Chereads / Give Me One Good Reason (formerly Thirteen Reasons) / Chapter 23 - Sweet, Sour and Bitter

Chapter 23 - Sweet, Sour and Bitter


My words get through to them the severity of what could have been. Jinhong Eijirou and Lan Wuxian looked at each other with mirrored reactions. The bartender became visibly agitated while Lan Wuxian sniffled and wiped a few stray tears, both angry, while the only reaction I could detect from the Twin Jades (Lan Yibo and Lan Xichen) was a slight furrow of their brows. I assumed this meant they were on the same page as the angry pair. The two youngest, I could practically hear the gears working in their brains as they pieced the bits of information together with what they knew of Kim Mitzuki.


The Lans' Dining Table

Jin Rulan's P.O.V. (surprise ;-) )

After Min Suga's speech I stood abruptly causing A-Yuan to look at me curiously, he smiled as I checked my pockets for my mobile phone because I have an idea that might work. Father runs a communications company and might be able to help this Min Suga and his lover out, nobody should be separated like the way they were. Finally finding the encrypted phone in the secret pocket in my sleeve, I stared at the mint haired male for a moment before I asked him one thing and demanded another.

"Your phone number - is it traceable? Give it to me."

His eyebrows drew together in a frown and he shook his head 'no'.

"No you won't give your device to me, or No it can't be traced?" I asked, a little annoyed he shook his head and didn't answer.

"Not traceable. Left pocket of Mitzuki's jacket."

Jinhong Eijirou was the one who reached into the pocket and took out the device, the newest Samsung, which had a light & glittery pastel purple case passing it to me. I was surprised that such a hard-ass looking guy such as Min Suga would have such a soft phone case. I stared at him curiously, catching his eyes, the mint haried man raised an eyebrow back at me and shrugged nonchalantly, his lips twitching in the tiniest smile as he indicated the still trembling brunette in his arms.

"What? It's his favourite colour." He spoke a little defensively and Kim Mitzuki stilled in the greenette's arms. The smallest and softest voice, now raw and husky from crying, was heard.

"Mine?" Kim Mitzuki was squeezed closer and a kiss placed on his forehead.

"Mhm. Yours." Min Suga replied, his voice just as soft and quiet.

"Yoon? Can I see?" The brunette looked up at the mint haired man.

"Mhm. When Jin Rulan has finished with it." Min Suga's head snapped up and he looked at me with a spark of knowledge in his eyes. He'd put it together. I'd been wondering how long it would take him.

"Jin Rulan, Jin Ling. That makes your father Jin Zixuan of the J.C.C., doesn't it?"

I smirked, trying to cover the fact that I was not going to let his comment get under my skin. I hate being compared to Father - or only being recognized by my name because I am Jin Zixuan's son - son of the Jin Communications Conglomerate owner.

"So what if he is? It doesn't mean that I am any less capable than he is at what we do. I work at the restaraunt because he asked me to help Mother for a few years to get customer service experience before I start full time with him at the Company."

"I never said or implied you were less capable. I asked because it means you will have been trained properly and have excellent equipment. Password is 951230." Min Suga replied curtly, as if I'd offended him.

He sounds as if he's scolding a naughty child. I nod, acknowledging his words before opening his phone and hacking into his firmware, placing tracers on all the contacts in his phone with an alert to come to my device if the number listed as WORK phoned in or was dialled, then thought for a moment before asking my next question.

"What is Trancy Alois listed as in your contacts?"

"Altr. A L T R." He spelled it. I scrolled through the phonebook and quickly found it, adding an alert for this number too.

All of the information that had ever been on Min Suga's device would come through to me; his entire history, including deleted stuff that I would be able to access, whatever was currently on his phone, and anything in the future he may receive so I can give it to A-Yuan so he can help Kim Mitzuki. Once everything had been done that I needed to do, I handed the phone back to its owner.


Min Suga's P.O.V.

Once Jin Rulan did whatever he was doing on my mobile phone he gave it back to me and I passed it to Mitzuki. I wouldn't keep anything from him, not anymore. I sighed and wished that, not for the first time, I had a way out of being Izuka's mechanik. It's not as easy as saying 'I quit' since I was in this position due to a debt I owed. I want to take Kim and disappear but he has a family now - I don't want to make him leave his new family because he'd already been robbed of his real one.

