Chereads / Highschool DxD: A new opportunity / Chapter 120 - Epilogue II

Chapter 120 - Epilogue II

3rd Person POV

It was close to the promised time the next day. A person was standing a little annoyed by the passerby's reactions. Initially, she got asked by a couple of guys that she immediately turned down politely, but it seemed that they saw it as an opportunity to press forward since she was being kind. It was a wrong move as Artoria had learned to restrain herself to avoid causing trouble and needing to fill out apology letters by Nora. That did not mean she was going to be tame from there on. As a result, she kicked the men annoying her so hard on their balls that they will never be the same. As for why she did that, it was just the guys taking it too far.

"This is all Alice's fault for making me wear something like this." Artoria complained ta her unusual choice of clothes.

In her mind, she felt like it was unbefitting of her. It was not something someone like her should wear.

"No, this is Nora's fault. That bastard, all of sudden asking me out? Is he planning to trick me? Is it because I ate the ice cream he was saving in a hidden spot in the freezer? No doubt, cats hold grudges for a long time..." Artoria mumbled to herself.

Sighing, Artoria looked at herself and wondered if it was ok. Most of her dazzling golden hair was arranged in a bun on the back of her head and two long bangs were left hanging on each side of her head. She was wearing a stylish long-sleeved royal blue shirt that had been arranged in several places to accentuate her figure that had changed with the years, her chest was now bigger than before as proof of a healthy alimentation. Below, she was wearing a black and short pencil skirt with similar arrangements as the upper part, along with a lacy black garter belt that was one size smaller as per Alice's advice. Her meaty thighs tried to assert themselves as they looked slightly ready to spill from one side. On the lowest side, she was wearing a pair of black boots that reached slightly below her knees. Artoria considered an overkill how she was wearing matching underwear with a bold design. On her hand, she was even holding a black purse that Alice handed her over with a thumbs up. As soon as she had dragged her to her room, Alice almost froze when she saw the state of her wardrobe and took off with Artoria in tow to buy this outfit, underwear included.

"I am not sure why to put so much effort, knowing that guy, he might just drag me to some maid related event and make me cosplay as one." Artoria sighed again. "...why did I agree to this in the first place?"

Scratching her head, Artoria recalled the look that Nora gave her.

"What am I supposed to ask him?" Artoria mumbled. "Hey, how's the weather? By the way, what did you mean by the way you were looking at me before? Yeah, no, no way that will work. It looks unnatural."

Shaking her head, Artoria shot down the idea at once.

Looking at the time on the clock locate in a nearby store, Artoria watched the people pass by as well as the cars. She slightly felt disappointed in being unable to ride her bike as Alice forbid her from doing so. Her sister was extremely strict on acting different than usual.

Soon enough, Artoria heard the familiar sound of a bike. However, it was not something you would hear anywhere. The sound belonged to a unique bike. Artoria had been reading about it the other day as she tried to find information about such a rare find. As an enthusiast on the matter, Artoria could perfectly recall the model, 2023 Aston Martin AMB 001 Pro, an extremely rare bike that only had 49 units made worldwide. The price was not the only issue in acquiring it, but it required that you had good connections with the company that makes it. Obviously, Artoria's eyes perked up and she directed her eyes toward the sound, yet she did not need to do that as the bike soon stopped practically in front of her.

The white theme made it extremely striking and the details were a work of art, the bike looked brand new like it was never used before and the rider was extremely careful while getting down. It was then that Artoria's breath got caught on her throat as she saw the rider remove his white helmet. Like a knight getting down from his white steed, Nora seemed slightly surprised when he gazed at her. Artoria was also unable to look away from the youth for a moment.

Wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a vest, along with pants of the same style. The youth looked stylish. His green eyes always filled with vibrant vitality were glued to Artoria as he sighed.

"You look stunning." Nora said.

For a moment, Artoria was unable to answer. For some reason, this whole situation threw her off and she was like her usual self. Even the simple words that she could scoff of at did a number on her as she could only open and close her mouth without speaking.

"I guess I made a mistake." Nora smiled bitterly.

Slightly confused, Artoria saw him looking at her skirt and she understood that he was refering the fact that he brought a bike.

"A car, I guess a taxi will be faster than making someone bring one of the cars..." Nora pulled out his phone.

"Hey, hey, if you do that, what will happen to your bike?" Artoria spoke up.

"Oh? This? This one is not mine." Nora chuckled.

As the duo made quite the scene, a lot of people were paying attention to them. A lot of ladies were unceremoniously taking pictures of Nora and some were even trying to arm themselves with valor to ask him out. However, Nora just smiled at them with an impressive aura that made them shudder and remain glued in place. As such, no one seemed particularly ready to get in the way of the two. Except for a certain girl wearing glasses.

"Damn Tiger, if you keep getting hotter every time we met, next time you will cause a disaster." Aika mumbled. "Down there you also grew..."

The glasses girl passing by made Nora's expression to twitch and he almost broke his smile. Immediately noticing this detail, Artoria gave Aika a frightened look. Thinking that no normal person can make Nora act that way.

Fortunately for both, Aika was just passing by and she was a tactful girl (?) so she did not linger for long. She just stared at a certain place of Nora and fixed her glasses as she gave the youth a thumbs up and left.

Blinking, Artoria inwardly made a note that put that girl on the menace list.

"...I got this one for you." Nora mumbled.

Handing over the key to Artoria, Nora looked awkward. Perhaps because that girl interrupted him before, the youth looked slightly off.

Blinking, Artoria was not sure why the youth was doing this all of sudden. Did he call her just for this? Somewhat it made her disappointed, and Artoria was not sure why that outweighted the excitement from getting that unique bike.

"I miscalculated, I thought it would make you happy if we moved around using your favorite vehicle." Nora scratched his head.

Sighing, Artoria tossed the keys, with a miniature Excalibur key chain, back to Nora.

"You can't make a lady take the lead at a time like this." Artoria scoffed. "Isn't it nice? You get to take the lead and ride in front."

Bewildered, Nora caught the keys and looked at Artoria with his head tilted. It seemed he did not expect her to do that.

"What? You wanted me to go and change into something different to ride the bike in front? Talk about lacking delicacy." Artoria snorted.

"No, well, I was thinking of calling a taxi..." Nora mumbled.

"Yeah, do that, and I will get angry." Artoria glared at the youth.

Even Artoria was not dense enough to make that kind of mistake. What was the flirting master thinking by suggesting that?

"...we will have to ride together though?" Nora asked.

"No sh*t, Sherlock." Artoria gave the youth an amazed look.

"I recall hearing you say that riding with me equals getting sexually harassed." Nora stated.

"Your hands are dishonest." Artoria retorted. "Not like one does not enjoy it."

"Eh?" Nora mumbled.

"I will not repeat myself, I am not kid anymore so I cannot go around denying everything." Artoria rolled her eyes.

Looking around, Artoria clicked her tongue as she noticed people whispering about what they said.

Snapping his finger, Nora activated a spell and everyone around them seemed to fall into a trance before dispersing.

"That's a new trick." Artoria commented. "I did not know you were working into hypnosis spells again. Are you planning to infiltrate into some high school or middle school and lewd the female students using hypnosis?"

Smirking, Artoria crossed her arms.

"I could do it... but I could pull it off without hypnosis if I talk my way through." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Rolling her eyes, Artoria was certain that Nora could be able to do it.

"Shall we go then?" Artoria asked.

"Alright, I guess that I have to do it if the lady desires it that way." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Snorting, Artoria walked over and halted her steps just when she was beside Nora.

" the way." Artoria suddenly said.

"Yeah?" Nora mumbled.

"You look pretty handsome yourself." Artoria looked away.

Blinking, Nora was slightly startled.

"Are you sick? Oh, no, you probably have fever. I thought idiots could not get sick but you cannot believe whatever people say." Nora put his palm on Artoria's forehead.

Resisting the urge to smack him on the head, Artoria said nothing when she saw his slightly embarrassed face that he tried to hide by acting exaggeratedly.

"You can get away with it because you are handsome." Artoria lightly flicked her finger on Nora's forehead.

The youth was left awkwardly holding his forehead with both hands as Artoria moved closer to inspect the bike.

"...her riz is growing." Nora sighed.



Maintaning a responsible speed, the youth took Artoria for a ride around the city. It was the city that they were used too, however, it feel somewhat different.

"It is different when you don't go speeding up, right?" Nora commented.

"Oh? So you took me out to lecture me about my driving skills?" Artoria snorted.

"Haha, I would love if you followed the law." Nora smiled bitterly. "However, I know you take precautions and would rather take the full brunt of the accident than let someone innocent get harmed."

"Ahem, so you know your stuff." Artoria said.

"I might not look like it, but I try to watch over everyone." Nora confessed. "I make sure to respect everyone's privacy and do not meddle if it not necessary though."

