SCP 5762
Object class: Eukilid
Cell: 2 by 2 inch thick concrete walls with one way see through glass.
Description: SCP 5762 is a machine with 4 medical arms. The rbot was bought off and oction, but was soon moved to a basic humaoid containment cube. SCP 5762 was once the worlds most adavence robotic surgeon, capable of saving patients life that before, had seemed impossible. SCP 5672 was moved out of a [redacted], and brough to site 20. The SCP would have still been in the hospital saving people, intul something very ominous happened
Late at night, and officer had been atacked, and shot in the torso and foot. The wounds were minimal, and the scientist and surgeons left 5762 in the room with the patient. But in the middle of the night, we hear a muffled scream from the room. Imdeitly, the head of nurses, in the foundation, called rapid response team alpha team 3. in less than 15 minutes 5 members of rapid response mebers broke the doors down and walked down the halls. they were eached armed with the HK 416's, they broke into the surgeons room, onyl to see the robot standing still, over the body that seemed like it was not breathing. Out of fear, 2 soilders pepered the robot with bullets, emptying there cartridges. And this is why the infamous robot is now kept in site 20 containment.