SCP: SCP 914 - The clockwork
Object Class: Thaumiel/safe
Cell: Cell is made of Led and steel, with a mix of raw metal
Machine-made of gears, Too complex for humans to understand. Has a dial in the middle with the words in section Ab1.
Scientists must require Approval from the site command before testing. They must wear Class F hazmat, in case of dangerous experiments. SCP 914 has been classed as Thaumiel, as it often helps create materials that help the foundation, and the world
Letters of Advice and recognition: Dr. █████
It was a cloudy morning, as we were too far underground to see the sun. I had received A signage of approval from site command to continue my research into SCP 914. I walked to section B1 in site 13. Dr ████ Invited me into the room as we watched SCP 914 engulfs pure metal to make screws. This machine had powers not completely known to the foundation, we had barely scratched the surface of its discoveries. We had tested with many metals and materials, and one animal. The animal was.... disposed of as quickly as possible. As Dr. ███████ relieved me of the day's watch, I conducted one last test. The test that almost caused A breach.
Other info.
SCP 914 is kept in site ██ of quadrant 5 in Area ██.