"We know." Artoria sighed. "Even if you try to hide it, it has been a while since we have known each other, we have caught onto many of your habits. You are a busybody and place everyone's safety above all."

"I am easy to read." Nora lamented.

"...but I guess you are right. There are things I fail to see because I am always speeding up." Artoria mumbled. "Was that why you brought me on this date?"

"I am glad you are taking that into consideration, but I did not do it because of that." Nora smiled wryly. "For now, let's just enjoy ourselves. This is what dates are for."

Speaking nonhalantly, the duo were going rather slow as they chatted while looking around. It was rather easy for them to do so as they were not wearing any helmets, contrary to the boy's speech about safety on the road, the duo were commenting about the stores on the road. No one seemed to be paying any mind to them as Nora was using youjutsu to cast an illusion spell on themselves.

"Are you suggesting that because you are enjoying yourself?" Artoria smirked.

Usually, Artoria would be the one in front handling the bike. She would normally ride a different bike from Nora anytime they were going out to ride, however, this time, a rare act of riding together happened. Nora was the one in front and Artoria was on the back, sitting with both legs closed to one side of the bike and holding onto Nora. As she tried to make fun of him, she pressed her body onto him.

"I am quite absorbed in our conversation so I considered going even slower..." Nora seriously replied.

In their usual banter, Nora would tell her that she was still way off Yasaka or even snort and call the innocent maiden for her naive seducing attempt. In some cases, if she pissed him off, he would fondle her until she was panting and slightly messy.

"That said, Art-san has come a long way since the bratty girl who would get triggered when something lewd happened." Nora chuckled.

Using the name she used before must be a way of teasing her. To hide her full name, Artoria just shortened her name but she later understood how reckless she was in doing so. Being always on the run and lacking many skills as well as common sense was one reason to blame, but Artoria admitted that she lacked the desire to improve or grow as a person and cultivate skills that would be useful for her. However it all changed when she met Nora.

"Shaddup, you always use the same things to make fun of me." Artoria clicked her tongue.

"I plead guilty." Nora joyfully said.

Even as he made fun of her now, he never laughed at her when he taught her or noticed her lack of actual education. Thinking back, the youth always made sure she had everything she needed.

"Well, I guess that if someone has the right to make fun of me, it has to be you." Artoria smirked. "You basically raised me, Papa-san."

Just like that, Nora lost control of the bike for a moment and the duo almost fell. However, he quickly recovered.

"...those kinds of jokes are bad for my heart." Nora grumbled.

"Haha, got you." Artoria chuckled happily.

"Oh yeah? Why don't we go over and have your last name changed to Shiki? That way, I won't mind you calling me that." Nora said.

It was Artoria's turn to suffer.

"...please, don't. It would be bad for my heart to call a younger guy 'papa'." Artoria grumbled.

"Heh." Nora snorted.

Finding a place, the youth parked the bike.

Taking Artoria off the bike after he got down, he gave her a mischievous smile.

"Then I guess you want to get Shiki in your name the normal way?" Nora said.

"Hah, how many times have you used that joke on me? I am immune to it!" Artoria snorted.

"That so? You are blushing though." Nora smirked.

"No way!" Artoria brushed it off but moved closer to a nearby store window to check her reflection. She was not blushing, but she caught Nora's amused expression from his reflection on the glass.

"You cheeky little one." Artoria complained.

"Not so tough huh." Nora stuck out his tongue.

"Next time, I will believe it if you give me a ring, otherwise, don't expect me to fall for that joke again." Artoria glared at the youth.

Expecting the youth to follow with the joke, and pull and actual ring to embarrass her, Artoria made sure to tighten her facial muscles and keep a cool head, yet Nora just smiled at her and said nothing.

"...I am hungry, how about we go to that store?" Artoria felt slightly uncomfortable so she pointed to a nearby store.

A pizza place called 'Vengeance' seemed rather popular and customers were going in and out. They seemed to take orders to eat inside or out so despite the small line, they could get to eat fairly fast.

"Oh, that's..." Nora mumbled.

Looking like he recognized the place, Nora stared at the name of the store with a wry smile.

"The naming is a bit..." Nora mumbled.

"Another of your girlfriends?" Artoria remarked.

" is not wrong, but when you say it like that, it sounds bad." Nora scratched his head. "Let's go grab a bite, I can at least guarantee it will taste great."

"Then you probably took your sweet time teaching how to cook." Artoria clicked her tongue.

"...I have quite a few apprentices so you could say I took my time teaching them." Nora smiled wryly.

"Let me guess, all women." Artoria smirked.

"There were guys too!" Nora pointed out.

"If you round them up, would they even make 1% of the total women you taught?" Artoria raised an eyebrow.

"...I humbly apologize for being a waste of a person, my trashy ways have no forgiveness, but I hope you find it in your heart to not beat me up." Nora bowed exaggeratedly.

Rolling her eyes, Artoria lightly hit the youth's head with a fist.

"Nope, I will not forgive you, you have to buy me lunch and we are good." Artoria said.

Recovering, Nora spun around Artoria and kneeled before her.

"Your wish is my command, my lady." Nora muttered.

Rolling her eyes, Artoria was amused by the youth's behavior. As usual, it was nice to hang out with him.

"You sure have your way with words." Artoria extended a hand toward the youth.

As he took it, Artoria pulled him with more strength than necessary. The youth pulled himself together to avoid an accident, yet Artoria was having none of that so the two ended up extremely close with their bodies glued to each other.

"I am not that easy to conquer though, it will take you more than words if you want me falling for you." Artoria narrowed her eyes and stepped back. "Although, I will not admit it even I do ended falling."

Chuckling, Nora raised his hands in defeat.

"You won this one." Nora admitted.

"I have learned from the best." Artoria shrugged her shoulders.

Smiling at that, Nora winked at her and gestured to the store.



"That was quite good." Artoria admitted. "Thanks to you, food outside the house usually tastes... bland and lacking, but this time, I got to eat something good."

"...blaming me will get you nothing." Nora smiled wryly.

"Why are you so good at cooking?" Artoria lamented.

"Is that something you should be lamenting?" Nora asked.

As the duo left the store, they moved to a nearby mall to window shop.

"How to say it..." Artoria played with the bangs on her head. "You are good at so many things that I feel like it is unfair."

"I would not say I am good at many things. I just have reasonable knowledge and I make use of it appropriately." Nora smiled wryly.

"Uh-huh, yeah." Artoria gave the youth a distrustful look. "Says the guy who has graduated from several careers in the university under different names and in different countries. You could've gone to the same university to study those subjects, but you were so bored that you applied to places with completely different languages."

"You make it sound grand, but it is really not that big of a deal. It is always better to learn certain matters in the places where they have better curriculums. Your understanding is better that way. Plus, I used a lot of back doors to enter." Nora smiled bitterly. "Acquaintances of acquaintances helped me through illicit means rather than by my own effort."

"Sure, and that is said by the guy who graduated with honors in all of those." Artoria complained.

"You overestimate me. I used my shikigamis a lot to share senses and read a lot of materials. It is no wonder I was always to learn faster than other students." Nora rebuked.

"Oh? I overestimate you?" Artoria scoffed. "If anything, the one in the wrong here is none other than you. You underestimate yourself too much."

"It is flattering that you hold me in such high esteem, but you would be disappointed if you believe that." Nora said. "While I have ample theoretical knowledge, I-"

"Talking to you sometimes is like talking to a wall." Artoria shook her head.

Sighing, Artoria pulled too hard on her bang that the ahoge that Alice managed to 'tame' with the hairbrush was released.

"Ah." Artoria tried to push it down, but it had a life of its own as it avoided her.

"I find it amusing." Nora gazed at the ahoge pushing Artoria's hand away.

"Glad that you find my struggles amusing." Artoria gave up.

"It is part of you, and you are equally charming with it." Nora said.

"...that will get you nothing." Artoria snorted and turned her head away.

The ahoge was more honest and formed a heart.

"That so?" Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Passing by a game center, Nora tapped Artoria on the shoulder.

"Wanna play?" Nora asked.

"Oh? Planning to play around with a maiden? As expected of you." Artoria smirked but seemed eager.

"You think you can beat me? You are 100 years too young for that." Nora snorted.

Saying as much, the duo entered the arcade.

Several games stood in their way, but the duo competed in a way that would make regular players dumbfounded by the high scores. While the duo enjoyed themselves, Artoria felt somewhat bothered by the fact that Nora left his player name blank instead of signing with maid-lover as he usually does.


"Now, for the final boss..." Artoria sweated coldly.

"...this is just a crane machine." Nora sighed.

"Shut it. You have not suffered in the hands of this machine so you take it lightly." Artoria said.

" shit, they are usually made to make the player lose more than to actually win." Nora mumbled.

