Somewhere, sometime either long past or far into the future, a creature exclaimed in an archaic voice slightly tinged with madness, "Finally, my creation, my son, you are PERFECT! You... OH, YOU, my glorious child are the pinnacle of all that is, and all that WILL EVER BE!" It... spoke with an ever-changing accent almost as if it wasn't sure of which was its true voice.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A creature, an animal, a monster in the making it woke up. 'Blood... Blood... Power.... Hunger. Hunger? Eat. Must eat. Must consume.' Slowly gaining coherence this creature moved forward in search of a meal, only vaguely aware of its surroundings. This being could not see as it had no eye's and yet somehow it could sense its semi-immediate vicinity. This eyeless creature seemed to be a blob of a red viscous liquid, and it formed ripples on its surface that pushed it forward, it was a disturbing sight to behold. The seemingly, blood ooze searched and attempted to get used to its form, it discovered it could shape itself, and thus it created two limbs to leverage itself further and faster. 'Hungry... What is 'hungry'? Blood... Need blood... Why? Hungry.' The creature sensed another living thing after its long search, while it couldn't quite 'see' it, it could tell what it was, a bug, the bug was rather large about the size of a thumb, it was black, and it kind of looked like a herculean beetle and a spider were mixed together. 'Oooh a pretty little bug, I want to eat it. Huh? I?' The red blob thought with confusion. 'Unimportant... must consume.' The beetle was happily munching on another of its kind when the Ooze crept up on it, the red creature formed a large snake-like appendage in order to spring itself on the bug. the beetles were enveloped in the bloody insides of the Ooze, where they were dissolved as if by acid. Slowly darkness crept inside of its consciousness, 'I'm....... so..... tired, there it is again 'I' I... I am alive.' and with that, I fell into a deep slumber... where I evolved, I grew sentient.