Chapter 54 - History Reasons

" The investigation is closed!!!?" Detective Hisao asked Inspector Zack in shocked.

"Why did they do that, when we're all asked to investigate until it's finished...?" asked detective Minho who was also curious.

But what can they do, their headquarters has asked them to stop the investigation as such, besides that it seems that the higher-ups have approved the cancellation of this investigation.

The two detectives returned to their car, then after getting into the car detective Hisao was annoyed with what had happened today.

"Damn it .... indeed on this basis I hate those Looters !!!" he said annoyed.

"Make the problem arbitrarily and then fix the problem at will and all of that always without government approval!!!!"

"Well, it can't be helped, we know for ourselves who is in charge of the Hunter city." Detective Minho said soothingly.

Hearing these words, detective Hisao calmed down because he knew exactly why the police and court couldn't get in the way of all the Looters' work.

"Huh, if only prosecutor Perry died before revealing all those private companies in this city, maybe we could be more freedom to uphold justice and fight monsters."

"But unfortunately, why did the "Dark Blade" guild have to come back?

"Besides, after 'he' died, it seems that the city of Hunter and its people have calmed down."

While in the car, detective Hisao talked at length about everything that had happened recently, while detective Minho could only put on his headset because he couldn't stand all his friend's talks.

The more he spoke, the more detective Hisao explained everything about the Hunter city where the city was once a deserted island where every country in the world threw away ability users for fear of their power.

Even though the ability users were actually banished to the island to be eaten by the monsters that came out of the Gate, the ability users were able to survive due to their increasingly trained strength.

In addition to these ability users, they are technically superior to ordinary people, both in brain and in muscles, this small island quickly developed into a city, even to the point that it could be compared to a country where the development of the city exceeded existing countries.

As a result of this, apart from the Hunter city which finally opened itself to the world as their friends, they also ensured that they were always willing to build economic and educational relations for each country.

Since then, the Hunter city has been increasingly visited by people from many countries to seek income where because these newcomers are considered to be able to provide many positive things for the progress of the city, their safety is guaranteed by local residents.

More and more immigrants who have children and grandchildren with local residents, one day some of them have the idea to create a 'company' from which the city of Hunter becomes more widely known.

Hearing the history, detective Minho, who was actually listening, finally remembered what he had learned in his school days. When he heard the word 'company'.

"Wait a minute is the name of the company called 'Hunter Corporation'?" asked detective Minho who immediately surprised Hisao and braked the car.

After braking, detective Hisao scolds detective Minho for startling him, after detective Minho apologizes. After he apologized, detective Hisao resumed his story.

So after the Hunter Corporation was founded, the city of Hunter became more advanced from all sides, from the economy, education, defense to the realm of international politics. Where the CEO at that time was able to buy a country to be part of the Hunter city without anyone protesting.

Hearing that detective Minho was curious how the company ended up going bankrupt, however.

"The company was not bankrupt, but the big company eventually split into 4 companies which later out of the 4 companies 3 ended up surviving."

" ...And of the 3 companies that survived, the Looters company is the most powerful one."

Hearing this, detective Minho felt pity even though the Hunter Corporation used to be the most powerful company that prospered the employees, the government, and the people at that time.

"If the company still exists, the Hunter city will not be divided into three camps like it is today." Detective Minho said regretting the conditions that occurred.

"Well because of those Descendants that win over the hearts of the Hunter Corporation heirs, maybe the political situation of this city would be easier."

"Wait a moment, the heirs of the Hunter Corporation, that means the reason the Descendants were able to secretly rule over this city is."

"That's right, because they married all the higher-ups along with important people related to the Hunter Corporation."

"As a result, because of their influence, these people fight for power which results in them being divided." Detective Hisao explained firmly.

It's true that after the Hunter Corporation split up, the successor companies emerged that were now presidents of the 3 main Provinces. Where the company is Raiders as a strong company in the economic section, Invaders a strong company in the defense section where this company always helps supply the army, while the last is Looters where this company is strong in the field of Hunter city relations both nationally and internationally.

While telling the story, Detective Hisao remembered, "Oh yeah, talking about Raiders, did you say the company will participate in the Rumble Event later?"

"...I hope the show goes well, because I don't want to bother with them anymore after Rook's case."

Hearing those words, detective Minho was a little surprised, he thought his partner would retire early because he couldn't work as a detective but detective Hisao countered that assumption and said that he would only stop investigating cases related to the three companies if they still controlled the city. Hunters.

"For now, let's go back to the hotel, I want to eat there first."

"Hopefully there won't be any more problems huh..... amen."

( Meanwhile )

"Damn it where did those people come from, didn't any of you see them...!!!!!!!!!!!?" asked the Necromancer in pain while scolding his subordinates.

"How can today's security be pentrated!!!!!!? ..... huh answer me!!!!"

Then his subordinates did not dare to answer, while they were silent the Necromancer finally opened another topic by asking about how things were in " Epic Dungeon: Farm Foodchain" now because he had to retrieve an item in the Dungeon.

"Then tell our agent to get ready, say help is coming soon!!!!"

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Added lore:

Hunter Corporation:

The first private company in the city of Hunter, where this company will later split into three companies namely Looter, Invader and Raider.


A private company focused on supplying the military and security.


Strong private company in the economy.

Looters (as company):

A private company that is strong in relations and relationships both nationally and internationally as well as with the Descendants.