Chereads / Highschool DxD: A new opportunity / Chapter 119 - Epilogue I

Chapter 119 - Epilogue I

3rd Person POV

Taking a peaceful stroll, the youth checked the contents of the bags he was carrying. Nora had gone to a nearby store to buy cooking ingredients and decided to bring them by hand, given that he was close to his next stop.

Soon enough, the youth stopped in front of a large iron gate. The property was unusually large and had taken the space of several old and decrepit buildings. Taking enough space to build a large living quarter in the middle and leaving areas for recreational use where trees were planted. The wall around the property was not that tall, yet a passerby who tried to climb over it seemed to hit an invisible wall.

Observing the creep, the youth casually passed by his side and smacked his head after releasing the bag, then without letting it fall, pulled up his phone and typed at an absurd speed a message and sent it. His hand went back to the bag before it touched the ground and he continued like nothing happened.

The unconscious man remained on the ground and soon the sound of a patrol car could be heard nearby. The youth went back to the gate and it opened by itself to his presence or not. There was a camera installed on one side and the person watching the video seemed to allow the youth to enter.

There was someone waiting for the youth after he walked a certain distance inside the property. A red-haired woman with aquamarine eyes greeted the youth with a wave of her hands and a wry smile on her face.

"I was going to take care of him myself."

Raising her other hand, the woman showed the youth her frying pan and made a hitting motion.

"No doubt you could do it." Nora smiled wryly in response. "Even without it, a former warrior of the church would have no issue taking down a pervert."

"I am no longer part of the church so using their skills for my own good sounds a bit wrong."

"As long as you don't abuse your abilities, I don't think anyone will blame you for it." Nora shook his head. "I can always contact Jean or Gaby if someone is giving you trouble."

Shaking her head frantically, the woman did not want the youth to call upon one of the highest authorities of the church or the archangel for a simple matter like she was facing.

Holding all the bags in one hand, the youth pulled out his phone and showed the screen to the woman. A picture of a black-haired and green-eyed beauty with similar features as the youth and she hugged Nora, Kuroka, and Shirone. The four of them were smiling widely and happily, it made the woman smile after seeing the youth's pure smile filled with genuine joy yet the screen soon changed and showed the contact list of the youth and it contained a staggering amount of female names, along with several scary contacts from the supernatural world.

Forcing a smile, the woman felt like if that phone fell into the wrong hands, it could cause quite the issue on a large scale.

"It is fine. I am happy here and not getting involved with the church anymore. I abandoned my position after learning all the deeds they were responsible for during the years and how powerless I was to do anything about it. I wandered for years without purpose until you found me so now I dedicate the rest of my life to you."

" warriors have a strange way to show gratitude. I never asked you to pledge your lifetime loyalty to me." Nora sighed. "I just lend you a hand because someone did the same to me... I was in your place, but contrary to me, you spent years all lost and by yourself."

"I am not a kid, I can handle more than you think."

Chuckling, the woman smiled.

"Who was the one who ended up getting badly injured after trying to take down illegal church research labs by herself, huh?" Nora clicked his tongue.

"...I am sorry about that."

Sighing, the woman could not offer any words to rebuke the youth's words and accepted what he said easily.

"You have found families for some of the kids." Nora mumbled.

"It took some time, but I managed to find trustworthy couples ready to adopt."

Nodding at that, the youth gestured with his chin to the woman to follow after him.

The two began walking toward the building.

"...did you come for a particular reason this time?"

Smiling kindly, the woman looked at the youth.

"Could I not come to visit you?" Nora smiled bitterly.

"The kids are not here right now since they are at school, so it is obvious you did not come for them..."

Mumbling to herself, the woman gave the youth a knowing smile.

"Perhaps, you came here hoping we were the only ones here."

" know, when I met you, you were a gentle Onee-san who tried to take me away from the battlefield..." Nora sighed. "Why did you turn into a lewd woman after leaving the church?"

"Should I smack you with this frying pan? I'll have you know that I was normal before meeting you. After that, I just turned into a deviant..."

"Half of the blame lies on you. I will come clean and admit I might've taken my liberties with you. However, I don't think that offering to take a bath with me to wash my back is something that should've ended with you doing you know what to me." Nora retorted. "You were initially a deviant. After meeting me, you just let those desires inside you blossom."

" I even have any dignity left?"

Sighing, the woman could not deny the youth's words. Meeting him years later was not something she expected to spark certain desires in her. Losing her husband and daughters many years ago led her to join the church to fight against the wicked, throwing away her identity as a woman to become a warrior.

" you regret it?" Nora asked.

Gazing at the woman with a somewhat complicated look, the youth was not sure why he decided to ask that question.

"Regret what in particular?"

Raising an eyebrow, the woman asked back.

"Getting involved with me." Nora paused. "Since you encountered me, nothing but bad things happened to you. I lied to you back then and abused your trust."

"You overthink it."

Shaking her head, the woman naturally extended her hand toward the youth's head and caressed his hair.

"I am not so naive to think that my problems were caused by a brat whom I found in a perilous situation. If anything, I always felt terrible about how the church handled that matter and how it led me to raise my weapon against an innocent child. The fact that a small child had a better understanding of what is right or wrong rather than more than a dozen adults is nothing but an embarrassment."

The difference in height made it so that the woman had to peek at the youth's face from below as she flashed him a motherly smile.

"I would never regret it. If that meeting had not happened, perhaps we would've committed a greater sin than what we already did and we would not forgive ourselves. The result was that we began questioning a lot of orders and many of us had a difference of opinion compared to the church. Sure, we left and went on alone. However, you saved me in the end. You employed me in this orphanage and I have come to feel that this kind of life is better than the one I had before."

Extending one of her hands towards the youth's, the woman took one of his bags.

"The road was most certainly not kind, but that is how life is. You cannot blame every single bad decision you take later on or any hardship resulting from that on someone. Listen, I do not regret meeting you."

Frozen in place, Nora's eyes wavered for a second and the woman felt the urge to hug him for some reason, but the youth simply smiled like he usually did, making it seem like that earlier expression did not happen at all.

"I see. I guess I found someone who would make sure the children do not get taken advantage of." Nora chuckled. "That said, I guess you are a little lacking in some aspects."

Continuing his steps, the youth did not elaborate and left the woman confused.

As they entered the kitchen, the woman ignored the abnormal movement speed the youth used to prepare curry for several in a matter of seconds.

"I guess cooking together in a romantic matter is out of the picture."

Sighing, the woman calmly waited for the youth to finish a task that would usually take hours in minutes just by using magic. After he was done, he began preparing pancakes of all things.

"...long ago, there was a certain research laboratory made by devils working on a way to increase the fighting power of devils among other subjects." Nora made a small tower of pancakes and added several toppings to it before placing everything on a large plate along with a bottle of syrup as he opened a window in the kitchen and left the plate near it. "The objective of this research was to raise a fighter that would not lose to anyone. I am talking of man-made Ultimate Class powerhouses."

Listening quietly, the woman furrowed her eyebrows as the youth glossed over many details.

"Long story short. It was never finished. The devils were killed on the spot or arrested and then killed by their allies." Nora shrugged his shoulders. "It was quite the ruckus in the Underworld."


Pulling a paper fan, Nora waved it at the pancakes so the smell would travel further away.

"It had a downside and it was meant to lock the power of the person who consumed it to Ultimate Class. For those who never had the potential or wanted an easy way to get stronger quickly, it was a blessing. However, those who had great potential never considered it worthy." Nora commented.

"It sounds like an extremely dangerous research. I understand why it was closed down."

Nodding at that, the woman said nothing else.

"It was forced to be closed. Normally, it was supposed to take way longer for it to be even noticed, but a small incident made it possible and the research was halted." Nora smirked. "I will be blunt with you. I could not bring myself to destroy one sample I got my hands on. I am no genius or anything like that, but I was able to finish this one pill."

Pulling out a small pill, the youth caressly threw it at the woman who panicked and failed to catch it as it jumped from her hand as she extended her hand nervously. This caused the pill to jump and fall inside the trash can. Silence ruled the kitchen as the woman gave the youth a cold look.

"...relax, that was a mint candy." Nora chuckled.

Pulling a small pill again, the youth placed it on the kitchen table. Unlike the youth who seemed to find it funny, the woman kept the cold look.

