It was a deep, but restless sleep. I was plagued by horrible pain and nightmares of being carried away and feasted on by thousands of the same type of beetle-spider-thing I ate. I awoke with a start, as much of one as I could anyway, my body wasn't quite built for that. With that thought I... noticed something odd, no longer was I a bloody mass of seemingly congealed blood, I was now a writhing mass of flesh, newly formed bone, and blood. It would have been a very gut-wrenching sight had any one been able to see, as new organs and body parts formed, blood splattered the walls of the cave, they were covered in a moss-like substance that, disturbingly, looked like bones. Suddenly my nervous system and pain receptors started forming, I felt such unbearable pain, it felt as if my flesh and bones were attempting to rip themselves free of my body, it probably looked like that too. The physical pain wasn't all though, I also felt intense psychological pain as I remembered my dreams, and suddenly seemed to remember fighting and dying as said beetle-thing, over and over. Minutes passed by, agonizing second by agonizing second, seconds felt like hours, minutes felt like days. When it was over I was exhausted, none of the pain remained but the memory of it was clear in my mind. 'What was that? It hurt so much!' I thought before noticing I was a bug, 'What? No matter. Must eat. Hungry.' I carried on in search of food, I noticed I missed all kinds of green... things which in my new form seemed appetizing, I started consuming these tall green... towers? 'What is this? No matter, Hungry.' A short while later i encountered another of my species, I briefly considered eating it before throwing away the idea as I did not wish to experience more pain. These green... things were taller than the bugs, obscuring the rest of the cave, the 'cave' walls were smooth with depictions of trees, battles between giant animals, and valleys and canyons. Wandering around I unwittingly delved deeper, and deeper into this strange cave. Eventually I came upon a particular area where a gust of stale air picked me up and I landed in a flowing river deep underground, doing my best not to drown, I was caught unaware when a passing fish tried to swallow me, being dragged around in the water and almost drowning my small insectoid self, I struggled to survive, 'The passing water-breathers are trying to kill me, the water is trying to kill me, what isn't trying to kill me?' I thought in outrage. Eventually I caught onto a passing twig where i promptly passed out. Waking up falling from the sky i was incredibly confused, landing safely i could only stare in wonder at the towering trees and the rising sun, I heard terrifying growls and roars, I immediately went to find food. Skittering across the ground I saw a 15 foot wolf getting mauled by an even larger humanoid creature with gray skin, a small-for-its-size head, broad-shoulders, a slim-for-its-height waist, triangular black and red eyes, and spears for arms, their every step shattered trees and broke lose rocks from the mountains behind them. I hurriedly scurried away in search of more greens. While running I had to stop in order to not get crushed by a large, pink, wingless, long-legged, sharp-toothed bird being chased by a slightly smaller green-skinned lizard, with a liquid dripping from its teeth that burned the ground like acid. Continous near death experiences made me realize my need for strength. After nearly dying countless times I finally got full and was looking for a safe place to rest for the time being, 'Strength. Power. Hunger.' My thoughts were primal and inchorent, with my new-found intelligence i slowly organized my thoughts. 'Hunger. Blood. Strength=Power. Power=Blood. Strength=Blood' I remembered transforming after killing that bug, so i can do it again, right? 'Must kill, Must eat, Must consume, Must DEVOUR!' I needed to somehow kill something strong. The next day I went out to try and find my target, unfortunately i couldn't for the life of me figure out how to go about it. Nine suns went by, and i still had nothing, no progress what so ever.
While looking for food I happened upon a cracked a nest full of eggs right by my tree, i had passed these eggs so many times i barely noticed them, they were the exact same as normal aside from one cracked egg, I had learned many things in the past nine suns, such as; my spider-beetle form was not suited towards this environment due to its large weight for its size and spear like legs, in softer dirt they would sink in a little thus slowing me down which was nearly fatal, though it did help with splitting insect skulls the black color stuck out as well. So I killed and ate a 'tall' green insect that nearly blended into the foliage. {AN/ Think grasshopper/preying mantis hybrid}
The transformation was even more painful than last time, though the grotesque sight scared away the other insects. one thing I learned is I enjoy the taste of eggs, so seeing this opportunity I immediately started eating.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________The snake slowly slithered its way to its nest, it had a large bulge in its stomach, presumably from a large meal. Approaching its nest the snake saw a pathetic insect eating the cracked egg of its child. the snake crept toward the insect... and pounced!
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sensing the danger I jumped to the side and ran as fast as I could, the single-limbed creature chasing enraged, I ran and I ran, it was gaining on me, I had no hope. But I ran till i could run no more, I ran into a cave, it was a dead end.
Seeing the creature behind me turned to accept my fate, it pounced to kill me, I was going to die, it was to fast I couldn't move so i did the only thing I could do, I... jumped into its mouth so it couldn't bite. I... survived. But if I stayed here I would die, frantically searching for a way to survive I morphed into that congealed blood ooze. Noticing this i had an idea.