Chapter 21 - Savage Love


Lan Sizhui's P.O.V.

"Whose room is empty now Papa?" I asked after hearing him say my name as we walked past Kim Mitzuki's room, poking my head into the room - freezing when I saw the barrel of a gun pointed straight at my head. The male with light green hair and eyes that were almost as black as Papa's suit looked at me a moment before lowering the gun, I heard it click as he disarmed the gun and I let out a quiet sigh.

"Whoops! Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to intrude, you're busy,"

I saw Eijirou carrying an unconscious Mitzuki in his arms, worry and a split second decision had me handing my keys to the dark brunette to take our friend to my room. I whispered to Eijirou to take Jin Ling to my room with him and for him to let Jin Ling know I would be there as soon as I could. Realizing I'd been rude I bowed to Father (Lan Yibo/ Hanguang Jun) and Papa (Lan Wuxian/ Senior Wei).

"Hanguang Jun, Senior Wei. I'm sorry, I came to visit early. Hello, I am Lan Yuan, courtesy name Lan Sizhui," introducing myself and just as Father had taught me I also bowed to the mint haired man who put away his gun and bowed back correctly and replied,

"Hello, I am Min Suga. That tied up is Trancy Alois. Twin brother of Kaard BamBam who he was impersonating for at least three years."

I hadn't noticed BamBam, or whoever he was, tied to the bed before Min Suga pointed him out. I nodded once and bowed again, I knew Father and Papa would get to the bottom of things and make sure nothing (else) got out of hand.

"Mn, understood. Hanguang Jun. Senior Wei. I'll speak to you later. I have someone I want to introduce to you, though if tonight is not good then-" I was cut off by Papa and Father, whose usual stern face had softened almost imperceptibly, gave the slightest smile while looking at him. 'I want a love like theirs, one day.' I mused to myself. Papa was quite loud and very forward with his affections and intentions - the perfect opposite and balance to Father who was quiet and reserved, sometimes hard to understand. They balanced each other perfectly, like Yin is to Yang and white is to black.

"Don't be ridiculous! Of course you'll come for dinner tonight Sizhui and you'll bring your friends as well. We'll see you at seven."

"Yes Papa, Father. We'll be there promptly." Bowing in farewell I left Mitzuki's room. Closing the door gently and headed to my own where the light brunette was hopefully recovering. My mind sped up like my footsteps, racing to come up with ways to help my friend in need.


3rd Person P.O.V.

Once Lan Sizhui had left the room and closed the door the four were left looking at one another. The Lans were side by side, one in white and baby blue and the other in black and crimson, Min Suga was to the side where he'd introduced himself to the youngest (?) Lan and Trancy Alois - the fake BamBam.

"This is not what I had expected to walk into when I came here this afternoon. What do you want to do with him? I'd like to visit Kim Mitzuki if it's okay with you? I'd like to speak with the children about some things which are bothering me." Suga requested of Lan Yibo and Lan Wuxian, they looked at each other and Lan Yibo nodded.

"Mn. End of the hall, room sixteen. We will handle this one. Wei Ying, bring him." Replied Lan Yibo for the both of them gesturing to Trancy Alois. The light in Lan Wuxian's eyes became cold and a sadistic smile crept across Lan Wuxian's face, sending a splint of ice careening down Min Suga's spine - he was almost positive that he saw the dark clothed Lan's eyes begin to glow red. Muffled noises beginning to come from the bound male as he began to struggle when he realized his position but by then Min Suga had exited the room and turned left, already looking to the doors on the other side for the right number.


Kim Mitzuki's P.O.V.

Aching. Throbbing. Pain. Tight Chest, can't breathe properly.

Struggling. I'm caught. I'm captured. He's got me again.

Hide. Run. Get away. Get out. Escape. No escape. Bound.

No. No! NO! Looking. Searching. Running.

Faster, faster!


I screamed.

Sitting bolt upright and crying out loud I became instantly alert. I began shivering and panting, finding it difficult to breathe properly, I wrapped my arms around my torso trying to bring any amount of warmth back into my body which it had fled from; the air I was breathing in flet as if it weren't really air at all and it was too thick, too heavy. I registered hearing knocking, voices, someone dropping something and then... warmth.

Familiar arms wrapped around me, embracing me in the warmth I so craved. The person was rocking me gently; back and forth, back and forth. I nestled into his chest and listened to a heartbeat that was steady and sure, trying to focus only on that one sound I tuned everything else out, only focusing on the heartbeat. I heard steady, strong, constant. I felt heat, warmth, home.