"I have reduced the side effects after much effort, but I cannot guarantee your strength will ever go up any further after eating it." Nora explained. "I considered what to do with this thing for a while, but I will leave it in your hands."

"Why? There should be far more qualified people you could give it to. People close to you."

"Ha, can't you just feel flattered that I have chosen you and not the others?" Nora looked away.

" attitude is terrible and I am old. I doubt I will grow any stronger. Is it only because of that?"

"You are painfully in my strike zone and your body is at your peak... at least for certain activities." Nora coughed. "Although, I cannot deny that you have let your skills rust by no longer practicing."

"...the mint was just a test."

Sighing, the woman understood the reason for his 'playful' action.

"The first part was not necessary."

Looking away, the woman tried to hide the smile forming on her face.

"I want you to be able to protect the children." Nora spoke. "There are others working on this project to protect the children and built orphanages, but you are the most experienced one in many aspects. Among the ones in the project, there are many who only answer if your fist is big enough so I believe having the strength to back you up will be necessary."

"...should I ask about it?"

"You can ask, but I will not answer." Nora smiled faintly.

Shaking her head, the woman wanted to ask why he suddenly began spouting nonsense, but if he did not want to talk about something, Nora would not open his mouth.

"Are you sure you want to hand this to me?"

"You can turn it down if you want." Nora smiled bitterly. "It is, after all, a prototype that I modified and cannot be reproduced by anyone anymore."

Taking the pill without hesitation, the woman felt a terrible pain course through her body as she could tell how her body was changing.

"Shouldn't you hesitate or ask about the side effects at least?" Nora retorted.

Gritting her teeth, the woman barely managed to say a few words.

"If you want to put your trust in me, I will do the same."

Feeling like everything was spinning, the woman fainted from the pain and several other ailments affecting her all at once.

"Dear me, why are the women around me so careless and defenseless around me?" Nora sighed.

Catching the woman, the youth smiled bitterly.

"Don't you think they should at least keep the basic guard around me? I am a bad guy who hoodwinks women after all." Nora turned toward the window as a figure had been adding syrup to the pancakes. "What do you think about that? Abby."

Ignoring the question, the blonde lady swallowed a large chunk of pancake as her eyes turned into stars.

Smiling wryly, Nora decided to talk with the second reason he decided to come to the orphanage.

"There are a few things we need to talk about." Nora left those words as he carried the woman to the room.

Once he was gone, Abbygail Williams stopped eating briefly.

"There is not much time then if he has lured me with these..." Abbygail sighed.


3rd Person POV

A figure was sent rolling on the ground as he did not even try to regain his balance. The force used to sent him away was immense and it took him a while to stop.

The youth stood up while holding his stomach with one hand as he spat a mouthful of blood.

"Are you being serious?"

A cold voice devoid of any warmth was directed at the youth who spat one last time as he gasped for breath.

"I am always serious." Nora smiled bitterly.

Holding his stomach, the youth's natural recovery was unable to fix the immense damage he suffered from the simple kick he just received.

In his mind, he could bitterly accept the difference between him and a goddess who stands among the most skilled martial artists in existence.

Slowly walking out of her castle as she gazed at the youth with a freezing look, Scathach thought about the words she had just heard.

"I am being extremely kind and patient." Scathach opened her mouth. "Do you mean the words that came out your mouth moments ago?"

"About quitting being your disciple? Yeah. I am not joking. I don't want to have any relationship with the Witch of Dun Scaith." Nora wiped his mouth as he gazed back at the woman holding a pair of crimson spears.

Closing her eyes, Scathach remained silent for a moment as her eyebrows were furrowed. There were several emotions coursing through her mind but she showed nothing to the youth.

"Is that so?" Scathach opened her eyes as she gave an indifferent reply.

"Sorry to disappoint you, O' Goddess. I am but a failure unworthy of your time." Nora bowed down. "You and I should not have any sort of relationship from now on."

Sighing, Scathach looked toward the sky.

"Am I that weak?" Scathach asked.

"No. You are not weak. It is I who is..." Nora bitterly replied but kept his head down.

"Is that so...?" Scathach's disappointed tone reached the youth.

None of the two said anything else. An uncomfortable silence remained as Scathach gracefully raised one hand holding her crimson spear and began tracing a rune on the air in front of her. Once she finished, the rune gave a faint light before several objects dropped from a small hole opened from the rune.

"Take your belongings." Scathach indifferently said.

A number of cooking equipments such as an oven, a freezer, blender and even more electrical appliances as well as clothes, pillows and the like made a small pile between the two.

"You can get rid of those as you please. They will be... of no use to me." Nora smiled bitterly.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Scathach relaxed her expression before turning around and snorting.

"It is your responsibility to do that. Why would I have to do it?" Scathach said.

Chuckling, Nora did not hesitate and snapped his fingers. Fireballs were created around him and were shot toward the pile. Everything burned smoothly and the youth was the only one watching it burn with a calm expression.

Another session of silence followed until the objects were not able to be called their previous name and there was no distinction to one or another.

"From today onward, Scathach does no longer have a disciple." Scathach spoke.

"You can treat it as if you never had one. I was just a guy who came and invaded your property without any relation whatsoever with you." Nora said.

" be it. I never had a useless disciple like you." Scathach cold tone reached the youth.

Smiling bitterly, Nora kept his head down until the very last moment. He did not allow Scathach to see him catch one last look at her expression. The youth vividly observed every single expression the goddess had by using his ability and never diverted his attention to anything else.

"...fool." Scathach muttered as she did not see him even raise his head to look at her one last time.

As Scathach left, there was the clear sound of her heels touching the ground. However, there was another sound, easily lost between the heels' sound. It was a sound that the youth made sure to capture. The sound of a small droplet of water falling to the ground. Listening to it, and knowing full well where it came from made the youth tighten his fists strong enough to bleed.

"Every action has a consequence. You are being a piece of shit so you do not even deserve to feel guilty for your actions." Nora smirked and mocked himself. "What did you expect? That everything will be all flowers and sunshine? You are a villain, a scum. You are selfish and above all, you are an evil being."

Standing straight, the youth gazed at the doors that closed long ago.

"You can be rather soft, you know?" Nora smiled wryly as he pulled a token that was the proof he was learning under Scathach.

The youth had received the item from Scathach herself as she put her name on one side of the coin-like object and the other side had his name. It was carefully crafted by the goddess who said she was bored so she 'gave it a go' to crafting something like that.

The youth placed the object on his left hand with his name facing toward him as he used his right hand to trace numerous runes above it.

His actions did nothing to it. The youth expected as such as he was certain that his mastery on runes was still far off behind Scathach. However, there was another difference that only few could notice and the youth was aware why he actions were ineffective.

"Primordial runes for something you gave it a go? You really overdid it." Nora mumbled. "However, even if you have not taught me those runes... I have known them long ago."

This time, the youth began to trace above the token different runes and this time, there was a strong reaction as the token seemed to be against the actions the youth was taking. Nonetheless, the youth was relentless and he did not stop until the runes forming his name were completely gone. The token now only had Scathach's name on one side and the other was blank, devoid of any name like there was nothing written there since the begining.

"I kinda just imitated your actions and took a look at everything you did. They might be far from reaching your level, but I happen to know another goddess who knows a lot about runes. Along with a perverted god who also excels at them. Adding one to another, I just made a set of primordial runes. Nothing to be proud of as it was something I stole and never got permission to learn or use... but I guess I did not waste my time." Nora spoke to himself as he walked toward the castle gates.

No longer did the gates respond to his presence and opened on their own. Nevertheless, the youth did not seem bothered by it as he carefully placed the token in front of the gate and bowed deeply.

"Thank you very much. I am extremely lucky and honored to have met someone like you. The difference in is status is too great and I believe you would not have paid attention to a talentless person like me if the circumstances had not been special." Nora muttered. "I cannot thank you enough for helping Rossweisse back then too. You helped me protect what I wanted to protect. For that you have my gratitude."

Pausing, Nora smiled slightly.

"Thinking about it, I wonder how everyone just says I have a glib tongue. When things truly matter, I find myself unable to articulate properly what I want to say." Nora chuckled softly. "There are so many things I would've loved to tell you. Like singing praises about you for days. I was proud to have someone as great as you instructing me, you know?"

