Chereads / Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack / Chapter 51 - Tricky's Painted Conqueror

Chapter 51 - Tricky's Painted Conqueror

Harvard seemed to be soloing a hard type boss by himself.

It was 11:50 at night, and most people had gone to sleep. However, Hot Yummy and her teammates were in awe of Harvard's speed.

[Tricky's Painted Conqueror] (Hard)

[Level 40]

[Reputation: Has a lot of Vitality.]



[Level 42 almost level 43]

[Reputation: Most Hated Person on the Planet]

Harvard spun several times in the air and then used Magnificent Ultiamte Throwing Dagger for the first time!

The boss he was fighting had blue skin and three eyes with four arms! It was a four armed swordsman that was known for it's agility.

However, Harvard wasn't only known for his agility, it's pretty much all he had besides dexterity! The boss could hardly touch him!




Harvard's Dagger cut straight through the Tricky's Painted Conqueror's Chest and went out the other side while his heart got revealed. It started raining blood from his heart while his health rapidly depleted!

"Magnificent Ultimate Throwing Dagger! Combine with Ultimate Poison Blade!"

Harvard jumped into the air and this time decided to aim for the Tricky's Painted Conqueror's fingers!


10 fingers fell onto the floor before Tricky's Painted Conqueror fell down on its knees and started crying!

Harvard then appeared behind it and cut off its head!


A large head rolled on the floor before all its health started to disappear.

-15,000, 16,000, -8000, - 10000

Harvard sighed and kicked it's head down into the abyss before pointing at the exit. He left some glowing objects behind him because he simply didn't have time to collect them and he also didn't have space in his inventory!

He wanted to upgrade it so bad, but it seemed impossible!

"Time for the third dungeon! Let's do this!" Harvard smiled and pointed to the exit where a lot of people have gathered to see who would be the final team to come out of the third dungeon.

To be more specific, two teams had entered in two hours ago to the third dungeon, and would get the 150th spot! The anticipation was killing them, but then all of a sudden the second doorway opened and Hamlord's group came out.

"Ha! Some team just finished the second dungeon, pathetic! There is no way they can win!" Harvest King smiled, and smacked Alpha Thunder's hand. "I don't know where Hamlord is, but if only he were here to see that team! Ha! What courage!"

"I know right," Alpha Thunder held up his head proudly. "Hmph, and here I was going to bet Hamlord on winning the entire Dungeon Competition."

"Hey guys! Bye guys!" Hamlord walked into the third dungeon with his three members. "Be out in a minute!"


[18 days left until the Monsoon Kraken kills everyone that Harvard loves.]

Harvard smiled and looked at the current time. It had just turned 12:00 AM. It was good because he kept going to sleep early the last few days and hadn't seen if Ultimate Midnight Ruler improved after he got the Magnificent Noon Ruler Class.


[You have entered Tricky's Last Dungeon]

[You are the last team allowed to enter. May you choose Trick over Treat]

'What the hell does that even mean?' Harvard sighed and looked at the dungeon.

He was in a room with over 100 different doors on the walls to the left and right and one large door with 15 key slots.

Normally, this would be impossible for anyone to complete quickly, but he felt confident with Ultiamte Midnight Ruler activating!

'We're doomed! You have to get fifteen keys! Wait, where did he go?' Grinning Sword Master saw some blood on the floor and screamed in a high pitched girl's voice. "Ah! What is that! I just saw a blur!"

"That's Hamlord, Sword Master. Get it together! We can at least get one key by the time he gets 14!"

"R-right!" Sword master slapped him self in the face. "Let-let's go down the last hallway. I-I have a good feeling about that direction!"

[Ultimate Midnight Ruler has activated]

[Midnight Ruler mask, gloves, daggers, badge accessory, and cape have been equipped]

[+1400 Agility] 200%

[+500 Damage] 100%

[Ultimate Midnight Ruler can now be used till 12:10 PM! It received an extra 2 minutes thanks to the bonus from Magnificent Noon Ruler. Damage and Agility at Midnight increased by 100%!]

'That's a much better bonus than I expected." Harvard cut through a few rumbling monsters nad then their heads fell off and rolled on the ground.

One dropped a key, and he picked it up before running rapidly down a hallway and left behind more rolling heads.


Grinning Sword Master jumped in fear while a head rolled by his foot! He turned around and saw Harvard standing behind him.

"I got 10 keys. How are you guys doing."

"We-we found one." Hot Yummy said with a smile. ���I actually have a really rare class. I got it form an artifact promotion quest."

"Huh, tell me about it when I get back." Harvard nodded his head and vanished before a mask fell onto the floor. Hot Yummy looked over in terror while Grinning Sword Master stared at her face in awe. She'd never imagined in million years she'd have needed her second mask today. Thank god she wore it!


Harvard passed by and a second mask fell off her face while she was leaning down. This time, Grinning Sword Master saw her face and she felt her back crawl. There was no way she was marrying this jerk!

"AHHHH!" She screamed before Harvard picked her up and put her down by the door.

"Got all 15 keys. Give me a second."

"Harvard, please tell me you saw my face."

'What do you mean? I put on your mask without looking." He whistled and then vanished and then came back with Grinning sword Master and Feisty Lisa. "Why? Is there something wrong."

"I-I'm doomed, I won't marry him no matter what! No matter what!" She looked at Grinning Sword Master who still had his mouth dropping in shock and awe while Harvard opened all 15 keys. "Please! Please, please don't make me marry him! Harvard, kill him please! So my father will have to make me marry you!"

Right then, Hot Yummy opened her eyes and realized Harvard had vanished and left the door to the boss room open. He was the type of man she wanted, not Grinning Sword Master! She was definitely not going to let her Class 3 Father marry her off to some man that saw her face by accident!


Two separate teams fought against Tricky's Ultimate Final Boss.

Meanwhile, a very fast man seemed to vanish from the top of a mountain with a bag in his hand before he appeared on another mountain. He had a map in his hand, but kept getting lost.

'Oh, it's backwards,' Hot Yummy's father wiped sweat off his forehead and then held the map. The next moment, the ink started to fade, but he realized it was backwards. "Ugh, it's unreadable now." He tossed it away and closed his eyes. A nearby monster that saw him instantly turned to try and run but a dagger cam out of Hot Yummy's Father's hand and went straight through its head.


For some reason, the large fierce monster made a duck sound and then died. Mr. Yummy walked over to the corpse and sighed before depositing it in his inventory.

"I think if I trust my intuition I can find my daughter in just a second.'

Hot Yummy's father was an NPC for 3rd class quest, but not just any NPC, the leader of all the NPCs that gave 3rd Class Quests! He was so powerful that only two others would make him slightly bend his knee. Those two people were Legendary Dark Assassin Melvin and the Magnificent Ranged Fist. However, not a single person had completed either of their quests, so he couldn't wait to offer Hamlord his daughter and a quest with her!

'He saw her face! He's now cursed forever! The least I can do is give him my daughter to ease his burden!' Mr. Yummy smiled and then disappeared. Compared to Harvard who was fast, this man was faster than speeding bullet. In fact, he jumped over the Central City Train Station and arrived in the stronghold.

"Damn it! Wrong place again!" Mr. Yummy saw a bunch of people turn towards him, and all of a sudden the doors to this dungeon opened. "Damn it! Do any of you know where Hamlord is?"

"Screw that guy!"

"We're all going to die because of him! I want to marry him, but I still don't like him!"

"Hoho, sorry, you can't. My daughter and him are currently engaged! It's either that, or he's dead!"