king size chestnut canopy bed where the bed posts had a leaf swirling around them complete with a equally gorgeous coordinating dresser, mirror, nightstands and a matching gentleman's chest, it was like a bedroom for a fairy tale.

Then for the second bedroom he got me a queen-sized bed which had a tufted upholstered headboard with marble accents, fancy veneers and a romantic champagne color. The set included a matching dresser, mirror and nightstands, it was so pretty I think people would wanna stay in the room forever.

For my living room he got me polyfoam core cushions wrapped in batting and encased in longevity. Meaning it would last me a long time, the set included two big white cream-colored couches and one loveseat with matching white and grey silk pillows. There were also two grey coffee tables with a glass top along with lamps to compliment the furniture.

Leo didn't want me to see the prices for the things he was getting for me but I knew it was more than then thousand and made a mental note to repay him soon. By the time we were done he then took me dress shopping which took us quite awhile since he was having so much fun dressing me in everything he set his sights on.

While we walked a pair of heels caught my eye causing me to stop walking and stare at them. I love them! I want them! I walked inside the store and immediately picked them up to get a better look at them. The heels were a dark grey that had black swirls with butterflies on them up towards the heel. At the toes there were two black skeletons with the word love in between them.

I felt Leo behind me now starring over my shoulder looking at the heels I had gotten, "Well aren't those something. You want them right, I think it will look good with the dress." I looked up at him a bit hesitantly then politely refused his offer, "I already have black heels so I don't need another pair."

He looked at me with his brows burrowed a bit then walked us outside of the store and continued our way to the food court in the middle of the mall. As we ate our bacon cheeseburgers we talked about how he didn't listen to me about my dress not being too showy but he assured me it was a plain jane dress.

After eating it was already nine so we headed to his house to retire for the night since we needed our sleep for tomorrows event but my new rose gold iPhone eight had started to ring showing It was an unknown number. "Hola, que puedo hacer pa ti?" (hello, what can I do for you) I answered in Spanish. "Hello? Is this she?"  A man asked with a shaky voice, "Si, como puedo a ayudar?" (Yes, how may I help you)

I need you to take care of my wife by tonight please and really soon before eleven Ill pay whatever you want just please do it tonight!" the man asked a bit rushed. I smiled to myself, "Consider it done." He gave me his info quickly then hung up on me abruptly making me pout a bit. "Hey Leo I'm going out to do a job do you have toys I can borrow and some girls clothes maybe laying around here somewhere?" I asked peeking into his room.

"You know which room is the toy room go have at it and I actually did buy you woman's clothing today they are also in the toy room! And don't be picky I have excellent taste!" "Sure sure, well I won't be out too long byeee!" I said heading to the toy room. I got there and packed a few in a black backpack then put on a red sweater with white leggings along with black wedges.

I took Leo's other sports car and drove to the location that was on the other side of long island right at the tip where there was nothing near but ocean. I parked maybe two miles away from the large grand mansion then sat outside on the grass where he said to be. I took out the black M24 setting it up so I could get a clear shot into the room where the supposed wife was going to be.

By ten thirty I was getting tired so I looked into my scope again not seeing her in the room so I was about to gather my things when suddenly there was an explosion at the back of the house. I took out my binoculars and scanned all the windows then finally saw the man who hired me with is hands up in the air as surrender but the woman I couldn't see.

"Tch god damnit why can't she just be next in the window so I can blow her brains out. Now I have to go and walk inside to do the job." I grabbed my things running to the entrance of the mansion then walked to the third floor. "lets see it was four windows to the right so it should be eeny meeny minnnyyyy moe," I cracked the door a bit to get a good view of what id have to work with.

There was a woman with black hair and brown eyes wearing an all charcoal grey black sequin dress with a hand gun in her hand and a knife in the other. He gun was pointing to an older man in his thirties who had blonde hair brown eyes and wearing a bloody suit. He must have been shot at least once on the shoulder I think ad he was holding some documents in his hands.

"I want you to hand over the group to me so hurry up and sign the damn papers before I put a bullet in both of you," she said taking a step closer to him. Both of them? Does she plan to kill herself in the process?

"I won't hand it over to you, you will only cause war in all of New York and you are not fit to run it," he said while keeping his glaring gaze on her. She sighed then shot him in the stomach causing him to couch up blood almost staining her glossy black heels. Damn okay I need to think of a plan think Sky think... when I thought of how I was going to take care of her a closet door suddenly banged open.

Out came a tiny little blonde girl in a white nightgown running barefoot to the woman, "No weave daddy lone." She banged her little bloody hands on the woman's leg in an attempt to save her father. "Shut up you stupid abomination," she smack the little girl so hard on the face that she passed out on the floor.

"Ugh disgusting I should have killed you when I still had you in me," she kept spilling ugly things to her and the father. "Oh god leave her alone your battle is with me just leave my daughter alone!" he yelled and she just maniacally laughed at his pleaded then pointed her gun to the little girl's head.

"Sign the papers and maybe she gets to live but it seems she is going to be fatherless soon," I was shocked a bit, memories of my father trying to kill me came back. I panicked for a few seconds then began to walk into the room without being noticed by the two quarreling parents.

"Hurry up so I can be on my way maybe ill keep the kid alive so I can sell her to a Dominant for some good money. She will be a good sex slav....," the woman gurgled a bit and a lone tear fell from her eyes as my knife sat comfortably in her throat.