Imagining Scathach's cold eyes on him if he tried that, the youth smiled wryly.

"I would spend 3 days praising your technique and teaching methods, 3 days praising how cool and stylish and 21 days praising your thighs." Nora smiled. "I will make sure that you are aware of how much I liked you."

Shrugging off some killing intent directed at him, the youth raised his head to gaze at the castle gate.

"I truly feel blessed to have studied under you, my beautiful and gentle teacher. I hope your next student is a cool person unlike me." Nora smiled sadly.

Turning around, the youth began to walk away. His destination was the location where many ghosts resided in the Land of Shadows.

Some time passed and Nora's figure was nowhere to be seen. A soft sigh was heard from the other side of the castle doors.

Unbeknownst to the youth, no, he was well aware of it. The goddess was listening to his rambling since he placed the token on the castle gate as she had gone back to the gate just to watch over his last actions.

"You are really going to act like that until the end, my foolish disciple." Scathach mumbled.

Pondering for a long time, the goddess left the castle gates and moved deep inside the castle where a teleportation magic circle was activated by her.

Stepping inside it took her to a desolate corridor with stone walls and torches lighting up the long but narrow space where she began to walk down. Scathach's steps were the only sound that could be heard for a long time. Instead of hurrying or using any movement technique to cover the distance, the goddess took her time to walk.

Once she reached the end, another circle awaited her and she stepped on it.

Her actions were repeated a couple of times more. An annoying matter but it was to prevent Nora from sniffing around given his curiosity at times. A precaution that was necessary since he was a cat.

After she arrived at a particular bright cave filled with crystals, Scathach gazed at the array of figures sealed inside. The one in the middle had been broken a couple of times through the years but the person inside just came back after a while and grew the crystals to seal his figure and those he brought with him.

There was no special reason why Scathach came here other than taking a look like she did often. Nonetheless, the goddess noticed one of the crystals close to breaking. It was completely different compared to the last time she came. Scathach walked over and after inspecting the crystal, she concluded that it would take a couple of days before the crystal shattered.

Compared to the one in the middle, the others would not be able to normally escape the seal... unless they forced their way out using brute strength. A method that was against the initial reason to be sealed.

Shaking her head, Scathach just leaned back on the crystal.

"Foolish disciple..." Scathach muttered.

Her words were only for her, however, without intention, the crystal began cracking even more.


3rd Person POV

The sound of his steps was hard to hear yet you could still see him walking alone in the rain.

Several women, office workers, police officers, dangerously dressed housewives, obscenely dressed high schoolers, and the list went on, but everyone tried to offer him rain gear such as a raincoat, umbrella, or even a ride to what the youth could quote 'a nearby hotel that also has hot water to bath'. The youth smoothly avoided the danger while leaving a great impression on those women as he continued to walk until he stopped in a certain corner of a certain neighborhood and gazed at the distance at how a family of four left their house.

It was a heartwarming scene of a young man insisting on carrying the umbrella for his mother as they shared it while looking embarrassed as his younger sisters teased him for it.

The mother tried to take the umbrella from him to avoid him getting teased but the youth was adamant in his actions.

Looking at that, Nora smiled. The person he was observing was none other than Vali and his mother, Tsuki along with his sisters.

"Va-kun, Mama can take the umbrella if you want..." Tsuki tried to take the umbrella.

Avoiding all of her attempts, Vali kept a sulky expression as he stared to the other side.

"Fuuh. This is nothing, a descendant of the Maou will not feel troubled by something of this level." Vali tried to play it cool.

"Eeeehhh? Is that so? I wonder about that... You seem awfully flustered to me."

The oldest of the younger sisters moved closer to her brother and poked his cheek with a smirk on her face.

"This is just... heat, yes. I am raising my temperature to fight against the cold." Vali nodded to himself.

"Oh, is that so? I remember hearing you say before that a descendant of Lucifer would never be affected by cold... Oh, how odd."

Pulling back, the girl tapped her chin as she mused out loud.

"This heat is for you who are human, as the strongest one is my right and duty to protect you all who are weak." Vali coughed. "Indeed, it is the only reason why I am in my current state."

Deciding to stop teasing after hearing that, the older girl backed away. It was just in time, that Vali noticed the presence of Nora. At the same time, it was also when Tsuki who looked moved was about to hug her son yet he passed her the umbrella.

"I will be right back." Vali dashed away as he left after images.

The mother was left with a frozen moved expression and umbrella in hand, the younger sister that was teasing him was sighing while the youngest sister was... playing with her phone the whole time.

"Alright, I cleared this level."

Smugly, the girl showed the screen to her sister.

"Oh? You cleared ORT boss already? Great."

"Eh? Where is Nii-chan?"

"Probably about to catch a suspicious person or maybe a cat."

"Eh? Is Nora nearby?" Tsuki seemed to reboot after hearing the name and began to frantically look left and right.

"He is not coming to see us so I doubt with will manage to catch sight of him."

Speaking somewhat sulky, the younger sister looked away with a pout.

Smirking at that, the younger sister did not outwardly express her desire to see the cat like the other women in her family.

"If there is someone who makes things interesting in this family... is a cat."




After finally catching up to Nora, Vali sat beside him on the roof of a nearby house.

"Is fine to leave your family like that?" Nora asked.

Without bothering with the rain, the youths were now drenched.

"I noticed someone suspicious so I came to deal with him, they understand how I work." Vali shrugged his shoulders. "I also made them wear the items you invented, I will get a warning if there is a strong presence near them or they find themselves in danger."

"It is not like I invented it." Nora smiled wryly. "I just made a couple of geniuses make reality what I had in mind. Besides, it is far from perfect."

"I am not sure about the details, but I would call it an impressive feat to make Azazel stop working on his research of sacred gears just to make it." Vali said.

"In this world, bribing people can take you very far." Nora smirked.

"...for saying things like that is that I worry when you are near my sisters." Vali sighed.

"I don't think that is my worst aspect though." Nora chuckled.

"I cannot argue with that." Vali laughed as well.

Extending his fist toward Vali, Nora did not wait long before the other party bumped his own fist with his.

"Family outing?" Nora asked.

"Fumu, we are going to buy Christmas decorations for the house." Vali nodded.

"Oh? It is indeed close to that date." Nora's gaze looked empty for a moment.

Vali was pulling something from his pocket so he missed it.

"I had it around here..." Vali pulled a pamphlet somewhat excited. "Here is it."

"...Christmast Ramen Sell?" Nora read the words on the pamphlet that was thrust toward his face.

"A few days before Christmast they will be making a big sale for instant ramen with Chrismast theme. I heard many people saying that it is going to a unique and new flavor so I am hoping that as my rival and goal, you come with me to test if this Ramen is good or not." Vali spoke in a somewhat excited tone.

"Too much instant food is bad for your health..." Nora mumbled.

"It is just this time! Just time I tell you!" Vali shook the pamphlet in excitement.

"That is always what you say, yet I have found safe houses you got full of instant noodles...." Nora sighed.

" is for emergency purposes." Vali looked away.

Giving the silver-haired youth a dubious glance, Nora simply shook his head.

"Have you gotten Tsuki's permission?" Nora asked.

There was a twitch in the corner of Vali's eyes.

"Mother is worried I might get food poisoning..." Vali mumbled.

"Given how bloated your stomach ended the last time you went to one of those, I cannot blame her." Nora sighed. "You were so full that you could not have the food she made for you."

"Urgh, you have a point." Vali grimaced as he recalled how sad his mother was after that.

"It is not like she would never agree to it, but I don't think you should be doing that behind her back." Nora spoke.

Taking the pamphlet from Vali, Nora used magic to remove the rain water and carefully folded it before handing it back to Vali.

"How about you take Tsuki with you? I believe that spending time together with your family is quite meaningful." Nora smiled.

Unable to refute those words, Vali did not say anything back. He certainly felt embarrassed and it was one reason why he had not tried inviting Tsuki, along with the possibility of her telling him to not go outrightly. Nonetheless, he could not say that. At least, not to Nora. His best friend had spent years looking for his mother and never gave up, to tell someone like that something silly like he was embarrassed of taking his mother with him was not something he could do. Nora would've loved to have as much time as he had with his mother. Even if she was found already, there were many years they were away.