"Exactly, we did not play luck-based games because it would be your instant win, only ability-based ones." Artoria muttered. "This is why this time, the ultimate machine that relies on technique-"

Before she could finish, Artoria heard the machine's music when someone pulled a prize and just like that, Nora took out a plushie and handed it to her. A red dragon, inspired in western design but with a chibi form, found itself placed on Artoria's hands.

"...I hate you." Artoria grumbled.

"Give it back then." Nora plainly extended his hand.

Shaking her head, Artoria hugged the plushie.

"It's mine now." Artoria pulled back.

Rolling his eyes, Nora gave another look to the Arcade. They had tried every game they could compete in. The regulars stood dumbfounded when they saw the abnormal scores and a certain fire they thought had been put out was lit again as they wildly started to play to surpass the new scores.

"Now what? We can't decide the winner like this." Nora said. "We are even so no one gets to win."

"I admit defeat." Artoria played with the plushie.

"...that's awfully tame of you." Nora stepped back and put on a defensive stance.

"...isn't that excessive?" Artoria's eyelid twitched.

"Put your hand above your heart and ask me that again." Nora said.

"Fair enough." Artoria sighed. "Even if I tried to get something out of that crane machine, I would've failed."

" that really it?" Nora fixed his posture.

"You know that asking these many questions makes you annoying, right?" Artoria glared at the youth.

"You don't need to flatter me." Nora scratched his head awkwardly.

"You are asking for a beating." Artoria groaned.

"...well, it is not like you." Nora gave his companion a serious look.

"...I just think that I should treat you a little nicer." Artoria held the plushie.

"You don't need to pay attention to what Alice told you to do." Nora smiled wryly.

"Even if she is telling me that I should dress as a maid?" Artoria smirked.

"Hold on, let's not be hasty. That child carries words of wisdom that mere mortals like us cannot dare to defy." Nora coughed.

Rolling her eyes, Artoria gestured to the youth and began walking.

Nora just shrugged his shoulders and followed her. Artoria put away the plushie using magic and stopped walking.

"...did you just check out my ass?" Artoria turned her head back.

"Tee he." Nora playfully hit his head using his fist.

"Take the lead." Artoria ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." Nora gave an exemplary military salute and marched forward only to stop just a few steps away after passing Artoria.

Looking back, the youth glared at Artoria.

"...did you just check out my ass?" Nora asked.

Instead of denying it while acting embarrassed, Artoria crossed her arms and smirked.

"I did. So what?" Artoria said.

Smirking back, Nora turned around and glared at the young woman. He shook his head and chuckled as he gently pulled her cheek.

"That's cute, next time try to say that without turning bright red." Nora began to walk away again.

Artoria pouted and touched her face. It seemed like she needed to work harder on her expressions. Yet, she was pissed off that Nora made fun of her so she stepped forward strongly, raised her arm, and... swung down her arm with full power, delivering a normally deadly slap to Nora's ass.

The sound caused by it was high and not only Nora stopped in place, people nearby going with their daily life also stopped and gave Artoria a shocked look.

Still with her hand in place, Artoria seemed to get how 'crazy' her actions were in public. Yet, it was not the time to fall back. Swallowing down the shame, Artoria squeezed Nora's cheek and almost felt into a trance, however, she forcefully used her other hand to take off her hand from the cheek.

"D-Don't push your luck." Artoria muttered. "This is what you get for joking around."

Almost fainting from the shame, Artoria gave the youth a defiant look. All while ignoring the envious gazes from the women around them along with the ones filled with a sense of kinship. Not to mention, a certain girl with glasses who gave her a thumbs-up. It was concerning that she was holding her phone while pointing the camera at them, but Artoria was in no state to go and take it away.

Whistling, Nora simply smiled as he felt that he would not be him if he stopped right there.

"I hope you enjoy what comes next as much as I do." Nora smiled with a bright expression.

Sweating coldly, Artoria slowly stepped back.

"W-Wait, hold on. Let's talk this out." Artoria gulped down.

Taking a stance, Nora swung his arm like he was rehearsing.

"Hehe." Nora smiled even wider.

"I will let you grope my chest, so lower the arm..." Artoria offered.

"Don't worry, I will deal with your chest once I am done with the bottom." Nora said.

"I only spanked you once!" Artoria complained.

"Oh, I have no issue with that. If you want to have your fun with my body, go ahead, have your fun with me. I have my fun with yours so I will not be as uncouth as to take away your joy." Nora explained. "My issue, dear, comes from something else."

"S-Shit." Artoria saw him walking closer so she began to run away.

Not before giving a dirty look full of ill intent to several women ready to jump in when Nora said he was ok with letting them have their fun.

"A cheeky girl who makes fun of an adult without knowing the concecuences is bound to suffer sooner or later." Nora said. "It pains me to do this, but I have to teach you a lesson."

"You damn liar, you are grinning from ear to ear." Artoria escaped. "You are just being petty."

"...I am a jerk, what did you expect?" Nora smiled wryly.

For some reason, Artoria felt like a fool for questioning him.


After a game of tag around the city, the duo were now close to a hill as Artoria rubbed her ass with her hand as she tried to ignore the strange combination of pain and pleasure that put her in a strange mood.

The area around them was full of houses and it seemed like a calm neighborhood where regular folks lived.

"You went overboard." Artoria complained.

"...haha, I guess I did." Nora did not deny it.

"You usually are more laid back." Artoria sighed.

"...I guess I am." Nora nodded.

"You can normally brush it off with a smile." Artoria mumbled.

"...yes." Nora smiled.

" is not fun if you give half-assed answers like those." Artoria shook her head.

Pausing, Artoria gave the youth another look. He seemed unusually quiet. It was different than usual. Before she could say anything, the youth turned around.

"Did you have fun?" Nora asked.

Still feeling the strange mix of pain and pleasure, Artoria was conflicted whether to say if she did enjoy her day or not, however, thinking back. She could not deny that she smiled a lot during the day.

"I could say so." Artoria said.

"Oh my, so you actually liked getting spanked." Nora made an exaggerated surprised expression.

Gritting her teeth, Artoria felt compelled to use her purse to beat the youth senseless.

"I am glad." Nora gave a weak smile.

Looking at that smile, Artoria's words seemed unable to come out and they disappeared from her mind.

"...I got a lot of messages from the Head of the Pendragon House these days." Nora looked toward the sky.

A gentle but cold breeze suddenly came in and Artoria had to close her eyes for a moment. It might've been an illusion, but she felt like she saw a bitter smile on the youth's face for a moment. However, once she opened them again, the youth was carrying his usual wry smile.

"That guy is quite persistent in making you the next head of his household." Nora said.

"He has a son with plenty of talent, why does he want me, a total random woman to take over?" Artoria spat out.

"Hey, you should not say that. Don't you have both Excalibur and Rhongominiad with you? I believe that along with your talent in both weapons is enough for any random old man who wants you to take over as the head of the house to bring honor to the house." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

"Funny of you to say that. It was you who pulled the sword from the stone and got selected as the King, even held that position for a while." Artoria retorted. "The lance? I might certainly be able to use it and carry it with me, but I am not an idiot."

Raising her hand, a golden symbol shone one her hand, likewise, on Nora's hand, the same pattern shone.

"I was lacking in many ways to get it. It was only because you stepped in that we managed to acquire it." Artoria said. "Even so, I cannot summon it without feeling like I am going to die from the burden. Don't even mention wilding it in battle."

Sighing, Artoria gave the youth a fed-up look.

"You are the one most fitting to take that position." Artoria mumbled. "That is when we don't even take into account your insane ability to handle domestic affairs and other related abilities."

"Hey, praising me with you nothing." Nora scratched his head shyly.

" is only because I carry the genes of Arthur Pendragon that he sees me as a fitting heir." Artoria shook her head.

"Your value goes beyond that." Nora said. "I can tell that guy is seeing beyond your resemblance to Arthur, a lot more, deeper than that. I would not underestimate an old fox like him. That family has survived until this point for a reason."

"...I don't like dealing with people like him." Artoria commented. "You can't tell what they are thinking and you feel like some useful pawn in their mind games."

"That's... not something I can refute." Nora smiled wryly. "Although, there is always value in solving your problems through dialogue."

"I think it is easier if we talk through our fists though." Artoria retorted.

"...I cannot argue with that." Nora mumbled. "Sometimes, you just wish that words alone are enough... when you don't have the power to resist the other party."

An odd silence descended after those words were said. However, Nora dispelled it by chuckling.

"To be honest, he had been asking me about you and if I could make you change your mind, but I guess the answer to that is already set." Nora said.

"Yeah, no thank you." Artoria waved her hands in denial.

"Hmmm, I will tell him that you do not want." Nora muttered. "...however, if you keep turning him down, you might have to change your surname."

"Pendragon, is it? I have no attachment to such a thing. I never received anything from them since growing up. I had been living as a fugitive and I could only change that after meeting you." Artoria spoke in a bitter tone. "Without meeting you, I would've long died... so I don't feel good about some people coming all of sudden saying I can join their family. Please, I am not like those women in xianxia who always forsake the MC whom they go through thick and thin just became they are offered fame and money."

