With her attention focused on the magic class that was going to begin occasionally eating the remaining food on her plate slowly. "Alright I'll briefly go over the last lesson on magic. Mana is the essence off life that every living being has Mana itself is considered Spirit and spirit is the essence of everything thing mana naturally exists in this world and certain people are capable of utilizing there mana and the mana of the world.
"To start off you must sense the mana that resides inside you. Close your eyes and look deep inside you and locate the pulsing orb inside you, its similar to the pulse of your own heart reach out and touch that container fell the warms and energy coming from it. You will notice that container is a certain colour that colour is the element that you are attuned with don't tell anyone as your official attunement and class ceremony is next week so wait till then. With the orb try to sense the mana that runs through your body, after doing this notice the flow then focus that energy into your hands to create a sphere of your mana. Some of you will be able to do this others won't if you can it mean you can use magic, if you can magic likely isn't what you can do or you just need practice." The teacher explained.
Arcin closed her eyes like the teacher said and looked inside herself it was a dark space similar when she met with Animus. As she continued forward she found an orb siting on a pedestal, she could feel energy from it energy that was pulsing as if it was alive. Slowly she walked up the stairs and placed her hand on the orb and it and the area around her came to life the orb editing a bright white glow and it was as if a world as created around her as multiple island appeared all attached to alter that she was standing on with the large white coloured orb as she looked around though a slightly tangled mess at the moment slowly getting organize she noticed each island had a colour to them.
Arcin stood and watched as a slight barrier appeared around her blocking her from fully accessing those island at the time but she could still sense, feel, and move the energy from them it was just weaker than before the wall appeared. She then could feel the mana that was coursing through her body it was strong and powerful it felt like it was limitless.
She then focused the flow of mana to her hands this caused her to open her eyes as she felt the orb form in her hand it and was fairly large. She looked at the large white orb of mana a little freaked out but look around noticing no one except the teacher was looking over at her in shock. She calmed herself again getting used to the new sensation that had opened up to her and controlled the flow of mana making the orb a lot smaller and palm sized. She found it easy to move around her mana, not only that she was able to see the mana around her.
She saw a few children create orbs of mana in there hands there eyes remaining closed. It was weird to her being able to sense mana as if a 6th sense door was just busted opened the moment she awakened the mana inside her body.
She looked over at the teacher and smirked putting a finger to her mouth telling her to keep quite. As she closed her hand around the orb of mana feeling it reenter her body. Arcin know she had a strong grasp on the flow and sense of mana around her but she was lacking in control due to her mana being so strong. 'I need to work on my control if I every want it to be useable.' She muttered as she looked her finger tips noticing she was basically radiating mana. 'I also have to deal with that. Learning spells is the second thing I need to do after figuring out how to control my mana a little more.' she concluded.
[Ability unlocked Mana Manipulation, Magic Caster]
[Ability obtained Mana Sight]
'Oh? So it seem that some abilities I have to unlock even though they are on my status. Meaning they are likely sealed. Hmmm how interesting, I don't think the lock was natural by any means either. How interesting.' Arcin muttered.
"When you touched the container of mana and the colour dyed it you probably noticed the area around you changed that is called your mana plane. Your mana plane it an existence inside you where the type of mana you can use resides, insuring your mana plane is in good shape means that you'll be able to cast more and stronger mana. You can think of this place like a little city or pet." The teacher explained, Arcin looked over at her.
'So essentially your mana plane indicated the magic elements you can use and the number of magic skills you can use.'
With her meal finished Arcin stood up and made her way over to pay for her meal placing her bracelet against the small terminal to pay with no issue. She left the restaurant and walked through the park with Saisako trailing slightly behind her. Arcin looked over at the little kids with a slight smile when she heard a slight bark from Saisako. "Fufufu. Did you eat to much Saisako? Alright I'll give you a moment I need to put the library locations into the holo anyways." Arcin chuckled lightly.
"Teacher what is that person? They have a cool creature with them! Can we go pet it."
"I'd advise against it. That person is of the rare Summoner class if not the even rarer Elemental Summoner class. They tame beast of there attuned element wild to be there summons. They typically are not great a casting magic though."
"But Teacher isn't the Guardian Campion an Elemental Summoner."
"He is an Elementalist Summoner, meaning he can summon creatures of his attuned element and cast magic as well. However this class isn't register in the Indagtor class data base as there are so few of them so they often just appear as Elemental Summoner's. But the chance's of you running into a Elementalist Summoner are next to none as very few begins have this class and most usually stay in a certain area." The teacher replied as Arcin finished getting directions to go to the library.
'So their is a difference how interesting. That would explain why its listed in my class as summoner and elementalist separately instead of Elemental Summoner. Sigh of course Animus could have told me the difference when I brought it up. I'm starting to wonder if she's slightly neglectful for details in general.' Arcin sighed as she let Saisako jump to her shoulders and rest in her hood before she begun to make her way to the library.