I don't know how long we sat gently rocking with the strong hands gently rubbing long ovals on my back to soothe me and humming a melody I was sure I'd heard somewhere before but I couldn't place it. When I had been calmed down enough to start getting fidgety I decided to look up and the darkest eyes and familiar face I saw was one I imagined I'd never see again.

"Yoongs?" I was taken completely by surprise at the owner of the arms comforting me. Half of a familiar smirk appeared, one I'd come to love because I associated it with safety, protection. I shook my head trying to dispel the image I believed was one of my imaginations tricks on me again.

"Yeah kid, it's me. Who else is gonna save your ass and calm you down?" The smirk eased into a gentle smile. It felt like home.

"Is 't really you? How'd'ya find me?" My words were slurring together a little because I hadn't really recovered from blacking out because of my PTSD induced panic attack. I felt heat course into my cheeks, tinting them what used to be called 'the perfect blush'. Yah! What cods-wallop (bullshit).

"I got real bad news for you kid. The guy you think is Kaard BamBam is actually Trancy Alois." Maybe I imagined it but I thought his arms held me a little tighter, pulled me a little closer and his voice got a little huskier.

"Trancy called the Boss and said he'd seen you. I told the Boss Trancy was full of shit since he'd been told to fuck off when he screwed up some shit a few years back and he was only in it for the bounty on your head. I told him I'd come check out the lead 'cause if anyone knew you by sight it would've been me or BamBam. We were all tired of seeing a good kid like you being used by the Boss and we'd planned to get you out but unfortunately for you we had to wait too long. Mitzuki, the Boss found out that BamBam was the one on duty the night you got away and that he was the one who'd let you leave without trying to stop you. He... BamBam, he paid for it. I didn't come looking sooner but I believed you were dead 'cause BamBam said you were pretty fucking messed up. He told me you could barely see or walk and there was blood everywhere. We wanted to get you out sooner. Unfortunately we lucked out totally because no-one knew the Boss'd installed extra CCTV. I'm so sorry that we couldn't save you sooner Mitz." Tears welled in the almost black orbs I felt I could drown in and I had a feeling that that wasn't going to be all the bad news he had for me.

"The Boss... he... your family didn't know where you were. They told him that the last time they'd heard from you was about three weeks before you had gone on 'vacation' without him, but you'd told your parents you were in Italy with him. Hell, they didn't know anything was wrong between you two. Why the hell didn't you tell them Mitz? Your parents, they were innocent and he killed them Kim. Your parents and... All of them. He killed your whole family Kim, everyone who lived with you before you vanished, anyone who knew you were with him has died in tragic 'accidents'. The Boss killed your family four days before he killed BamBam... I wish there was something I could do to change what he's done or make it better and I know I can't and I hate that I can't. I know sorry won't make anything better or fix this but I'm really fucking sorry Mitzuki."

I was sick of hearing apologies but this one was honest at least. Gut-wrenching, heart-breaking honesty. I wrapped my arms around Yoongi, buried my head against his chest and bawled my eyes out. Not only did I find out the 'real' BamBam was dead but also that I'd lost my entire family in the space of less than fifteen minutes. What the fuck did I do so wrong to land me with such bad Karma in this life? Can this get any worse?

Eijirou came sat on the other side of us and began to stroke my hair while Yoongi rubbed circles over my back. When my hysterical crying had died down to hiccups and I'd gotten some semblance of control back over myself I pulled away reluctantly from his embrace though I refused to let him go, keeping one hand connected on his waist I studied him for a little while. A small smile tried tugging at the corner of his lips. I pinched his arm and he hissed, pulling it away.

"What?" he asked, curious.

"You have hair the colour of choc-mint ice-cream and it looks really good on you. Are you real? I mean, I thought it must have been too good to be true that BamBam was here and it really was. I mean, you're probably another halucination I've conjured or some shit."

I muttered sadly, wishing he really was in front of me so I could talk to him about everything I'd gone through. How I wished I could have the real Min Yoongi, my protector (for as much as he could have been) by my side as I got Lan Wuxian and Lan Yibo to serve the papers to the Courts against my ex-boyfriend. To support me and tell me everything would be okay - that I don't have to do any of this alone.

