She... she would tie me to the bed for weeks... at first I thought it was kinda hot till she left me there over night and went to work in the morning. Leaving me naked, tied to the bed, in our apartment that probably wasnt even locked. When she came back I thought she'd untie me then, but she didnt... she left me there and brought me dinner, after she fed me she would undress and she would ride me until she passed out...
I know what you're thinking... 'You're a guy! This should be your dream!' No... it wasnt ... I was slowly getting more and more panicked, when she'd untie me I told her I cant stay any longer, I'm going to my parent's place... she flipped out, screaming that I would abandon her and ... our baby... she guilted me into staying with her... I didnt really get to spend much time with him till I was locked up again...
'But Korin, dude, you're a demon!'
Yeah, you think I can teleport, or turn into smoke. I can't... I cant expel the magic inside of myself... i need a magical item's assistance...
'Then fight her and dont let her do that to you!'
She'd drug me... I couldnt.. I wouldnt know until it was to late...
Shortly after the second one was born, Caroline... disappeared... I had been left in the dark room for so long... I could hear Rosa, my younger one, crying... she was far to young to talk... I could hear Nathaniel talking to someone... it sounded one sided.. then he went quiet... I dont know how much time passed when there was knocking at the front door... I heard it open and someone walk in... Rosa was calmed.. and someone opened the door to the room I was in... I hissed at the sudden blinding light...
"OH MY GOD! SOMEONE'S IN HERE! CALL THE PARAMEDICS!" a women's voice cried, she came over and started to untie me. "Sir. Sir, can you hear me?"
I could only nod...
"How long have you been here?"
I barely shrugged...
"Shit... you're just skin and bones..." two men came into the room and froze, they looked suprised.
After that I dont remember much... I do remember waking up in a hospital with my sister sitting next to the bed... her husband was sitting next to her...
The next few days were blurred together, which for me was nothing new... my parents visited, my mother was on tears but my father seemed upset... He must have visited Hell and found her there... I dont know... I still dont at this point...
It turns out Nathaniel had called 911 because Caroline passed out at wasnt breathing... and he couldn't figure out why Rosa was crying... the CPS worker was there and was furious until she found me how I was, i bet she thought i was being an asshole of a father and killed his girlfriend...
And now, I have to figure out who to take care of two children, one that's barely four and one that practically a new born...