Yasmine tumbled onto the ground with a thud, "What is it? What's happening?"

Although she had just felt mana for the first time in her life, she still had no idea what it is. Nevertheless, she could feel the air around her shift, and something in the air was moving in a particular direction. She subconsciously looked at her subdued father. His eyes were pitch black, and red blood was dripping down his cheek before pooling on the ground. He faced her, and she could clearly see his teeth that were biting onto his bottom lip. It was hard enough to draw blood.

"Dad!" Yasmine shouted, drawing the attention of those who had saved her from the man.

It was then that they realized the man's actions. They had let their guard down because the man had stopped struggling. For a moment, it had even seemed like he had regained his clarity. However, they were beginning to regret their decision to overlook the obvious fact that he was being controlled by someone.

"Yasmine Boise." The voice that spoke was low, and despite it being spoken in a whisper, Yasmine was sure that she had heard him quite clearly. The voice that spoke up was definitely not her father's voice. The voice was deeper than usual and caused whoever was listening to it to feel as if there was some force that was controlling their movements.

Just like that, Yasmine felt her body move. It was not out of her own volition, but she unsteadily stood up, ignoring her screaming thighs and knees. "Dad." Her eyes slowly glazed over as she looked at Jason Boise, who was still lying on the ground.

"It's a hallucinogenic voice!" Ranky all but shouted. He had just finished communicating with his sister and had just noticed Yasmine's condition. "Quickly! Stop her from moving."

He would have done it himself, had it not been for Leylanie who had a strong grip on him, preventing him from moving. "You are not allowed to move. You just overexerted yourself just now." Her voice was low as she spoke, and only he could hear it.

"Stop making things difficult love." He sighed, despite knowing that she was doing it for his own good. They would probably still need his connection to his sister to ensure they got home. If he overexerted himself, then there was a possibility that they would be delayed, and that would be a large setback. That was the last thing that he wanted.

The first to react was Thyra. She grabbed Yasmine, who had just stood up. "Yasmine Boise." The voice spoke up again. This time, all of them suddenly felt sluggish. Thyra could feel her muscles relaxing, and she slowly let go of Yasmine.

'No!' she all but shouted in her mind. However, it was futile. She could not move, and her whole body was slowly moving away from Yasmine.

"Yasmine, you have to fight it. You cannot go to him." Thyra all but squeezed out those words from her mouth. Her head was throbbing, as she fought with the force that was causing her to leave Yasmine.

She turned her head slowly to look around her and realized that she was the only one who could actually move. Leylanie had prevented Ranky from moving and was all but shielding the both of them with a weak shield made from pure mana. The rest were frozen in place as if they were statues.

Vadmira tightly grasped Alec's and Stillow's arms. Like Thyra, the ability had only caused her movements to become sluggish. She was much tinier than the two men, thus she used all the strength she could muster to push them from the area that was affected by the hallucinogenic voice. Although the mana on the forsaken planet was minuscule, the puppet of a man still used it to the best of his ability.

All the mana in the air vibrated, before converging into one place, and that was where Yasmine was standing.

Her body swayed with the wind, and her head was throbbing. The pitiful puppet looked like he was in so much pain, and his chocolate brown eyes stared at Yasmine's own eyes. "Dad," Yasmine whispered again. This time, she shook Thyra off with all the strength that she could muster. "Daddy," she began to move.

Her body, at that moment, was no longer in her control, and she took a tentative step forward. However, she had just lost a lot of mana when Leylanie had touched her, and that had taken a toll on her. Thus, her body swayed. Although her head was spinning, and her limbs were crying out in protest, her body still continued to move.

It was as if there was some sort of invisible string that was prompting her movement. She looked at the man who lay on the ground. In her hazed-up mind, she could see a bright smile on his face. "Yasmine." He called out again, as she got closer to him. The voice, which was her father's voice called out to her. Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes, as she saw the figure sit up. His arms had been attached back to his body, and his dark brown hair was neat. His chocolate brown eyes were clear, and he raised his arm, beckoning her to him. "Come, Yasmine, let us go to your mother."

A large smile pulled at his lips. It was that goofy smile that she had long grown accustomed to. "Yasmine!" another voice called her name. It was Thyra, in an attempt to draw her out from whatever hallucination it was she was seeing.

However, her voice coincided with another voice in Yasmine's mind. "Yasmine." It was a female voice calling out her name this time. Calling out her name in that ever so familiar tone that she had grown up listening to. That voice that could calm her down whenever she was scared, and that same voice that would reprimand her whenever she made a mistake.

The girl watched, with parted lips, as her mother walked up behind her father. The woman was tall, standing two inches below six feet. Her hair was short and fell to her shoulders. She had bangs, and they rested just above her lashes. Gray eyes just like her own stared back at her. However, these eyes were a much lighter shade of gray than hers were. Sometimes, Yasmine could swear, she could see little flecks of stars in her mother's eyes.

"Mom." Yasmine's eyes widened, and tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. "Mommy." She repeated, louder this time. Her feet tangled over each other, as her pace quickened. The mana directing her to the puppet was no longer needed, as she stumbled forward hurriedly, in an attempt to quickly reach her mother.