"You're still an idiot, Kim. I AM here and I am real, I'm not a figment of your imagination- I can even punch someone if you want me to?" I heard my hallucination chuckle, felt him pull me in again and press a kiss to my forehead before flicking the place he'd just kissed. He spoke softly this time and hope flared in my heart, maybe I didn't have to do this alone.

"I'm really here. I've travelled over a thousand miles to see you and you're telling me I'm not here? Feel me. See me. Touch me. If you want me to go you know all you have to do is say the word and I'm gone. It's your choice, Kim, just like it alwa-"

"No!" I fearfully cried out, not wanting to be alone again and stared into eyes as dark as charcoal. A shadow passing behind his gaze as if fortelling a darkness he's seen or that's yet to come.

"Don't! Don't go. Please? Don't leave me, please? Don't leave me alone again Yoon!"

I begged. I didn't care. I threw away any dignity and ego I had and begged him.

If it really was my sweet protector 'Suga', whom I'd aptly nicknamed after I'd gotten to know him fairly well, casually during the first year or so of my relationship with my ex-boyfriend, although he'd gotten to know me more intimately in the later years of my former relationship. First when he'd intervened (if he'd been around to do so) when Izuka got too violent and had beaten me beyond unconsciousness, when he'd been a sweetheart while he was cleaning me up or patching me up on any number of occasions since Izuka wouldn't allow me to be treated at a hospital because of the sheer number of wounds (and their consequential scars) he'd left on me during my... imprisonment.

I felt a soothing hand begin to rub my back again, a soft voice in my ear,

"I won't leave you. I'll be here for as long as you'll have me Kim. I won't ever leave you to him again. I just need to find a way to get out from under him and I'll take you away. Anywhere you want to go, anywhere at all."

There was no malice in the words, no lies I could tell. Only kindness, sweetness. There was no doubt in my mind but I asked him anyway in the old code only we two knew.

"Yoongi, my sweet, my Suga... Will you stay with me?"


Eijirou Jinhong's P.O.V.

"Yoongi, Suga, my Suga... Will you stay with me?" My best friend was asking questions in a very weird way and the other guy was answering in kind.

"Mitz, my Kim, my Tae. I'll always stay gold with you." Then the mint haired guy smiled genuinely and I laughed as Mitzuki slammed into the shorter with a bone-crushing hug. They could hurt if you got caught in them the wrong way.

"It is you! Thank you, thank you for coming for me, thank you, thank you!" He exclaimed, I noticed he was trembling all over, like he was panicking but he wasn't.

"Uh, hi, Mitzu? We're still here too." I said playfully, poking his biceps. My best friend looked around at me swiftly, a pink flush on his cheeks that I knew was too pink to be from crying. It was as if he'd only just realized there was someone other than him and the mint haired male in the room with them. I couldn't help laughing at the owlish look on his face as he took in myself, Lan Sizhui and Jin Rulan. Min Suga ruffled Mitzu's hair then accepted the honeyed water Sizhui was offering Mitzu.

"Kim Mitzuki, Jinhong Eijirou, Min Suga, this is Jin Ling. Courtesy name Jin Rulan. We are lovers. Jin Ling made your drink with some of the herbs he brought for Father and Papa, this is his family's recipe of honeyed herb water that relieves the burn in your throat and help your heart feel more at ease."

Sizhui held up their hands with fingers intertwined for a brief moment to show their singularity before letting their hands drop and continuing on.

"Mitzuki, I'm sorry you have had such a shock today. If you like, you can remain in this room tonight and Jin Ling and I will use another room. I don't mean to put pressure on you but it's almost six and Papa said to meet them for dinner at seven. Father will want us there about six forty-five. Will you all be joining us?" I watched Suga as he looked at the brunette in his embrace and then at me.

"If it's okay, I'd like to join you. I don't want to leave the kid this soon after he's passed out, he may go back under if he's triggered." Inwardly I was confused, my thoughts a riot; 'I didn't think anyone else knew that about Mitzuki. I'll have to find out what else he knows and what his intentions are. He said he wasn't a threat anymore - what does that even mean? Any more? I wonder what he means to Mitzu, it's not the first time he's called out for Suga, if it's the same guy.'

Outwardly, I shrugged.

"Sizhui just invited us so if you're okay staying with Mitzu til I'm done then I'll go and bring some fresh clothes for him. I'll be back soon. He probably doesn't want to move for a while." I wasn't going to miss this dinner- especially since I really enjoyed Lan Yibo's cooking. It was going to be an interesting meal.


Min Suga's P.O.V.