"Never hurt a child stupid bitch," I took the knife out and she took a step back holding her throat that was bleeding out heavily.

"D..ev...i..l?" she was able to gag out. "Rot in hell with the rest of the trashy sluts," I then threw the knife at her head landing straight between her eyes as it sank deep inside making her fall backwards dead instantly.

I looked back at the girl and walked to her then cradled her in my arms brushing her hair behind her ears then came close to her father. He smiled at me and asked for my name, "My name is Skylar Reed or as you hired me, The Devils' Angel."

He looked down at his papers writing something on it then shoved it in my direction then he took off an earring he had on and placed it on my helix piercing of my right ear, "Please take care of her as if she was your own and take care of the group it is about time we came out of hiding. There is a...war be...on...alert...." With that he passed away looking at the little girl in my arms, I got the papers he had shoved to me taking a look at what he meant.

He had given me everything of his company, his houses, islands and daughter. His name was Jeremiah Blackwood, previous owner of the Blackwood mafia group that went missing all those years ago.

That same mafia group now in the hands of me its new leader along with its helpless little heiress. I stayed kneeled there for awhile still trying to process and make a plan of what to do with life now that I have a group to run and a little one to take care of.

My thoughts were interrupted by little hands cupping my face, her blue eyes looking into mine as if trying to read my mind. "Ai mommy....eal mommy," she said while snuggling closer to me hiding her face in my neck. I was taken aback that this kid thought I was her real mother, was the woman not good to her at all before all this...what am I thinking of course she want nice to her before if she was willing to sell her.

I hugged her back and I felt her smile, "Yes sweetie, I'm your real mommy." She pulled away with droopy eyes now, "Daddy luv me....mommy luv me?" "Yes darling I love you," I picked her up bridal style after putting the documents in the backpack along with a picture of her and her father that I found in his wallet.

I was walking out of the place when another few bombs had gone off making the back of the building collapse. I rushed out of there afraid the smoke will get into her lungs and ran into the woods so that if anyone took the main road they wouldn't be able to see us.

After a long walk we finally got to the car where I put her in the passenger's side along with my bag then I drove home to Leo's place. When I got there, it was already almost midnight and from what I could tell Leo was still awake since his room light was still on.

I parked the car in the garage and went to the other side to pick up the sleeping beauty who snuggled closer to me. I sighed heavily as I walked up the steps and at the top I was greeted by Leo who then had da serious face when he saw my daughter.

I thought you went out to do a job not adopt a kid," Leo said coming closer to me to examine her more. "Hey she kinda looks like you with that blonde hair," she twitched in her sleep making her wake up, "Okay her eyes are blue too? Now she definitely looks like you. You weren't secretly knocked up or somehow had sex and popped a baby out tonight did you?"

I rolled my eyes and made my way to my room that was connected to his by the bathroom. I laid her on the bed but she only sat up wiping her eyes from sleepiness. "Ungry..mommy ungry." "I'm not angry sweetie." "No mommy not ungry..ungry," she said pointing to  her stomach. "Oh your hungry ummm..."

I honestly didn't know what to do but after a few minutes of thinking it clicked, "Sweetie what's your name and how old are you?" she looked at her hands and held up one hand, "five and leaf." Leaf? Were her parent's hippies of something? "Her name is Leah Anna Blackwood she is five years old and a submissive her mark is on her left shoulder."

Leo was reading her paperwork to me that explained everything about her while I was giving her and me a bath. She played in the water and let her "wash" me while I explained to Leo what had happened. He was sitting on the marble counter going over the paperwork given to me, "Well you are her guardian now all you have to do is sign here and tomorrow when we go dress shopping for her we can turn in the adoption paperwork then on Sunday we can go to one of the properties owned by blackwood so you can claim the group as your own."

After we bathed we got dressed to go out to Walmart then maybe a fast food place that could be open. I had leah wear one of my sweaters and I had cut some leggings for her to put on along with very thick socks so her feet don't get cold. We only needed to buy her pajamas and an outfit to wear while we shopped for her.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring her along with us to the party I mean there are killers there," I asked Leo while pushing the cart through the girl's section. "You hear that sweetie your killer momma is worried about other bad guys. He is way stronger than anyone there and can beat up all the bad guys, right?" He asked Leah and she in return giggled, "Momma hero!"

I smiled and kissed her cheek then continued to pick out clothing, honestly this moment was a happy one, haha who would have thought a mafia leader and an assassin would be at Walmart at two in the morning buying princess underwear. I wouldn't have believed anyone if I was told that.

When we finished shopping we headed to McDonalds ordering that combo with eight burgers. We got home later that night going straight to bed since tomorrow we were supposed to stay out late again.

I laid in bed and Leah cuddled up in my arms, "Mommy, miss daddy." I hugged her closer, "I know baby but just know he loves you so much so don't ever forget your daddy." I know I just got her today but once I heard the word mommy come out of her little pink mouth I instantly claimed her as mine.

Ill protect her and give her so much happiness in life, my priorities have changed yet again and Leah is at the very top of them. A few days ago, I was merely living with my sexually abusive father and now I have my own place, my own group and now my own daughter.

I felt happy....wait is this what happiness is.....what love is.....

"You'll only fail her."

"No no I wont she will be happy and loved!"

"Loneliness is your only specialty, you will stain her purity with your darkness."

"NO, I'll be the best mother she can have...I can do it...I just need to breathe.."