Reese's pov
Today's the first day of school I was trying to figure out how I'd hide what happened to me at least from the students at my school. I suddenly got a good idea. My mother's makeup. She left it for me just before she.. she thought I'd wanna grow into it like most girls do. But I'm not like most girls as I don't even wear dresses or skirts. It's just not my thing not ever since.. forget it. That doesn't matter what matters is trying to get everything together, thankfully me & my sisters are all in the same school. So that's a bonus at least. I quickly got ready covering only what showed on my face then grabbing the girls rushing out for the bus before he could wake up.
My plan has to work or I'm dead.
Once we got to school I gave all my sisters hugs and told them I'd meet them after school. I walked to my first class my pain meds & antibiotic pills being the only thing you could hear jingling around in my bag, before I could even sit down in my seat the teacher stood up 'Reese snow?' She called out. I stopped what I was doing looking directly towards her 'yes?..' I asked barley loud enough for her to hear me. 'You're wanted in the principals office' I rolled my eyes gathering up my text books placing them back into my backpack as I walked down the hall towards the principals office, just as I got there I saw my ex best friend walking out of the principals office giving me an I'm sorry look. My mouth dropped open as it seemed like time slowed down walking past her. She was the first person who ever figured out what was going on with me at home,
~flashback started~
I was sitting outside the school, school started but I refused to go inside my face looking towards the ground as the tears spilled out. I was only 13 I didn't understand what I did to deserve this. Finally I walked into class sitting in a seat in the far back corner trying to avoid the looks from all students including my teacher. That's when a little girl came up to me 'Reese?' She questioned, it was Spencer I've known her since the day I was born. Our mothers were best friends. I looked up at here 'hey Spencer' her face lit up with shock. 'What happened to you?' She questioned. Before I could answer she found it by herself. 'It's him isn't it?' I couldn't do more then just break down crying, I begged her not to tell anybody unless I told her to. She agreed.
~end of flashback~
We stopped talking when he flipped out thinking I was dating her. She always worried about me even my sisters. But why was she in the office? Did she tell about what was going on? I continued into the office sitting down as the principal looked at me. She didn't say anything so I finally spoke up. 'Why am I here?' She had concern on her face. 'Reese we've had reports of abuse going on inside your home. Your sisters wouldn't talk, neither would Spencer. So we thought about asking you. Are you being abused at home?'
'No' I said out loud as I screamed yes in my head.
'Are you sure?' She pushed a little more.
'Yes' I said again out loud while I responded with no in my head.
'Okay then go back to class' I jumped up practically running back to class.
Thank god that was over.
The teacher had just started teaching when my phone started to buzz. I picked it up seeing the name 'sperm donor' light up the screen. Great. He's calling me. I quickly excused myself from class standing in the hall when I answered the phone. 'Where the fuck are you?' He called out rolling my eyes I sighed. 'School.' Simplest answer I gave him. He gave a growl along with some huffing & puffing. 'You know the rules Reese. Shall I remind you of what happened last time..?' 'NO!' I shouted into the phone violently slapping my hand over my mouth the second I realized how loud I was being. 'No you don't. I remember quite clearly of what happened. I was there' I know I was going to be in shit for the sass I just gave him but I needed to start standing up for myself. For my sisters. 'Whatever, when will you girls be home?' I took a deep breath before continuing my sentence, 'never, we're not coming home.' I didn't give him a chance to answer before I hung up. I knew he was going to come to the school so I grabbed my stuff told my teacher my grandma was sick then ran out of class down to each of my sisters classes. We then took off out of the school catching the city bus.
We went to the bus station to catch a coach bus getting out of the city. I wasn't sure where we would go or how we'd survive but I know I'd figure something out.
We were on the bus for only 20 minutes before my phone started buzzing again. I didn't even look at who was calling me I just answered it. 'Hello?' My voice being shaky 'where the fuck are you brats?' He yelled into the phone, 'we're long gone' was my only response to him as I heard him flip out on the other end 'you're going to be in a lot of trouble' I spat out to add to the anger & frustration he was feeling. Then hung up the phone.