" guys sure love reading those stories despite saying bad stuff about it." Nora smiled wryly.

"Shut up, I can complain all I want." Artoria snorted. "...that's why, even if he is offering me the world, I won't go and ditch you. You dufus. I am to stick onto the Shiki Household until the end."

"...that's unexpected." Nora mumbled curiously. "I thought you disliked me quite a bit."

"Who would let a guy they dislike touch them all over? We have shared a bed a couple of times too." Artoria spat out. "I think it should be clear that I don't dislike you."

"Well, many of those times... you were sort of forced or I touched you accidentally." Nora smiled bitterly.

"So? Do you think I am not aware that my sister has planned many of those situations? I am not exactly happy, but I know that she wants to pair us up." Artoria said. "I just dislike that she is scheming to do it, but I am not against being with you completely."

"...I think you need to practice how to confess to others." Nora sighed.

"I am not!" Artoria narrowed her eyes.

"...ouch." Nora held his chest in 'pain'.

"...I don't want to say anything cheesy unless I am certain of what I feel." Artoria looked away.

Looking up, Artoria saw the darkening sky and the sun ready to go down.

"Wanna go up there?" Artoria pointed to one side of the hill where you could make out a place to observe the sunset from the rails she managed to see.

"Oh? Sure." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Looking somewhat thoughtful, Nora gave Artoria a long stare.

"That purse... you have been carrying it the whole day but you have not opened it even once." Nora mumbled. "Did you bring a change of clothes there?"

"Ah, this? Alice said I had the way to make you happy if everything went well. You have been looking kinda down, let me see what she packed." Artoria began to open the purse. "I am supposed to give you these-"

Not only Artoria froze, but even Nora opened his eyes wide in shock. Several condoms began to fall as Artoria failed to hold the purse properly. The packages of condoms all had shiny colors and there were even some with different fruit images.

"...Artoria, I don't think you need to go this far." Nora managed to squeeze an answer. "I am not planning on handing you to the Pendragon House, so you don't need to offer your body to me."

" sister is the one selling me out though?" Artoria was unsure how to feel. "There are obviously not prepared by me!"

"...Blaming Alice is not good." Nora mumbled. "You are better than that."

"How about I shove these up your-" Artoria growled.

"Mama! Look! That lady has many candies! I want some candy, can I ask her for some!?"

"Shhhh, dear. Don't look."

Before Artoria exploded, a mother and her child were passing by and observed the duo.

Hearing the interaction, Artoria froze.

Nora and Artoria remained in silence until the mother and her child left the place.

"Shall we seal this memory and never mention it again?" Nora suggested.

"...I would beg on my knees if you had not asked." Artoria tossed the purse to the youth even as the condoms spilled.

Snapping his finger, everything disappeared onto the youth's storage. The youth's simple action was enough to take away all in one motion. It was an insane action that required extreme dexterity in magic, but it was not even done using a magic circle or a chant, instead it was chantless by using a motion to trigger a phenomenon. Definitely, not a small feat.

"How about we go then?" Nora suggested.

Snapping his finger again, a bag appeared on his hand and he tossed it to Artoria. The young woman took and checked the inside. As soon as she did, she raised an eyebrow, but before she could raise her face and say anything, Nora had already prepared a wooden changing room for her to use.

"...aren't you freakingly capable?" Artoria spat out.

"I find you extremely attractive as you look now, but I bet you have been itching to try the bike as soon as you saw it so I thought, why not?" Nora chuckled.

"Cheeky bastard." Artoria smiled.

Passing by, she naturally raised her hand and caressed the youth's face with a pleased expression.

"...thanks." Artoria hurried to the small changing room.

Without looking at the youth, she began to undress and change as soon as she entered the cabin.

Holding his cheek, the youth shook his head.

"A few years and her charm will hit me like a truck." Nora sighed.

Snapping his finger. The youth summoned a pair of bikes.

Not long after, Artoria came out looking pleased with her new look.

Wearing a pair of short denim pants small enough to wonder if the size was several times smaller as her proportions seemed ready to overflow and a white basic ribbed crop top doing its best to hold onto Artoria's chest, which seemed a little larger than what it was meant to hold. The young woman wore a small denim jacket on it to finish her new look as she kept her hair like before.

"I think it is need to make a change on the wardrobe I keep for you." Nora commented.

Following the way his eyes were directed, Artoria snorted.

"Shouldn't you shut up and enjoy the view? If I don't mind, why do you mind?" Artoria asked.

"...because looking at you is slightly making me reconsider whether to take you downtown to one of those raunchy hotels or to go up there to the hill." Nora honestly said.

"Maybe one day I will not mind." Artoria clicked her tongue. "But, right now we are going up there. I want to test this bike."

"A shame." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

Passing by his trusty companion, the youth glanced at her.

"Shall we?" Nora asked.

Before he could move forward, Artoria held him from the name of his clothes.

"Where are you going?" Artoria asked in an amused tone.

"To my bike?" Nora pointed at the bike beside the gift he prepared for Artoria.

"Cute, you think you will get away with what you did today and then walk away like nothing happened?" Artoria inquired.

Pulling Nora, Artoria sat on her bike and dragged the youth to sit behind her.

"Oh, yes. This is it." Artoria turned on the bike.

"I am glad you like it, so I will take my leave-" Nora tried to get down.

"If you don't want to wake up with a Castration Fist about to smash your balls as soon as you wake up, I recommend that you sit." Artoria muttered.

Staying in place, Nora said nothing else.

"What are you doing? You need to hold onto me." Artoria said.

"I treasure my life. I feel like my hands will be extremely dishonest if I do it." Nora kept his hands up. "You told me that I would suffer if I ever tried to pull a stunt like that during a ride.

"Well, only for this one time, I permit." Artoria rolled her eyes. "I don't plan on going slow."

"Wait, we should respect the laws-" Nora was unable to finish.

Artoria accelerated and they soon became a blur.




"It was not that bad." Artoria clicked her tongue.

"It is because of you that Kuroka-chan hits the accelerator every time she sees a red light." Nora glared at his partner.

After the speedy ride, the duo were now on top of the hill on a small park. The sun was giving out its last rays and the lighting of the park had long began working.

"Aww, we did not get in time." Artoria lamented.

"...I am surprised we even caught even one ray. It is pretty late." Nora sighed.

"Should've come faster...." Artoria clicked her tongue.

"Context." Nora shook his head.

Looking to one side, he noticed a bench and gestured to Artoria. Soon, the duo were sitting side by side.

"I wanted to come here but now that I am here, I am not sure what to say." Artoria said.

" don't need to say anything if you don't want to." Nora replied.

"I would not feel alright if after today's date, I did not say it." Artoria patted her legs. "Put your head here."

"...there are easier ways to snap my neck." Nora mumbled.

"I will be snapping your neck if you do not put your head here." Artoria smiled.

Patting her thighs again, Artoria saw Nora reluctantly put his head down.

"You know... when we first met, I did not like you." Artoria muttered.

"I knew you wanted to snap my neck, damn it." Nora tried to get up.

A glare from Artoria made him lean back again.

"You made me sign a contract and you asked for my life. I basically became a slave to you." Artoria frowned. "...I still want to beat up that smug face of yours from back then."

Pulling the youth's cheeks, Artoria sighed.

"I was ready to escape as soon as the opportunity arose. It was a matter of time before the church found us and forced you to deport us." Artoria muttered. "There was no way you would be putting the well-being of the Youkais for two strangers, one that was ready to kill you if you let your guard down. Not to mention the issue you had with Akiko's origins."

"Oh, that one was tricky. They might not be capable of outright ordering us, but we have to be respectful to the royal family." Nora smiled wryly.

"To my surprise, you settled both problems with any issue." Artoria gently caressed the youth's hair.

The silky texture felt nice to the touch. Artoria continued to stroke his hair without getting tired of it.

"Then, I came to hate how perfect you looked." Artoria said.

"Oi." Nora complained.

Giggling, Artoria pulled his cheek.

"You were quite a handful, yet you conducted yourself perfectly fine. Training, studying and even working. I never saw you falter or make mistakes." Artoria said. "It was unsettling and it honestly made me envious."

"I was not as good as you describe." Nora smiled wryly.

"Perhaps, but for the 'me' at that time. I could not help but feel like you were abnormal and we would not get along no matter what." Artoria commented. "You were smart, rich, and popular with women."

Looking confused, Nora did not seem to understand what Artoria meant.

" sounded too good to be true, to be honest, I always wondered if you took us in because you were interested in our bodies." Artoria said. "I guess I just kept looking for reasons to dislike you."

"It is normal to not trust strangers." Nora smiled wryly.

"Haha, yes." Artoria recalled how she would find it hard to sleep at times. "I found it hard to trust you yet I also felt reassured to live in the same house as you."

