After days of not eating Raiden never thought such plainly cooked unseasoned food could taste so heavenly. He took his time eating savoring the food, and also because he knew that if he ate too quickly after his stomach had shrunk he could get sick.
After all, he wasn't like those blasted Saiyans who could eat mountains of food and not be affected at all.
As Raiden ate he was so focused on the food he lost track of his surroundings that he didn't notice someone else walk into the clearing with rather heavy steps.
"Stop you thief, get your hands off my breaktis." Yelled a loud gruff voice from the edge of the clearing.
Raiden looked up from what remained of his slice of meat and checked who was yelling at him.
Standing at the edge of the clearing was a slightly obese young man wearing a red sleeveless robe. He had a black sash tied around his bulging belly and attached to it was a samurai sword that hung by his waist. He had a mane of wild black hair and small beady eyes that looked too small for his rather round face.
Raiden stood up and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Of course, someone was cooking the food, why would it just be in the middle of the woods otherwise. He recognized Yajirobe from the dragon ball manga of course, but he was such a minor character he didn't remember much about him.
"Ahh I'm sorry I was lost and hungry, I didn't know it was your food." Raiden apologized.
Yajirobe looked at the kid and the small slice of meat missing from the huge slab and realized there was no point getting too angry, especially since the 'thief' was just a little kid.
Yajirobe moved forward next to the rest of the meat, he sliced off a large piece, big as his head, and started eating it hungrily. " Is alrid kid, hw yu gt los?" He said with his mouth full.
Raiden tried not to cringe at the slob of a man in front of him. "I'm here to train for the upcoming world martial arts tournament," he said, " I was supposed to be doing survival training, but I didn't know how to catch my own food," he admitted.
Yajirobe laughed at the predicament Raiden found himself in. "Well, that's too bad kid." He said as he cut himself another slice.
Raiden knew this was his only chance to get help in this hell so he took it, "Please can you help? Just with how to catch and cook food?" he begged.
Yajirobe shook his head.
"You already took my food kid, what else do you want? I'm not in the mood to babysit" Yajirobe said still focused on his food.
Raiden racked his brain, how could he convince Yajirobe to help him? His eyes lit up as he remembered something from the Dragon Ball anime.
"If you help me I promise to buy you food at the best restaurant in south capitol," he said with a smile.
Yajirobe looked up from his food, he had finally caught the fat man's attention.
"Best restaurant? Why should I go with you when I have all the food I need right here?" Yajirobe questioned.
Raiden smiled. He knew he had Yajirobe hooked already. " Because I can guarantee that it will take at least 10 times better. I'm not saying you're a bad cook, but the people there do it for a living."
Yajirobe stood up and dusted off his clothes, " How do I know you'll keep up your end of the deal."
"Because I have the money for your meal ready right here." Raiden brought out one of his capsules and squeezed it. Out came a stack of paper bills that equaled about 50 thousand Zeni. It was all the money his parents had given him for his trip and he had yet to use much of it.
Yajirobe's eyes widened at the money but before he could get any ideas Raidens quickly put it back into the Capsule. "Believe me now?" He asked.
"Rich bastard," Yajirobe muttered. "Alright kid we have a deal, I'll teach you how to fend for yourself in the forest, and in return, you owe me a meal."
Raiden prowled through the undergrowth as silently as he could taking care not to step on any stay branches. It had been 2 months since he started training in the forest with Yajirobe and all of it had been hell.
Every time he messed up when they were hunting or searching for food Yarijobe would go into a rage and demand they spar as 'training'. He would then proceed to beat Raiden up to release the anger of him losing their food, and the man hit like a truck. Never before had Raiden seen someone so obsessed with a meal.
But it wasn't for nothing. While he was with Chappa he had learned how to strike and fight efficiently and precisely as was king Chappa's style. But with Yajirobe it was different.
Yajirobe didn't teach him any martial arts, he doubted the man knew any, when he fought it was pretty much just a brawl. But he did learn how to move quickly and silently. How to sense for danger at any given moment, and to keep track of his surroundings. Living in the forest was dangerous and Yajirobe was accustomed to it. Raiden was still surprised at how fast the man moved given his overly large frame.
Raiden had also tried to teach Yajirobe how to use ki because of all the help he had given him and Yajirobe had quickly agreed after Raiden gave him the same demonstration he gave king Chappa.
But the man showed almost no talent for it. Meditation was the most challenging for him, mostly because he couldn't sit still and focus long enough to channel his ki. He did have success in using his ki mid spars unconsciously when he channeled it through his sword, but other than that he was unable to use it.
Raiden knew he was supposed to spend the rest of the time until the Tournament in the forest but after about 4 months he thought he had done enough. His body wasn't improving much physically, same as usual. And his senses and instincts were now fine-tuned to react to danger at a moment's notice.
He decided he would leave early and spend the rest of the time training his ki for the future while continuing to work on his martial arts at king Chappa's compound.
Of Course he had promised Yajirobe a meal, so carrying him by his shirt, Raiden had no intention of hugging him, he started the long journey back to south city.