fast forward 2 years!
senior year!
schools talking about starting me over again because of moving around credits didn't transfer! Im not having that! I just joined the army was on delayed entry program! decided to go get my ged! the girl im with is moving to maryland its last time ill ever see her again! im heart broken and struggling to make clear decisions! D.E.P. has me a year from shipping to basic! ive turned to drinking! and partying! end up messing with another girl on a drunk night while with the current. they both broke up with me. most of my friends stopped having anything to do with me the day i joined the army. they felt i betrayed them! at the time I was also heavy into drugs. od'd one night not knowing i'd been drugged within a drug! mom had to pick me up from er! she made me move home to clean my act up! (first and only time i ever moved back home)
basics in few weeks last few months flew by between drills and work! i missed my graduation ceremony for completing my ged on time with my high-school class may i add! im nervous! reading through a year book find i was most likely to go to jail for murder because of my anger. boy will they be surprised! last few weeks fly by its time to go! im standing at the airport few more recruits join up with me. you can see the same look on their faces! that lost look! fear of unknown! mixed with the look of other loss! they too lost friends and family for their decision!
planes boarding! im looking out over the tarmac at the airport its last time ill see home for few months! time to go! this is where it all begins