"Sometimes, we just one-sidedly assume things." Nora mumbled. "Maybe if you put on an effort to find something you both liked, or it might not need to be the same kind of ramen, you can just find a dish she likes and then both can talk about the things you like. You can start from there..."

Looking at the youth beside him, Nora knew he was being considerate given his circumstances.

"Hey now, I am not saying it is going to be easy." Nora said. "Tsuki would not be as enthusiastic about the same things you like. You can expect her to even dislike some of them, however, you can be certain that she would follow you all the way. Your mother can be pretty strong, you know? Stronger than you and me."

"...I feel like this conversation shifted from ramen to supernatural matters all of a sudden." Vali sighed.

"Both matters have been troubling you and both matters have the same solution, in my humble opinion." Nora smiled.

"She worries a lot." Vali replied.

"That is her job." Nora smiled wryly.

"...she will lose her sleep." Vali lowered his head.

"Maybe or maybe not, you are not her so you cannot tell." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

"Her heart will break if she sees me hurt." Vali spoke.

"Then you better don't get hurt." Nora chuckled. "You need to get stronger... Yes, stronger than anyone. That way, no one will ever be capable of hurting you."

"Easy for you to say." Vali spat out. "Even with Balance Breaker, I find it hard to catch up to you. The guy who called Balance Breaker a cheat is beating the guy cheating, I would say you are the cheater."

"Haha, funny to say by the guy who would mop the floor with me using Balance Breaker before." Nora retorted. "I had no chance at all."

"That was the only way I had to win, without it, you were more powerful than me." Vali shook his head.

"Hah, you say that but you lost many times for acting cocky and mighty, Lucidra-sama." Nora smirked.

"Grrr, you used that name again, I can't believe you even told Mother about it!" Vali growled.

"Haha, why not? Isn't it cute how Tsuki tried to ask you if you want to be called Lucidra?" Nora chuckled.

"Hey, how would you feel if your mother tried to use embarrassing names you were trying to hide like it was normal?" Vali complained.

"I don't feel embarrassed over something like that." Nora smiled wryly. "If I make fun of others, why can't I let others try the same with me? That said... Kaa-san was actually the one taking damage when we discussed dark history before, even Yasaka-san... I feel like I need to dig up someone's past but I also feel like doing so will be the putting the nails on my coffin."

Sighing, Vali patted Nora on his shoulder.

"...actually, Kaa-san supposedly had an edge phase long ago, I heard that from one of the old ladies that go to the same market as her. How about it? We could both try to defy fate and learn about the past." Vali gave his friend a thumbs up.

"...I thought I was the only one with a death wish." Nora wiped an imaginary tear with his hand. "This is why you and I are friends."

"We are so dead after we learn the truth." Vali smiled.

"You have no idea, I doubt there will be a force in the world that will save us once they find out we know about it." Nora smiled back.

"However, we are..." Vali mumbled.

"Truth seekers." Nora finished the words.

Nodding to each other, the duo chuckled and continued chatting for a bit before Vali stood up.

"Mother will surely get anxious if I stay any longer." Vali nodded to himself. "Why don't you come with us?"

Tilting his head, Vali gave one look to Nora before shaking his head.

"Please, change into dry clothes... I don't think it would be wise to take to Mother or my siblings looking like that." Vali pointed at Nora.

Clinging tightly to his body, the baggy clothes that the youth usually wears to hide his physique did not help him at all. It gave him a unique image and Vali could vividly recall it in the past that one time that caused great chaos in the Fallen Angel territory.

"Hmmm?" Nora tilted his head curiously.

Checking his clothes, the youth who was usually sharp as a blade turned sharp as a feather.

"Have you forgotten the chaos you brought before by looking... like that?" Vali shuddered as he recalled the chaos. "Azazel said that you might not be a nekomata but the legendary Incubus King..."

"Haha, you sure like to jest like him. Remember that it was because there was an accident on the experiment with aphrodisiacs that the ladies turned strange." Nora smiled wryly.

"That was what it was said to everyone, but you know full well that the experiment was not exactly about that. You made that Cadre lady into a maniac... no, wait, she was already one. Fallen Angels in general are wrong in the head." Vali sighed. "Anyways, Benemune was leading the charge to get a hold of you, don't tell me you... forgot...?"

Looking at Nora smiling but with a pair of empty eyes, Vali understood that it was not like he forgot, but he was avoiding reality.

"...why me? Vali, you were also a cute shota, and grew to be be a handsome fellow, but why is it that I became the guy they have pictures of when they need to... let out some steam?" Nora chuckled hollowly.

Vali decided to take to the grave a great secret, one that included handing photos of Nora to any of those ladies trying to get close to him.

"Dunno." Vali plainly replied.

"...I receive large files full of pictures from those women daily, and those pics are not the type I can show around." Nora sighed.

"Is that so?" Vali coughed. "A-Anyways, there was a matter wanted to ask you about."

"Is it about your girlfriend?" Nora asked.

"She is not my girlfriend!" Vali retorted.

"...buddy, I did not even mention anybody, but I bet there was a certain face crossing your head." Nora smirked.

"N-No." Vali shook his head.

"Oh, come on. You might still need to gain the approval of her family formally, but I think many of the Five Clans actually recognize your relationship." Nora teased. "My Suzaku is cuter though."

"What does that have to do with the Five Clans and me!? Genbu-chan is a lot cuter! She might be small but that only gives you the impression that she is helpless and makes you want to protect her." Vali started to blabber.

Smiling meaningfully from one side, it was not until Vali said a lot of embarrassing things that he noticed Nora's smile and the recorder in his hand.

" are my best friend, but I really hate you." Vali spat out.

"Luv ya too buddy." Nora laughed.

"Gununu." Vali gritted his teeth.

Snorting, he looked the other way. 

"Oh yeah." Vali furrowed his eyebrows. "Lately I have been feeling strange..."

"That's called puberty, your body goes through a lot of changes, some are easy to spot while others-" Nora pulled out a health teaching book.

"I don't want to go through that class again." Vali retorted.

"Hey, I had to teach you a lot of things. How come Azazel never taught you even basic stuff like these? I was shocked when I found out. You thought a kiss was enough to make babies- ok, I will stop here." Nora coughed and stored the book back.

Having brought out the wings of his Sacred Gear, Vali seemed ready to fight the youth if he said anything else.

"I just feel strange. It is like something is not quite right." Vali explained. "For a while now, there was something I was planning to do this month. Mother is the same, she was looking forward to do something this month too."

"Aren't you imagining things? Isn't the thing you were looking forward the Ramen event? No, maybe it was Christmast, perhaps you were planning to invite your girlfriend home to have dinner with your mother and siblings." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

"...I don't think that was it." Vali pondered hard. "It is like there is a fog and whenever I try to remember, I can't find my way."

"Hmmm, I don't think there was anything worth mentioning these days. Perhaps, you forgot it because it is not that important. If it was so important, you would've remembered by now." Nora looked toward the cloudy sky.

"Fumu, that... could be it." Vali did not seem convinced but he still nodded.

"You should go now." Nora spoke. "Tsuki must be worried about you."

" you won't come with us." Vali sighed. "I will need to think of an excuse why I took so long. Otherwise, Mother will be worried all day."

Preparing to bump fists with Nora as a goodbye, Vali widened his eyes when he felt the wet clothes getting dry as the water left them. Nora was staring at him wryly, extending toward him his arm carrying an umbrella.

"I would advise you to be honest rather than making up any random excuse. Just tell her I was passing by, there is no lie there. Tsuki is an understanding woman, and knowing you were not with an stranger will put her at ease." Nora muttered.

"...I have been meaning to ask, like, I really restrained myself from asking, but why do you call my mother by her first name so familiarly?" Vali asked sourly.

"...Vali, my friend, that has a reason-" Nora took a step back.

"I already asked her why and she blushed without daring to say anything else." Vali raised an eyebrow.

Nora was thankful that the rain prevented Vali from noticing his cold sweat. He could not admit that there was a time the two were drinking together and his mother pushed Nora down and kissed him.

"Would you look at the time? I have a ton of things to do." Nora tossed the umbrella to his friend before disappearing.

