[So, how do you think he's being controlled. I mean, is he just a shell of a body controlled by the mastermind Fu Yan?]
{Dude, people here can do shite like that?}
[They can do way worse than that, if you ask me.]
{What's worse than having your soul sucked away from your body and having it controlled by someone else?}
[Well, the man controlling can then use their body to harm the ones they love. I mean, they would never see it coming.]
{Like right now…}
[Yea… sorta. If that is the case, then yes… Exactly like this.]
{But, wait a minute. That's just the continuation of what you said, right?}
[Huh, what do you mean by that?]
{Well, you told me that way worse things happened. But what you told me was the subsidiary of the action you described earlier, don't you think?}