It was getting late, I turned to my sisters checking on them to make sure they're okay. Loey was awake, by looking at her face I could tell she was worried. Hayley & Layne were fast asleep their heads laying together as they slept. 'Reese?' Loey softly spoke to me as I kind of jolted back into reality, I turned to face her, before I could answer her she continued 'where are we going?' I could tell she definitely was worried about what would happen to us. 'Loey.. I-I don't know where we're going, I'm hoping that we can get to Hollywood, one of Mom's sisters lives out there. Maybe if she knew what was going on she'd take us in.' I stated. I knew this was a lot of information to take in. Loey just gave me a blank stare as I was trying to get her to answer me. I could tell she was tired from the look in her eyes. I rummaged through my bag pulling out a bottle of sleeping pills. Honestly I normally wouldn't do this but she needs to sleep. Opening the cap grabbing two pills I passed them to Loey along with a bottle of water 'here take these' I dropped them into her outstretched hand as she cautiously took a hold of the bottle of water. 'Loey there just sleeping pills. I got them to help me sleep through the pain after what.. well you know.' She gave me a small nod then took the pills as she got comfortable laying her head down closing her eyes.
They all looked so peaceful, it was like a metaphor, for how our lives use to be, when Mom was around everything was always so peaceful, I remember when we were literally a happy family. Hayley & Layne were just little. I remember him being happy & smiling. I remember him calling me his little princess. I just couldn't place my finger on when he changed.
I pulled out my phone realizing the date, it was September 6th, Mom's birthday. This must be a sign. She always did say she would watch over me giving me strength when I needed it the most.
I checked the time, it read 9:45pm. We wouldn't get to Hollywood until morning but I had this feeling in my stomach that something just isn't right. I'm not sure if it was with me or something bad was going to happen. I just had that feeling. I just sat awake watching my sisters sleep. I sometimes wonder if I'm adopted because of the fact that my sisters all look like they're related & I'm the odd one out. All three of them have the perfect blonde hair with their bright blue eyes, all four of us have tanned skin. From what everyone says I'm the one who looks exactly like Mom though. I wish I could just get her out of my mind even for just one day.
~hours later~
'Reese! Reese wake up!' I heard Loey saying shaking me awake as we just pulled into the station we gathered our things getting off the bus. Once we were off the bus I looked around it was so beautiful here, taking in a deep breath I admired all the new scents, the fresh air, it was calm, as if I could actually relax had I finally gotten them away from him? I thought as I looked at my sisters. Tears filled my eyes as I immediately looked away I needed to be strong for them or they'd never get through this. 'Come on girls' I managed to get out as I waved them towards me. 'We have to get moving' as we set off on our journey.
'What if she's not home?' Loey asked yet another question, 'then we wait for her to get home.' I sighed. I know they're just worried but I have everything under control. 'What's her name?' They all questioned me in unison. I giggled 'her name is Lizzie' they all looked so impressed.
I checked my phone once again making sure we were heading in the right direction to get to her house. We were close or so the gps said we were. 'Keep an eye out for this house' I said as I showed them a picture of her house. We wondered up & down streets hoping we'd find her house soon. 'Are we there yet?' Hayley asked me I knew they were tired without having to look at them. Again tears filled my eyes threatening to spill out. Sometimes I wished it would've been me instead of Mom, they all could've stayed happy, Loey never would've had been beaten and all would be well. But things are the way they are so I've got to stay strong for them. 'I know you're all tired scared & hungry but we have to keep going' Layne looked angry
'why? He's not here Reese! I don't know why I left with you in the first place! He's never hurt anybody he took care of us, he took care of you! It's not our fault your abusive boyfriend is the reason you ended up in the hospital!'
I was so confused, 'my boyfriend?!' I shouted towards her as I got closer 'I don't have a boyfriend! If you haven't noticed Layne HES the one who HURT ME he beat me I was only 13 years old when it started! But fine you believe what you want!' I was going to push her but decided against it, she doesn't deserve it even after what she said. I just turned and continued walking.
20 minutes later we finally found her house. I ran up the stairs to the front door pausing for a moment as I was worried that she wouldn't take us in. I took a deep breath then opened the screen door to proceed knocking on her door, standing back as I waited for her to answer when I could hear a car behind us stop. Not thinking anything of it, 'Reese!' I heard Layne shout 'shush for a minute Layne.' I responded.
Suddenly I heard an eerily familiar voice speak 'hello girls' I heard him say as I ever so slowly turned around only to be face to face with him.