"Well, I cannot blame you. It is hard to trust in others after what you went through, but at the same time, I believe that you were relieved to have a place to rest where you did not have to sleep with one eye open." Nora explained.

"That's true, but even though I knew that, and I knew you were extremely considerate of us and tried to make sure we fitted in. I was extremely mean to you more than once." Artoria smiled bitterly. "I used to say quite the hurtful things."

"You still do it." Nora smiled wryly.

Pinching the youth's cheeks for his false correction, Artoria felt that her younger self was extremely vicious with the things she said.

"...cursing you is one thing, but I even said things about Saya and how you were selling yourself to women for favors." Artoria spat out.

"Well, I have to blame my lack of tact in many situations. For you to assume that is not strange given my connections to the Red Light district." Nora said. "I cannot deny it either since I have unique relationships with women."

"Hmph, so you admit it." Artoria snorted.

"I have an odd luck with beautiful women and I happen to naturally flirt." Nora smiled awkwardly.

"It is not like any of us can get surprised by it at this point." Artoria scoffed. "I saw you pick up the whole female-only wagon once."

"Hey! I did not pick up anyone." Nora exclaimed. "I caused some issues on the tracks so their train was delayed. I offered to take them in person and explain to their work places and schools so they did not have any issues."

"...and tell me, how many phone numbers did you get afterward? How many dinners to meet the parents of those women did you get invited to?" Artoria smiled meaningfully.

"...I don't want to talk about it." Nora pouted.

Snickering to his reaction, Artoria caressed his hair gently. Even if she was messing with him, she meant nothing serious.

"There were many times I took out on you." Artoria continued. "My own limitations... I guess, I was like Akiko, yet I did not want to admit it."

"...none of you are weak." Nora said.

"It is not about comparing ourselves to others. We just felt like we were left behind by you." Artoria explained. "Akiko has her love for craftmanship and even talent in that area aside from fighting, but me? I had nothing else."

"You could've accepted the offers to become a model." Nora smiled wryly.

"Shush, you." Artoria pulled the youth's cheeks. "I never had what it took to do that. I never felt like doing it so I would be just forcing myself."

"You are pretty, I am not the only one who thinks that way." Nora muttered.

"Wouldn't you have lost a precious capable fighter if I just decided to go down that route?" Artoria asked somewhat annoyed.

"...I would've been sad, not because you would not be fighting for me. I would just feel lonely, I guess." Nora honestly replied. "However, I cannot put my own feelings first. It is one thing I must never do. I am an extremely selfish man. I would not want to let anything escape my hands. If... I let my feelings guide me, I would not be thinking about what is best for you."

Hearing those words, Artoria had to close her eyes. Otherwise, her chaotic thoughts would be easily read by the youth with one look into her eyes.

It was honestly hard to say what she felt first after those words.

The youth went as far as going against the church for her sake, not because he wanted a useful pawn or anything like that. He was also not after her sister who carried part of a sacred gear capable of destroying countries. He was just an idiot who just thought about their sake since the moment he took them under his wing.

Indeed, Artoria had to admit it. He was always that kind of guy.

"You are... dumb." Artoria sighed.

"...I cannot deny that." Nora laughed awkwardly. "I have never been the type to get bright ideas."

"You can say that again." Artoria sighed in exasperation. "Who was the guy who sneaked into a school and changed the gym clothes for maid outfits?"

"There was a deep reason for that!" Nora exclaimed.

Crossing her arms, Artoria looked down at the youth with a raised eyebrow.

"...there was no such a thing. Two perverted kids dared me and said I would not be able to do it." Nora pouted. "I said I could do it."

"...the bald kid and the glasses one huh." Artoria sighed heavily. "Weren't they harassing a pair of girls practicing kendo in the park and you went to stop them? Why were you hanging out with them doing that?"

"Well, I considered that instead of simply telling them not to do some things, I could befriend them and guide them toward the right path." Nora explained.

"Fair point, but you ended up changing the gym clothes of a whole school!" Artoria grumbled.

"Rome was not built in a day! I also got dared to and I was curious!" Nora rebuked.

"...and then you got caught." Artoria said.

"Yeah. I got busted." Nora nodded. "I had to let them know the concecuences so I let myself get caught."

"So? What happened next?" Artoria asked.

" one presented charges and they were more than happy to wear them for me." Nora looked away.

"People like you can just get away with anything." Artoria complained.

"...they invite me during their school festival often." Nora added.

"You are a beast." Artoria spat out.

Smiling wryly, the duo enjoyed the silence. Artoria shot a look full of killing intent to a mature lady walking toward the two that was wearing a thick coat and ignored the small drops of liquid left as she escaped.

"People just like to get in the way of others." Artoria clicked her tongue.

" is best if you just ignore them." Nora advised.

"For my sanity?" Artoria shot another look and saw a small pink device on the ground.

"...yes." Nora smiled.

The lighting of the park had long began working and it was a little had to look at the starry sky that way, but Artoria still gazed at the sky. The young woman could tell that the youth was doing the same. His impecable vision could probably get a better view than what she could and she was a little curious about the difference.

"< LINK >" Nora whispered.

Extending his hand toward Artoria's face, the youth spoke in a whisper and Artoria immediately widened her eyes. The view... was much different.

"...I did not know you could do that." Artoria muttered.

"This spell lacks in firepower, but it is quite versatile." Nora bragged.

"You are an incredible person." Artoria honestly praised. "There is... nothing about you I do not find mind-blowing."

"Is that so?" Nora shyly scratched his cheek.

Sighing, Artoria closed her eyes.

"You know, I think my answer would not change no matter what the Pendragon Household offers me. I do not care if they take away the last name." Artoria smiled.

Feeling somewhat at a loss as she felt the youth dispelling his magic, Artoria kept a faint smile on her face.

"I am happy where I am. I want to stay in the Shiki Household." Artoria said.

"...are you sure?" Nora smiled bitterly. "You don't have to feel bound out of gratitude. Anyone with talents like you could do anything you wanted."

"Please do not speak about talents with me. You of all people who make talents sound like a joke." Artoria snorted.

"...ok." Nora smiled wryly.

"...just want to stay in that house, can I?" Artoria timidly asked.

"Sure." Nora nodded. "That is your house."

"Good." Artoria nodded as well. "It would be awkward if you suddenly said no after all this cheesy talk."

Coughing awkwardly, Artoria smiled at the youth.

"...I wasted a chance to mess up with you." Nora lamented.

Sticking out her tongue at the youth, Artoria snorted.

" know, I heard that on their 15th birthday, devils get their own set of evil pieces." Artoria muttered.

"In some cases, it happens early, but it is most common to get them at that age during some ceremonies." Nora mumbled.

"I am saying... you know, I am kinda good with swords, and well, you know, you will surely need capable people with you." Artoria coughed. "I am not half bad myself. I don't want any fancy spot... I would like if possible, to, you know, become your knight?"

"...what?" Nora reflexively asked.

"No, I mean. I am just saying. It would be bad if you did not have people to fill those spots. It would also be good if you can get someone familiar to work with." Artoria muttered.

"Artoria... You..." Nora was at a loss for words.

"Hey! Look at the time!" Artoria 'checked' the time on her wrist despite not having a watch.

Awkwardly making the youth sit, Artoria stood up and almost fled from her place. Yet, she stopped and after a few instances of going back and forth, she stepped toward the youth again with a determinated expression.

Glaring at the youth who looked at her curiously, she held his chin and sealed their lips. It was a small but definely not soft kiss as she put too much strength. Yet, she tried her best to make it 'last'.

"A-Alice said that after a date, you need to get at least a kiss! I would not have a sister if I went back home without getting one!" Artoria explained aloud and left.

Touching his lips, Nora smiled gently as he looked at the young woman riding the bike and leaving the park at full speed.

" 15th birthday huh." Nora mumbled. "I will not be able to get my pieces so there is no way I can accept you as my knight."

Laughing bitterly, Nora sat on the bench for a while.

"The sky is really pretty..." Nora muttered.

Sighing, he sat still for a moment and the lights on the park seemed to flicker. A moment later, the youth had a completely different expression on his face that made you wonder if they were the same person.

An expressionless look devoid of any warmth and eyes that felt so dark and deep that they were the abyss itself ready to swallow the light.

"Fun time is over. I need to practice more... the flesh golems need more adjustments..." Nora said in a hollow tone. "Time is... short. Preparations will barely be completed at this rate."

Shaking his head, the youth opened a magic circle before leaving.

It was only several minutes later that Artoria had come back, looking awkward and embarrassed to pick up the youth.

However, there was no one when she got off her bike.

Looking around, she failed to see him anywhere.

"That cat... did he go around in his cat form wandering again?" Artoria sighed. "Last time, I found him in some park as he had taken the leadership of all the cats living there."

