Chereads / Reborn in DBZ as a Human? / Chapter 10 - Sasebo City

Chapter 10 - Sasebo City

I brushed off a little bit of dust that had gotten on my arm from the punch as I turned back to my parents.

"So did I change your mind?" I teasingly asked my mother.

My mom looked like she was still trying to process what had just happened just stared at me with her mouth slightly open in awe.

After a few moments of silence, my dad finally spoke up, " Well that was certainly something."

Mom who seemed to be finally out of her stupor just stared at me. She opened her mouth to say something just closed it again due to how speechless she was.

"Well he showed you what he can do, now you have to decide if he can go or not," said my dad with a smile.

Finally breaking free of her thoughts my mom looked at me and said, "Do it again. You could have set it up with dynamite or other explosives. Do it again with another rock. If you can get the same result. I'll... consider your request."

Even though I was slightly annoyed at her thinking I would lie, I understood that she was just concerned. Where would a kid get explosives anyway?

I led my parents to another boulder that was nearby. It was a little smaller than the first one so I looked at my parents to make sure it was fine. As if she knew what I was about to ask, mom just nodded slightly to say the rock was satisfactory.

Once again I charged my fist with as much ki it could take, and this time instead of crumbling apart it blew up in a small explosion.

But I was prepared for this. I had already surrounded myself with my ki, creating what looked like an aura of ki surrounding me keeping me safe from the shrapnel like rocks.

As for my parents, I had already told them to stand far enough back so the chance of them being hit by the stray rubble was next to nothing.

Both dad and I looked at mom to see what her response would be. For a while, she just stared at me and I thought she was about to refuse even after seeing me use my ki. Then finally she gave me a small nod as she sharply turned around and walked back to the house.

I could tell she wasn't happy about giving me permission but nevertheless, she had agreed and I could start packing for my trip.

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Well, packing turned out to be an overstatement since I had completely forgotten about the existence of capsules. Dad just handed me a capsule that he said had a tent with basic equipment and toiletries in it and that was pretty much all I needed.

They had also wanted to buy me some sort of hovercraft or bike or my road to the southern continent, I had told them I was going there first, would be easier. But I had resolutely denied the offer. I knew that I would be able to fly faster than any vehicle they bought me so I didn't want to waste their money.

I had wanted to leave the very same day but mom refused, saying she wanted to eat one more family dinner together before her little baby went off on his own.

I didn't object either, I wouldn't be seeing my family again for maybe a year so spending one more evening together wasn't going to hurt.

What followed was the biggest feast I've ever had. Mom really gave everything she had and by the time I was done I had to ki to reinforce my stomach, I didn't know if it could take so much food.

The whole family chatted around the dinner table and although it was a happy occasion it was easy to tell there was a somber tone to everything.

The next morning was when I officially left the house. Once again they had tried to give some sort of transport but I denied saying the trip was also a form of training.

I kissed my mom and sister on the cheek, hugged my dad, then ran off into the distance. I knew they were still there, waving at me as I ran further and further. I distinctly heard the soft sobs of my mother and I felt my eyes start to get wet. But I didn't look back, I knew it would just make it even harder.

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After what seemed to be an eternity of running I finally turned around and looked back at where I came from. The house was but a mere speck in the landscape and the chance that they were still standing outside of the house, much less be able to see me from there were almost none.

I wiped my eyes and rose to the sky. I had to keep my mind on what was important and right now that was finding my way to Sasebo city. It was the only city on the island we lived in and where my dad would often go to sell his excess crops.

I quickly look a glace at the map I had and shot off in a blur of speed towards Sasebo city.