Jiushu turned around with a smile and invited him in.
Her words stopped at the tip of her tongue.
MoQiu is bathed in mud from head to toe. If she had not seen him before, she would think he is a mud demon.
"Stop right there." she told him,
"Take a bath before entering." she told him.
"Can't. This is the mud applied so beasts don't attack us. I wanted to eat my mom's cooking so I came back especially.." he smiled at aunt Fa.
"Fa Mo Qiu ! are you stupid? Why do you think they eat hard rations? It's because it creates no smell from sweat. All animals hunt by the sense of smell.. If you eat rice soup full of garlic and ginger, do you think the beasts still won't be able to recognize you?" Jiushu scolded immediately.
MoQiu's toothpaste-ad worthy smile slipped a bit.