Recalling the youth in cat form standing using two paws and using a boxing stance to beat some other cats trying to defy him, Artoria was certain that if she tried to upload the video online, it would get many views, but they would think she used special effects to make it.

Tilting her head, she felt a strange remnant of an ominous aura.

"This is creepy..." Artoria moved toward the bench she shared with the youth and furrowed her eyebrows. "...this is Nora's aura?"

Although she could not believe it, there was something familiar mixed in the grim aura and while it would easy to pass, Artoria could not help but think the strange reactions the youth had during the day.

Scratching her head, she gave a call to her sister and explained to her what she had found.

"...what do you think?" Artoria asked.

Holding her phone, Artoria sat on the bench as she pondered.

"...I have never said anything, but I have found a strange detail about him." Alice replied.

"Something even more strange than his maid fetish?" Artoria tried to lighten the mood.

"Nee-san..." Alice was not exactly amused.

"Sorry." Artoria sighed.

"The more I delved into magic, I came to understand that 100% of those using it will have something like an atelier where they can research topics in peace. Even someone like Kuroka-nee has a special room in the house where she keeps her ideas for spells and newfound knowledge stored." Alice explained.

"Don't you all use the library maintained by that lewd librarian?" Artoria asked.

"I am not sure Lisa-nee will be pleased if you refer to her like that." Alice chided.

"She never misses a chance to try to get inside Nora's pants, I am being rather tame in my nickname choice." Artoria snorted.

"Nee-san, being jealous is not helpful at the moment." Alice reprimanded.

Clicking her tongue, Artoria wanted to complain but her sister was correct. It was not time for that.

"Nora-nii-sama never has been seen entering his place. His room became a public domain so it obviously not a place he can keep stuff hidden. Not even erotic magazines with blonde ladies on the cover." Alice sounded vexed.

"...does he even need those?" Artoria asked out loud.

"...fair point." Alice coughed from the other side of the phone. "As far as I am concerned, I never found any traces of the place he uses in the house. I initially considered that perhaps he kept it in his mother's house, yet we have been there and there was no sign of such a thing.

"He keeps the place spotless, but as you said it, he hardly stayed there." Artoria nodded.

"After stalking- I mean, watching over him, I have an idea where that place might be." Alice muttered. "I cannot rule out the possibility of Nora-nii-sama having several places around the globe to conduct his own set of tests."

"...I am not sure if I am mistaken, but the 'globe' is a little too vague. It is the whole planet we live in!" Artoria exclaimed.

"...can you rule out that possibility if we are talking about him?" Alice sighed.

"If you told me he had one base in each of the planets of the solar system, I would believe it." Artoria spat out.

"My point exactly." Alice complained. "However, I think there is a high chance of him having a place like that inside the Dimensional Gap."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Artoria was almost ready to outright deny it, yet it was Nora they were talking about. He might even mount a restaurant there if he is bored enough.

"Even if we know that, it is not like we can know his exact location." Artoria said. "Trying to track him will also take too much time and whatever is happening to him will be solved by then."

"That would be if I was not ready for something like this." Alice laughed smugly.

"...would that be enough to track him?" Artoria sounded uncertain. "He is not someone to leave traces."

"I have been keeping track of all small bits of data I could gather every time he used a teleportation circle and managed to make a counter spell to track him." Alice said. "He would surely make a countermeasure if he knows about it so I probably can only use it once. I had been saving it in case of an emergency..."

"...tell me how to find him." Artoria said.

"Wait for me there." Alice hung out after saying this.

Seconds later, Alice, wearing a large witch hat and a rather trendy witch cosplay appeared. Artoria had questions why an actual 'witch' would need to use a cosplay of one, but she decided to save it for later.

"The traces are here..." Alice sprung into action.

Chanting several magic spells, Alice pulled a small hand size book and as her eyes shone in the dark she gave the area look.

"...I have all I need." Alice nodded.

Opening her book, Alice began to chant a string of words that almost gave Artoria a headache.

Once her chant was finished, Alice closed her book and a magic circle appeared before the two.

" would be best if you leave now." Alice mumbled as she closed her eyes.

Artoria who was ready to jump in stopped in her tracks and looked at her sister in surprise.

"You are not coming?" Artoria asked.

"I would feel like a 3rd wheel if I went. Today was supposed to be your day with him so I think it is would be uncoth if I intruded in whatever happens next all of sudden." Alice walked over toward her sister.

Tapping her back, she chantlessly added numerous tracking spells before pushing her toward the magic circle before she could say anything.

"I leave him to you." Alice muttered.

Watching her sister disappear, Alice's expression turned cold.

"...your abilities are incredible, as expected of people personally trained by Nora-nii." Alice called out. "However, I am not studying magic until I faint from exhaustion for nothing. I caught onto your presence already."

As she said this, Artoria saw several well endowed women wearing skin tight body suits appearing from the shadows.

"...did he send you? No, I guess you came as soon as you saw someone trying to go after him." Alice smiled.

"...we were a step too late."

One of the women spoke.

"It annoys me a little that you guys spend so much time with him." Alice openly admitted.

As she said this, one of the women threw a shurike at the lamp in the park and destroyed it easily. The other women's also aimed at all sources of light in the park until it was all pitch black.

"Fumu, without any light, there are no shadows. Without shadows, I cannot use my sacred gear." Alice nodded. "A logical conclusion. A mere fragment of the whole is after all an incomplete product and does not have access to all its potential."

Snapping her finger, a small flame appeared on Alice's finger tip. The cold wind threatened it to extinguish it, but it was unable to do so. The small flame created numerous shadows and from them emerged several dolls.

"However, you are forgetting that I am a witch. Something as simple as making my own shadows without need of an external light source can be taken care of in a snap of a finger." Alice smiled.

Taking a stance, the women prepared to fight against Alice.



The first thing Artoria did after being teleported was to hastily dodge over 20 deadly traps triggered by her arrival.

Being decapitated, split into two, or even burned with acid was not on her agenda so Artoria evaded everything that came her way. Part of her garments suffered some damage and she felt like it was unfair that cats had many more lives than humans.

The white walls made an extreme contrast with the acid on the ground and the broken pieces of mechanisms scattered all over.

Gulping loudly, Artoria rubbed her neck as she felt the lingering cold from the metal. It was a close call, yet she managed to survive.

Examining the room, it looking like a common medical supplie room from a normal hospital. However, the scattered traps made it clear that it not your friendly health center.

Holding in her right hand, Excalibur, that she pulled out by reflex, Artoria directed her gaze towards the door. There was no follow up attack or enemy bursting inside so it was up to her what to do next. Obviously, she would not stay in the room any longer.

Opening the door, a large hallway entered her view. Numerous rooms with a plaque on the door, filled with numbers and letters, were caught in her vision yet Artoria covered her nose using her left hand as the heavy smell of blood hit her.

Eyebrows furrowed, Artoria decided to walk forward. As expected, several traps were triggered as she began advancing. They ranged from simple ones such as arrows being shot from holes in the walls to one outright exploding once she stepped onto a particular place on the floor as she landed after evading a laser being shot at her head. Yet, Artoria would not let herself be slowed down by that. Her reflexes were good and the more she evaded, the more she began to understand the certain pattern of the traps. Such a thing did not last long as she found new obstacles.

"...who the heck makes the darn hall turn into freaking golems!?" Artoria gritted her teeth.

They were considerably slower, however, the golems packed high power and there were no places to escape other than going back. The sheer amount of golems would cause anyone to feel despair.

Enhancing her body using touki, Artoria blocked the blow from a golem using the side of her weapon. The ground cracked and she was almost pushed back, but Artoria gritted her teeth and the veins all over her body felt like popping up as she stopped the attack. She positioned herself in a way that stooping the blow would block other golems going past the one attacking her.

"...he always makes shit like this look easier." Artoria spat out.

Even as she complained, Excalibur began to shine and gather energy.



Gasping for breath, Artoria went past the destroyed golems. The golems had surprised her, but even more when some of them began to repair themselves by using the parts of others. They worked using multiple cores and they could even combine. It was an overkill that you would expect from someone like Nora.

Her sister had once talked about how controlling numerous summons was incredibly exhausting and mentally draining but it was possible to give them sets of commands to follow so they do not need your every input, yet-

"He controls way more shikigamis than it is theoretically possible... now we have golems." Artoria mumbled. "He has not decreased the number of shikigamis at his command and has even added golems."

Shaking her head, Artoria failed to reach the answer.

Moving forward, Artoria advanced despite the setbacks.



Several floors later, Artoria was gasping for breath even harder as her strength had been drained quite considerably after facing multiple challenges.

Her steps were now even slower and cautious as she learned from her journey. No matter how much she advanced, the same looking hall appeared on each floor and the doors looked to be the same. Her main goal was to find the youth and she had been busy fighting so she did not bother too much with them. However, it was not only for such a reason but rather because her senses were giving her warning signals at a level that she considered not worth testing her luck.

