2 TIMOTHY 2:5,11.

What normally pops into our minds when we hear the word race. In our dictionary, race is explained as a competition to determine the fastest over a set course. From my perspective, I don't think "USAIN BOLT" would've run or be a runner without any set course or prize. He wanted to achieve something in that sports competition, not for fame but a prize. One thing is, he didn't just wake up and say i will be a winner. He uses effort, determination, he trained, he learned the rules in the competition, he obeyed the rules and regulations in the competition. The reason why am using USAIN BOLT as an example for our discussion is because of the message i want share with you. One question we must ask ourselves is, how can one win a race or how did USAIN BOLT won his race? It is advisable to know that, one can't win a race if he or she don't enter the race. Winning mentality is also an important thing to consider. Again, if you don't learn anything about the competition (race) that is, the tricks and trills, the valleys and hills about that competition, you will find it difficult to compete and may later fall or loose. Now concerning our Christian life about racing, it will be very advisable to keep on reading this lesson and be attentive to it and hopefully, i believe you will know how to behave in your Christian life. The Christian life is a life transformation from bad to better, therefore, we must come to one compusmentus that, the Christian lifestyle is a form of race, that is, being in a competition for a set course. And this race is by serving God of Heaven and Earth. The Christian life shouldn't be a way of having confidence in the flesh but rather , it should be having confidence in Christ Jesus, and this confident in Christ is the race am talking about.

Brethren, if our sporting activities has rules and regulations guarding them, then we must also know that, the Christian life also has rules and regulations which must be followed or obeyed if only you accept to be a follower of CHRIST JESUS our savior. If we believe USAIN BOLT couldn't have won the race without obeying the rules and regulations in it, then we followers of Christ must also know and believe that, believers can never reach their destination promised by JESUS CHRIST if they don't obey his words. Fellow believers, I encourage you to run and win, be serious in this Christian race in order to achieve the set course which is heaven. To conclude here, i would like to say, commit yourself to the Word of God as a believer and your set course will never fade away. Lesson Two of this message will be published soon.