Autumn and Jason walked for miles and miles. Autumn tried so are to find a place before it got dark, but she couldn't see any houses. There were just shops and stores of things she didn't want to waste her money on.
Autumn heard a certain sound.
"Jason did you hear that?" She asked.
But he had no idea what she was talking about. He told her he didn't hear anything.
But then Autumn heard a voice. It said "Danger ahead" Like someone was whispering in my ear.
But then she noticed something. Something so big that they both couldn't run away now.
She saw Jason's dad in his car. And the worst part is that he noticed her.
Autumn and Jason ran into a shop called "World of Toys".
Autumn looked outside to see if his dad saw her run in.
"Young lady, is there something you need?" a voice asked from behind her.
She turned around to find an old man wearing a dusty uniform and holding a broom that looked as old as him.
"I'm sorry sir. Please forgive me. We will leave now." She said.
"Now hold on just a minute. Aren't you Jason? Joseph's son?" The old man asked pointing at Jason.
They both stopped and faced the old man once again.
"Yes. That's me. But you can not tell my father that I am here. My father has been keeping so many secrets from me so I ran away with Autumn. My dad is trying to find us but I don't want to go back to him. Please help us Mr. Crumm." Jason said begging.
"Ok Ok. But your father is really dangerous. Plus I know who you are Autumn and I can tell that you have finally woken up." the man said as he put down the broom.
"Now come with me. I need to show you something." the old man said walking to the back room.
Autumn and Jason walked to the back room of the shop. The man picked up a necklace and showed it to her.
"This is the necklace of the wind element, that means you Autumn. This necklace will unlock your full mind and power." the man said putting it over her head.
When he put the necklace on, Autumn felt different. She couldn't explain the feeling. It was just very different. She didn't know why but when she looked at her hands, they were glowing a golden-yellow color.
"Why are her hands glowing like that?" Jason asked in shock.
"Autumn is gaining all her strength and memories." the old man said.
Autumn saw everything and understood. After she had came back from what she had saw, she knew she was different than everyone else. But all she did was stand there and look at Jason and the old man as Jason stood there, still shocked. She didn't say a word. But then she heard a car door slam from outside. And at that moment she know it was Jason's father.
The old man stood in front of them.
"Go out the back Autumn. I will take care of this." the old man said.
But Autumn didn't listen. She stormed out of the back room.
She had seen Jason's father standing at the counter. He saw her and started to walk to her.
"I know who you really are. And now I understand everything that I've been dying to figure out for years." She said.
"Good. You're finally awake." the man said with a cornered smile.
Just before Autumn was about to land the first hit Jason came in the middle of the two of them.
"Stop! Don't fight! I'm tired of no one telling me what's going on. So Autumn tell me what's going before I leave here on my own." He said in a serious tone.
Autumn took a breathe and looked around the shop.
She know that she didn't want to destroy the old man's shop, especially after the old man gave her back her memories.
"Ok. I'll tell you." Autumn said walking up to Jason.
"So a long time ago there were five kingdoms. The fire kingdom, the water kingdom, the earth kingdom, the wind kingdom and Kingdom Queens kingdom. A war broke out between the four element kingdoms. And the war destroyed my planet and..." She paused for a moment.
"Killed my mother and father. All though I don't remember my father being there. But I definitely remember my mother." She said with a tear slowly going down her cheek.
Jason looked at his father "So what did my father do wrong?" He ask Autumn looking into his father's eyes.
"He took my blood! He's a spy from the great evil! He is not a good person!" Autumn said shouting.
Jason looked at his father in disappointment. And when Autumn saw that look on his face, she know it looked familiar to her, because she had given that same look to her mother before she had ran away. And the worst part is that she felt bad for her parents. She had finally understood why her parent kept that big of a secret from her. And now she was completely disappointed in herself.
She didn't know what to do next. She was so disappointed in herself she wanted to forget what she said to her parents and just start over. And now she was in a big mess that was too big to clean.
Autumn had felt a strong powerful wind surround her. As she had opened her eyes. Jason's father was gonna.
"What happened Jason? Where did your father go?" She asked Jason.
But all he did was sit there in silence. The man that owned the shop came to me.
"Young lady. You just made Jason's father disappear out of thin air. Did you hear a voice in your head when you did that?" The old man asked.
"No. All I was doing was thinking."She said.
"Were you feeling any emotion during that moment?" He asked.
"Yes. I think I was crying."She said as Jason got up from the floor.
"Your more powerful than I thought." He said going into the back room.
"Wait! I think I know where one of my sisters are. But I'm going to need your help." Autumn said to the old man.
"Ok. Where do you need to go?" The man asked turning to her.
She thought about it for a while. And then she figured it out.
"I need to go to New Jersey."