The letters and numbers on the doors had changed greatly and it was a testament to how many of them were. Artoria counter thousands of them and the size of each room had to be considerably big.

Putting her hands on one of the doors, Artoria soon turned around on high alert. She could not feel the presence completely and the steps were hardly even heard. However, she could tell it was deliberate to warn her and put her on alert.

Given the lack of traps, there was bound to be something to stop intruders.

"Long time no see, Artoria-san."

The polite tone did not match the battle-ready Tobio who appeared with Jin in tow.

"...I heard you have been away for several days and your girlfriend could not reach you." Artoria commented.

"...Sae is worrying as always huh." Tobio smiled bitterly. "Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to tell her more than I had a business to take care of."

"A business huh." Artoria narrowed her eyes.

"An important one." Tobio added.

"Nora related, I presume." Artoria asked.

"It would be foolish of me to deny it when you have come this far." Tobio replied.

"I assume you will ask me to leave." Artoria inquired.

"Indeed, it is what I would like the most." Tobio said. "I consider him one of the most important people to me just like Sae, but I also think of yourself as a tomboyish little sister as well."

"Hmhp." Artoria snorted but did not deny it.

It was not a lie to say that the Slash Dog team had a soft spot for Nora and his people as they were close to each other. As sword users, Artoria and Akiko got along the best with a sword user like Tobio, who also used a scythe and the battle-hungry Sharky. They were initially the ones teaching the ropes to the person in front of her, but he came to grind his skills at an insane rate and added to his powers, it was not a lie to say he surpassed them in no time. However, Artoria had to admit that it was mostly due to the insane training course Nora planned for him that normally would kill someone over a thousand times over.

"Turn back." Tobio created a scythe using his sacred gear's powers.

"Asking me to turn back yet you are already prepared to fight?" Artoria retorted.

"I am not foolish enough to think you will actually listen to me." Tobio smiled bitterly. "You only obey Nora without questioning."

A statement she could not deny. Artoria sweated coldly as she felt the tension ready to break out.

She couldn't win, no matter what.

It was not a matter of having faith in her skills or the like. There was not an absolute certain in the result of individuals when they reached certain level of skills with their weapons, however, the sacred gears was another matter all together.

The presence of Jin, and above all, how Tobio could use balance break and another form aside from that was something she could not deny. Perhaps, Musashi whose sword skills had reached a point of slashing unreasonable matters away could do something about it through sheer skills, but Artoria could not. Her sacred gear had not archived a breakthrough. Even though she could cover her weapon in an aura capable of erasing anything she considered evil... the difference in quantity was overwhelming. Tobio's sacred gear could cover a whole mountain without much effort these days. A feat he could barely do when he first started.

The only possible way to overpower him would be to use her lance. It was a possible choice, however, it was a power beyond what she could wield. Even in its sealed state, the burden her body would undergo for using it once would leave her lying in bed for weeks if Nora did not heal her. Not to mention, it would take time and Tobio would surely not give her any opportunity. Regardless of his kind nature, the person in front of her has learned to steel his heart and face matters without hesitation if it is required to be cold-blooded.

The fact that Artoria had not been attacked was only because he did not desire to fight but if she showed a hint of wanting to do so, he would respond.

"...let me ask you a couple of questions before I decide what to do." Artoria muttered.

Tobio did not nod his head or shook it to indicate approval or disapproval, but it would also mean that the stalemate would continue as long as she did not attack.

"...there were several prisoners that vanished from Urakyoto. It was Nora himself who would take on the responsibility of making sure they do not ever see the light of day if they were facing charges heavy enough. However, he was too busy to get involved with the matter." Artoria questioned. "Do you happen to know something about it?"

No reply, Artoria got nothing out of Tobio. Jin only seemed bored as it yawned openly and it looked away.

"I will take that as an answer then." Artoria said.

It was something she would normally not consider, but strange things had been happening these days that would normally not be heard of.

"...Why is it that he asked you and no one else? I am-" Artoria wanted to speak but she was unable to say anything.

"You already know the answer to that question." Tobio interrupted. "Nora is for better or worse, a thoughtful person in the strangest ways."

"...he mentioned a lot about an offer from the Pendragon House." Artoria spat out.

"I can't say I know the details, however, knowing him, he must've been preparing for any kind of answer you might give." Tobio said.

"...he is a jerk." Artoria muttered bitterly.

"...I cannot deny that he is a handful, but you should know, perhaps better than me, that he is never trying to cause anyone any sort of harm." Tobio explained.

"Isn't that what makes him a jerk? He worries people." Artoria sighed.

Slightly widening his eyes, Tobio curiously studied Artoria's expression, and his own face slightly relaxed.

" changed a bit since I last met you." Tobio said.

Blushing slightly, Artoria was aware that the person in front of her caught onto the a change that she is not completely aware of.

"Shut up." Artoria snorted.

"...perhaps if it had been a little earlier." Tobio shook his head. "No, I guess he would still do this even if it had been that way."

It would be pointless to continue the topic, Artoria could tell that he would tell her nothing more than what he just said. However, it was quite obvious with just that. Nora was planning something big.

The question is how to reach him.

It was then that she had an idea that was worth being called reckless.

Holding her hand forward, a sign began to shine from behind her palm.

As soon as it happened, Tobio dashed toward her holding his scythe and Jin followed after him.

Turning around, Artoria began to run back from where she came from. Her action slightly puzzled Tobio, however, he did not stop and simply gestured to Jin. It jumped into Tobio's shadow and began to move closer to Artoria using that method.

It was a matter that did not take long to settle. Despite Artoria swinging her blade using aura to send slashes flying, Tobio adeptly evaded. Jin had managed to go past Artoria and it emerged from shadows behind her.

It was checkmate, but Tobio did not dare to make another move as the long lance manifested in front of Artoria.

"...are you sure you want to take that gamble? If you use that, you can certainly take me down, however, you will be immobilized after that." Tobio prepared himself to release his balance break.

Charging as much power as she could, the fastest she could, Artoria grinned.

"Ara, only that much? Nora once told me that this thing could take down a god in one shot if the attack landed." Artoria continued to grin.

Contrary to her expression, Artoria felt every fiber of her body being crushed by the power from the lance.

Despite the seals placed on it originally, Nora has added some of his own. The lance was nerfed greatly, however, it would not kill the user that way.

Before the lance began to affect her consciousness, Artoria thrust the lance. Just a moment before Tobio released his balance break. The attack was too fast to follow it with simple eyesight. Yet, Tobio did not even have to dodge given that Artoria did not aim at him or even Jin. She aimed to one side where two of the rooms would be divided by a wall. Despite the sturdy material, a large hole the size of a person made and it did not stop destroying the walls but pushed even further.

"...what?" Tobio questioned.

"We happen to talk a lot with a certain intruder that sometimes steals our cookies." Artoria explained. "She complains often about a certain dragon living in her place..."

Hearing that was enough for Tobio to understand.

"You are crazy." Tobio commented.

"Great Red, that dragon is quite the punk." Artoria smiled. "What will you do? I am pretty sure that it must've turned its head this way."

Just like that, the sound of a dragon roar shook the place.

Artoria's attack had gone past the barrier keeping the pocket dimension isolated in the Dimensional Gap, and you could see a hole made by Artoria's lance.

Flinching from the pain, Artoria dropped the spear and it vanished.

"...for your own mental health, I recommend you to stay here." Tobio warned before sprinting toward the hole.

Following Tobio, Jin jumped toward the hole as well.

Pulling a potion from her magic storage, Artoria drank it before her knees gave up.

She felt terrible and ready to drop down. However, Artoria still had things to do.

Strengthening the grip on her sword, Artoria prepared to move forward.

As she did, she failed to see what was inside the rooms she had opened a hole in.



Several floors more and when Artoria felt like she was reaching the end of the line, she noticed a difference in the way the rooms were. First of all, the number of doors was lesser than before and they did not seem locked at all. Her senses warned her from entering and she continued until she heard a strange sound from one of them. The room she was hearing the sound from gave her the creepiest feeling along with the one in front of it. She could faintly feel a familiar presence from both. Shaking her head, Artoria cautiously chose the one making a sound and opened the door after some hesitation.

An arm swung a butcher knife and the youth's arm was chopped off. The gory sight did not stop Nora as he mechanically swung the butcher knife at his leg. Bleeding profusely, Nora ignored the bleeding as his limps regenerated and repeated his actions.

Artoria's first reaction was to throw up.

On the floor, there were piles of body parts scattered like they were some trash. In fact, once his leg grew back, Nora used it to kick away the leg and arm he had just-chopped.

The floor was filled with pools of blood and the thick stench of blood hit her like a truck. She could not help but step back in disgust and fear, an immense amount of hatred for herself after doing that struck her for acting that way but her body could not take it and she moved by reflex.

Her actions happened to lead her to the other room she had decided not to enter.

Artoria could not hold it once she saw the other room.

