-In other words, it can be easily combined with an antiaircraft or artillery system ... shit- Gonzalo was out of his mind when talking to Yoshi
-Well, the low cost of production makes it available to anyone. For example, when my grandfather was younger, everyone wanted to get rid of the flying charix and since there was no strike force, he created mana-guided ballistic missiles that today even a blacksmith could make at home-
Everyone at the table heard Yoshi's stories to the point that the pair of engineers became more interested in the notes of the deer that boasted of his inventions. Everything that came out of his mouth caused infinite amazement. Suddenly, he produced from his shoulder bag a silver fountain pen decorated with arabesque details.
- The mana coupled correctly creates the perfect weapon, here I will give you an example of how it works.- Yoshi held the pencil in front of the diners
He positioned it as if he were wielding a swords and suddenly, an ace of light spread out at the tip to create the blade of a saber. Roman in the midst of his curiosity, he began to record the creation process
-Can I see it? - Gonzalo asked and Yoshi brought him the pencil that returned to normal
-Incredible, this is something that nobody would have thought of. How did he manage to combine it? At first glance it looks like an ordinary pencil but you can still feel the user's mana inside-
-Of course, keep a little to rebalance the core so it doesn't blow up on your face. If it has the brand of my company, it is certainly of quality, do not accept imitations- Yoshi pointed to an engraving on the tip that was the logo of a deer whose horns were ramifications
-Mr Kiddo, let me congratulate you and ask you to work with us as an executive partner. How much does he want for the rights of invention. We need his knowledge to move forward please- Roman longed for Yoshi
-I just want to know how to get to the type of improved and personalized weapon without harming the user. Could you teach me? - Gonzalo looked like a child with a new toy
Yoshi took a tactical survival kit out of his bag, spread it out on the table, and gave them the indication that they could take anything from it.
-Are you going to give us one of your pieces? - They smiled like idiots waiting for his answer
-Sure ... but it won't be free.-
- How many million do you want for it? - Roman looked at the box with zeal
-Let's see, mmm what do you offer that is of interest to me.-
-What do you really want? We will give you anything you ask, but it seems unfair that you share it only with Soleil- Isis was furious
Serge and Isis had appeared behind after security notified them about the suspicious movements of Roman and his partner with a foreign gunsmith who was talking about his work.
-Oh more players to the board, this is not good.-
A fierce fight between the leaders of the triads began and the other diners watched as if it were a drama. The push and pull of offers was brutal that made Gonzalo begin to empty his backpack to look for the business checkbook.
All the objects that he was taking out, he put them on the table, making Helix and company uncomfortable, until Yoshi noticed a rectangular box and a kind of glazed blackboard to take them with emotion.
-Child, these things ... what are they? How do they work? -
-It's just my portable Nintendo console and my tablet. Let me show you how they work.-
The devices were wonderful in Yoshi's eyes to the point that he gave Gonzalo the pencil as a gift while he continued to inspect the console and tablet. Sheldon's group couldn't stop laughing as they watched the plot unfold, making Serge and Roman realize what was driving Yoshi's interest.
-Excuse me Mr Kiddo, could it be that what he is looking for are electronic devices? I have many in my workshop- Roman was sure he would win
-Well, what a coincidence, my factory is in San Martín, 20 minutes from here. There you will find everything you are looking for- Serge started a staring war with his enemy
-Hahaha do they really have that many? Are they like the roomba or better? -
The comment gave them hints of their preferences and when they were more animated, Isis pulled them out of their reverie.
-Spectrum set up an armory in the industrial area of the fair due to tomorrow's exhibition. He can accompany us there and enjoy everything we offer- Isis had an ace up her sleeve
Motivation arrived, Helix got up behind them to call Leen and Ross. They wanted to get away from the group of idiots who ate and chatted with Roman and his partner to go unnoticed, so they chose to eat elsewhere.
-Young Fox, would you be so kind to accompany Mr Kiddo to tour the internal facilities of Spectrum in Technopolis- with that said, Helix told Ross to take charge
-It was supposed to be our day off ...-
-Are you questioning me? -
[Don't raise your voice to her, maybe you want us to end badly!] Leen stopped her husband
-Not at all, Madame Helix. Where did you say we should escort him? -Ross put on the most accommodating smile he could.
They looked with pity at Leen and Ross who did not finish their lunch and the only person who laughed at the misfortune of others would end up accompanying them.
-You will also go. Make sure Yoshi returns safely to go home- Tom disguised as Joker ordered his brother to go with them
-I'm tired of always going. It's your turn.- Sheldon who was made up like a Catrina pushed Tom
-They will both go and it's an order- Freya looked like a beast and no one was going to argue with her
The tour was boring for them who had to sit and wait for Yoshi to finish with the triads to return to the hotel. They did not stop showing him electronic objects and even offered him the motorcycles as part of payment for the service offered. Yoshi dedicated himself to teaching them basic designs and left them an old notebook with old models that no longer worked because they had been redesigned.
-What a beauty of machinery. I would like to take her away-
-Unfortunately it will not be possible. If you want I'll get you the plans but I can't give you, Capella, she's my baby- Isis was reluctant to give up her motorcycle
-Curious discovery, that was the name of my best student. Capella ... how nostalgic- Yoshi touched the motorcycle sadly
The mere mention of his name made Ross press against his chest to keep from crying. Leen wanted to calm him down when she saw him upset and he chose to go outside alone with the excuse of taking a breath.
-What the hell is going on. I had never seen him like this- Leen was confused and noticed that Shel and Tom also looked terrible
-Capella was my aunt's name. The last time I saw her was before the attack on Shuto and it was Trist's third raid when he lost his mother. If only ...- Tom took out a handkerchief to wipe away his tears
-Apparently she didn't tell you because it breaks her heart to remember it. Since that day he ... became so bitter that he dedicated himself to work and curse everyone, especially the dukes and the king, that if they had not denied the help, she would still be here- Shel was thoughtful
-What happened? He is not going to tell me but I want to know-
They both looked at her and fearing her reaction, they chose to tell her the story behind her mother-in-law's death.
-The holy guardian of the empire and the kingdom, Capella Nova Dunwich was not just anyone, she was practically the mother of all the orphaned children of the slums who ended up enlisting in the army in later years- Tom remembered his childhood
- For that reason everyone respects Trist, they consider him a brother and a friend. Nobody in his right mind would think of dirtying the name of the Butcher only to the nobles and the former royalty who fortunately are no longer exists-
- It was because of our father's bastard that my cousin had to make the worst decision of his life. I am grateful that he quickly gave up on the idea of suicide and focused on revenge-
-What we're trying to tell you is that Tristan had to ... how to say it...-
-He had to murder his mother-