It was time to put forward my idea. Gently cupping his cheeks I brought his attention to me and spoke the words which could scare him off or free him from his ex-boyfriend. Smiling ruefully I picked a couple of hard-drives from the bag hidden around my waist, handing them to him and receiving a look that showed he didn't understand.

"Kid, it's time to start putting charges of blame where they belong. Make Izuka Yang accountable for all the shit he's put you through. He'll get the death penalty for it. I have a copy of all the records he kept, the videos and the photos, you need to use everything against him. I'll have to vanish once I'm done though and you won't hear from me again 'cause I'll be on his hit list if I'm not already.. Soon as he's realizes I copied all his files, hopefully not for a while yet, but I'm a dead man walking when he does."

I felt the burn of tears trying to force their way out. Pushing them back I gently cupped his cheek again, looking him straight in the eyes I made him a promise.

"I'll stay hidden as long as I can but you know he'll have a bounty on my head. You know I'm the best mechanik in the business for now but it won't take him long to buy another mechanik to take me out baby."

Mitzuki's pretty chocolate eyes watered, the tears silently coursing down his cheeks and dropping from his chin to the collar of my leather jacket... His jacket now. His hands fisted into the chest of my tee-shirt.

"You can't! Y-you can't leave m-me! I-I don't care if th-there's a bounty, you HAVE t-to stay with me!!" He cried out, choking on a sob at the end. I smiled sadly at him, wishing I could give a different answer than what was on my lips.

"I wish I could stay. If there was anything else in the world I could do for you, I would, but I can't stay Kim. I don't want to get you killed when I've done everything I can to keep you alive so far, and I didn't even do a good job of that - you still got fucking messed up, plus I still have to deal with Trancy an-" I was cut off mid-sentence by someone I didn't expect to speak.

"You don't have to deal with anyone. We took care of BamBam or this Trancy Alois or whoever he was," interrupted Lan Wuxian, a dangerous glint in his eyes,

"He threatened my family. He threatened our family, and I will not lose anyone else. This encompasses you too because Mitzuki loves you the way I love my Lan Zhan,"

"Did you terminate th- hang on... what?"

Lan Wuxian and Lan Yibo shared a look I didn't understand. Maybe they knew more than I did since they'd been Mitzuki's family since they scraped him off the sidewalk and took caere of him better than I ever had. I'd been keeping tabs on the kid since he left, as well as I could without being found out anyway. I couldn't do much for him, only take his phone off him so Izuka couldn't track the kid (or get anyone else to do it for him). I knew the general direction Mitzuki was heading and I figured he'd keep in a relatively straight line, if I knew him as well as I thought I did. Lan Wuxian slid me a glass of cool amber liquid, I nodded in thanks and shot it down in one gulp.

"What do you mean by..? Nevermind, I just," I shook my head and got a raised eyebrow in response. Sighing and rubbing my eyes I looked directly at Lan Wuxian and finished the half-asked question. I squeezed the brunette in my arms tightly, eliciting a small squeak of protest before I eased off, this wasn't going to be easy to say in front of the kid.

"What do you mean that Mitzuki loves me the way you love your husband? He hasn't seen me in over a year and I'd already been gone a couple weeks before he disappeared, I only arrived the day after he went missing from the apartment Boss kept him in. Not long after that I watched the Boss kill the man who'd finally found the opportunity we'd been looking for to let Kim escape and then had to kill his whole family because that's the debt I'm working off. If I refused an order then he'd know that I knew something about Kim that I wasn't telling him while he had us investigating Kim's disappearance. Honestly though? BamBam didn't regret freeing Kim. Not for a minute - even when he heard the hammer cock on Boss's gun and he knew he was dead. Fuck I miss him."

I felt crystal drops overflow from my eyes and slide down my cheeks. I looked at the brunette I had in my arms.

"BamBam... H-he knew he was dead but h-he smiled and looked straight at the camera, he somehow knew I was watching the surveillence camera... H-he told me to leave, to find you and I've been looking for you since."

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