Sighing, Vali caught the umbrella and opened it. The transparent material allowed one to see the drops falling on the umbrella and even more, it was one of the rare things you could tell Nora picked because he liked it. The youth once mentioned that he liked this type of umbrella and he enjoyed strolling under the rain with it.

"He got stronger." Vali muttered.

The way Nora had used to leave was faster and he concealed his presence even better than the last time they spared together.

"A worthy rival, it is what I need to get stronger." Vali spoke to himself. "Even if he is not the Red Dragon Emperor, I think I found the person who I will challenge for the rest of my life. Don't you think so?"

"Even among users of Divine Dividing or the Boosted Gear, I have not seen many people that defy common sense like he does."

A voice replied to Vali, the creature sealed inside his Sacred Gear spoke in a calm tone.

"Hmm, I knew it. He really is special." Vali nodded joyfully.

"It is impressive how he overcame a genius like you with nothing but combat abilities without relying on that Longinus he has."

"I guess I cannot stop moving forward if I want to catch up to him." Vali smiled.

" is indeed incredible how he has managed to push you forward with the difference between the two of you."

The voice muttered.

"I will have to ask him to spar again later." Vali smiled.

"...I have a question, were you trying to mislead him earlier?"

"Huh? How so?" Vali jumped down from the roof and scared a cat half to death.

Inwardly hoping that the cat does not get into an accident after running away like its life depended on it, Vali adeptly avoided an office lady who had a scary look when she saw him descend in front of her as well. The youth pulled a picture of Nora and tossed it to the woman before taking his leave.

"They are quite handy, Nora's pics." Vali nodded to himself.

The picture of Nora seemed to be enough to get away from the dangerous office lady who kept muttering things like 29 and single.

"I would be more worried about what that man will do to you when he finds out that you have been using the pictures you got through under-the-table dealings to push away strange women on the street."

Feeling empathy for the cat, Albion, the dragon sealed inside the Divine Dividing mumbled.

"He already knows about it though?" Vali tilted his head. "He said that he doesn't mind as long as we don't go overboard. Nora goes to talk to those people and sometimes helps them find a partner by setting up mixers. Well, the ones that get charmed by him are lost cause in many ways."

"...He is an amazing person."

Albion came to respect Nora in a strange way.

"Was that what you meant?" Vali asked.

", I was talking about the party you were all preparing so I was curious if you said all that to throw him off."

"Party? We were...?" Vali looked confused.

The words caused him to furrow his eyebrows and he felt like the fog cleared for a bit, but the youth grimaced and the fog became more dense.

"He hid it for years and kept making excuses to throw everyone off from what we heard, that man's birthday."

"Huh?" Vali felt a sharp pain in his head and he almost dropped the umbrella.

Birthday party, Nora's birthday party.

"What..." Vali felt his head throbbing.

Nora's- party? A party? There was no such a thing. The only party they were preparing for was a Christmas party.

"What were we talking about again?" Vali rubbed his head. "Oh, Mother is calling me, I better hurry."

Dashing away, Vali seemed to ignore the conversation he just had.

"This could be troublesome..."

Albion muttered to himself.


3rd Person POV

Hidden from the view of any passerby, Nora gazed at the people below from the roof of a building. He seemed to be gazing mindlessly with no particular goal in mind as he pondered about certain matters. He sat at one corner with his legs dangling without any fear of the high height he was sitting on. The previous rain had long been over, but the cloudy sky did not let the sun be seen yet.

"Oya? Are my eyes playing tricks on me or did I happen to find the person everyone talks about nowadays sitting all alone?"

A lively voice reached the youth and soon while doing some acrobatic and nimble movements, the figure landed a few steps away from the youth.

"How odd, normally you would be surrounded by a couple of ladies, too busy to care for poor lil' old me." The figure exaggeratedly shrugged her shoulders. "I guess funerary professions are not as popular nowadays huh."

Walking with big steps back and forth behind the youth, the figure failed to get his attention.

"I wonder if it is because my chest is small... comparing myself to your usual acquaintances is a little difficult, but I am confident in my legs!" The figure struck a pose but still failed to get Nora's attention.

Sighing exaggeratedly as she dropped her upper body and hung her arms downwardly, the figure quickly recovered and put on a cheerful smile.

"Oh well, I guess I can only use drastic measures." The figure pulled a lighter.

Watching carefully the moving tails behind the youth, she lit up the lighter and tried to burn the tip.

"This is certainly not a grudge for being too busy to play with me." The figure made a self-righteous exclamation. 

She tried to light the tails a couple of times but they seemed to be alive and capable of detecting danger so it dodged skillfully. Before trying for the Nth time, she found her waist being tied by another tail and she was pulled toward the youth.

"Wow!" The figure did not seem unaccustomed to this treatment and soon she was hanging upside down in front of the youth.

"It's been a while... Hutao." Nora mumbled.

"Hmm, it has been indeed been a while. You have been busy lately and a flat-chested heroine like me can hardly find the time to talk to you." Hu Tao muttered in a cheery tone, although you could tell she was pouting somewhat given her choice of words.

"...I hear about you regularly though." Nora said. "You are up to mischief often and Yasaka-san always complains about your... advertising methods." 

"Quite the brilliant and novel ideas if I say so myself." Hu Tao blinked without even an ounce of remorse.

"...I take my hat off to your unwavering lack of shame." Nora sighed. "You also have an interesting way to advertise goods."

"Sadly, I don't think that my offer of 2x1 is that popular." Hu Tao crossed her arms and sighed as well.

"Is that so?" Nora smiled wryly. "Isn't it better if the business is slow?"

"...hmmm, that is indeed the case." Hu Tao smiled. "That means I will end up in the streets after being unable to pay rent for the building I am using though."

"I brought that place and your house so you do not need to pay rent." Nora nonchalantly said.

"...young master, please teach me the ways of how to do business!" Hu Tao begged.

Clinging onto Nora, Hu Tao hung on to the youth with the strength of a thousand men or not, she only used the strength of two Hu Tao's at most.

Rolling his eyes, the youth poked her belly and Hu Tao jumped backward warily.

"Hey! You cannot just touch a young lady like that suddenly!" Hu Tao exclaimed.

"Only to the girls I would make a move on." Nora smiled.

Sticking out her tongue at the youth's flirty line, Hu Tao turned around in her heels to hide the smile that formed on her face.

"Now then, are you ready to talk?" Hu Tao turned once again with an air of seriousness.

" are quite pushy." Nora sighed.

Despite the youth remaining silent after that, the young girl did not give up. She was extremely patient and her efforts seemed to move the youth who had kept his mouth shut for an hour.

"I have been pondering a lot these days..." Nora mumbled. "Despite my self-proclaimed glib tongue, I am embarrassed to admit I have been unable to find the right words."

"That's a rather common problem people have, nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens quite often and it is hard to find people who always know what to say." Hu Tao said. "My dear, you have amazing communication skills... bordering the realm of godhood, to be honest, but that does not mean you NEED to know the right words. Sometimes... there is no right and wrong."

"Haha, I guess you are correct." Nora smiled wryly. "As far as my memory takes me to... I have always been careful with my wording so now that I cannot find the right words, I am here wasting your time..."

"*Sigh* You are being silly. I am not wasting my time here at all. Even if I just spend my time gazing at you and we do not share any words, I would never say my time was wasted." Hu Tao's eyes did not blink as she stared deeply into the eyes of the person in front of her.

Unlike his usual self, the youth looked somewhat haggard. He was trying to hide it, but it seemed he had reached the limit at the moment. However, aside from being tired, whatever he was pondering about was taking a toll on him.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" Nora smiled bitterly.

"Heh, I would be lying if as a woman I am not feeling compelled to rizz you in revenge for my fallen (rizzed) sisters." Hu Tao shrugged her shoulders.

Walking over, she sat beside the youth, not too far, not too close. However, she made a dissatisfied face and scooted over closer.

"...but, I think I will regret it if I ignore your state." Hu Tao said. "Of course, we can continue exchanging pleasantries later on if you want, I admit you are good with your tongue, but my poetry skills are nothing to scoff at. I will show you that I can rizz you up using an original poesy."

Getting a laugh from the youth, the girl smiled pleasantly.

