Chereads / ENOUGH! / Chapter 2 - Getting Help

Chapter 2 - Getting Help

He crept closer to me as I got this knot in my stomach that kept getting tighter & tighter. 'Don't come any closer to me!' I shouted as the girls all stood behind me using me as a human shield. I knew I needed to act quickly as he got closer to me, I reached behind me grabbing & squeezing Loey's hand. It was my signal to let them know to run. She looked at me not wanting to leave me behind but she knew she had to. I could tell she was crying because her tears were falling upon my hand as I took a deep breath getting ready to make sure they escape. I don't care what happens to me.

He raised his hand i knew it would be in an attempt to grab one of my sisters which he would use her as a way to lure me back home. 'I said stay away!' I raised my voice noticing that neighbours were starting to come out of their homes watching what was going on around them in their once calm, peaceful & quiet neighbourhood. 'Come on girls you ran away from home making me worry sick about you. Let's just go home.' I knew his tactics, he makes us out to be the bad children that are giving him a run for his money while everyone around him feels bad trying to give him support blah blah blah.

The knot in my stomach got bigger as I felt everyone's eyes on me, I looked everywhere, no matter which way I turned someone was looking at me. I felt trapped like a caged animal ready to bring out my natural instincts to attract protecting my young. My chest got tighter every breath I took, my vision started getting blurry my heart racing as my mind was filling with the worst case scenario. My palms were sweaty, I gave Loey a double squeeze indicating for her to run towards the backyard.. 3.. I took a deep breath hoping we could get away, 2 I kept looking around for a second escape if needed, 1 we all turned in unison running towards the back yard just barley getting out of his reach. As we reached the backyard my mouth dropped open. In the backyard was cops & our aunt standing there ready to catch him. He followed us to the back in his blind rage grabbing me by the arm turning me towards him only seconds before his fist connected with my face causing me to fall to the ground. 'FREEZE!' I heard an officer scream out as I covered my face trying not to let any tears out. He didn't stop there he continued kicking me in the rib cage, my face, anywhere his feet or hands could connect to he connected. Suddenly I heard a gun shot & everything went quiet as if even the animals & nature sounds froze. Then I was being dragged up, off the grass I stood right up opening my eyes hoping to see my sisters & aunt right next to me.

But that's not what I see, right in front of me I see my sisters hiding behind my aunt all crying as the cops have their hands in the air slowly bending down to place their guns on the ground, that's when I felt something cold placed against my right temple. I knew what it was right away, I looked towards Loey who had pushed herself towards the front of my aunt, sisters & a line of police trying to hold her back. Scared with my heart beating faster then I could have ever imagined I knew I needed to say something to her 'Loey! Don't! Just stay where you are. I love you Loey, I'll be okay. Take care of the girls for me.' At this point everyone was in tears including the officers.

Just as quick as that he placed his arm around my throat keeping the gun aimed at my head dragging me towards the front of the house. We walked around towards the drivers side door where he opened it forcing me to get in as he then sped off away from my aunts house. I sat there in the seat crying staring out the back window thinking to myself that I'd never see my sisters again. I had some relief as the thought of them finally being safe came over me. I sat there while he kept driving looking around for an escape as he kept mumbling to himself that it was my fault he lost my mother, which still to this day made no sense to me as I was the oldest child, they had 3 more children after me but it was my fault my mother died. 'I want to go back to my sisters..' I softly spoke out. 'Shut up' he hissed towards me as more tears fell down my cheeks. I sat in the front seat staring out the back window watching every turn he took, counting how many blocks he drove down each street. I was in survival mode.

I must have passed out during the drive because of crying, because when I woke up we weren't in Hollywood anymore. We were out in the middle of nowhere, he was still driving, until we reached a bridge, he drove onto it then pulled over. I instantly knew where we were. This was the bridge my mother jumped off of ending her life. He made me get out of the car, my eyes kept refilling with tears nearly as fast as they spilled out onto my cheeks, he grabbed my arm dragging me towards the middle on the right hand side. Giving me a shove towards the railing 'get up there' he snarled at me, 'please don't do this' he was drunk, I could tell by the way he couldn't even stand up straight for more than 10 seconds at a time.

He kept waving the gun around making himself look bigger & tougher than he truly was. That's when he showed his emotions for the first time in years. 'Please..' I begged him not to make me. I had to stay with my sisters. I couldn't let this happen. 'You did this!' Tears streaming down his face as he looked hurt. I was standing on the side of the bridge waiting, hoping someone would come to stop him, I knew I couldn't leave my sisters like this. That's when I finally got a chance, as I was standing there I heard the radio in the car blare out 'A 15 year old girl has been kidnapped by her father & is presumed to be in danger. Reese Snow has red velvet hair, chocolate brown eyes, she is 5'1 & was last seen wearing a rainbow sweater with black sweat pants on. If you see her call 9-1-1 immediately, do not approach or try to intervene as this could make the situation worse.'

While he was listening to the radio I climbed down taking off in the direction he had drove onto the bridge buying myself some time, as I came to the end of the bridge I quickly turned running down the hill to go hide under it. He was still having issues turning the car around so I just kept running. I never looked back.