we landed at the new airport! Drill Sgts were waiting for us already at the gate! as we deboarded the plane into the airport so were other privates! all total almost 100 of us arrived that night! we all got on 3 busses 2-3 per seat! we werent allowed to talk! was a 2 hour bus ride to where we were going! felt like something off a movie getting off the bus and dropping our bags! we all formed a line which turned into a formation after 5 minutes! first thing they did was walk by with wheel barrels loading our gear at which point they told us we wont see it again for 14 weeks! only thing we were permitted was a comfort blanket if we had one! none of us dared go for one!
first 2 weeks was reception! we were so busy with shots n vaccines and uniforms being tried on and paperwork we didn't have time to breath! that was also when they decided who went where because over that 2 weeks 100 soldiers turned to 2000! and during that time clicks (groups of like minded people) were formed based of similar backgrounds, and broken and reorganized by drill sgts to pair us with other troops that were strong in areas we were weak!
next 12 weeks was filled with obstacle course after obstacle course and more field training exercises than you can fathom! i learned fast keep my mouth shut in front of nco's! after each duty day during chow clicks reformed and turned into miniature families. we pushed eachother and helped see errors where the others did not improving skills based on multiple points of view.