"I guess I want to say my thanks." Nora embarrassedly said.

"...that is not exactly what I was expecting." Hu Tao was rather honest. "You are usually great at showing your gratitude... hmmm, so this means it is someone you have a hard time using your usual communication skills. No, if you are that close to that person, you would be more physical. This is tricky... which woman are you having trouble conveying your feelings to..?"

"No, why do you assume I am talking about a woman, I have male friends too, not just girlfriends..." Nora complained.

Snorting, Hu Tao crossed her arms and gave the youth a look. Raising his hands in defeat, the youth understood how foolish his comment was.

"I wanted to say thank you to everyone... thank you for everything so far." Nora sighed. "I want to show my gratitude for all the time they decided to spend with me. The good times and difficult times. I want to tell them that I am who I am today because of them."

Nodding at that, Hu Tao did not show it, but she felt that things were not as simple as they sounded. However, she could not dismiss what the youth said as something that he was simply using to throw her off. His gaze was honest and a deep gratitude could be seen. Hu Tao could tell because she appeared to be one of the targets of his gratitude.

"I see." Hu Tao tried to hide her embarrassment after Nora pulled his face closer until their foreheads could touch.

"Are you ok? I thought you were going to poke fun at me." Nora showed concern.

"Hey! I am still a maiden, can you please not try to play with my heart like that? And you are making it sound like I am a terrible person who laughs at people when they need help." Hu Tao pinched the youth's belly, or at least she tried to because there was nothing she could pinch given his hardened abs. "You are not bulliable with your steel-like abs."

"Thanks?" Nora pulled back. "I was just checking your temperature, I was not exactly playing with your heart."

"...are you really obvlious and dense or do you like to pretend you are because you enjoy the maidens' reactions?" Hu Tao asked.

"I will leave that to your imagination." Nora smiled brightly.

" better give me your tail and let me fluff the heck out of it because I am angry." Hu Tao narrowed her eyes and pulled out her lighter again. "A maiden's grudge... you know it will never end well for a guy."

"Haha, well, please have mercy on me, my dear maiden." Nora obediently placed one tail on Hu Tao's lap.

"Where is the other?" Hu Tao pushed the lighter toward the youth.

"You are being greedy." Nora smiled wryly.

In response, Hu Tao simply shook the lighter.

Chuckling, the youth placed another tail onto the maiden's lap and she snorted satisfied. Putting away the lighter, she glanced at the youth's back.

"...shouldn't you have more than 2 tails?" Hu Tao failed to find another tail. "Back then, you..."

"Until recently, Shirone-chan only had a tail, if I showed I had more than two now that we looked the same, she would sulk." Nora smiled wryly.

"As always, you are thoughtful to the point one worries that you don't care about yourself." Hu Tao sighed.

"It is a trivial detail." Nora mumbled.

Fluffing the tail with a smile on her face, Hu Tao enjoyed the softness happily.

"...have you considered that perhaps what you consider trivial yourself... is not in fact trivial at all." Hu Tao paused to look at the youth and saw him smiling wryly. "The way you see yourself, how you carry yourself... you don't realize that not just anyone can act like you. You are capable of putting your life in danger without a second thought. Do you think anyone can do that? It is not normal to even think that you can sacrifice your life for someone else's sake."

Pausing her fluffing reluctantly, Hu Tao gazed at the youth with an expressionless look.

"...parents abandoning their children for their self-preservation or simple self-interest is something that happens." Hu Tao said. "Brothers betraying each other is even one of the first things you read in some holy scriptures. It is the basic core of most humans."

"That is rather a grim outlook in life." Nora muttered.

"It is the sad reality. Just like you can say humanity has a good side, a side that believes in hope and doing the right thing, you have to accept that they have a dark side." Hu Tao mumbled. "It is important to understand human nature. To understand the wish of the departed requires empathy but you cannot hope to experience every emotion and loss just like other people. Ultimately, trying to understand what other parties feel is a task that you always have to make an effort for."

" know that the world is not simply black and white." Nora added.

"Ultimately, there is never anything set in stone." Hu Tao stated. "...yet, you are dead set on taking the dark path. You mingle with the dark side for the sake of those you care about walking on the bright side, you swallow the darkness, and you protect them. However... at what cost? You suffer greatly in silence. Not only that, you meddle in others' affairs. I wouldn't say you go around doing everything for just about everyone, but you still do your best for those you can without caring for yourself. Even though it is not your responsibility."

Smiling wryly, Nora did not say anything.

"I understand your reasoning. It is not difficult for you so doing it is not a big deal... that's what you always think." Hu Tao said. "Yet, in the end... you are just being selfish. Your actions are for what you believe only, without taking into account what others think. It is sheer arrogance on your part to believe that you can carry with all that weight alone."

"That's... quite blunt of you." Nora smiled bitterly.

"I don't think that even if I am harsh and blunt you will change your mind so I am just letting out some steam here, thank you very much." Hu Tao stuck out her tongue.

"You are not wrong." Nora smiled. "At the end of the day, I am just acting for my own gratification. Whether it is because I feel like I owe people something or I simply feel like doing good deeds will help me wash away my sins, it is all about me."

"You know, I think we need to have those ears of yours checked. Why do you only take the bad parts of what I said?" Hu Tao sighed heavily. "Listen here, I just want you to rely on me. I am 100% sure I will make a mess, but if you let even one person help you out, everyone can rest at ease."

"Oh, I thought you would say that with you helping out, success was the only possible outcome." Nora chuckled. "At ease... huh."

"Yes, because if I, or anyone else for that matter, stays by your side whenever something happens, you will not be alone. Regardless if things work out in the end or they end up failing, we all believe you should have someone by your side." Hu Tao said.

Hearing that, Nora's chuckling stopped as he was mildly surprised, yet he smiled bitterly after that.

"You are going to be a great woman when you grow up." Nora extended his hand to hold Hu Tao's chin softly. "If only you stopped playing with fire."

Releasing her chin, Nora then used his hand to take away her lighter already prepared to light his tail.

"Tsk, you found out." Hu Tao clicked her tongue. "I was so close."

Acting like nothing happened, Hu Tao looked away. It seemed like Nora's charm had been ineffective... or not.

"That's an interesting way to hide your embarrassment." Nora smiled.

"You can't just let it go." Hu Tao complained.

"...I can't let go of things, I guess that is my biggest flaw." Nora sighed.

"That is not a bad trait for a normal person, but for someone like you who takes everything too far or for someone of my profession, it becomes a poison." Hu Tao explained.

"I don't think you need to worry too much about it. In your case, you still got time to think about it." Nora replied.

Liting the flames using Hu Tao's lighter, Nora stared at it.

"I don't want to hear someone who has such a long life span say that line to me." Hu Tao grumbled.

"If a regular human said that to you, I bet it would still annoy you." Nora said.

"...fair enough." Hu Tao sighed.

"Do you not trust a statement from a long-lived species?" Nora asked.

"You could say that it is not comfortable for me to be outlived by my customers." Hu Tao shrugged her shoulders. "What kind of business offers a service to a customer that they cannot end up providing?"

" you want to live longer?" Nora inquired.

Giving the youth a look, Hu Tao pondered the answer seriously.

"You are putting me in the spot with that question. Of course, everyone wants to live a long and healthy life." Hu Tao smiled.

"I see." Nora blew the fire and looked up. "Everyone wants to live."

"...hmmm." Hu Tao gave the youth a suspicious look.

"I have made a certain potion." Nora commented. "It is just in the starting stage, however, it can boost significantly the lifespan of those who drink it."

"...are you trying to end my business?" Hu Tao pokes Nora's cheek angrily. "You heartless cat!"

Adeptly avoiding being poked, Nora counterattacked by biting the finger of the attacker.

"I knew you were heartless, but you are also cruel!" Hu Tao cried out as she blew her bitten finger.

"...I don't think it will needed, so don't worry." Nora smiled bitterly.

"...a teasing master, first you make my heart go 'kyuun' by telling me that you created a potion that would take away my job then you say something like that." Hu Tao pouted.

"It was not my intention." Nora said.

" it that hard to tell?" Hu Tao seriously asked.

"Yeah." Nora nodded.

"Is that so?" Hu Tao sighed. "Well, I can let you bully me if that makes you feel better."

