Chereads / The New Demon / Chapter 9 - Tournament

Chapter 9 - Tournament

Demon Strike! What does that do?

'Demon strike Level 1: Multiplies strength by 2 for an attack, Multiplier will increase as level increases'

That's amazing! This will make my strike twice as strong. With my strength at 8600 I should be able to take him out with one hit...Perfect.

I lunged forward at my opponent with a speed that even surprised myself. He was wide open for an attack as he was expected my attack to be weak.

His reaction time was impeccable as he blocked my attack just in time. I thought that the move didn't work and was a bit disappointed...that was until I looked where he just was and he had dissapeared. To myself I thought that I must have connected better than I thought, but my hope was instantly smashed as he appeared behind me for a strike.

I quickly dodged it and he seemed quite surprised. "That was a good hit. You probably would have beaten me if my ability wasn't harden. It makes my skin as hard as concrete and I hope to make it harder soon. This seems like it will be a good fight so let's continue."

It was a battle that everyone was watching. They all stopped their fights to see if Frank would lose to me. It felt as if every eye was staring directly into my soul. Their piercing glare made me push myself. I had to prove I wasn't weak.

He suddenly appeared behind me in the blink of an eye...but I was ready. I ducked underneath his strike and unleashed a full power Demon Strike. This time I felt good contact. I had hit his stomach with my fist and he collapsed on the floor while clenching his stomach.

He suddenly dissapeared and I was anticipating another attack but to my surprise there was none.

"He was teleported to the Med Bay. The wounds he suffered from that attack were internal. They were severe enough to make his organs cease function. Good job, you move on to the next round." The teacher seemed interested in what happened but decided not to pry.

Every student was in awe. I had just defeated a student almost twice as strong as me with a single punch. No one could believe it and some even shouted that I must have cheated. The teacher confirmed there was no cheating as I would be immediately disqualified.

'Defeated medium opponent' XP 150

'Demon Strike Successfull- Level Up' XP 150

Level 5: 100/300

+10 Atrribute points

I decided to put my points into strength again as it was the only attribute that affected my Demon Strike.

Power Level: 3470

Strength: 5300

'Achieved Tier 2 Strength' +50% Strength

Power Level: 4350


'All Other Stats Unchanged'

'Demon Strike Level 2- Multiplier ×3'

I all of a sudden received many notifications telling me that I got stronger. What surprised me the most was that I reached Tier 2 strength and got a boost. I was steadily rising up the rankings.

There were 32 students in the class, so that meant that I would have to fight and beat 3 more people to advance to the final. That would be tough seeing as both Gory and Lisa were exponentially stronger than me. They were both already on their 3rd fight as they made quick work of their last two opponents.

"Alright Hanson, you will be going up against Cardin Joeckel 3600."

When I looked at my next opponent he was much meeker than my first round opponent. He seemed shy and didn't want to showboat.

When he lunged forward I made quick work of him just like my last opponent. Although this time I held back a bit to make sure he doesn't get hurt any worse than need be.

'Defeated Weak Opponent' XP 75

I wasn't surprised to see that I got less XP than the first guy as he was considered to be stronger by the system. I knew it was because my power level was lower during the first fight.

I looked across the room to find my next opponent but a fight caught my attention. It was the semi final between Gory and Lisa. No matter who won the fight it would be a tough battle for any of the students.

The fight was super even. Every time that Lisa would do significant damage to Gory he would just heal, and whenever he struck her it did no damage becuase of her defense.

"Life Drain!" Gory shouted out an attack but before it could take effect Lisa hit him hard enough to knock him out.

"Good fight, for a commoner." Lisa was praising Gory...I think. Most students just scoffed at her comment and went back to fighting. Lisa was going to the final.

My third opponent was a girl by the name of Astrid. She had a power level of 2400 and her ability was a sleep spell similar to the one the teacher used on me. Before she could attack I quickly put in the first strike and put her out of commission. I got another 75 XP from her.

My final opponent before the finals was guy named Rodney. He had a power level of 7400.

"I'm surprised you made it this far. Someone of your power level should have been knocked out in round 1, but dont worry I'll put you out now." He was boasting with confidence as his power level was almost 5000 higher than what my patch said.

As soon as the match started he lunged towards me at full speed and went for a punch to the head. When his fist stopped he thought he hit me, but when he realized that his fist was in my hand he started freaking out. I wanted to show him not to underestimate his opponents even if they are weaker than him.

He was trying his hardest to pull away from me but to no avail. I had a steel grip and he wasnt escaped. With everyone's eyes on our fight I said a simple "Goodbye" before punching him in the stomach. The whole class was stunned as they saw him hit the floor and disappear. It was how time for the final fight.

'Defeated Strong Opponent' XP 500

Level 7: 100/400

'+20 Attribute points'

I put them all in strength yet again.

Power Level: 5015

Strength: 9950

'Reached Tier 2 Power Level' +25% all stats

Power Level:6270






'Reached Teir 3 Strength' +50% strength

Power Level:8350


I was now ready to fight Lisa without holding back.

When the battle started everyone's eyes were on us. One of the students started using their ability to broadcast the fight to the entire school.

Lisa started attacking almost immediately. Her hits were doing a lot of damage.

-80 vitality

-75 vitality

I was getting hit hard and I didn't know what to do. I threw out a punch with out using Demon Strike and countered her attacks. I didn't take any damage from the hit as my strength was higher than hers.

She was taken aback by this and hesitated to go again. This was my chance to strike. I threw punch after punch in her direction that seemed to have no effect. Until I noticed she was starting to cough blood.

"What are you?" she asked in a serious tone.

I simply replied, "I'm The Demon."

I threw one last punch with full power and demon strike. This made the total strength of my hit 56,000. When I made contact with her arm I launched her into the wall across the room before she dissapeared.

I was declared winner of the fight and tournament and everyone was silent. The rumors they heard were true. They thought I was a monster.

The student broadcasting the fight was in shock. They didn't know what to say, so they simply said, " Dakota has won!"