Long rows as far the eye could of transparent water tanks filled with a reddish liquid. Their cilindrical shape was made to perfectly fit a person and it indeed held 'something' like that.

Human parts, a great number of them. Perfect arranged and sew together to form a person. She could recognize who these belonged to at once. There were not only parts like arms and legs, but even the chest and face was perfectly sew to form an exact replica of Nora.

Seeing that all those tanks were filled with the same thing, Artoria threw up.

In an extreme manner, Artoria emptied her stomach.

"...hah, how pathetic."

A sarcastic voice soon reached Artoria from nearby and she thought it was familiar but it sounded slightly different. Artoria raised her head and wiped her mouth too look for the origin and soon she found it. It was supposed to be Nora, however, the floating form of the youth was giving her a look filled with disdain. Compared to the others in the tank, this one was the only one who could move.

"What did you say?" Artoria managed to spat out.

"I called you pathetic. Aside from lacking the guts to stomach what you see, I can see you have problems with your hearing."

"...who are you?" Artoria asked.

For some reason, she was unwilling to acknowledge the figure in front of her as Nora.

"I threw away my name the moment I lost the people who would call me that."

Snorting, the figure said.

Scratching his chin filled with stitches, it looked down on Artoria once more.

"However, I believe you can use my name given that they are still alive at this point."

Narrowing her eyes, Artoria could not fully understand what this person meant.

"I am Nora, whether you like it or not. Hahaha." Nora smiled viciously.

"Not a change, he is-" Artoria felt her stomach ready to throw up again as she recalled what she had seen before.

"What of it?" Nora in the tank said. "This is the Nora that you know, but it was none other than Saya who named me as such."

"Watch your mouth, you don't get to call their names." Artoria growled.

"Quit your yapping. All that talk and you cannot even look at him in the eyes?" Nora in the tank sounded annoyed. "As expected, he mentioned someone with the ability to wield that lance but he dismissed the idea to add them to the roster for the plan. I guess it was you. I can understand why he would exclude you."

Each word was like a stab at Artoria and she wanted to refute him, yet no words came out.

"...what is with all the noise?" Nora's voice came from behind Artoria.

Turning around, Artoria from when she saw the dead eyes from the youth. A look devoid of any feelings and it seemed to be sucking the light around him, almost like a pair of black holes.

"Your body is almost functional but I let you keep your ability to speak because it makes it easier to cast spells and to relay orders." Nora glared at the figure in the tank. "Keep your words to yourself. You lost to me and you died. You are nothing more than the collection of memories and thoughts you passed onto me that day. You are here again as a tool to help me slit the throat of the Outer God. Didn't you want to kill them? "

"...whatever, this problem is yours to solve." Nora in the tank snorted and closed his eyes. "As long as you let me destroy it, I will follow what you say. The loser has to obey the winner anyways..."

"Nora-" Artoria wanted to say more but she had to dodge to one side.

A heavy stench of blood reached her and a wave of blood came from behind Nora and formed a lance that was shot at her.

The youth said nothing.

After the lance, it was the limps from the youth that moved on their own and attacked Artoria.

Even if she wanted, Artoria could not put up a fight. She was too tired, her spirit was low and she could not stomach what she was seeing.

The youth she was familiar with was a simple cat, yet the one in front of her looked nothing like she remembered. To be able to wield blood better than many vampires... what had he been doing all this time? Artoria could only guess.

" is best you forget." Nora expressionlessly said. "I guess it was not because he let you pass that you got here."

Nora seemed to be looking toward the ceiling.

"...quite smart of you, but risky." Nora commented. "Great Red will not destroy this place since we made a pact. It is just annoying since you probably woke it up from its nap."

" that all you have to say?" Artoria bit her lips.

"...I have nothing to say to you." Nora said.

Placing his hand on Artoria's forehead, the youth slightly let loose the limps used to restrain her.

"Treat it as a bad dream and go back. Alice has already stopped fighting my people since they would attract too much attention if they continued fighting there." Nora said. "Take this chance that she is back to spend time with your family."

"...don't fuck with me!" Artoria spat out. "Is that really all you are gonna tell me, you stupid bastard!? What the heck have you been up to!? Look at you! You look like-"

" has nothing to do with you. I also have no reason to explain it to you." Nora coldly said.

"How dare you to say that to me!?" Artoria growled.

Trying to break free, she found herself being restrained tighter again.

"...cut it out. I am lacking in control so I might end up hurting you." Nora said.

"I didn't see you hesitating before!" Artoria scoffed.

Ignoring her words, Nora placed his hand on top of her head again.

"Why didn't you tell me anything!? Why doesn't anyone else know about this!? Why!? Why!? What is wrong with you!? Why are you doing this!?" Artoria screamed.

Stopping in place, the youth saw the young woman cry.

"...why." Artoria weakly muttered.

"This is something I have to do." Nora mumbled.

"Have to, is it? It is always like that. You have to, you need to. It is never... that you want to." Artoria cried out.

"...this is something I want to do." Nora said.

Shaking her head, Artoria glared at him.

"That is a lie. A big fat lie!" Artoria gritted her teeth. "I refuse to believe that you want to chop yourself into pieces all the time."

"You don't know anything about me." Nora replied.

"I heard it from Kuroka once. She happened to spy on your procedures once when you were in the lab." Artoria said. "You... hated pain so much you cried. You hate pain. Terribly so. Yet, you are saying you want to go cutting parts of yourself!? You have numbed your body to the point you no longer care if you feel pain or not. Your body automatically tolerates it, but that does not mean you like it."

"Enough with your chit chat. I will wipe out everything and take you home for dinner. You will enjoy your dinner along with Alice." Nora spoke.

"...why can't you listen to me for once?" Artoria questioned.

"Utter nonsense. Artoria, this is not a game." Nora raised his tone.

"I know it is not a freaking game. The one treating your life like one is you. Why can't you take care of yourself!? Why!?" Artoria growled.

"ARTORIA! JUST! STOP IT! OK! STOP! DON'T!" Nora gritted his teeth. "Can you just go home? Why is it so hard? I will make you your favorite dish today, I will also get some movies you like and you can use the TV to watch it with Alice. I will make popcorn for you, some chocolates-"

"Hey, don't you dare to fuck with me!" Artoria yelled. "What kind of bullshit are you spouting!"

"The kind of bullshit that you don't seem to appreciate! What is wrong with what I said!? Why is it that you cannot accept it!?" Nora screamed in anger. "Forget everything here, it is not even hard to do so. I will seal the memories and then I will erase them somehow."

"You are doing something here. Some kind of plan. Let me help you! Isn't it my bound duty!? I signed a contract and now my body belongs to you." Artoria said.

Gritting his teeth, Nora pulled a written contract that Artoria was familiar with.

"Don't you dare! Not now!" Artoria complained.

However, Nora ripped it apart using his hands.

"You are free now." Nora said.

"...why do you refuse my help!?" Artoria cried out.

"Because you can die, no, you will die." Nora slammed his hand on one of the tanks, breaking the glass. "I don't want that. I don't want anyone to die. Yet I am still making use of people. I have to."

It was at that moment that Artoria saw Nora at his lowest.

"...I am weak. I want to protect everyone. I want to, I really do, but I am just... a weakling. Damn it." Nora gritted his teeth and his mouth bleed from the force he put.

Shaking his head, the youth slammed his head against another tank.

"...I will do whatever it takes." Nora seemed to be reminding himself.

"Use me." Artoria immediately calmed down. "You cannot say you have used everything if you have not used me. You know how powerful the lance is."

"Give it up." Nora coldly said. "Are you planning to leave Alice all alone?"

"Yes." Artoria nodded. "If that is what is needed."

"Have you lost your mind?" Nora asked.

"I have understood something thanks to your words." Artoria shook her head.

"...and that is?" Nora asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Artoria retorted.

"Fair enough." Nora spat out.

"...can't you consider it?" Artoria inquired.

"I don't see you getting something out of this." Nora muttered.

"I want something in return." Artoria replied in a clear tone.

Raising an eyebrow, the youth was confused.

"Forget it. I don't have to listen to you." Nora shook his head.

"...what if having me could make a difference?" Artoria hastily said. "What if pushing me away just makes you fail?"

Those words seemed to have hit Nora as he froze in place for a moment.

"...if she wants to head down to hell with you, why are you stopping her? It would be better to have another tool to use." Nora in the tank suddenly spoke up. "...that is if she can handle the truth."

Speaking in a mocking tone, the figure in the tank kept a cruel smile.

"...listen, kid. That bastard there has been doing his best to save your ass yet you want to die do badly." Nora in the tank grinned. "Ignorant as you are is what makes you brave. Let me tell you what he is trying to do. It is not a heroic tale, there will not be a happy ending at that. Yet, it must be done."

Opening his mouth again, the Nora in the tank explained everything.

Thus, Artoria felt true despair.