" are assuming that bullying you will make me feel better?" Nora smiled in amusement.

"Lookie here!" Hu Tao pulled her cheeks with both hands. "These cheeks are nice to the touch, I can 99,99% guarantee that you will find joy if you pull them!"

Smiling wryly, Nora let Hu Tao grab his hands and put them on her cheeks.

"Bully, bad, nin nin."

A puff of smoke exploded behind the duo, and a small black-haired girl dressed as a shinobi appeared.

"...oh? A cute girl just appeared behind us, is that your friend?" Hu Tao asked.

"We need to have a talk about the way you think about me, but yes, I know her." Nora rolled his eyes.

"Bad, cat."

The girl had a somewhat expressionless face, but she still tried to make an angry face.

"Cat, good." Nora muttered.

Tilting her head, the girl looked confused but shook her head and pointed at the youth's hands.

"Bullying, bad."

"Not bullying, cat good." Nora muttered.

Furrowing her eyebrows, the girl was unsure what to do next.

"...It has been a while, why don't you sit with us?" Nora asked.

Nodding at that, the girl naturally sat on Nora's lap, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"...I should not ask." Hu Tao mumbled.

"Nora, found."

"Yes, you did. You can now track people. It seems training in the ninja village has taught you a lot." Nora muttered.

"Hm, I always, win."

"...don't use your powers to win." Nora sighed.


Puffing her cheeks, the girl seemed to find it unfair what the youth said.

"A competition should be fair. Otherwise, it is cheating." Nora explained.

Tilting her head to one side, the girl seemed to be processing what she heard.

"Cheating, bad?"

"Bad." Nora said.

Furrowing her eyebrows, the girl ultimately nodded.

"Good, everyone will be happy if you win fair and square." Nora said.

"Nora, come together, village."

Shaking his head, the youth did not accept.

"I have businesses to take care of." Nora muttered. "You have to stay with Kuroka-chan and Shirone-chan, you promised."

"Promise, remember. White cat, ask, for Nora."

"You have to stick close to them for the next few days." Nora gently said. "You will get cookies if you do."

"Nora, come, together."

Despite the deadpan tone, the girl seemed to honestly want the youth to follow her.

"Why don't you take this girl here with you? A new friend, it will be fun." Nora pointed at the girl beside him.

"Don't use me as your replacement..." Hu Tao complained.


"Could you please not sound disappointed? It kind of hurts..." Hu Tao sighed. "Wait, I have not agreed to it!"

"...Give snake, Nora come?"

The girl stood up from Nora's lap and offered the youth a curled snake filled with power.

"" Nora shook his head. "I told you that you don't have to give me that."

"...Nora, handful. People like snakes."

Sighing, the girl seemed unsure what else to say.

"Let's do this." Nora smiled wryly. "Kidnap- I mean, escort her to where the white cat is. They already know each other."

"...I don't think I can act like I did not hear a dangerous word there." Hu Tao sighed. "Not like I can outrun this guy."

"I prepared a treasure map for you guys to play with, we can start the event in a couple of days, you start first and then I join if you have any troubles." Nota smiled.

Pulling a perfectly aged map, Nora handed it to the girl.

Instead of immediately taking it, the girl stared straight at the youth for a long while. Without saying anything, she extended her hand holding the snake and placed it on the youth's neck. When she retrieved it, there was a tattoo of a coiled snake trying to bite its tail.

"Lying, bad."

Smiling bitterly, Nora raised his hands in defeat.

"I am strong."

"I know." Nora nodded.

"Stronger than you."

"That is obvious." Nora chuckled.

"I can help."

"No." Nora shook his head.


Confused as to why the youth was turning down her help, the girl could only question him.

"How about this, if you manage to reach the answer to that by yourself without asking anyone, I will accept your help." Nora grinned.

Feeling like she was being underestimated, the girl pouted but still accepted.

"...It is nice and all that both of you reached an agreement, but could you introduce me to your friend? I would like to know the name of my kidnapper." Hu Tao resigned herself.

"Oh yeah, she is Ophis, but you can also call her Phis." Nora smiled brightly.

Raising her hands in a peace sign, the girl tried to smile in a friendly manner.

Freezing in place, Hu Tao blinked as an awkward smile hung on her face.

"Indeed, she is Ophis, the Dragon Goddess. She is also known as the Uroboros Dragon." Nora said.

Facepalming, Hu Tao could only blame herself for being surprised by the youth.


The usually noisy dining table was rather quiet that evening as there were fewer people than it normally was. In fact, the group was not in Nora's house, which had an ample table where dozen of people could have their meal. However, they were now in Saya's house, which had remained unchanged all this time. The ones sitting around the round table eating heartily were the owner of the house at one side and her son in front of her, Saya and Nora, while Yasaka and Artoria were sitting at one side and facing each other.

"Nora." Artoria raised her rice bowl using her left without even turning her head and her right hand carried her chopsticks to pick a piece of karaage before eating it.

Without delay, the youth had filled the bowl with rice as soon as Artoria finished speaking.

"Nora-chan! One more PLEASE!" Saya extended her own bowl with a smile on her face.

Just like before, the youth wordlessly filled the bowl, however, it was noticed by Artoria that the youth added way more rice and even managed to break an egg on it before Saya took the bowl back.

"Oi." Artoria swallowed a mouthful of rice as she complained.

"What is it?" Nora looked at her with a change of expression.

Enjoying her meal, Yasaka wordlessly filled her mouth with Karaage and did not get involved as she enjoyed the drama.

"Isn't it a little different?" Artoria asked.

Just then, a floating doll came in and placed a cup of tea for everyone from the tray she was holding. It was a little unnatural that a doll over 30 centimeters could carry such a heavy tray, but the doll was already floating so it was hard to find an initial point to retort.

"So...?" Nora tilted his head.

"I demand equal treatment." Artoria said. "You are playing favorites."

"...sure." Nora nodded.

Contrary to what everyone, and even Artoria herself expected, the youth easily accepted her words added two eggs on her next serving of rice.

"That's odd."

Speaking through the doll, Alice who was using her doll remotely to practice from her location in the Magic Association, the young girl made the doll float around Nora curiously.

Raising an eyebrow in question, Artoria's ahoge made a question mark as well, but soon turned into a heart as she took a mouthful of food again.

"Nora-chan, is it ok to send away that girl?" Saya asked.

"You are talking about Lina." Nora mumbled. "Alcor came to pick her up already. She was already in shape to move and we both agreed that it was for the best to part ways."

"Is it really ok?" Saya insisted. "I thought the both of you had something."

"Yes, we do have a lot going on between us." Nora did not deny it.

"...quite bold of you to say that in front of Yasaka-chan." Saya muttered. "Odd that you do not react to that either..."

Looking at her son and friend suspiciously Saya opened her mouth but said nothing and closed it again.

"I am aware of the several women your child gets involved with." Yasaka calmly stated.

"Oh my, aren't you awfully calm about it?" Saya clicked her tongue.

"Call it confidence." Yasaka quipped.

"Tsk." Saya clicked her tongue loudly.

Smirking, Yasaka continued to eat gracefully.

"Ouch! You b*tch." Yasaka complained and glared at her long-time friend.

"Ha Ha Ha!" Saya laughed but soon cursed. "Ouch! You damn kitsune."

"You kicked me. Consider this payback." Yasaka snorted.

Watching from the side, Artoria carefully put some distance from the table after she noticed Saya kicking Yasaka under the table... not without taking the bowl full of Karaage with her.

"You are getting cocky in front of me." Saya narrowed her eyes.

"Are you forgetting who I am?" Yasaka tapped the table with her slender index finger. "I am the leader of the youkais of the west, that includes you, you dork. Shouldn't you show some respect every now and then?"

Crossing her arms smugly, Saya raised her chin high.

"...I am the mother of the man you want to fuck." Saya said.

"...I am also the mother of the girl your child wants to eat." Yasaka narrowed her eyes.

"It seems we will not be reaching an agreement." Saya placed a hand on the table to stand up.

"We at least agree on something." Yasaka acted the same way.

