As the time went by, employee after employee came to the cafe until all fourteen employees completed the head count, both full-timers and part-timers.

Jacob and Liam arrived on a black van as well. "Morning everyone!" Jacob greeted them and stopped his gaze towards Hana. The conversation with the psychiatrist last night popped into his mind and he felt his heart beating faster.

However, Hana ignored him and continued to talk with Lily and Marvy. She was genuinely happy to have this kind of conversation with them, something she had never done in the past.

"So, there are sixteen of us, that includes me and Liam. We have two vans which means, there will be eight passengers in each van." Jacob informed them immediately so that they can set out as soon as possible. "Go and get inside with your things."

Hana wanted to join the group without Jacob sad to say, the first van was full and she was left with no choice but to join his group.

Liam smiled at her but she chose to ignore him as well. She said she was alright but, in fact, she was really upset with what happened yesterday.

As soon as Lily got inside, she immediately followed but Liam beat her to it and got inside. He even took the seat beside Lily so she was left with no other choice again but to sit on one of the last two empty seats, which means, she was going to sit beside Jacob.

"Hey, Liam! Let's exchange seats." she wasn't showing any politeness at all.

"No way! It's comfortable here. I don't want to sit there." Liam outrightly refused her.

"Can anyone exchange their seats with me?" Hana tried again while looking at her colleagues but they all shook their head. Who wanted to sit beside a robotic and cold boss?! Only Hana can do that!

Jacob got inside as well after talking to the driver of the second van. He sat on the seat beside her after putting his bag down the narrow aisle.

Hana just gave him an overall look before sitting down without speaking a word to him. The driver started the car but she didn't open her mouth at all. She stared at the view outside her window, watched a movie on her phone when she got bored, play a game when she couldn't find any other thing to occupy her.

'Wait, why don't I play dumb about what happened yesterday? There's no point in staying angry when I would be gone any time. Oh! Right! Let's just think that he didn't say those words. Let's just play dumb and foolish in front of everyone. I have a very short time left so, let's not waste it.'

With this painful idea in mind, she opened her bag and took out several kinds of chocolates. She stood up from her seat and leaned on her backrest. "Lily, do you want some chocolates? Adam gave me these things earlier."

"Thanks Hana." Lily took two pieces from the plastic.

"Go and get the plastic. Share it to everyone at the back."

"Thanks Hana."

"Thank you Hana."

"You're welcome." Hana smiled at them before sitting down again. She took out another box of chocolate, opened it and took one heart shaped dark chocolate. "Do you want to eat some boss?"

Jacob was surprised to see her smiling and talking to him. She was so eager to avoid him earlier and now she was talking to him already.

He shook his head and decided to close his eyes. 'What is she thinking?'

Hana just raised her eyebrow but she didn't say anything else. 'It's a good thing that I decided to keep this love secretly. He would be very uncomfortable if he knows how I feel.' She thought sadly to herself. 'This one-sided love, though it hurts, I'll treasure every moment I make with you. So, I won't be upset anymore.' She added mentally and smiled to herself.

Jacob opened her eyes and turned to look at her but she was watching the leaves falling from the trees at the side of the road.

Hana felt that someone was staring at her so she turned her head only to see Jacob watching her. "What's the matter boss?"

"I..uh..I'm sorry for what I said yesterday." he mumbled almost a whisper but Hana still caught his words.

She chuckled and waved her hand to dismiss that particular matter. "Don't think about it boss. I received far greater insults than that. It wasn't new to me."

When she entered her first relationship, many women framed her, insulted her and make issues of her. She was often bullied until the man broke up with her to stop the bullying.

Her second relationship was a little different. She wasn't really bullied at first and many supported their relationship. However, when they found out about her sickness, they spread the rumors that she threatened her boyfriend using her sickness, that the man stayed because he was afraid she would take suicide if he left. Her parents was even called because it raised alarm to the teachers.

The third one was very peaceful when it started. She thought it was the best among her three relationships. They had dinner together, watch a movie, bought memorable gifts, she even introduced him to her family. Her family like the man as well. Until the 100th day of their relationship arrive. Instead of a happy greeting, her ex-boyfriend brought over his friends to witness their break up. Then and there, he received a key to a sports car that was used to bet on her relationship.

He wasn't serious from the very beginning. He only acted according to plan in order to win. She believed his lies though.

And all these failed relationship started with a sketch. Now, she was doomed to fall in love in the same process. She knew it! Which was why she would never let him know. She would rather die than let him know how she truly feels.

She already received insults from him and she didn't want to get another batch of those negative words from him. She wouldn't be able to take it.

She smiled sweetly to her boss, the pang of pain in her heart was slowly buried.

"Just because you received insults in the past, doesn't mean you deserve the same thing in the present. I am really sorry about it."

"I forgive you boss. Even if you will do it again, I won't be mad as long as you won't fire me." She grinned at him. Even though Jacob didn't understand why she said those words, he was still happy to earn her forgiveness.