JOHN 15:16-17.
MARK 16:15.
It is an encouragement to say that, the one who chose you has told you to be like him. He was a vessel to his father in Heaven and has chosen us to be a vessel of him. We are the vessel because of (1 JOHN 5:1-6). It says; ""If you believe in JESUS CHRIST that he was born of God and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands." The things God gave to his son is what the son is giving to us we the vessel but my question is, WHAT ARE YOU GIVING TO OTHERS? Know that anything that Christ has given to you must also be given to others that's why JESUS CHRIST said in MARK 16:15. So in the previous text, he said, you should bear fruit fruit that last base on what he has given you. This means, you must be a vessel to others for them to come or turn to Christ just as CHRIST was a vessel to God where he made us to believe God base on what his father gave him. If Christ said we should bear fruit, then we need to set Righteousness as a lifestyle and nothing else. It is through your Faith and obedience in Christ that can make others come to CHRIST and this scene shows you've remained in God's love, and remaining in Gods love shows you are capable of receiving or holding or keeping anything God gives you. Brethren, you were chosen for a reason and this is the reason "LOVE AS IN OBEDIENCE"
God bless you for reading.