"The world is but a dark and dreary place. Where the weak are stomped on and those with strength trample over. Though we are taught at a young age that life is fair to no one, how is it that it provides for some while others struggle to survive? Truly the world we live in is anything but fair."
Looking up at my class teacher with a solemn expression and a tightly clenched fist held at a ninety-degree angle I concluded the statement with a monotone voice.
"That, Mr Foster, is why this world can never be treated as anything but a fierce battlefield. Thank you"
Taking my seat and intertwining my fingers, my eyes closed and expression deeply satisfied I awaited the applause I so definitely deserved.
"Ms Miller, what I asked from you was an explanation as to why the second world war was called the cold war."
"But sir, I basically answered the question."