"Don't worry about clothes for the kid," I replied to the brunette,

"He can wear my jacket like he used to, he looks about the same size as me. Look, I've booked for two weeks here starting tonight so the kid can stay with me for the moment if he wants," I made the suggestion to Lan Sizhui and Jinhong Eijirou, who stared at me as if I'd grown two heads or something, but paid no mind as I looked down at Mitzuki for his answer.

'Was what I'd said really that unusual? If the bartender is his friend and has helped Kim before, how did he not know to give the kid his jersey or jacket after a panic attack? He ought to know it helps keep him grounded so he doesn't trigger.'

"I want to." We heard a quick small mumble from my chest making me smile. Having him close again made me feel important in a way I hadn't since he'd vanished. I may have had a casual relationship with BamBam before he died but it was just that, casual. There weren't any feelings between us, we'd had fun and kept it light since we both had others we were interested in.

In my line of work it wasn't easy to have to choose between sacrificing your happiness or chasing it and giving the Boss leverage against you. We all had to learn to give up the things we wanted because of the things we had to do. I'd made myself a promise that when I got out of debt with Izuka Yang I would confess to the person I liked and hopefully he would feel the same way. Unfortunately he vanished and I didn't know where to look, I knew Izuka was keeping a very close eye on me so I couldn't even try to track him down... but now? Now I had my arms wrapped around him and this time... This time I would protect him with every resource I had or that I could beg, borrow, buy or steal.

I would keep my precious person safe; safe from trouble, safe from assassins, and safe from the Boss.

No. Matter. What. Looking at them with steeled determination, I made a statement to them.

"I told you I'm no longer a threat to Kim Mitzuki. Honestly? I never was a threat. Regardless of who or what I found when I came here, I was going to report to the Boss that I hadn't found him. No matter what Mitz may think of me I will do anything in my power to keep him safe. Even if it means faking his death, giving him a makeover and taking him away with me and then faking my own death, I will do whatever it takes. I know that BamBam is the one he loved and I can't help that, but I love him. I have for as long as I can remember. Probably even going back into early High School to tell you the truth. So believe me when I say I will do whatever it takes to protect him." I was annoyed that I'd started to tear up and had rested my chin gently on the top of Mitzuki's head so he wouldn't see it, it was bad enough that Lan, Jin and Jinhong saw the stray tears. I suppose at least they pretended not to notice.

Jin Rulan gently nudged the Lan and indicated to his watch. Lan Sizhui nodded.

"You said you have rooms for two weeks and you checked in today. Can Jin Ling and I help bring your bags to your room? We can all freshen up and head to dinner at Father and Papa... Uh, Hanguang Jun and Senior Wei's rooms." I smiled, a mixture of mild amusement and relief at the Gusu customs I remembered being taught to the Junior Disciples.

"You don't have to worry about formalities with me, Lan Sizhui. I'm bisexual so it doesn't matter to me that you have two fathers. They actually are the reason I visited Gusu many years ago. If I retire before I die, I want to move to Gusu to live out my days in peace with the one I love." I blurted out my thoughts and felt Mitzuki stiffen in my arms. Fuck. It felt so natural to me to have him in my arms that I didn't think before I'd spoken. I mentally slapped my face and Jinhong Eijirou must have seen me wince because he laughed, Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui joining in shortly after.

"Glad I can provide the entertainment for tonight," I said sarcastically. I rubbed the kids back again, helping him to relax a little after the shock he'd been given.

"Let's get me settled in my room. Lan Sizhui, there's a yellow motorbike parked out the front with a bag strapped to the back and my helmet is on the table downstairs. Can you please grab them and bring them to my rooms? I'm in 613. I'll bring the kid back to my rooms. Jinhong Eijirou, I will take you up on your offer to get him some clothes but can you pack him a couple days or a weeks worth? He'll stay with me until he's safe." I knew I probably sounded rude even though I wasn't trying to but I wanted to get Kim moved into my room as quickly as possible to try and ground him again before we went to dinner with the people who took him in and looked after him when I didn't.

They all nodded and we went our separate ways. I brought Kim Mitzuki to my rooms, Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling brought my duffel and helmet to my rooms and Jinhong Eijirou brought about a weeks worth of clothes to my rooms for the kid. He let us know that Trancy Alois (aka: fake Kaard BamBam) had been moved by Lan Yibo at the request of Lan Wuxian.

Even Lan Sizhui shivered at the thought of Lan Wuxian's bad side.