Lowering his chopsticks and placing them above his rice bowl, the youth who remained mostly quiet during the whole meal whispered some brief gratitude for the food and directed his gaze toward Artoria. The small doll was picking the bowl and chopsticks, ready to put it in a zipper bag with the words 'merchadince' in capital letters.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Nora asked. "I sent Sirius who was standing guard at home so you can take some rest from watching over the girls in the ninja village."

"You release me from my 'duties' and then plan to make me work again? Talk about a Black Company." Artoria smiled smugly as she gazed at the youth's black cat ears and tail.

"...I am a black cat after all." Nora played along.

It was the right choice Artoria's expression brightened as she smugly took a big mouthful of chicken.

"Are you free then? I want to take you on a date." Nora said.

There was nothing special in those words, no magic behind them that could cause any supernatural phenomena or the like, however, everyone in the room exhibited unusual reactions.

The doll dropped the bowl and it almost broke if it wasn't because the youth's tail catching it and putting inside the bag. Following that, the youth's tail, streatched rather long, closed the mouth of the doll that expressed perfectly the shock of the one controlling it.

Saya and Yasaka looked like a certain person got a remote control from an unusual but obviously suspicious older man and used said control to pause time. The duo were halfway standing up and staring at each other with mouths agape in surprise.

As for Artoria-

"*Cough* *Cough* Y-You *Cough* bastard *Cough*" Artoria choked on the food she was gleefully eating a moment ago as she alternated between coughing and cursing the youth.

Furiously taking the glass of water the youth handed her from who knows where Artoria calmed herself down as she stopped choking.

Wiping her mouth with a handkerchief the youth passed her, Artoria opened her mouth ready to curse him and ask him if he wanted to kill her out of reflex, but she closed her mouth. The duo usually liked to verbally clash as they retorted sarcastically to each other just for the fun of it. However, there was also a certain tacit understanding between the two. Yet, Artoria was unable to understand him at this moment. She could get that he was eagerly waiting for her agreement, but there was also a hint of bitterness and melancholy.

"..sure." Artoria replied as such and did not dare to look at him in the eyes any longer.

There was a strange feeling in her chest and Artoria could not quite explain.

"How about we meet in XX, at 10:00 am?" Nora asked.

"...sure." Artoria mindlessly replied.

"...will you go in a maid outfit?" Nora cautiously asked.

"Sure- no! Don't push your luck." Artoria raised her head to glare at the youth.

Smiling wryly at her, Nora then continued to eat. His actions irritated Artoria slightly, but all the same, made her more relaxed. There was nothing wrong, it was the same Nora she was used to deal with. It was a mistake on her part that Artoria came to regret later on.

"Nora-chan, I give you permission to increase the Shiki Household members." Saya gave the youth a thumbs up.

"Oi." Yasaka retorted.

"Ignore the old hag beside me. You should take this nice girl and get yourself a daughter." Saya ignored her friend.

"Aren't you as old as I am? You are basically shooting yourself in the foot." Yasaka quipped.

"I am eternally 16!" Saya struck a pose.

"You shameless hag!" Yasaka growled.

As the duo began fighting among themselves, the doll that was frozen until now reacted and spun in place.

"YESSSSSSS!" Alice's loud voice attracted the looks of everyone in the room.

Raising the tiny arms in victory, the doll floated in circles around Artoria.

"Onee-sama! What are you doing here wasting your time!?" Alice's doll spoke on behalf of her master.

Shaking her arms up and down, the doll expressed her master's emotions the best it could.

"I am still eating." Artoria muttered.

"Who cares about that!? You are always eating! There is a more pressing matter! Do you know what to wear tomorrow!? No, do you even have something cute that will make Nora-nii-sama's heart go 'KYUUU'?" Alice asked.

"...I can always wear what I always do. It is not like this is the first I am going out with him." Artoria sighed.

"...are you fucking kidding me?" Alice's low tone was chilling.

"What?" Artoria mumbled in confusion.

"Nothing~" Alice's covered her mouth gracefully. "Now then, we cannot have that. You need to take this seriously. Your virginity depends on this chance. If you don't take it, you will end up over 40 and still a virgin. Even worse, how I am supposed to lose mine when you have not? You need to get your act together. Nora-nii-sama is the only one who would be able to handy a quirky person like you with an appetite that would put most households in red."

"...sister of mine, I think you are saying a lot of hurtful things." Artoria felt like several arrows had struck her. "Also, why do you keep saying virginity this and that?"

Ignoring Artoria's words, the doll began dragging her away.

"Wait, I am not done yet!" Artoria tried to escape the doll, but she was unable to.

"Fufu, this one might look cute but I am confident that even you would have a hard time destroying it too fast." Alice's voice was cheerful.

Watching how Artoria was being dragged and the content of Alice's conversation made the two 'adults' compose themselves and sit on the table again.

"Ah, youth~" Saya sighed.

"Youth indeed." Yasaka nodded.

Giving a quick glance at Nora, Yasaka looked down and then at Nora again.

"...I don't plan on having sex with her." Nora smiled wryly.

"You sure? I think if you asked her, she might refuse at first, but she will accept in the end." Saya rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

Giving his mother a look that said a lot, Nora shook his head.

"Impossible. I don't think we are on such a good term for that." Nora immediately denied it.

" much as I dislike agreeing with Saya on this matter, I have to give it to her." Yasaka commented. "Artoria would probably agree."

"Are you two enjoying yourselves by messing with me?" Nora sighed. "We are friends, that's about it."

"Friends, he says." Saya snorted.

"...are you sure you are not planning on having sex?" Yasaka asked again.

"Do you want me to?" Nora questioned back.

"I am going first, other than that, I would prefer if you could make Kunou second but it would be asking for too much..." Yasaka mumbled.

Giving his beloved a speechless look, Nora was unsure what to say.

"She is still too young." Nora used the common sense card.

"In one year she would be ready for you." Yasaka's passive skill ignores common sense cards.

"She is underage." Nora fruitlessly used the common sense card again.

"So? She is a youkai and a fox at that, most Youkais can start reproducing from a young age. Her body will be able to handle it. Yasaka approves!" Yasaka gave Nora a thumbs up.

In response, Nora could only facepalm.

"...Kaa-san, please tell her off." Nora pleaded.

"Actually, I am not against Kunou and what she says is true. You have studied the books I gave you about youkai biology so you should be aware of that." Saya explained.

" I in the wrong here?" Nora looked up to the ceiling.

"Yes." Saya answered.

"Yes." Yasaka replied.

Giving up receiving a divine revelation, the youth sighed.

"Although, I would recommend that you start soft with her." Yasaka blushed. "You are quite fearsome after all."

"...yeah." Saya coughed awkwardly. "You might split her in half if you shove it all the way in."

"Argh!" Nora's shame meter was rising.

"Even when he was little, I could tell his mouth would break hearts and his cock would break-" Saya raised index finger and pushed it through a circle she made using her other hand's index and thumb.

Repeating the motion, Saya did not finish her words.

"This is why I am in favor of a harem. I doubt he will have a normal sexual appetite. I am quite certain he would be able to destroy any regular woman." Yasaka sighed.

"Hmmm, I think that even if you take into account that we are both Great Youkais, we would have a hard time satisfying fully." Saya commented.

"That's why I have made this plan with Tamamo-sama." Yasaka pulled a file with several charts. "There should be the main wives camp that watches over the secondary wives camp, this goes on to the mistresses camp and extends to the likes of sex friends and the like."

"Oh? It is a magnificent chart." Saya praised the accuracy of the legend below the chart and how everything was explained.

On the other hand, the duo happily discussed his sexual life. The youth gave up and continued to eat. His shame meter had broken so he just gave up in even trying to retort. He looked at the duo who went from eating peacefully to fighting over silly things and went back to chat cheerfully.

"This isn't bad, I guess." Nora smiled wryly as he watched over the two with warm eyes.

"And here, this chart is about how we should handle the kitsunes and nekomatas. Currently, we expect over 200 women or so to apply for his seed. There were initially only a few dozen, but as Nora grew, the number increased. For several reasons, we cannot refuse. It was also stated that they do not want any artificial method. It has to be raw." Yasaka said.

"Indeed, if he doesn't brutally push you down and breed you, I do not see the point of even trying to have a child." Saya nodded.

"Ok, I think both of you are going a bit too far there." Nora retorted.

In the end, the youth had to step in as things were looking dangerous, in many ways.