Chereads / IF THE WORLD WASN'T ENDING / Chapter 5 - Our orgasm can save the world!

Chapter 5 - Our orgasm can save the world!

Jinhae kept staring down at the woman underneath him. The fires from across the block filled the night with a warm, tender color, and his best friend's very being glowed with the classic evanescence of the end of the world.

She looked at him with slightly furrowed brows. Her lips, bruised from all the kissing, were likewise dry.

"Can we do it?" she whispered at him, dark brown eyes flitting over at the pillow and the woman staring from across the room.

Jinhae gulped, and announced just loudly enough for the room to hear, "Maybe if there weren't two godly beings watching us do it."

A coquettish laugh resounded inside the room just as it shook from another minor earthquake.

'My head's spinning,' Jinhae thought.

"Alright," the woman, Death, said. "My brother and I will be in your... living space? Living area, is it called?"

"You've been gone from civilization for too long, sister," Love grumbled. "It's called a living rooms! A room for living, not for you, Death!"

When Jinhae heard the resounding click of the bedroom door closing, he finally allowed his tense body to relax, collapsing beside Yifei on the bed with his childish sheets.

Yifei got up on her elbow, looking down at him with worry. "Are you okay? Why did you stop?"

Jinhae sighed, yet couldn't look away from her eyes. "... This is just bullshit, you know?"

Then, her face twitched adorably into a tiny smirk. "Tell me about it. I'd have thought we're the characters in a twisted hentai manga."

Jinhae had to chuckle at that, even if sounds of a huge bomb exploded just a few miles from where they were. Frankly, it was a freaking miracle how his ancient apartment hadn't turned to rubble yet.

In the brief silence that came after, Jinhae finally asked, "We're really doing it."

Well, it didn't come off as a question. With that, Yifei's face glowed up with excitement.

"Regardless of whether this'll work or not," she said, leaning down over him. "I'm quite horny right now, and you'll have to deal with it."

Jinhae tried to hide his sudden anxious gulp, and he tried not too act too jumpy as Yifei began to slowly come on top of him, straddling him down on the bed.

The whole night, it had been him on top, and suddenly, from this angle...

'I guess having a hundred orgasms with this girl might not be too far-fetched,' Jinhae thought, just in time to greet her with another boner.

Her lips went up, but her eyes were unsmiling, deadly as a feline.

She bent over, her thighs tightening around his hips, and when she started to breathe on top of his lips, Jinhae was suddenly a poor man hypnotized by a magnificent reptile. When her abdomen came too close to his johnny, he let out a sound that came out more like a frightened yelp.

Her smirk grew wider. "It's my turn now."

Yifei wasn't a particularly wild girl. In fact, her reputation as a virgin at twenty years old would only prove otherwise. Nonetheless, she had a dirty mind.

Growing up with a hormonal boy-friend definitely was one of those factors. Stuck with reading ecchi and harem manga rather than shoujo ones definitely made her mind rotten.

So, it was no wonder how she suddenly turned beastly once she had grown used to doing the act.

Moving her body in slow and deliberate ways, she realized she adored how she could affect the man right under her. She loved it when he still tried to desperately stop his animalistic sounds, and the way he curved under her, as though he could somehow ease the delightful pain if he was centimeters away from her.

But he could never get far.

Yifei smiled as she dove down at him, kissing his lips, teasing his nipples, and riding her tongue up his bare chest.

They were animals now, really.

They haven't even realized they were buck naked when the mysterious pillow and the bewildering woman came into their room. Like Adam and Eve, but born with excess sin.

Finally, as she allowed him entry, he let out a painful moan, and she relished in it. But she wasn't done with her teasing. She wouldn't allow him to have the reigns now.

She moved against him so slowly that it was agonizing even for her, but bursts of constant pleasure made her want this agony even more.

When it became far too much, Jinhae finally muttered wet curses at her, and she fought against her laughter, thinking it would lessen her pleasure.

But it became too much, and she pitied the boy underneath her, and so she began to move faster. Gradually and constantly, with their breathing joining their movements too, as though they were marathon runners nearing the finish line.



Finally, body arched back and mouth open at the electrified air, she orgasmed. But it wasn't over. Right after her release came his.

And in an act of revenge, Jinhae had grabbed onto her hips and pushed her down roughly, entering her deeper than she ever allowed. She let out a short scream as Jinhae thrusted upwards, and then they were sitting, panting in an embrace, his penis still inside of her.

Jinhae stared at the girl, her face sweaty, lips swollen, and eyes covered with round beads of tears. When he started to pull away from her tight cave, she pressed herself onto him and kissed him tenderly.

Perhaps it would have gone on even more, but far away, down in the middle of the Pacific, a meteor just over 17 meters in span, touched gently upon a passing wave, and-


Above the heavyset clouds stood an old man, suspended in air and in motion, a gnarly staff less gnarly than his own knuckles raised up into the sky. "It's not time yet for you, little ones."

And just like that, the meteor, like an old school movie being played backwards, came back up where it came from. All across the world, fires were put out, ruined buildings became crisp as new, and the world came back into normality. A man had a cup of coffee on one hand, and his electric hologram on the other, blasting out the news in its robotic voice. From across the other side of the world, a wedding was celebrated between two men, the sounds of artificially made music blaring out addictively into the celebrants' ears.

That man should have been squashed dead by a building's rubble, his second cup of coffee gone cold and spilled on the shaking ground.

Those partying wedding guests should have been swallowed up by the sudden crevice from the fault line right under them, their love gone as darkness ate them up.

Instead, the clock turned back a full five hours, just before the end of the world began.

And inside Park Jinhae's room, two naked youths clung to each other, just as the world righted itself.